Class TableView
All Implemented Interfaces:
CompositeInterface, ContainerInterface,,, VisualInterface,,,,,,,,,, ContextCommandsInterface, ValidatorInterface,,, FullPaintInterface, MultipleValueEventSourceInterface, ScrollbarVisibilityInterface, ScrollingInterface, java.awt.event.AdjustmentListener, java.awt.image.ImageObserver, java.awt.ItemSelectable, java.awt.MenuContainer, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener,,, java.lang.Cloneable, java.util.EventListener

public class TableView
implements java.awt.event.AdjustmentListener,, FullPaintInterface, java.awt.ItemSelectable,,, ScrollbarVisibilityInterface, ScrollingInterface,,, ContextCommandsInterface,

TableView is a class that allows two-dimensional data to be viewed, edited, and manipulated in tabular form.


TableView tv = new TableView();


By default, TableView is 124 pixels wide and 248 pixels tall. You can change these (as with all visual components) with:

setDefaultWidth (int width);
setDefaultHeight (int height);

Since defaultWidth and defaultHeight are class, or static, properties, they affect the size of all object instances. To change the size (and/or position) of a single instance use:

setBounds (int x, int y, int width, int height);


TableView requires a model that implements StaticTableInterface.

If available, it will also utilize the following:

It will also take advantage of (but not require) and (if not available will check for addPropertyChangeListener() via reflection) in order to dynamically respond to model changes. Thus models should fire and java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent when they change, and TableView provides several ContentsChangedEvent subclasses to facilitate describing those changes:

To attach a model to TableView:

setModelInterface (your-model);

And to detach the model:

setModelInterface (null);


Besides responding to events from its model, TableView will fire events itself -- java.beans.PropertyChangeEvents and java.awt.event.ItemEvent.html. PropertyChangeEvents are fired (as with other bean components) whenever a bound property is changed. ItemEvents are fired whenever selections are made or removed in the table. To register to receive PropertyChangeEvents:

addPropertyChangeListener (java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener);

And to receive ItemEvents:

addItemListener (java.awt.event.ItemListener listener);

Here's a sample ItemEvent handler:

public void tableView1ItemStateChangedHandler1 (java.awt.event.ItemEvent event)
   if (event.getStateChange() == java.awt.event.ItemEvent.SELECTED)
      printSelection ((Selection)event.getItem(), "Selected ");
   else //if (event.getStateChange() == java.awt.event.ItemEvent.DESELECTED)
      Object deselections[] = (Object[])event.getItem ();
      for (int i = 0; i < deselections.length; i++)
         printSelection ((Selection)deselections[i], "Deselected ");
private void printSelection (Selection selection, String text)
   Object anchor = selection.getAnchor();
   Object end = selection.getEnd();

   if (selection instanceof CellSelection)
      DataCell anchorCell = (DataCell)anchor;
      DataCell endCell = (DataCell)end;
      text += "cell(" +
         anchorCell.getRow().getIndex() + "," +
         anchorCell.getColumn().getIndex() + ") thru cell(" +
         endCell.getRow().getIndex() + "," +
         endCell.getColumn().getIndex() + ")";
      if (selection instanceof ColumnSelection)
         text += "columns ";
      else //if (selection instanceof RowSelection)
         text += "rows ";

      CellVector anchorCV = (CellVector)anchor;
      CellVector endCV = (CellVector)end;

      text += anchorCV.getIndex() + " thru " + endCV.getIndex();

   System.out.println (text);


TableView provides several helper classes to surface and allow interaction with the different elements of two-dimensional, or tabular, data:

Columns and rows are identified by their one-based position in the model and can be retrieved via:

Label cells are acquired via their corresponding column or row:

While data cells can be accessed via TableView or their corresponding column or row:


A style is simply a collection of property names with associated values. TableView uses styles to provide control over the formatting and rendering characteristics of cells, columns, and rows; and provides a specific style to use with each:

CellStyle defines properties such as foregroundColor, backgroundColor, and horizontalJustification among many others. ColumnStyle and RowStyle include size and resizable, as well as defaultCellStyle which is the CellStyle to apply to all cells in the affected columns or rows.

TableView provides four default styles which can be accessed, modified, and/or replaced via the customizer or:

These styles serve as the defaults for all cells, columns, and rows in the table. Data cells will defer first to defaultColumnStyle.defaultCellStyle, then to defaultRowStyle.defaultCellStyle, and finally to defaultCellStyle (actually some properties, like foregroundColor, will additionally defer as ambient properties, to for example java.awt.Component.getForeground()). Row label cells will defer first to defaultRowStyle.defaultLabelStyle, to defaultLabelStyle, then to defaultCellStyle. Likewise for column label cells except they start at defaultColumnStyle.defaultLabelStyle. Consider the following examples, though note that the following is also doable without writing code via the customizer:

If you wanted every cell to be red,

getDefaultCellStyle().setForegroundColor (;
If you wanted just the labels to be red,
getDefaultLabelStyle().setForegroundColor (;
Just the row labels,
CellStyle rowLabelStyle = new CellStyle();
rowLabelStyle.setForegroundColor (;
getDefaultRowStyle().setDefaultLabelStyle (rowLabelStyle);

So what did we mean when we said "defer"? That means that if a value is not found for a property at one style level, the property is looked for at the next higher level, and so on. This notion of deferring illustrates the power of styles...each style does not have to (and rarely will) define every property associated with its type. (Actually, styles are extensible so there is no notion of defining every property.) For example, defaultLabelStyle might provide a value for backgroundColor, but not foregroundColor. Instead choosing to defer to defaultCellStyle for foregroundColor. The advantage of this flexibility becomes clearer when styles are associated with individual elements...

By default, individual table elements (cells, columns, and rows) do not have a style of their own, but one may be assigned via TableElement.setStyle(). For example, to change the foreground color for only the cell at (row-three, column-four):

CellStyle cellStyle = new CellStyle();
cellStyle.setForegroundColor (;
getCell (getRow(3), getColumn(4)).setStyle (cellStyle);
And to change the foreground color of all the data cells in columns five and six:
ColumnStyle colStyle = new ColumnStyle();
CellStyle cellStyle = new CellStyle();
cellStyle.setForegroundColor (;
colStyle.setDefaultCellStyle (cellStyle);
getColumn(5).setStyle (colStyle);
getColumn(6).setStyle (colStyle);
Notice how the same style can be applied to multiple elements.

Sizing Columns and Rows

[Note: for simplicity and ease in reading this section is written in terms of columns, but the same information and techniques are applicable to rows.]

By default, columns are sized based on their contents. A column's label cell and data cells are individually measured to determine the widest one, and its width is used as the column's width. Since a table may contain a very large number of rows only a sample number of data cells are measured. The number to measure is determined by the effective value of ColumnStyle's cellsToSizeCount property. By default the number is 25, which means that the width of a column will be determined from the width of its label and its first 25 cells. A value of zero will cause only the label to be considered, while a negative value will result in the entire column being measured -- use this when you want to guarantee that no data will be clipped, but only when you're sure that the number of rows will not be too large. Clipped numeric data will be displayed as asterisks (***), while clipped character data will be appended with ellipsis (...).

Columns can be resized interactively by grabbing their label's right border, or programmatically via Column.setSize(). Other programmatic sizing controls include TableView.setColumnsConformed(), ColumnStyle.setSize(), ColumnStyle.setMinimumSize(), and ColumnStyle.setMaximumSize(). The following illustrates the use of some of these:

 // Size a three column table such that the first column gets 25%
 // of the available space, the second gets 50%, and the third 25%.
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
   Column col = tableView1.getColumn(i);
   ColumnStyle style = new ColumnStyle();
   Length s = null;
   switch (i)
      // adjust Length magnitudes to get any ratio you want
      case 1: s = new Length (1, "px"); break;   
      case 2: s = new Length (2, "px"); break;
      case 3: s = new Length (1, "px"); break;   
      // extend for other columns as necessary
   style.setSize (s);
   col.setStyle (style);
tableView1.setColumnsConformed (true);

Writing Your Own Cell View

As explained above in the Elements section, each cell is represented by a Cell object. However, Cell itself is nothing more than a useful abstraction. The real work of formatting, displaying, and editing cell data is delegated by Cell to a class known as a Cell View -- any class which implements CellViewInterface. This design allows TableView's cells to contain all types of data -- string, numeric, image, etc. -- and allows that data to be displayed and manipulated in a manner that's appropriate for it. For example, TextCell for string data and CheckBoxCell for boolean data.

After you've written your Cell View, you can get TableView to use it via CellStyle's viewClass property. For example, to override the default viewClass (TextCell) for cells in column 3 do the following:

Column col = tableView1.getColumn(3);
ColumnStyle colStyle = new ColumnStyle();
CellStyle cellStyle = new CellStyle();
cellStyle.setViewClass (CheckBoxCell.class);
colStyle.setDefaultCellStyle (cellStyle);
col.setStyle (colStyle);

Validating Modified Cell Data

[Note: all cells are protected from modification by default. To unprotect them, use CellStyle's activationLevel property.]

TableView itself does not get involved in validating data. Validation is left to the Cell Views (see preceding section) and to the model. Cell Views can validate data as it's entered -- i.e. keystroke-by-keystroke -- while models validate data on a cell-by-cell basis. In the latter case, the user has finished modifying a cell and has indicated -- either by a ui-action such as changing the current cell or programmatically via commitModifiedCells() -- to commit the change to the model. When this occurs, TableView calls StaticTableInterface.setCell() with the data. The model is then free to accept or reject the data. If it rejects the data, it should throw a TableException with an appropriate message. TableView will catch this exception and pass its message to any registered error handler, see COMMIT_CELL_ERROR. The cell will also be added to the invalid cells collection, and displayed with the default invalid cell style.

Using TableView as a Listbox

The typical listbox is a single column of selectable, but not editable, items. First, to get the right appearance, you'll want to turn-off row and column labels and size the column to be as wide as the component. This can be accomplished via the customizer or with the following code:

setRowLabelsVisible (false);
setColumnLabelsVisible (false);
setColumnsConformed (true);

The cells are already selectable and uneditable by default, but if this is a single selection list you'll want to disable extended and multiple selection. Again this can be done via the customizer or with the following code:

setExtendedSelectionAllowed (false);
setMultipleSelectionAllowed (false);

If you have a multi-column list, then in addition to leaving column labels visible, you will probably want each selection action to select an entire row instead of one cell at a time. See the "selection element" radiobox in the customizer's selections tab or use:

setSelectionElement (TableView.ROW);

As for your list data itself, should meet your needs.

Using TableView as a Spreadsheet

Spreadsheets usually have alphabetic column labels (A,B,C,...) and numeric row labels (1,2,3,...) that surround an initially empty but fully editable matrix of data cells. A can be used as your matrix. For example, matrix = new SimpleTable();
matrix.setSize (100, 100);
tableView.setModelInterface (matrix);

TableView will automatically provide row and column labels. Since spreadsheet labels usually aren't editable, label selections typically are translated into selections of the corresponding row or column. TableView has properties, rowsSelectedByLabel and columnsSelectedByLabel (true by default), to allow this.

To enable cell editing, there is a "cells are protected" checkbox on the customizer's table tab. Editing is enabled programmatically via CellStyle's activationLevel property:

tableView.getDefaultCellStyle().setActivationLevel (CellActiveStates.ACTIVATED);

Using TableView as a Database Access Grid

The model will allow you to view and edit SAS datasets.

Cell editing can be enabled as described above in the spreadsheet example. If your database is read-only, TableView will recognize this and not allow editing regardless of your customizations.

See Also:
MultidimensionalTableView, Serialized Form

Field Summary
static int CELL
          Cell constant for the selectionElement and transactionElement properties.
static int COLUMN
          Column constant for the selectionElement and transactionElement properties.
static int COLUMN_MAJOR
          Constant value for the printOrder property which indicates that columns should be given precedence when printing.
static java.lang.String COMMIT_CELL_ERROR
          Constant used to identify errors that occur when committing cell changes to the model.
 Scrollbar m_vbar
static java.lang.String RB_KEY
static int ROW
          Row constant for the selectionElement and transactionElement properties.
static int ROW_MAJOR
          Constant value for the printOrder property which indicates that rows should be given precedence when printing.
static int USER_DEFINED
          User-defined constant for the transactionElement property.
Fields inherited from interface
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addItemListener(java.awt.event.ItemListener listener)
          Adds a listener to receive java.awt.event.ItemEvent which are generated when items are selected and deselected in the table.
 void adjustmentValueChanged(java.awt.event.AdjustmentEvent event)
          Processes an java.awt.event.AdjustmentEvent sent by the scrollbars.
 void attachModel( model)
          Framework method; call setModelInterface(model) instead.
 java.lang.Object clone()
          Clones this component.
protected  TableView clone(double horizontalScale, double verticalScale)
          Clones this component.
protected  void cloneModelDependentState(TableView clone, double horizontalScale, double verticalScale)
          Clones this component's model dependent state.
protected  void cloneModelIndependentState(TableView clone, double horizontalScale, double verticalScale)
          Clones this component's model independent state.
 boolean commitModifiedCells()
          Commits any modified cells to the model.
 java.awt.Dimension computePreferredSize()
          Determines the preferred size of this component.
 void contentsChanged( event)
          Processes a sent by the model.
protected  DataCell createCell(Row row, Column col)
          Factory method for creating cells.
protected  Column createColumn(int index)
          Factory method for creating columns.
protected  LabelCell createColumnLabel(Column col)
          Factory method for creating column labels.
protected  LabelCell createOriginCell()
          Factory method for creating the cell associated with the origin cell.
protected  Row createRow(int index)
          Factory method for creating rows.
protected  LabelCell createRowLabel(Row row)
          Factory method for creating row labels.
 void detachModel( model)
          Framework method; call setModelInterface(null) instead.
 void disableFullPaint()
          Disables full (normal) painting.
 void enableFullPaint()
          Enables full (normal) painting.
 Cell findCell(java.awt.Point point)
          Finds the cell that contains a given point.
 Column findColumn(int x)
          Finds the column that contains a given x-coordinate.
 Row findRow(int y)
          Finds the row that contains a given y-coordinate.
protected  void formatView(java.awt.Graphics g)
          Formats the model's data as defined by this view.
 DataCell getCell(Row row, Column col)
          Returns the cell at the intersection of a given row and column. getCellTypeStyles()
          Returns the set of cell types and their associated styles.
 Column getColumn(int index)
          Returns the column at a given index.
 java.awt.Rectangle getColumnLabelBounds()
          Returns a rectangle that represents the location and size of the column label area.
 int getColumnsConformedThreshold()
          Returns the percentage, 0 to 99, of the table's width to the component's width above which columns should be conformed.[] getContextCommands(java.lang.Object context, int x, int y)
          Returns a list of commands associated with a given context.
 TableElement getCurrentElement()
          Returns the value of the current element.
 java.awt.Rectangle getDataCellBounds()
          Returns a rectangle that represents the location and size of the data cell area.
 CellStyle getDefaultCellStyle()
          Returns the set of style properties that serve as defaults for all cells.
protected  int getDefaultColumnIndex()
          Returns the index of the first column that should be displayed following a refresh.
 ColumnStyle getDefaultColumnStyle()
          Returns the set of style properties that serve as defaults for all columns.
static int getDefaultHeight()
          Returns the default height for instances of this class.
 CellStyle getDefaultInvalidCellStyle()
          Returns the set of style properties that serve as defaults for invalid cells.
 CellStyle getDefaultLabelStyle()
          Returns the set of style properties that serve as defaults for all labels. getDefaultModel()
          Returns the default model.
protected  int getDefaultRowIndex()
          Returns the index of the first row that should be displayed following a refresh.
 RowStyle getDefaultRowStyle()
          Returns the set of style properties that serve as defaults for all rows.
static int getDefaultWidth()
          Returns the default width for instances of this class. getDisplayedColumns()
          Returns the set of columns that are currently scrolled into view. getDisplayedRows()
          Returns the set of rows that are currently scrolled into view.
static getExtendedBeanInfo()
          Returns metadata describing this class's properties.
 java.awt.Graphics getGraphics()
          Creates a graphics context for this component.
 java.awt.Color getGridColor()
          Returns the color of the grid lines. getHeldColumns()
          Returns the set of held columns. getHeldRows()
          Returns the set of held rows.
 int getHorizontalScrollbarVisibility()
          Returns a constant indicating whether the horizontal scrollbar is always visible, never visible, or visible only as needed. getInvalidCells()
          Returns the set of cells that are invalid.
protected  java.awt.Insets getLabelInsets()
          Returns the label insets. getModifiedCells()
          Returns the set of cells that have been modified.
 LabelCell getOriginCell()
          Returns the cell at the intersection of the row of column labels and the column of row labels.
 java.awt.Rectangle getOriginCellBounds()
          Returns a rectangle that represents the location and size of the origin cell.
 java.awt.Rectangle getPageBounds(java.awt.Graphics g, int pageNumber, int pageWidth, int pageHeight)
          Returns the bounds of a given page.
 java.awt.Rectangle getPaintableBounds()
          Returns a rectangle that represents the location and size of the paintable area.
 java.awt.Panel getPrintOptionsPanel()
          Returns a gui for specifying a row or column major print order.
 int getPrintOrder()
          Returns a constant that indicates how the table should be split into multiple pages when printed.
 java.util.Vector getRequiredInterfaces()
          Returns the interfaces required of a model by this view.
 Row getRow(int index)
          Returns the row at a given index.
 java.awt.Rectangle getRowLabelBounds()
          Returns a rectangle that represents the location and size of the row label area.
 int getRowsConformedThreshold()
          Returns the percentage, 0 to 99, of the table's height to the component's height above which rows should be conformed.
 java.util.Enumeration getSelectedCells()
          Returns the set of selected cells.
 java.util.Enumeration getSelectedColumns()
          Returns the set of selected columns.
 java.lang.Object[] getSelectedObjects()
          Returns the set of selected ranges (if any).
 java.util.Enumeration getSelectedRanges()
          Returns the set of selected ranges.
 java.util.Enumeration getSelectedRows()
          Returns the set of selected rows.
 int getSelectionElement()
          Returns the type of table element that is selected when an interactive selection is made.
 java.awt.Rectangle getTableBounds()
          Returns a rectangle that represents the location and size of the table within the component's bounds.
protected  java.awt.Rectangle getTableBounds(java.awt.Graphics g)
          Returns a rectangle that represents the location and size of the table within the component's bounds.
 int getTransactionElement()
          Returns how often modified cells are committed to the model.
 int getVerticalScrollbarVisibility()
          Returns a constant indicating whether the vertical scrollbar is always visible, never visible, or visible only as needed.
 void hold(CellVector cellVector)
          "Holds" a given column or row.
 void initialize()
          Initialization: register as listener to default styles, and set default model (if appropriate).
 boolean isActiveCellHighlighted()
          Returns whether the active cell is visually distinguished from the other cells.
 boolean isColumnLabelsVisible()
          Returns whether column labels should be displayed.
 boolean isColumnsConformed()
          Returns whether columns are resized to fill the horizontal extent of the component.
 boolean isColumnsSelectedByLabel()
          Returns whether a column label selection selects the entire column.
 boolean isCurrentElementHighlighted()
          Returns whether the current element is visually distinguished from the other selected elements.
 boolean isDefaultModelAttached()
          Returns whether the default model is attached.
 boolean isExtendedSelectionAllowed()
          Returns whether selections can be extended.
 boolean isFocusTraversable()
          Returns whether this component can be traversed using tab or shift-tab keyboard focus traversal.
 boolean isFullPaintDisabled()
          Returns whether full painting is disabled.
 boolean isGridVisible()
          Returns whether grid lines are drawn over the data cells.
 boolean isMultipleSelectionAllowed()
          Returns whether a single interactive selection action can span more than one element.
 boolean isPartialColumnVisible()
          Returns whether the displayed column furthest from the row labels should be shown even if it's only partially displayed (clipped).
 boolean isPartialRowVisible()
          Returns whether the displayed row furthest from the column labels should be shown even if it's only partially displayed (clipped).
 boolean isPopupMenuVisible()
          Returns whether a popup menu will be shown when TableView receives the popup event.
 boolean isPrintScrollNeeded(int direction)
          Get if a scroll is needed in the specified direction to show more data.
 boolean isRowLabelsVisible()
          Returns whether row labels should be displayed.
 boolean isRowsConformed()
          Returns whether rows are resized to fill the vertical extent of the component.
 boolean isRowsSelectedByLabel()
          Returns whether a row label selection selects the entire row.
 boolean isSelectionAllowed()
          Returns whether interactive selections can be made.
 boolean isTableSelectedByOriginCell()
          Returns whether a selection of the origin cell selects the entire table.
protected  TableView newTableView()
          Deprecated. As of AppDevStudio version 1.1.
 int nextPrintScrollDirection()
          Get the direction needed for the next scroll of the table.
protected  void onAllChanged()
          Performs a complete refresh of the view's state from its model.
protected  void onSizeColumn(Column col, java.awt.Graphics g)
          Sizes a given column.
protected  void onSizeRow(Row row, java.awt.Graphics g)
          Sizes a given row.
 boolean pageExists(int pageNumber)
          Determines if a given page exists.
 void paint(java.awt.Graphics g)
          Paints this component.
protected  void paintTable(java.awt.Graphics g, java.awt.Rectangle invalidBounds)
          Paints the table.
protected  void populatePopupMenu(java.awt.PopupMenu popupMenu, TableElement element)
          Populates a popup menu based on a given context (element).
 int previousPrintScrollDirection()
          Get the direction of the previous scroll.
 void print(java.awt.Graphics g)
          Prints this component.
 void print(java.awt.Graphics g, int pageNumber, int pageWidth, int pageHeight)
          Prints the requested page.
 void printFinalize()
          Notification that printing is complete.
 void printInitialize(java.awt.Graphics g)
          Notification that printing is about to begin.
protected  void processChanges()
          Processes any changes that have been reported by the model.
protected  boolean processContentsChangedEvent( event)
          Processes a contents changed event.
protected  void processEvent(java.awt.AWTEvent event)
          Processes awt-events occurring on this component.
protected  void processFocusEvent(java.awt.event.FocusEvent fe)
          Processes focus events occurring on this component.
protected  void processKeyEvent(java.awt.event.KeyEvent ke)
          Processes key events occurring on this component.
protected  void processMouseEvent(java.awt.event.MouseEvent me)
          Processes mouse events occurring on this component.
protected  void processMouseMotionEvent(java.awt.event.MouseEvent me)
          Processes mouse motion events occurring on this component.
 void propertyBagChanged( e)
          Processes a sent by a style.
 void propertyChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent e)
          Processes a java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent sent by the model.
 void refresh()
          Alias for refresh(getModelInterface()).
 void refresh( model)
          Notifies the view that a model has changed.
 void refreshModifiedCells()
          Refreshes any modified cells to their values as maintained by the model.
 void release(CellVector cellVector)
          "Releases" a given column or row.
 void releaseAllColumns()
          Releases any held columns.
 void releaseAllRows()
          Releases any held rows.
 void remeasureAllColumns(boolean preserveResizes)
          Resets all columns to their preferred width.
 void remeasureAllRows(boolean preserveResizes)
          Resets all rows to their preferred height.
 void removeItemListener(java.awt.event.ItemListener listener)
          Removes a listener of java.awt.event.ItemEvent which are generated when items are selected and deselected in the table.
 void repaint()
          Repaints this component.
 void repaint(int x, int y, int width, int height)
          Repaints the specified rectangle of this component.
 void repaintColumns()
          Repaint the whole table except for the row labels.
 void repaintRows()
          Repaint the whole table except for the column labels.
 void scrollHorizontally(int numUnits, int unit)
          Scrolls the table horizontally.
 void scrollToCell(Cell cell, boolean makeFirst)
          Ensures that a cell is scrolled fully into view.
 void scrollToColumn(Column col, boolean makeFirst)
          Ensures that a column is scrolled fully into view.
 void scrollToRow(Row row, boolean makeFirst)
          Ensures that a row is scrolled fully into view.
 void scrollVertically(int numUnits, int unit)
          Scrolls the table vertically.
 void select(Column start, Column end, boolean extend)
          Selects a contiguous range of columns.
 void select(DataCell start, DataCell end, boolean extend)
          Selects a rectangular range of cells.
 void select(Row start, Row end, boolean extend)
          Selects a contiguous range of rows.
 void select(Selection range, boolean extend)
          Selects a range.
 void setActiveCellHighlighted(boolean newValue)
          Specifies whether the active cell is visually distinguished from the other cells.
 void setBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height)
          Moves and resizes this component.
 void setColumnLabelsVisible(boolean newValue)
          Specifies whether column labels should be displayed.
 void setColumnsConformed(boolean newValue)
          Specifies whether columns should be resized to fill the horizontal extent of the component.
 void setColumnsConformedThreshold(int newValue)
          Specifies the percentage, 0 to 99, of the table's width to the component's width above which columns should be conformed.
 void setColumnsSelectedByLabel(boolean newValue)
          Returns whether a column label selection selects the entire column.
 void setCurrentElement(TableElement newValue)
          Sets the value of the current element.
 void setCurrentElementHighlighted(boolean newValue)
          Returns whether the current element is visually distinguished from the other selected elements.
 void setCursor(java.awt.Cursor cursor)
          Sets the cursor image to a predefined cursor.
protected  void setCursor(java.awt.Point point)
          Sets the cursor image based on a given mouse pointer location.
 void setDefaultCellStyle(CellStyle newValue)
          Specifies the set of style properties to use as defaults for all cells.
 void setDefaultColumnStyle(ColumnStyle newValue)
          Specifies the set of style properties to use as defaults for all columns.
static void setDefaultHeight(int newValue)
          Sets the default height for instances of this class.
 void setDefaultInvalidCellStyle(CellStyle newValue)
          Specifies the set of style properties to use as defaults for invalid cells.
 void setDefaultLabelStyle(CellStyle newValue)
          Specifies the set of style properties to use as defaults for all labels.
 void setDefaultModel( newValue)
          Sets the default model.
 void setDefaultRowStyle(RowStyle newValue)
          Specifies the set of style properties to use as defaults for all rows.
 void setDefaultValues()
          Sets default values for this component's non-transient fields.
static void setDefaultWidth(int newValue)
          Returns the default width for instances of this class.
 void setExtendedSelectionAllowed(boolean newValue)
          Specifies whether selections can be extended.
 void setFont(java.awt.Font newValue)
          Sets the font of this component.
 void setGridColor(java.awt.Color newValue)
          Specifies the color of the grid lines.
 void setGridVisible(boolean newValue)
          Specifies whether grid lines are drawn over the data cells.
 void setHorizontalScrollbarVisibility(int newValue)
          Specifies when a horizontal scrollbar should be used: always, never, or as needed.
 void setModelInterface( newValue)
          Specifies the model to display in the view.
 void setMultipleSelectionAllowed(boolean newValue)
          Specifies whether a single interactive selection action can span more than one element.
 void setPartialColumnVisible(boolean newValue)
          Specifies whether the displayed column furthest from the row labels should be shown even if it's only partially displayed (clipped).
 void setPartialRowVisible(boolean newValue)
          Specifies whether the displayed row furthest from the column labels should be shown even if it's only partially displayed (clipped).
 void setPopupMenuVisible(boolean newValue)
          Specifies whether a popup menu should be shown when TableView receives the popup event.
 void setPrintOrder(int newValue)
          Specifies how the table should be split into multiple pages when printed.
 void setRowLabelsVisible(boolean newValue)
          Specifies whether row labels should be displayed.
 void setRowsConformed(boolean newValue)
          Specifies whether rows should be resized to fill the vertical extent of the component.
 void setRowsConformedThreshold(int newValue)
          Specifies the percentage, 0 to 99, of the table's height to the component's height above which rows should be conformed.
 void setRowsSelectedByLabel(boolean newValue)
          Specifies whether a row label selection selects the entire row.
 void setSelectionAllowed(boolean newValue)
          Specifies whether interactive selections can be made.
 void setSelectionElement(int newValue)
          Specifies the type of table element that is selected when an interactive selection is made.
 void setTableSelectedByOriginCell(boolean newValue)
          Specifies whether a selection of the origin cell selects the entire table.
 void setTransactionElement(int newValue)
          Specifies how often modified cells are committed to the model.
 void setVerticalScrollbarVisibility(int newValue)
          Specifies when a vertical scrollbar should be used: always, never, or as needed.
 void unselect()
          Unselects all cells, columns, and rows.
protected  void updateDisplayedColumns(java.awt.Graphics g)
          Updates the set of displayed columns.
protected  void updateDisplayedRows(java.awt.Graphics g)
          Updates the set of displayed rows.
protected  void updateView(java.awt.Graphics g)
          Updates this view to reflect the current state of its model.
Methods inherited from class
addNotify, dragEnter, dragLeave, dragOver, drop, getContainerInterfaceSupportInfo, getErrorHandler, getInsets, getValidator, isIDEDnDDropBarrier, isIDEDnDDropTarget, isValid, removeNotify, setContainerInterfaceSupportInfo, setErrorHandler, setIDEDnDDropBarrier, setIDEDnDDropTarget, setInsets, setInsets, setValidator, superAddNotify, superGetInsets, superRemoveNotify, superSetDefaultValues
Methods inherited from class
addLink, addPropertyChangeListener, addVetoableChangeListener, anyPropertyChangeListeners, attachView, detachView, dumpComponent, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, fireVetoableChange, getBackgroundColor, getBorder, getComponentDescription, getComponentSupportInfo, getEventMethod, getEventValues, getFont, getForegroundColor, getHeight, getHorizontalPosition, getLinkInfo, getMinimumSize, getModelInterface, getPreferredSize, getPrePainter, getVerticalPosition, getViewInterfaceSupportInfo, getVisualInterfaceSupportInfo, getWidth, initializeComponent, isDesignTime, isEnabled, isFocus, isLinked, isTransparent, isVisible, queryLinks, queryLinks, removeAllLinks, removeInterfaceTraps, removeLink, removePropertyChangeListener, removeVetoableChangeListener, setBackgroundColor, setBorder, setComponentDescription, setComponentSupportInfo, setEnabled, setFocus, setForegroundColor, setHeight, setHorizontalPosition, setLinkInfo, setPreferredSize, setPrePainter, setRequiredInterfaces, setTransparent, setVerticalPosition, setViewInterfaceSupportInfo, setVisible, setVisualInterfaceSupportInfo, setWidth, superGetFont, superGetMinimumSize, superGetPreferredSize, superIsEnabled, superIsVisible, superPaint, superSetBounds, superSetEnabled, superSetFont, superSetVisible, superUpdate, supportsListenerInterface, supportsRequiredInterfaces, trapInterfaceEvents, update, validateObject
Methods inherited from interface
getComponents, getLayout, invalidate, setLayout, validate
Methods inherited from interface
getBackgroundColor, getBorder, getFont, getForegroundColor, getHeight, getHorizontalPosition, getMinimumSize, getPreferredSize, getPrePainter, getVerticalPosition, getVisualInterfaceSupportInfo, getWidth, isEnabled, isFocus, isTransparent, isVisible, setBackgroundColor, setBorder, setEnabled, setFocus, setForegroundColor, setHeight, setHorizontalPosition, setPreferredSize, setPrePainter, setTransparent, setVerticalPosition, setVisible, setVisualInterfaceSupportInfo, setWidth, superGetFont, superGetMinimumSize, superGetPreferredSize, superIsEnabled, superIsVisible, superPaint, superSetBounds, superSetEnabled, superSetFont, superSetVisible, superUpdate

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String RB_KEY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CELL
Cell constant for the selectionElement and transactionElement properties.

See Also:
getSelectionElement(), getTransactionElement(), Constant Field Values


public static final int COLUMN
Column constant for the selectionElement and transactionElement properties.

See Also:
getSelectionElement(), getTransactionElement(), Constant Field Values


public static final int ROW
Row constant for the selectionElement and transactionElement properties.

See Also:
getSelectionElement(), getTransactionElement(), Constant Field Values


public static final int USER_DEFINED
User-defined constant for the transactionElement property.

See Also:
getTransactionElement(), Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String COMMIT_CELL_ERROR
Constant used to identify errors that occur when committing cell changes to the model. Passed to by commitModifiedCells.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ROW_MAJOR
Constant value for the printOrder property which indicates that rows should be given precedence when printing. This means that if the table has to be split into multiple pages horizontally, i.e. if it takes more than one page to see an entire row, then those pages should be printed before the table is scrolled vertically to print additional pages in the vertical direction.

See Also:
COLUMN_MAJOR, setPrintOrder(int), Constant Field Values


public static final int COLUMN_MAJOR
Constant value for the printOrder property which indicates that columns should be given precedence when printing. This means that if the table has to be split into multiple pages vertically, i.e. if it takes more than one page to see an entire column, then those pages should be printed before the table is scrolled horizontally to print additional pages in the horizontal direction.

See Also:
ROW_MAJOR, setPrintOrder(int), Constant Field Values


public transient Scrollbar m_vbar
Constructor Detail


public TableView()
Constructor. Must be followed by a call to initialize().

Method Detail


public static int getDefaultHeight()
Returns the default height for instances of this class.

The value of the defaultHeight property.


public static void setDefaultHeight(int newValue)
Sets the default height for instances of this class.

newValue - The new value to assign the defaultHeight property.


public static int getDefaultWidth()
Returns the default width for instances of this class.

The value of the defaultWidth property.


public static void setDefaultWidth(int newValue)
Returns the default width for instances of this class.

newValue - The new value to assign the defaultWidth property.


public static getExtendedBeanInfo()
Returns metadata describing this class's properties.


public void addItemListener(java.awt.event.ItemListener listener)
Adds a listener to receive java.awt.event.ItemEvent which are generated when items are selected and deselected in the table.

When ItemEvent.getStateChange() is SELECTED, ItemEvent.getObject() will return a Selection.

When ItemEvent.getStateChange() is DESELECTED, ItemEvent.getObject() will return an Object array of Selections.

Specified by:
addItemListener in interface java.awt.ItemSelectable
listener - An object which handles ItemEvents.
See Also:
removeItemListener(java.awt.event.ItemListener), ItemListener, ItemSelectable


public java.lang.Object clone()
                       throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
Clones this component.

Implemented as return clone(1, 1), so subclasses should override it or one of the clone framework methods it calls, but should not override this -- it would be declared final if it had not been already released as is.

Specified by:
clone in interface
clone in class ContainerContainerComponent
A clone of this component.
java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException - TableView supports cloning, but a subclass may not.
See Also:
clone(double, double)


public boolean commitModifiedCells()
Commits any modified cells to the model. Any cells that are rejected by the model are added to the set of invalid cells and remain in the set of modified cells; otherwise they are removed from the set of modified cells. Thus, once committed modified cells can't be reset to their original values.

The messages from any exceptions generated by the model are passed to the java.awt.ContainerContainerComponent.setErrorHandler method with a message code of COMMIT_CELL_ERROR.

true if all cells were accepted by the model, and false otherwise.
See Also:
refreshModifiedCells(), getModifiedCells(), getInvalidCells(), setTransactionElement(int)


public java.awt.Dimension computePreferredSize()
Determines the preferred size of this component. The preferred size will be the table view's default size unless all the model's data fits in a smaller area in which case that size will be returned.

Specified by:
computePreferredSize in interface VisualInterface
computePreferredSize in class ContainerVisualComponent
The preferred size of the table view.
See Also:
getDefaultHeight(), getDefaultWidth()


public void disableFullPaint()
Disables full (normal) painting. When full painting is disabled, paint() will only paint a component border and nothing more.

Specified by:
disableFullPaint in interface FullPaintInterface
See Also:
enableFullPaint(), isFullPaintDisabled(), FullPaintInterface


public void enableFullPaint()
Enables full (normal) painting.

Specified by:
enableFullPaint in interface FullPaintInterface
See Also:
disableFullPaint(), isFullPaintDisabled(), FullPaintInterface


public Cell findCell(java.awt.Point point)
Finds the cell that contains a given point.

The matching cell or null if no match.
See Also:
findColumn(int), findRow(int)


public Column findColumn(int x)
Finds the column that contains a given x-coordinate.

The matching column or null if no match.
See Also:
findCell(java.awt.Point), findRow(int)


public Row findRow(int y)
Finds the row that contains a given y-coordinate.

The matching row or null if no match.
See Also:
findColumn(int), findCell(java.awt.Point)


public[] getContextCommands(java.lang.Object context,
                                                 int x,
                                                 int y)
Returns a list of commands associated with a given context. The list may contain sublists by making one of the items a MenuCommand.

TableView does not have any commands, but a subclass might.

Specified by:
getContextCommands in interface ContextCommandsInterface
context - The context to return commands for.
x - The horizontal coordinate of the location within the visual coordinate space of the context for which the caller would like commands. For example, if this method is being called in response to a mouse click, then x would be the x-position of the click. If the caller doesn't have a location in mind, -1 should be specified.
y - The vertical coordinate of the location within the visual coordinate space of the context for which the caller would like commands. For example, if this method is being called in response to a mouse click, then y would be the y-position of the click. If the caller doesn't have a location in mind, -1 should be specified.
An array of commands.
See Also:


public void hold(CellVector cellVector)
"Holds" a given column or row. A held column/row is one that has been made non-scrollable and is thus always, space permitting, displayed; i.e. it is never scrolled out of view.

The order in which columns/rows are held controls the order in which they are displayed.

Does nothing if the column/row is already held.

cellVector - The column or row to hold.
See Also:
release(, getHeldColumns(), getHeldRows(), CellVector.isHeld()


public DataCell getCell(Row row,
                        Column col)
Returns the cell at the intersection of a given row and column.

row - The desired cell's row.
col - The desired cell's column.
The requested cell.
See Also:
getColumn(int), getRow(int)


public Column getColumn(int index)
Returns the column at a given index.

index - The position of the column using one-based indexing.
The column associated with the index.
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - If index is not in the range [1, getModelInterface().getColumnCount()].
See Also:
getCell(,, getRow(int)


public Row getRow(int index)
Returns the row at a given index.

index - The position of the row using one-based indexing.
The row associated with the index.
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - If index is not in the range [1, getModelInterface().getRowCount()].
See Also:
getColumn(int), getCell(,


public void initialize()
Initialization: register as listener to default styles, and set default model (if appropriate).

Specified by:
initialize in interface
initialize in class ContainerVisualComponent
See Also:


public final boolean isDefaultModelAttached()
Returns whether the default model is attached. Alias for (getDefaultModel() == getModelInterface() && (getDefaultModel() != null)

Specified by:
isDefaultModelAttached in interface
See Also:


public boolean isFullPaintDisabled()
Returns whether full painting is disabled.

true if full painting is disabled, and false otherwise.
See Also:
disableFullPaint(), enableFullPaint()


public void paint(java.awt.Graphics g)
Paints this component. Calls super to paint component border, then either returns if isFullPaintDisabled() returns true, or calls updateView() and paintTable().

paint in class ContainerVisualComponent
g - The graphics context to use for painting.
See Also:
VisualInterfaceSupport.paint(,, java.awt.Component, java.awt.Graphics)


public void print(java.awt.Graphics g)
Prints this component.

The default implementation of this method calls the paint method.

print in class java.awt.Container
g - the graphics context to use for printing.


public void print(java.awt.Graphics g,
                  int pageNumber,
                  int pageWidth,
                  int pageHeight)
Prints the requested page.

Specified by:
print in interface
print in class ContainerVisualComponent
g - The graphics context to use for printing.
pageNumber - The one-based index of the page to be printed.
pageWidth - The width of the page (in pixels) being printed to.
pageHeight - The height of the page (in pixels) being printed to.
Throws: - Thrown if a failure occurred while printing.
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - Thrown if pageExists(pageNumber) is false.
See Also:
PrintableInterface.print(java.awt.Graphics, int, int, int)


public int nextPrintScrollDirection()
Get the direction needed for the next scroll of the table. This will return either PrintScrollInterface.HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL, or NONE based on what direction the table was scrolled in last. THIS ONLY WORKS WHILE PRINTING.

Specified by:
nextPrintScrollDirection in interface
PrintScrollInterface HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL, or NONE based on the next scroll needed for the table.


public int previousPrintScrollDirection()
Get the direction of the previous scroll. This will return either PrintScrollInterface.HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL, or NONE based on what direction the table was scrolled in last. THIS ONLY WORKS WHILE PRINTING.

Specified by:
previousPrintScrollDirection in interface


public boolean isPrintScrollNeeded(int direction)
Get if a scroll is needed in the specified direction to show more data. THIS ONLY WORKS WHILE PRINTING. Valid directions are: PrintScrollInterface.HORIZONTAL or PrintScrollInterface.VERTICAL

Specified by:
isPrintScrollNeeded in interface
true if more data is available in the specified direction, false otherwise.


public void printInitialize(java.awt.Graphics g)
Notification that printing is about to begin.

Specified by:
printInitialize in interface
printInitialize in class ContainerVisualComponent
g - A graphics context for the device being printed to.
Throws: - Thrown if a failure occurred while initializing.
See Also:


public void printFinalize()
Notification that printing is complete.

Specified by:
printFinalize in interface
printFinalize in class ContainerVisualComponent
See Also:


public boolean pageExists(int pageNumber)
Determines if a given page exists.

pageExists(n) may be called anytime it's legal to call print() with the same page number n.

Specified by:
pageExists in interface
pageExists in class ContainerVisualComponent
pageNumber - The one-based index of the page to verify.
true if the page exists, and false otherwise.
See Also:


public java.awt.Rectangle getPageBounds(java.awt.Graphics g,
                                        int pageNumber,
                                        int pageWidth,
                                        int pageHeight)
Returns the bounds of a given page.

getPageBounds(n) may be called anytime it's legal to call print() with the same page number n.

Specified by:
getPageBounds in interface
getPageBounds in class ContainerVisualComponent
g - The graphics context to use for printing.
pageNumber - The one-based index of the page to measure.
pageWidth - The width of the page (in pixels) being printed to.
pageHeight - The height of the page (in pixels) being printed to.
The page's bounds relative to (0,0) in pixels.
See Also:


public java.awt.Panel getPrintOptionsPanel()
Returns a gui for specifying a row or column major print order.

Specified by:
getPrintOptionsPanel in interface
getPrintOptionsPanel in class ContainerVisualComponent
A java.awt.Panel.
See Also:


public int getPrintOrder()
Returns a constant that indicates how the table should be split into multiple pages when printed.

ROW_MAJOR (the default) or COLUMN_MAJOR.
See Also:
ROW_MAJOR, COLUMN_MAJOR, setPrintOrder(int)


public void setPrintOrder(int newValue)
Specifies how the table should be split into multiple pages when printed.

See Also:


public final void refresh()
Alias for refresh(getModelInterface()).


public void refresh( model)
Notifies the view that a model has changed. Usually only needed if the model is not a ContentsChangedSource, as the view will listen for ContentsChangedEvents and refresh itself.

Specified by:
refresh in interface
refresh in class ContainerVisualComponent
model - The changed model.
See Also:


public void refreshModifiedCells()
Refreshes any modified cells to their values as maintained by the model. Use this method to cancel a set of edits that have not yet been committed to the model (the set of modified cells), or a set of edits that have been rejected by the model (the set of invalid cells). The set of modified cells and the set of invalid cells will both be empty following the execution of this method.

See Also:
commitModifiedCells(), getModifiedCells(), getInvalidCells()


public void release(CellVector cellVector)
"Releases" a given column or row. The column/row is returned to its normal scroll position.

Does nothing if the column/row is not held.

cellVector - The column/row to release.
See Also:
hold(, releaseAllColumns(), releaseAllRows()


public void releaseAllColumns()
Releases any held columns. All columns will be scrollable again.

See Also:


public void releaseAllRows()
Releases any held rows. All rows will be scrollable again.

See Also:


public void remeasureAllColumns(boolean preserveResizes)
Resets all columns to their preferred width.

preserveResizes - if true don't remeasure columns that have been explicitly resized.
See Also:


public void remeasureAllRows(boolean preserveResizes)
Resets all rows to their preferred height.

preserveResizes - if true don't remeasure rows that have been explicitly resized.
See Also:


public void removeItemListener(java.awt.event.ItemListener listener)
Removes a listener of java.awt.event.ItemEvent which are generated when items are selected and deselected in the table.

Specified by:
removeItemListener in interface java.awt.ItemSelectable
listener - An object previously registered with addItemListener().


public void repaint()
Repaints this component.

repaint in class java.awt.Component


public void repaint(int x,
                    int y,
                    int width,
                    int height)
Repaints the specified rectangle of this component.

repaint in class java.awt.Component
x - The x coordinate of the rectangle in pixels relative to the top-left corner of the component.
y - The y coordinate of the rectangle in pixels relative to the top-left corner of the component.
width - The width of the rectangle in pixels.
height - The height of the rectangle in pixels.
See Also:


public void repaintColumns()
Repaint the whole table except for the row labels.

See Also:
repaintRows(), repaint(), Column.repaint()


public void repaintRows()
Repaint the whole table except for the column labels.

See Also:
repaintColumns(), repaint(), Row.repaint()


public void scrollHorizontally(int numUnits,
                               int unit)
Scrolls the table horizontally.

Specified by:
scrollHorizontally in interface ScrollingInterface
numUnits - Indicates the direction and amount to scroll. A positive number scrolls forward (right). A negative number scrolls backward (left).
unit - Indicates how to interpret numUnits. Must be one of: SCROLL_COLUMN, SCROLL_PAGE, SCROLL_MAXIMUM.
See Also:
scrollVertically(int, int)


public void scrollVertically(int numUnits,
                             int unit)
Scrolls the table vertically.

Specified by:
scrollVertically in interface ScrollingInterface
numUnits - Indicates the direction and amount to scroll. A positive number scrolls forward (down). A negative number scrolls backward (up).
unit - Indicates how to interpret numUnits. Must be one of: SCROLL_ROW, SCROLL_PAGE, SCROLL_MAXIMUM.
See Also:
scrollHorizontally(int, int)


public void scrollToCell(Cell cell,
                         boolean makeFirst)
Ensures that a cell is scrolled fully into view.

cell - The cell to scroll into view.
makeFirst - If true make cell the first displayed cell; otherwise scroll the minimum amount necessary.


public void scrollToColumn(Column col,
                           boolean makeFirst)
Ensures that a column is scrolled fully into view.

col - The column to scroll into view.
makeFirst - If true make col the first column following the column of row labels; otherwise scroll the minimum amount necessary.


public void scrollToRow(Row row,
                        boolean makeFirst)
Ensures that a row is scrolled fully into view.

row - The row to scroll into view.
makeFirst - If true make row the first row following the row of column labels; otherwise scroll the minimum amount necessary.


public void select(DataCell start,
                   DataCell end,
                   boolean extend)
Selects a rectangular range of cells. (The range may be specified in any order.) The new selection replaces or extends the current selection set depending on the value of the extend parameter.

start - Identifies the first cell in the range, i.e. one of the "corners".
startCol - Identifies the last cell in the range, i.e. the other "corner".
extend - If true the selection extends the current selection set, otherwise it replaces it.


public void select(Column start,
                   Column end,
                   boolean extend)
Selects a contiguous range of columns. (The range may be specified in any order.) The new selection replaces or extends the current selection set depending on the value of the extend parameter.

start - Identifies the first column in the range.
end - Identifies the last column in the range.
extend - If true the selection extends the current selection set, otherwise it replaces it.


public void select(Selection range,
                   boolean extend)
Selects a range. The new selection replaces or extends the current selection set depending on the value of the extend parameter.

range - The range to select.
extend - If true the selection extends the current selection set, otherwise it replaces it.


public void select(Row start,
                   Row end,
                   boolean extend)
Selects a contiguous range of rows. (The range may be specified in any order.) The new selection replaces or extends the current selection set depending on the value of the extend parameter.

start - Identifies the first row in the range.
end - Identifies the last row in the range.
extend - If true the selection extends the current selection set, otherwise it replaces it.


public void setBounds(int x,
                      int y,
                      int width,
                      int height)
Moves and resizes this component.

Specified by:
setBounds in interface VisualInterface
setBounds in class ContainerVisualComponent
x - The new x-coordinate of this component.
y - The new y-coordinate of this component.
width - The new width of this component.
height - The new height of this component.
See Also:
VisualInterface.setBounds(int, int, int, int)


public void unselect()
Unselects all cells, columns, and rows.


public boolean isActiveCellHighlighted()
Returns whether the active cell is visually distinguished from the other cells. When the current cell has been activated (usually when it's being edited), it is known as the active cell. The default is true.

true if the active cell is highlighted, and false otherwise.
See Also:


public void setActiveCellHighlighted(boolean newValue)
Specifies whether the active cell is visually distinguished from the other cells. When the current cell has been activated (usually when it's being edited), it is known as the active cell. The default is true.

newValue - The new value to assign the activeCellHighlighted property.


public getCellTypeStyles()
Returns the set of cell types and their associated styles. The set is represented as a StaticDictionaryInterface with String keys corresponding to the types and CellStyle values corresponding to the styles.

The cell types are defined by the model in order to categorize cells. For example, the cells in a column of numeric grades, 0 to 100, might be categorized as "pass" for grades 65 or greater and "fail" for grades less than 65.

The CellStyles, one for each type, are provided by the view and can be individually customized. For example,

  StaticDictionaryInterface map = TableView.getCellTypeStyles ();
  CellStyle style = (CellStyle)map.get ("fail");
  style.setForegroundColor (;

The value of the cellTypeStyles property; will never be null.
See Also:


public java.awt.Rectangle getColumnLabelBounds()
Returns a rectangle that represents the location and size of the column label area.

The copied value of the columnLabelBounds property.
See Also:
getDataCellBounds(), getOriginCellBounds(), getPaintableBounds(), getRowLabelBounds(), getTableBounds()


public boolean isColumnLabelsVisible()
Returns whether column labels should be displayed. The default is true.

true if column labels should be displayed, and false otherwise.
See Also:
setColumnLabelsVisible(boolean), isRowLabelsVisible()


public void setColumnLabelsVisible(boolean newValue)
Specifies whether column labels should be displayed. The default is true.

newValue - The new value to assign the columnLabelsVisible property.
See Also:
isColumnLabelsVisible(), setRowLabelsVisible(boolean)


public boolean isColumnsConformed()
Returns whether columns are resized to fill the horizontal extent of the component. If columnsConformed is true, all columns are fully in view, and the percentage ratio of the collective width of the columns to the component's width is greater than columnsConformedThreshold, then the width of each column is increased proportionally so that the table completely fills the horizontal extent of the component. The default is false.

true if columns are conformed, and false otherwise.
See Also:
setColumnsConformed(boolean), getColumnsConformedThreshold(), isRowsConformed()


public void setColumnsConformed(boolean newValue)
Specifies whether columns should be resized to fill the horizontal extent of the component. See isColumnsConformed() for more details.

newValue - The new value to assign the columnsConformed property.
See Also:
isColumnsConformed(), setColumnsConformedThreshold(int)


public int getColumnsConformedThreshold()
Returns the percentage, 0 to 99, of the table's width to the component's width above which columns should be conformed. Ignored unless isColumnsConformed() returns true. The default is 0.

The value of the columnsConformedThreshold property.
See Also:
setColumnsConformedThreshold(int), isColumnsConformed()


public void setColumnsConformedThreshold(int newValue)
Specifies the percentage, 0 to 99, of the table's width to the component's width above which columns should be conformed. Ignored unless isColumnsConformed() returns true.

newValue - The new value to assign the columnsConformedThreshold property.
See Also:
getColumnsConformedThreshold(), setColumnsConformed(boolean)


public boolean isColumnsSelectedByLabel()
Returns whether a column label selection selects the entire column. Ignored unless getSelectionElement() returns CELL and isMultipleSelectionAllowed() returns true. The default is true.

true if columns should be selectable via their label, and false otherwise.
See Also:
setColumnsSelectedByLabel(boolean), isRowsSelectedByLabel(), isTableSelectedByOriginCell()


public void setColumnsSelectedByLabel(boolean newValue)
Returns whether a column label selection selects the entire column. Ignored unless getSelectionElement() returns CELL and isMultipleSelectionAllowed() returns true. The default is true.

See Also:
isColumnsSelectedByLabel(), setRowsSelectedByLabel(boolean), setTableSelectedByOriginCell(boolean)


public TableElement getCurrentElement()
Returns the value of the current element. A return value of null indicates that no element is current. See setCurrentElement() for more details.

The value of the currentElement property.
See Also:


public void setCurrentElement(TableElement newValue)
                       throws java.beans.PropertyVetoException
Sets the value of the current element. The current element is the anchor of the current selection, and if it is of type Cell identifies the cell which is receiving input events. Its type depends on the value of getSelectionElement() with possible types being Cell if the selection element is CELL, Column if the selection element is COLUMN, and Row if the selection element is ROW. Specify null to indicate that no element is current.

newValue - The new value to assign the currentElement property; its type must correspond with the selection element as described above.
java.beans.PropertyVetoException - currentElement is a constrained, or vetoable, property, so a PropertyVetoException is thrown when the set gets vetoed.
See Also:


public boolean isCurrentElementHighlighted()
Returns whether the current element is visually distinguished from the other selected elements. The default is true.

true if the current element is highlighted, and false otherwise.
See Also:
setCurrentElementHighlighted(boolean), isActiveCellHighlighted(), getCurrentElement()


public void setCurrentElementHighlighted(boolean newValue)
Returns whether the current element is visually distinguished from the other selected elements. The default is true.

newValue - The new value to assign the currentElementHighlighted property.
See Also:


public java.awt.Rectangle getDataCellBounds()
Returns a rectangle that represents the location and size of the data cell area.

The copied value of the dataCellBounds property.
See Also:
getColumnLabelBounds(), getOriginCellBounds(), getPaintableBounds(), getRowLabelBounds(), getTableBounds()


public CellStyle getDefaultCellStyle()
Returns the set of style properties that serve as defaults for all cells.

The value of the defaultCellStyle property; will never be null.
See Also:
setDefaultCellStyle(, getDefaultLabelStyle()


public void setDefaultCellStyle(CellStyle newValue)
Specifies the set of style properties to use as defaults for all cells.

newValue - The new value to assign the defaultCellStyle property; it must be non-null.
See Also:
getDefaultCellStyle(), setDefaultLabelStyle(


public ColumnStyle getDefaultColumnStyle()
Returns the set of style properties that serve as defaults for all columns.

The value of the defaultColumnStyle property; will never be null.
See Also:
setDefaultColumnStyle(, getDefaultRowStyle()


public void setDefaultColumnStyle(ColumnStyle newValue)
Specifies the set of style properties to use as defaults for all columns.

newValue - The new value to assign the defaultColumnStyle property; it must be non-null.
See Also:
getDefaultColumnStyle(), setDefaultRowStyle(


public CellStyle getDefaultInvalidCellStyle()
Returns the set of style properties that serve as defaults for invalid cells. These properties will override the normal defaults for any cells that return true from Cell.isDataInvalid(). By default the foreground color is set to red.

The value of the defaultInvalidCellStyle property; will never be null.
See Also:
setDefaultInvalidCellStyle(, getInvalidCells(), Cell.isDataInvalid()


public void setDefaultInvalidCellStyle(CellStyle newValue)
Specifies the set of style properties to use as defaults for invalid cells. See getDefaultInvalidCellStyle() for more details.

newValue - The new value to assign the defaultInvalidCellStyle property; it must be non-null.
See Also:


public CellStyle getDefaultLabelStyle()
Returns the set of style properties that serve as defaults for all labels.

The value of the defaultLabelStyle property; will never be null.
See Also:
setDefaultLabelStyle(, getDefaultCellStyle()


public void setDefaultLabelStyle(CellStyle newValue)
Specifies the set of style properties to use as defaults for all labels.

newValue - The new value to assign the defaultLabelStyle property; it must be non-null.
See Also:
getDefaultLabelStyle(), setDefaultCellStyle(


public getDefaultModel()
Returns the default model. The default model will be used as the view's model whenever its model would otherwise be null.

The default model.
See Also:
isDefaultModelAttached(), setDefaultModel(


public void setDefaultModel( newValue)
Sets the default model. The default model will be used as the view's model whenever its model would otherwise be null.

newValue - The new value to assign the defaultModel property.
See Also:


public RowStyle getDefaultRowStyle()
Returns the set of style properties that serve as defaults for all rows.

The value of the defaultRowStyle property; will never be null.
See Also:
setDefaultRowStyle(, getDefaultColumnStyle()


public void setDefaultRowStyle(RowStyle newValue)
Specifies the set of style properties to use as defaults for all rows.

newValue - The new value to assign the defaultRowStyle property; it must be non-null.
See Also:
getDefaultRowStyle(), setDefaultColumnStyle(


public getDisplayedColumns()
Returns the set of columns that are currently scrolled into view.

The value of the displayedColumns property; will never be null.
See Also:


public getDisplayedRows()
Returns the set of rows that are currently scrolled into view.

The value of the displayedRows property; will never be null.
See Also:


public boolean isExtendedSelectionAllowed()
Returns whether selections can be extended. If true an existing selection can be extended or added-to via a non-contiguous selection action such as ctrl-click; if false an existing selection can not be extended and the non-contiguous selection action will simply act like a regular selection and replace the existing selection.

The default is true.

Note that this property has no effect on selections made programmatically.

true if selections can be extended, and false otherwise.
See Also:
setExtendedSelectionAllowed(boolean), isMultipleSelectionAllowed()


public void setExtendedSelectionAllowed(boolean newValue)
Specifies whether selections can be extended. See isExtendedSelectionAllowed() for more details.

newValue - The new value to assign the extendedSelectionAllowed property.
See Also:
isExtendedSelectionAllowed(), setMultipleSelectionAllowed(boolean)


public boolean isFocusTraversable()
Returns whether this component can be traversed using tab or shift-tab keyboard focus traversal.

isFocusTraversable in class java.awt.Component
true in order to receive focus from tab and shift-tab key events in our parent container.


public void setFont(java.awt.Font newValue)
Sets the font of this component. Cells will be displayed in this font if not specified otherwise via style properties (CellStyle.fontStyle).

Specified by:
setFont in interface VisualInterface
setFont in class ContainerVisualComponent
newValue - The new value to assign the font property.
See Also:


public java.awt.Graphics getGraphics()
Creates a graphics context for this component. This method will return null if this component is currently not on the screen.

getGraphics in class java.awt.Component
A graphics context for this component, or null if it has none.


public java.awt.Color getGridColor()
Returns the color of the grid lines.

The value of the gridColor property; will never be null.


public void setGridColor(java.awt.Color newValue)
Specifies the color of the grid lines.

newValue - The new value to assign the gridColor property; it must be non-null.


public boolean isGridVisible()
Returns whether grid lines are drawn over the data cells. The default is true.

true if grid lines are drawn, and false otherwise


public void setGridVisible(boolean newValue)
Specifies whether grid lines are drawn over the data cells. The default is true.

newValue - The new value to assign the gridVisible property.


public getHeldColumns()
Returns the set of held columns. Held columns are columns that have been made non-scrollable.

The value of the heldColumns property; will never be null.
See Also:


public getHeldRows()
Returns the set of held rows. Held rows are rows that have been made non-scrollable.

The value of the heldRows property; will never be null.
See Also:


public int getHorizontalScrollbarVisibility()
Returns a constant indicating whether the horizontal scrollbar is always visible, never visible, or visible only as needed.

Specified by:
getHorizontalScrollbarVisibility in interface ScrollbarVisibilityInterface
See Also:
ScrollbarVisibilityInterface, setHorizontalScrollbarVisibility(int), getVerticalScrollbarVisibility()


public void setHorizontalScrollbarVisibility(int newValue)
Specifies when a horizontal scrollbar should be used: always, never, or as needed.

Specified by:
setHorizontalScrollbarVisibility in interface ScrollbarVisibilityInterface
newValue - The newValue to assign the horizontalScrollbarVisibility property. Possible values are SCROLLBARS_AS_NEEDED, SCROLLBARS_ALWAYS, and SCROLLBARS_NEVER.
See Also:
ScrollbarVisibilityInterface, getHorizontalScrollbarVisibility(), setVerticalScrollbarVisibility(int)


public getInvalidCells()
Returns the set of cells that are invalid. Invalid cells are cells that have had their values edited, but were rejected when attempting to commit those values to the model. Thus invalid cells are also members of the set of modified cells.

Invalid cells can be displayed specially, such as with red text, via the defaultInvalidCellStyle.

The value of the invalidCells property; will be never be null.
See Also:
commitModifiedCells(), refreshModifiedCells(), getModifiedCells(), getDefaultInvalidCellStyle()


public void setModelInterface( newValue)
Specifies the model to display in the view. The model must implement StaticTableInterface. Pass null to disassociate the view from its model.

Specified by:
setModelInterface in interface
setModelInterface in class ContainerVisualComponent
newValue - The new value to assign the modelInterface property.
See Also:


public getModifiedCells()
Returns the set of cells that have been modified. Modified cells are cells that have had their values edited, but not committed to the model.

The value of the modifiedCells property; will be never be null.
See Also:
commitModifiedCells(), refreshModifiedCells(), getInvalidCells()


public boolean isMultipleSelectionAllowed()
Returns whether a single interactive selection action can span more than one element. If true, multiple elements can be interactively selected at once as with a mouse drag, a shift-click, or a shift-arrow-key; if false, they can't. The default is true. Note this property has no effect on selections made programmatically.

true if multiple selection is allowed, and false otherwise.
See Also:
setMultipleSelectionAllowed(boolean), isExtendedSelectionAllowed(), isSelectionAllowed()


public void setMultipleSelectionAllowed(boolean newValue)
Specifies whether a single interactive selection action can span more than one element. See isMultipleSelectionAllowed() for more details.

newValue - The new value to assign the multipleSelectionAllowed property.
See Also:
isMultipleSelectionAllowed(), setExtendedSelectionAllowed(boolean), setSelectionAllowed(boolean)


public LabelCell getOriginCell()
Returns the cell at the intersection of the row of column labels and the column of row labels.

The value of the originCell property; will be never be null.


public java.awt.Rectangle getOriginCellBounds()
Returns a rectangle that represents the location and size of the origin cell. The origin cell is the cell at the intersection of the row of column labels and the column of row labels.

The copied value of the originCellBounds property.
See Also:
getColumnLabelBounds(), getDataCellBounds(), getPaintableBounds(), getRowLabelBounds(), getTableBounds()


public java.awt.Rectangle getPaintableBounds()
Returns a rectangle that represents the location and size of the paintable area. The paintable area is the area of the component that can be used by the table, i.e. the area left after applying insets and accounting for the scrollbars.

The copied value of the paintableBounds property.
See Also:
getColumnLabelBounds(), getDataCellBounds(), getOriginCellBounds(), getRowLabelBounds(), getTableBounds()


public boolean isPartialColumnVisible()
Returns whether the displayed column furthest from the row labels should be shown even if it's only partially displayed (clipped). If true partial columns will be displayed; if false partial columns will not be displayed. It's ignored if there's only one displayed column. The default is true.

true if a partial column should be displayed, and false otherwise.
See Also:
setPartialColumnVisible(boolean), isPartialRowVisible()


public void setPartialColumnVisible(boolean newValue)
Specifies whether the displayed column furthest from the row labels should be shown even if it's only partially displayed (clipped). See isPartialColumnVisible() for more details.

newValue - The new value to assign the partialColumnVisible property.
See Also:
isPartialColumnVisible(), setPartialRowVisible(boolean)


public boolean isPartialRowVisible()
Returns whether the displayed row furthest from the column labels should be shown even if it's only partially displayed (clipped). If true partial rows will be displayed; if false partial rows will not be displayed. It's ignored if there's only one displayed row. The default is true.

true if a partial row should be displayed, and false otherwise.
See Also:
setPartialRowVisible(boolean), isPartialColumnVisible()


public void setPartialRowVisible(boolean newValue)
Specifies whether the displayed row furthest from the column labels should be shown even if it's only partially displayed (clipped). See isPartialRowVisible() for more details.

newValue - The new value to assign the partialRowVisible property.
See Also:
isPartialRowVisible(), setPartialColumnVisible(boolean)


public boolean isPopupMenuVisible()
Returns whether a popup menu will be shown when TableView receives the popup event.

true if the popup menu will be shown, and false otherwise
See Also:


public void setPopupMenuVisible(boolean newValue)
Specifies whether a popup menu should be shown when TableView receives the popup event.

Note that setting this to true does not guarantee that a popup menu will be shown; just that populatePopupMenu() will be driven giving subclasses a chance to populate one.

In order to configure a popup menu without subclassing, create a PopupMenuAdapter and set popupMenuVisible to false, as the adapter has its own popup menu. Any commands provided by TableView, or its subclasses, can still be used with the adapter's menu because TableView implements ContextCommandsInterface, and therefore it can be registered with the adapter via addContextCommandsProducer().

newValue - true if the popup menu should be shown, and false otherwise


public java.util.Vector getRequiredInterfaces()
Returns the interfaces required of a model by this view.

Specified by:
getRequiredInterfaces in interface
getRequiredInterfaces in class ContainerVisualComponent
The required interfaces.
See Also:


public java.awt.Rectangle getRowLabelBounds()
Returns a rectangle that represents the location and size of the row label area.

The copied value of the rowLabelBounds property.
See Also:
getColumnLabelBounds(), getDataCellBounds(), getOriginCellBounds(), getPaintableBounds(), getTableBounds()


public boolean isRowLabelsVisible()
Returns whether row labels should be displayed. The default is true.

true if row labels should be displayed, and false otherwise.
See Also:
setRowLabelsVisible(boolean), isColumnLabelsVisible()


public void setRowLabelsVisible(boolean newValue)
Specifies whether row labels should be displayed. The default is true.

newValue - The new value to assign the rowLabelsVisible property.
See Also:
isRowLabelsVisible(), setColumnLabelsVisible(boolean)


public boolean isRowsConformed()
Returns whether rows are resized to fill the vertical extent of the component. If rowsConformed is true, all rows are fully in view, and the percentage ratio of the collective height of the rows to the component's height is greater than rowsConformedThreshold, then the height of each row is increased proportionally so that the table completely fills the vertical extent of the component. The default is false.

true if rows are conformed, and false otherwise.
See Also:
setRowsConformed(boolean), getRowsConformedThreshold(), isColumnsConformed()


public void setRowsConformed(boolean newValue)
Specifies whether rows should be resized to fill the vertical extent of the component. See isRowsConformed() for more details.

newValue - The new value to assign the rowsConformed property.
See Also:
isRowsConformed(), setRowsConformedThreshold(int)


public int getRowsConformedThreshold()
Returns the percentage, 0 to 99, of the table's height to the component's height above which rows should be conformed. Ignored unless isRowsConformed() returns true. The default is 0.

The value of the rowsConformedThreshold property.
See Also:
setRowsConformedThreshold(int), isRowsConformed()


public void setRowsConformedThreshold(int newValue)
Specifies the percentage, 0 to 99, of the table's height to the component's height above which rows should be conformed. Ignored unless isRowsConformed() returns true. The default is 0.

newValue - The new value to assign the rowsConformedThreshold property.
See Also:
getRowsConformedThreshold(), setRowsConformed(boolean)


public boolean isRowsSelectedByLabel()
Returns whether a row label selection selects the entire row. Ignored unless getSelectionElement() returns CELL and isMultipleSelectionAllowed() returns true. The default is true.

true if rows should be selectable via their label, and false otherwise.
See Also:
setRowsSelectedByLabel(boolean), isColumnsSelectedByLabel(), isTableSelectedByOriginCell()


public void setRowsSelectedByLabel(boolean newValue)
Specifies whether a row label selection selects the entire row. Ignored unless getSelectionElement() returns CELL and isMultipleSelectionAllowed() returns true. The default is true.

See Also:
isRowsSelectedByLabel(), setColumnsSelectedByLabel(boolean), setTableSelectedByOriginCell(boolean)


public java.util.Enumeration getSelectedCells()
Returns the set of selected cells. Just data cells, not label cells, are included.

An java.util.Enumeration of DataCell.
See Also:
getSelectedColumns(), getSelectedObjects(), getSelectedRanges(), getSelectedRows()


public java.util.Enumeration getSelectedColumns()
Returns the set of selected columns.

An java.util.Enumeration of Column.
See Also:
getSelectedCells(), getSelectedObjects(), getSelectedRanges(), getSelectedRows()


public java.lang.Object[] getSelectedObjects()
Returns the set of selected ranges (if any).

Specified by:
getSelectedObjects in interface java.awt.ItemSelectable
An array of Selection or null.
See Also:
getSelectedCells(), getSelectedColumns(), getSelectedRanges(), getSelectedRows()


public java.util.Enumeration getSelectedRanges()
Returns the set of selected ranges.

An java.util.Enumeration of Selection.
See Also:
getSelectedCells(), getSelectedColumns(), getSelectedObjects(), getSelectedRows()


public java.util.Enumeration getSelectedRows()
Returns the set of selected rows.

An java.util.Enumeration of Row.
See Also:
getSelectedCells(), getSelectedColumns(), getSelectedObjects(), getSelectedRanges()


public boolean isSelectionAllowed()
Returns whether interactive selections can be made. If true selections can be made; if false selections can not be made. The default is true. Note this property has no effect on selections made programmatically.

true if selection is allowed, and false otherwise.
See Also:
setSelectionAllowed(boolean), isExtendedSelectionAllowed(), isMultipleSelectionAllowed()


public void setSelectionAllowed(boolean newValue)
Specifies whether interactive selections can be made. See isSelectionAllowed() for more details.

newValue - The new value to assign the selectionAllowed property.
See Also:
isSelectionAllowed(), setExtendedSelectionAllowed(boolean), setMultipleSelectionAllowed(boolean)


public int getSelectionElement()
Returns the type of table element that is selected when an interactive selection is made. Its possible values are CELL (the default), COLUMN, and ROW. Note that this property has no effect on selections made programmatically.

The value of the selectionElement property.


public void setSelectionElement(int newValue)
Specifies the type of table element that is selected when an interactive selection is made. Its possible values are CELL (the default), COLUMN, and ROW. Note that this property has no effect on selections made programmatically.

newValue - The new value to assign the selectionElement property.


public final java.awt.Rectangle getTableBounds()
Returns a rectangle that represents the location and size of the table within the component's bounds. In other words, where the "ink" is.

The copied value of the tableBounds property.
See Also:
getColumnLabelBounds(), getDataCellBounds(), getOriginCellBounds(), getPaintableBounds(), getRowLabelBounds()


public boolean isTableSelectedByOriginCell()
Returns whether a selection of the origin cell selects the entire table. Ignored unless getSelectionElement() returns CELL and isMultipleSelectionAllowed() returns true. The default is false.

true if the table is selectable via the orign cell, and false otherwise.
See Also:
setTableSelectedByOriginCell(boolean), isColumnsSelectedByLabel(), isRowsSelectedByLabel(), getOriginCell()


public void setTableSelectedByOriginCell(boolean newValue)
Specifies whether a selection of the origin cell selects the entire table. Ignored unless getSelectionElement() returns CELL and isMultipleSelectionAllowed() returns true. The default is false.

newValue - The new value to assign the tableSelectedByOriginCell property.
See Also:
isTableSelectedByOriginCell(), setColumnsSelectedByLabel(boolean), setRowsSelectedByLabel(boolean)


public int getTransactionElement()
Returns how often modified cells are committed to the model. Possible values are CELL, COLUMN, ROW, and USER_DEFINED.

When transactionElement is CELL, modified cells are committed whenever a cell is deactivated.

When transactionElement is COLUMN, modified cells are committed whenever the current column is changed.

When transactionElement is ROW, modified cells are committed whenever the current row is changed.

When transactionElement is USER_DEFINED, modified cells are committed only when commitModifiedCells() is called.

The value of the transactionElement property.
See Also:
setTransactionElement(int), commitModifiedCells()


public void setTransactionElement(int newValue)
Specifies how often modified cells are committed to the model. See getTransactionElement() for more details.

newValue - The new value to assign the transactionElement property.
See Also:


public int getVerticalScrollbarVisibility()
Returns a constant indicating whether the vertical scrollbar is always visible, never visible, or visible only as needed.

Specified by:
getVerticalScrollbarVisibility in interface ScrollbarVisibilityInterface
See Also:
ScrollbarVisibilityInterface, setVerticalScrollbarVisibility(int), getHorizontalScrollbarVisibility()


public void setVerticalScrollbarVisibility(int newValue)
Specifies when a vertical scrollbar should be used: always, never, or as needed.

Specified by:
setVerticalScrollbarVisibility in interface ScrollbarVisibilityInterface
newValue - The newValue to assign the verticalScrollbarVisibility property. Possible values are SCROLLBARS_AS_NEEDED, SCROLLBARS_ALWAYS, and SCROLLBARS_NEVER.
See Also:
ScrollbarVisibilityInterface, getVerticalScrollbarVisibility(), setHorizontalScrollbarVisibility(int)


public void attachModel( model)
Framework method; call setModelInterface(model) instead.

Associates a model with this view. This view can only be associated with a single model at a time, therefore detachModel() must be called between two calls to attachModel().

Specified by:
attachModel in interface
attachModel in class ContainerVisualComponent
model - The model to attach. It must implement StaticTableInterface.
See Also:


public void detachModel( model)
Framework method; call setModelInterface(null) instead.

Disassociates a model from this view.

Specified by:
detachModel in interface
detachModel in class ContainerVisualComponent
model - The model to detach. Must have been previously attached via attachModel(model) instead.
See Also:


public void adjustmentValueChanged(java.awt.event.AdjustmentEvent event)
Processes an java.awt.event.AdjustmentEvent sent by the scrollbars. This is logically a protected method which is public solely to satisfy the java.awt.event.AdjustmentListener.html interface.

Specified by:
adjustmentValueChanged in interface java.awt.event.AdjustmentListener
event - The event to react to.


public void contentsChanged( event)
Processes a sent by the model. This is logically a protected method which is public solely to satisfy the interface.

Implementation note: The events are simply queued-up here and processed later, so subclasses will likely want to override processContentsChangedEvent() instead.

Specified by:
contentsChanged in interface
event - The event to react to.


public void propertyBagChanged( e)
Processes a sent by a style. This is logically a protected method which is public solely to satisfy the interface.

Specified by:
propertyBagChanged in interface
e - The event to react to.


public void propertyChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent e)
Processes a java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent sent by the model. This is logically a protected method which is public solely to satisfy the java.beans.PropertyChangeListener interface.

Specified by:
propertyChange in interface java.beans.PropertyChangeListener
propertyChange in class ContainerVisualComponent
e - The event to react to.
See Also:


public void setDefaultValues()
Sets default values for this component's non-transient fields. This is logically a protected method which is public solely to satisfy ContainerInterface.

Specified by:
setDefaultValues in interface ContainerInterface
Specified by:
setDefaultValues in interface VisualInterface
Specified by:
setDefaultValues in interface
setDefaultValues in class CompositeContainer
java.lang.IllegalStateException - Thrown if called a second time.
See Also:


protected TableView clone(double horizontalScale,
                          double verticalScale)
                   throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
Clones this component.

Constructs a clone, then calls cloneModelIndependentState (clone, horizontalScale, verticalScale) followed by cloneModelDependentState (clone, horizontalScale, verticalScale).

horizontalScale - Specifies the scaling factor that should be applied to any x-pixel values such as column widths. Normally one is specified, but if the clone is to be parented to a container (device) that has a different horizontal resolution than is in effect for this component, then the ratio of that resolution to the resolution in effect should be specified so that pixel values can be appropriately scaled.
verticalScale - Specifies the scaling factor that should be applied to any y-pixel values such as row heights. Normally one is specified, but if the clone is to be parented to a container (device) that has a different vertical resolution than is in effect for this component, then the ratio of that resolution to the resolution in effect should be specified so that pixel values can be appropriately scaled.
A clone of this component.
java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException - TableView supports cloning, but a subclass may not.
See Also:
cloneModelIndependentState(, double, double), cloneModelDependentState(, double, double)


protected void cloneModelDependentState(TableView clone,
                                        double horizontalScale,
                                        double verticalScale)
                                 throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
Clones this component's model dependent state. "Model dependent state" refers to the properties that are related to the data being viewed such as the sizes of individual rows and columns.

Called by clone(double, double).

clone - The instance that is to be this component's clone.
horizontalScale - Specifies the scaling factor that should be applied to any x-pixel values such as column widths. Normally one is specified, but if the clone is to be parented to a container (device) that has a different horizontal resolution than is in effect for this component, then the ratio of that resolution to the resolution in effect should be specified so that pixel values can be appropriately scaled.
verticalScale - Specifies the scaling factor that should be applied to any y-pixel values such as row heights. Normally one is specified, but if the clone is to be parented to a container (device) that has a different vertical resolution than is in effect for this component, then the ratio of that resolution to the resolution in effect should be specified so that pixel values can be appropriately scaled.
java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException - TableView supports cloning, but a subclass may not.
See Also:
cloneModelIndependentState(, double, double)


protected void cloneModelIndependentState(TableView clone,
                                          double horizontalScale,
                                          double verticalScale)
                                   throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
Clones this component's model independent state. "Model independent state" refers to the properties that are unrelated to the data being viewed such as selectionElement and defaultCellStyle .

Called by clone(double, double).

clone - The instance that is to be this component's clone.
horizontalScale - Specifies the scaling factor that should be applied to any x-pixel values such as column widths. Normally one is specified, but if the clone is to be parented to a container (device) that has a different horizontal resolution than is in effect for this component, then the ratio of that resolution to the resolution in effect should be specified so that pixel values can be appropriately scaled.
verticalScale - Specifies the scaling factor that should be applied to any y-pixel values such as row heights. Normally one is specified, but if the clone is to be parented to a container (device) that has a different vertical resolution than is in effect for this component, then the ratio of that resolution to the resolution in effect should be specified so that pixel values can be appropriately scaled.
java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException - TableView supports cloning, but a subclass may not.
See Also:
cloneModelDependentState(, double, double)


protected DataCell createCell(Row row,
                              Column col)
Factory method for creating cells. Default implementation instantiates a DataCell. Subclasses may override to provide a DataCell subclass.

row - The row that contains the cell.
col - The column that contains the cell.
A new cell.


protected Column createColumn(int index)
Factory method for creating columns. Default implementation instantiates a Column. Subclasses may override to provide a Column subclass.

index - The one-based position of the column in the model.
A new column.


protected LabelCell createColumnLabel(Column col)
Factory method for creating column labels. Default implementation instantiates a LabelCell. Subclasses may override to provide a LabelCell subclass.

col - The column that contains the label.
A new label.


protected LabelCell createOriginCell()
Factory method for creating the cell associated with the origin cell. Default implementation instantiates a LabelCell. Subclasses may override to provide a LabelCell subclass.

A new label.


protected Row createRow(int index)
Factory method for creating rows. Default implementation instantiates a Row. Subclasses may override to provide a Row subclass.

index - The one-based position of the row in the model.
A new row.


protected LabelCell createRowLabel(Row row)
Factory method for creating row labels. Default implementation instantiates a LabelCell. Subclasses may override to provide a LabelCell subclass.

row - The row that contains the label.
A new label.


protected int getDefaultColumnIndex()
Returns the index of the first column that should be displayed following a refresh.

A one-based column index.


protected int getDefaultRowIndex()
Returns the index of the first row that should be displayed following a refresh.

A one-based row index.


protected java.awt.Insets getLabelInsets()
Returns the label insets. By default, these are the regular insets, getInsets(), but subclasses that want to assume responsibility for measuring and painting their own row and column labels can override this without calling super to return larger insets in order to offset the data cells as TableView will always call this instead of getInsets().

The insets to use with this component.
See Also:


protected java.awt.Rectangle getTableBounds(java.awt.Graphics g)
Returns a rectangle that represents the location and size of the table within the component's bounds. In other words, where the "ink" is.

Called by getTableBounds() with null and by paint(Graphics g) with g.

Calls updateView().

g - The graphics context to format with. If null, one will be acquired if needed via getGraphics().
The copied value of the tableBounds property.
See Also:
getColumnLabelBounds(), getDataCellBounds(), getOriginCellBounds(), getPaintableBounds(), getRowLabelBounds()


protected TableView newTableView()
Deprecated. As of AppDevStudio version 1.1.


protected void paintTable(java.awt.Graphics g,
                          java.awt.Rectangle invalidBounds)
Paints the table. Called by paint().

g - The graphics context to use for painting.
invalidBounds - The area to paint.


protected void populatePopupMenu(java.awt.PopupMenu popupMenu,
                                 TableElement element)
Populates a popup menu based on a given context (element).

Called by processMouseEvent(event) with an empty popupMenu whenever both event.isPopupTrigger() and isPopupMenuVisible() return true.

popupMenu - The menu to populate.
element - The table element -- Cell, Column, Row, or null (the table itself) -- to use as context when populating the menu.
See Also:


protected void processEvent(java.awt.AWTEvent event)
Processes awt-events occurring on this component. By default this method does: if (isEnabled()) super.processEvent(event);.

processEvent in class java.awt.Container
event - The awt-event to process.


protected void processFocusEvent(java.awt.event.FocusEvent fe)
Processes focus events occurring on this component. Subclasses should always call super so that events are delivered to any FocusListeners.

processFocusEvent in class java.awt.Component
fe - The focus event.
See Also:


protected void processKeyEvent(java.awt.event.KeyEvent ke)
Processes key events occurring on this component. Subclasses should always call super so that events are delivered to any KeyListeners, but can still override TableView's behavior by consuming the event.

processKeyEvent in class java.awt.Component
ke - The key event.
See Also:
KeyListener, InputEvent.consume()


protected void processMouseEvent(java.awt.event.MouseEvent me)
Processes mouse events occurring on this component. Subclasses should always call super so that events are delivered to any MouseListeners, but can still override TableView's behavior by consuming the event.

processMouseEvent in class java.awt.Component
me - The mouse event.
See Also:
MouseListener, InputEvent.consume()


protected void processMouseMotionEvent(java.awt.event.MouseEvent me)
Processes mouse motion events occurring on this component. Subclasses should always call super so that events are delivered to any MouseMotionListeners, but can still override TableView's behavior by consuming the event.

processMouseMotionEvent in class java.awt.Component
me - The mouse motion event.
See Also:
MouseMotionListener, InputEvent.consume()


protected void updateView(java.awt.Graphics g)
Updates this view to reflect the current state of its model. Calls processChanges() followed-by formatView(g).

g - The graphics context to format with. If null, one will be acquired if needed via getGraphics().
See Also:
processChanges(), formatView(java.awt.Graphics)


protected void processChanges()
Processes any changes that have been reported by the model.

Calls processContentsChangedEvent() for each that has been queued by contentsChanged() and empties the queue.

Called by updateView().


protected boolean processContentsChangedEvent( event)
Processes a contents changed event.

Called by processChanges().

When the event indicates that everything has changed, onAllChanged() is called and true is returned.

event - The event to process.
true if everything changed, i.e. the equivalent of refresh(), and false otherwise


protected void onAllChanged()
Performs a complete refresh of the view's state from its model.

Called by processContentsChangedEvent().

This implementation resets some internal data structures and calls repaint().


protected void formatView(java.awt.Graphics g)
Formats the model's data as defined by this view.

Called by updateView(g).

Calls updateDisplayedColumns(g) and updateDisplayedRows(g).

g - The graphics context to format with. If null, one will be acquired if needed via getGraphics().


protected void updateDisplayedColumns(java.awt.Graphics g)
Updates the set of displayed columns.

Called by formatView(g).

Calls onSizeColumn().

g - The graphics context to format with.
See Also:
updateDisplayedRows(java.awt.Graphics), getDisplayedColumns()


protected void updateDisplayedRows(java.awt.Graphics g)
Updates the set of displayed rows.

Called by formatView(g).

Calls onSizeRow().

g - The graphics context to format with.
See Also:
updateDisplayedColumns(java.awt.Graphics), getDisplayedRows()


protected void onSizeColumn(Column col,
                            java.awt.Graphics g)
Sizes a given column.

Called by updateDisplayedColumns() whenever a column has no size (col.getSize() returns zero).

The default implementation is col.setPreferredSize (col.computePreferredSize(g));.

col - The column to size.
g - The graphics context to format with.
See Also:
onSizeRow(, java.awt.Graphics)


protected void onSizeRow(Row row,
                         java.awt.Graphics g)
Sizes a given row.

Called by updateDisplayedRows() whenever a row has no size (row.getSize() returns zero).

The default implementation is row.setPreferredSize (row.computePreferredSize(g));.

row - The row to size.
g - The graphics context to format with.
See Also:
onSizeColumn(, java.awt.Graphics)


protected void setCursor(java.awt.Point point)
Sets the cursor image based on a given mouse pointer location.

Called by processMouseMotionEvent().

point - The location of the mouse pointer.
See Also:


public void setCursor(java.awt.Cursor cursor)
Sets the cursor image to a predefined cursor.

setCursor in class java.awt.Component
cursor - One of the cursor constants defined by the Cursor class. If this parameter is null then this component will inherit the cursor of its parent.

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