***  This class provides Binary Compatibility only, not Source Compatibility  ***

Class DeploymentDescriptorContext

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
OMRDeploymentContext, URLDeploymentContext

public class DeploymentDescriptorContext
implements DeploymentStrategyInterface

The class DeploymentDescriptorContext uses an instance of the class AbstractDeploymentStrategy to represent the strategy.


Constructor Summary
DeploymentDescriptorContext(AbstractDeploymentStrategy strategy)
          Construct an instance.
Method Summary
 org.w3c.dom.Document createDocument(com.sas.metadata.remote.SoftwareComponent softwareComponent)
          Creates a document for the specified software component that represents a foundation services deployment.
 void createFile(com.sas.metadata.remote.SoftwareComponent softwareComponent, java.io.File file)
          Creates a deployment file which represents SAS Foundation Services as beans which can be deployed in an Inversion of Control (IOC) container.
 void createFiles(com.sas.metadata.remote.SoftwareComponent softwareComponent, java.io.File file, java.io.File clientFile)
          Creates deployment files which represents SAS Foundation Services as beans which can be deployed and looked up by applications using an Inversion of Control (IOC) container.
 java.lang.String getProperty(java.lang.String key)
          Gets the value of the property associated with the specified key.
 java.lang.String getPropertySoftwareComponent()
          Gets the value for the name of a SoftwareComponent for a SAS Foundation Services deployment that is persisted in a SAS Metadata repository
 void reconfigure(java.util.Properties properties, java.io.File inputFile, java.io.File outputFile)
          Reconfigures the deployment using the specified properties that describe the services deployment.
 void setProperty(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)
          Sets a property for the specified key/value.
 void setPropertySoftwareComponent(java.lang.String softwareComponentName)
          Sets the value of a name of a repository in a SAS Metadata Server which is to be queried for SAS Foundation Services metadata.

Constructor Detail


public DeploymentDescriptorContext(AbstractDeploymentStrategy strategy)
                            throws ServiceException
Construct an instance.

strategy - The deployment strategy.
ServiceException - if an invalid strategy is specified.
Method Detail


public final void setProperty(java.lang.String key,
                              java.lang.String value)
Sets a property for the specified key/value.

key - Key which will be used to lookup a value.
value - Value associated with the key.


public final java.lang.String getProperty(java.lang.String key)
Gets the value of the property associated with the specified key.

key - Key used to lookup a property.
Value associated with the key or null.


public final java.lang.String getPropertySoftwareComponent()
Gets the value for the name of a SoftwareComponent for a SAS Foundation Services deployment that is persisted in a SAS Metadata repository

Configuration property value representing a name of a SoftwareComponent for a SAS Foundation Services deployment that is persisted in a SAS Metadata repository.


public final void setPropertySoftwareComponent(java.lang.String softwareComponentName)
Sets the value of a name of a repository in a SAS Metadata Server which is to be queried for SAS Foundation Services metadata.

softwareComponentName - Configuration property value representing a name of a SoftwareComponent for a SAS Foundation Services deployment that is persisted in a SAS Metadata repository.


public org.w3c.dom.Document createDocument(com.sas.metadata.remote.SoftwareComponent softwareComponent)
                                    throws ServiceException
Creates a document for the specified software component that represents a foundation services deployment.

softwareComponent - Metadata object representing a foundation services deployment.
XML document representation of a foundation services deployment.
ServiceException - if unable to create a document.


public void createFile(com.sas.metadata.remote.SoftwareComponent softwareComponent,
                       java.io.File file)
                throws ServiceException
Creates a deployment file which represents SAS Foundation Services as beans which can be deployed in an Inversion of Control (IOC) container.

Specified by:
createFile in interface DeploymentStrategyInterface
softwareComponent - The software component that represents a foundation services deployment.
file - The output file to which the service deployment metadata will be written.
ServiceException - if unable to create a document.


public void createFiles(com.sas.metadata.remote.SoftwareComponent softwareComponent,
                        java.io.File file,
                        java.io.File clientFile)
                 throws ServiceException
Creates deployment files which represents SAS Foundation Services as beans which can be deployed and looked up by applications using an Inversion of Control (IOC) container.

Specified by:
createFiles in interface DeploymentStrategyInterface
softwareComponent - The software component that represents a foundation services deployment.
file - The output file to which beans will be written describing a services deployment from the perspective of an application that is deploying the services.
clientFile - The output file to which beans will be written describing a services deployment from the perspective of an application that is looking up remote services remotely.
ServiceException - if unable to create a document.


public void reconfigure(java.util.Properties properties,
                        java.io.File inputFile,
                        java.io.File outputFile)
                 throws ServiceException
Reconfigures the deployment using the specified properties that describe the services deployment.

Specified by:
reconfigure in interface DeploymentStrategyInterface
properties - Properties whose values should be substituted in order to reconfigure the deployment.
inputFile - The input file containing the deployment which is to be reconfigured.
outputFile - The output file to which the reconfigured deployment will be written.
ServiceException - if unable to reconfigure the deployment file.

***  This class provides Binary Compatibility only, not Source Compatibility  ***

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