Uses of Class

Packages that use Border Provides extensions of java.awt components which implement Additional user interface components not provided in AWT. 

Uses of Border in

Fields in declared as Border
 Border VisualInterfaceSupportInfo.border

Uses of Border in

Subclasses of Border in
 class BaseBorder
          BaseBorder is a subclass of Border capable of drawing several different styles of borders.
 class CompositeBorder
          CompositeBorder is a subclass of Border that can combine two BorderInterface objects into one border.
 class TabBorder
          TabBorder is a subclass of Border that draws a specific type of border for tabs.
 class TextBorder
          TextBorder is a subclass of Border that draws Text on top of another Border.
 class ToolbarBorder
          ToolbarBorder provides Border support for Windows 95 Window Border styles for Toolbars
 class Windows95Border
          Windows95Border provides Border support for Windows 95 Window Border styles

Fields in declared as Border
protected  Border TextBorder.border
protected  Border CompositeBorder.exteriorBorder
protected  Border CompositeBorder.interiorBorder

Methods in that return Border
 Border TextBorder.getBorder()
          Get the border the text is being drawn on

Methods in with parameters of type Border
 void TextBorder.setBorder(Border b)
          Set the border to draw the text on.

Constructors in with parameters of type Border
TextBorder(java.awt.Component comp, java.lang.String txt, Border b)
          Constructor that sets the component, text, and border to use.
TextBorder(java.awt.Component comp, java.lang.String txt, Border b, int textHAlign, int textVAlign, int textPos)
          Constructor that sets several attributes of the TextBorder.
TextBorder(java.awt.Component comp, java.lang.String txt, Border b, int textHAlign, int textVAlign, int textPos, java.awt.Font f)
          Constructor that sets several attributes of the TextBorder.
TextBorder(java.awt.Component comp, java.lang.String txt, Border b, int textHAlign, int textVAlign, int textPos, java.awt.Font f, java.awt.Color c)
          Constructor that sets several attributes of the TextBorder.

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