
Used to set the CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer on a TableView cell's CellRenderer. This class will render the cell's contents using a SimpleTemplate. It allows a way render the cell's content by substituting values from the TableView's model into the template string. The template string can contain any valid html. The substitution variables for the template string should be the NAME of the column. The template string will be the body of the CellContentsSimpleTemplateRendererTag

This tag must be nested within a sas:CellRenderer tag.


      [<sas:SetProperty ...>
         The value to set on the parent tag
      [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
      The html string used as the body of the cell. The string can
      have substition variables of the form %COLUMNNAME and the value
      for this column will be substituted into the string.


encodeTextFlag indicating whether to set text encoding.
idCase-sensitive name used to identify the object instance.
localeSpecifies the locale to use for this instance of the class.
nullTextStringThe String to be written when the text is null
templateDictionaryThe java.util.HashMap object used to specify the template dictionary for this CellContentsRenderer

More Information

To view the documentation for the related TransformationBean, see com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer.

If you need to subclass the tag handler class for the sas:CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer tag, extend com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview.CellContentsSimpleTemplateRendererTag.