
Used to generate or change the column model of the TableView. If orderColumns is true, then the specified columns will be displayed in the given order of the <sas:Column> subtags. If the autoCreateColumnsFromModel attribute of the <sas:TableView> tag is false, then only the columns defined within the <sas:Columns> tag will be displayed in the given order of the columns. Otherwise, if autoCreateColumnsFromModel attribute of the <sas:TableView> tag is true and orderColumns is true, then the columns defined within the <sas:Columns> tag will be displayed in the given order first and all other columns will be displayed afterwards.

This tag must be nested within a sas:TableView tag.


      [<sas:Column ...>
         [<sas:ColumnHeaderRenderer ...>
            [<sas:CellContentsImageRenderer ...>
               [<sas:StyleInfo .../>]
               [<sas:SetProperty ...>
                  The value to set on the parent tag
               [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
            [<sas:CellContentsLabelRenderer ...>
               [<sas:StyleInfo .../>]
               [<sas:SetProperty ...>
                  The value to set on the parent tag
               [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
            [<sas:CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer ...>
               [<sas:SetProperty ...>
                  The value to set on the parent tag
               [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
               The html string used as the body of the cell. The string can
               have substition variables of the form %COLUMNNAME and the value
               for this column will be substituted into the string.
            [<sas:CellContentsRenderer .../>]
            [<sas:SetProperty ...>
               The value to set on the parent tag
            [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
         [<sas:CellRenderer ...>
            [<sas:CellContentsImageRenderer ...>
               [<sas:StyleInfo .../>]
               [<sas:SetProperty ...>
                  The value to set on the parent tag
               [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
            [<sas:CellContentsLabelRenderer ...>
               [<sas:StyleInfo .../>]
               [<sas:SetProperty ...>
                  The value to set on the parent tag
               [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
            [<sas:CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer ...>
               [<sas:SetProperty ...>
                  The value to set on the parent tag
               [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
               The html string used as the body of the cell. The string can
               have substition variables of the form %COLUMNNAME and the value
               for this column will be substituted into the string.
            [<sas:CellContentsRenderer .../>]
            [<sas:StyleInfo .../>]
            [<sas:SetProperty ...>
               The value to set on the parent tag
            [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
         [<sas:CellEditor ...>
            [<sas:CellContentsCheckBoxEditor ...>
               [<sas:StyleMapKey .../>]
               [<sas:SetProperty ...>
                  The value to set on the parent tag
               [Additional <sas:StyleMapKey>, <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
            [<sas:CellContentsChoiceBoxEditor ...>
               [<sas:StyleInfo .../>]
               [<sas:Item .../>]
               [<sas:RequiredStringValidator .../>]
               [<sas:SetProperty ...>
                  The value to set on the parent tag
               [Additional <sas:Item>, <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
            [<sas:CellContentsListBoxEditor ...>
               [<sas:StyleInfo .../>]
               [<sas:Item .../>]
               [<sas:RequiredStringValidator .../>]
               [<sas:SetProperty ...>
                  The value to set on the parent tag
               [Additional <sas:Item>, <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
            [<sas:CellContentsRadioEditor ...>
               [<sas:StyleMapKey .../>]
               [<sas:Item .../>]
               [<sas:RequiredStringValidator .../>]
               [<sas:SetProperty ...>
                  The value to set on the parent tag
               [Additional <sas:StyleMapKey>, <sas:Item>, <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
            [<sas:CellContentsTextAreaEditor ...>
               [<sas:StyleInfo .../>]
               [<sas:RequiredStringValidator .../>]
               [<sas:MaximumLengthValidator .../>]
               [<sas:SetProperty ...>
                  The value to set on the parent tag
               [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
            [<sas:CellContentsTextEntryEditor ...>
               [<sas:StyleInfo .../>]
               [<sas:DateStringValidator .../>]
               [<sas:HexColorStringValidator .../>]
               [<sas:IntegerInputValidator .../>]
               [<sas:MaximumLengthValidator .../>]
               [<sas:MaximumValueValidator .../>]
               [<sas:MinimumValueValidator .../>]
               [<sas:NumericInputValidator .../>]
               [<sas:RequiredStringValidator .../>]
               [<sas:CompositeValidator ...>
                  [<sas:DateStringValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:HexColorStringValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:IntegerInputValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:MaximumLengthValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:MaximumValueValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:MinimumValueValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:NumericInputValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:RequiredStringValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:SetProperty ...>
                     The value to set on the parent tag
                  [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
               [<sas:MaximumValueCompositeValidator ...>
                  [<sas:DateStringValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:HexColorStringValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:IntegerInputValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:MaximumLengthValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:MaximumValueValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:MinimumValueValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:NumericInputValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:RequiredStringValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:SetProperty ...>
                     The value to set on the parent tag
                  [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
               [<sas:MinimumValueCompositeValidator ...>
                  [<sas:DateStringValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:HexColorStringValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:IntegerInputValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:MaximumLengthValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:MaximumValueValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:MinimumValueValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:NumericInputValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:RequiredStringValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:SetProperty ...>
                     The value to set on the parent tag
                  [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
               [<sas:MinMaxValueCompositeValidator ...>
                  [<sas:DateStringValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:HexColorStringValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:IntegerInputValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:MaximumLengthValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:MaximumValueValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:MinimumValueValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:NumericInputValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:RequiredStringValidator .../>]
                  [<sas:SetProperty ...>
                     The value to set on the parent tag
                  [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
               [<sas:SetProperty ...>
                  The value to set on the parent tag
               [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
            [<sas:CellContentsEditor .../>]
            [<sas:SetProperty ...>
               The value to set on the parent tag
            [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
         [<sas:SetProperty ...>
            The value to set on the parent tag
         [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
      [<sas:ColumnHeaderRenderer ...>
         [<sas:CellContentsImageRenderer ...>
            [<sas:StyleInfo .../>]
            [<sas:SetProperty ...>
               The value to set on the parent tag
            [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
         [<sas:CellContentsLabelRenderer ...>
            [<sas:StyleInfo .../>]
            [<sas:SetProperty ...>
               The value to set on the parent tag
            [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
         [<sas:CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer ...>
            [<sas:SetProperty ...>
               The value to set on the parent tag
            [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
            The html string used as the body of the cell. The string can
            have substition variables of the form %COLUMNNAME and the value
            for this column will be substituted into the string.
         [<sas:CellContentsRenderer .../>]
         [<sas:SetProperty ...>
            The value to set on the parent tag
         [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
      [<sas:SetProperty ...>
         The value to set on the parent tag
      [Additional <sas:Column>, <sas:SetProperty> tags...]


idCase-sensitive name used to identify the object instance.
orderColumnsTrue if the columns should be displayed in the given order.

More Information

If you need to subclass the tag handler class for the sas:Columns tag, extend com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview.ColumnsTag.