Uses of Interface

Packages that use TableElementInterface A set of interfaces for accessing two-dimensional data, and a set of classes for viewing and manipulating that data in tabular form. 

Uses of TableElementInterface in

Classes in that implement TableElementInterface
 class Cell
          Defines an abstract base class for TableView's data and label cells.
 class CellSelection
          Represents a contiguous range of cells in a TableView.
 class CellVector
          Defines an abstract base class for TableView's columns and rows.
 class CellVectorSelection
          Defines an abstract base class for representing TableView column and row selections.
 class Column
          Represents a column in a TableView.
 class ColumnSelection
          Represents a contiguous range of columns in a TableView.
 class DataCell
          Represents a data cell in a TableView.
 class LabelCell
          Represents a label cell in a TableView.
 class Row
          Represents a row in a TableView.
 class RowSelection
          Represents a contiguous range of rows in a TableView.
 class Selection
          Defines an abstract base class for representing TableView selections.
 class TableElement
          Defines an abstract base class for TableView's cells, columns, and rows.

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