Class IFileServiceSelectorPanel
All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionProviderViewInterface, SwingActionProviderViewInterface,, java.awt.image.ImageObserver, java.awt.MenuContainer,, java.util.EventListener, javax.accessibility.Accessible

public class IFileServiceSelectorPanel

IFileServiceSelectorPanel defines the panel to be used when directly accessing IFileService type file systems. Given a workspace and a path it will associate the default IFileService model, transforms, and column names with the RemoteFileServerModel.

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Examples for this class may be found on the Examples Site.

See Also:
IFileServiceModel, Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
buttonPanel, cancelled, columnNames, component, DRILL_DOWN_FILTER, drillDownFilter, filePanel, fileTypes, FILTER_TYPE_FILTER, filterTypeFilter, model, shortcutPanel, supportType, TABLE_DATA_FILTER, TABLE_HEADER_FILTER, tableColumnHeaderFilter, tableDataCellFilter, TOOLBAR_FILTER, toolbarFilter, transforms, viewerSupport, viewPanel
Constructor Summary
IFileServiceSelectorPanel(java.lang.String initialPath, workspace, java.util.Map fileTypes, boolean showDirectoriesOnly)
          This constructor allows the user to create a panel with the minimum required information.
IFileServiceSelectorPanel(java.lang.String initialPath, workspace,[] transformArray, java.lang.Object[] columnRenderers, java.lang.String[] nameArray, java.util.Map fileTypes, boolean showDirectoriesOnly)
          This constructor allows the user to specify all of the available parameters.
IFileServiceSelectorPanel(java.lang.String initialPath, workspace,[] transformArray, java.lang.String[] nameArray, java.util.Map fileTypes, boolean showDirectoriesOnly)
          This constructor allows the user to specify all of the available parameters.
Method Summary
 IFileServiceModel getServiceModel()
          Returns the model that is used to communicate with the file system.
static java.util.List showDialog(java.awt.Frame parent, java.lang.String titleOfDialog, boolean modal, int typeOfDialog, java.lang.String initialPath, workspace, boolean returnSelectedItems, boolean showDirectoriesOnly)
          Displays the dialog for the IFileServiceSelector.
static java.util.List showDialog(java.awt.Frame parent, java.lang.String titleOfDialog, boolean modal, int typeOfDialog, java.lang.String initialPath, workspace, boolean returnSelectedItems, boolean showDirectoriesOnly, IFileServiceSelectorPanel panel)
          Displays the dialog for the IFileServiceSelector.
Methods inherited from class
contentsChanged, getActionProvider, getActionSupportFilter, getActionSupportType, getReturnedInformation, getUniqueId, getViewComponent, initialize, initialize, isActionVisible, isCancelled, isShowDirectoriesOnly, listActionTypes, listAreaTypes, setActionProvider, setActionSupportType, setActionVisible, setCancelled, setColumnLabels, setDialogType, setServiceModel, setShowButtonPanel, setShowDirectoriesOnly, setShowFileNamePanel, setShowShortcutPanel, setTransforms, setUniqueId, showDialog

Constructor Detail


public IFileServiceSelectorPanel(java.lang.String initialPath,
                                 java.util.Map fileTypes,
                                 boolean showDirectoriesOnly)
This constructor allows the user to create a panel with the minimum required information. The panel default values are used for all other parameters.

initialPath - the initial file system path to be displayed
workspace - the IOM IWorkspace used to view the file system
fileTypes - allows specification of a Map of display values and filter values for restricting the types of files being viewed
showDirectoriesOnly - specifies whether to show the directory structure only (true) or show the structure and the files (false)


public IFileServiceSelectorPanel(java.lang.String initialPath,
                       [] transformArray,
                                 java.lang.String[] nameArray,
                                 java.util.Map fileTypes,
                                 boolean showDirectoriesOnly)
This constructor allows the user to specify all of the available parameters.

initialPath - the initial file system path to be displayed
workspace - the IOM IWorkspace used to view the file system
transformArray - an array of transforms used to retrieve the file system data for display
nameArray - an array of Strings used to label the table column headers
fileTypes - allows specification of a Map of display values and filter values for restricting the types of files being viewed
showDirectoriesOnly - specifies whether to show the directory structure only (true) or show the structure and the files (false)


public IFileServiceSelectorPanel(java.lang.String initialPath,
                       [] transformArray,
                                 java.lang.Object[] columnRenderers,
                                 java.lang.String[] nameArray,
                                 java.util.Map fileTypes,
                                 boolean showDirectoriesOnly)
This constructor allows the user to specify all of the available parameters.

initialPath - the initial file system path to be displayed
workspace - the IOM IWorkspace used to view the file system
transformArray - an array of transforms used to retrieve the file system data for display
nameArray - an array of Strings used to label the table column headers
columnRenderers - an array of cell renderers used to format the column values
fileTypes - allows specification of a Map of display values and filter values for restricting the types of files being viewed
showDirectoriesOnly - specifies whether to show the directory structure only (true) or show the structure and the files (false)
Method Detail


public static java.util.List showDialog(java.awt.Frame parent,
                                        java.lang.String titleOfDialog,
                                        boolean modal,
                                        int typeOfDialog,
                                        java.lang.String initialPath,
                                        boolean returnSelectedItems,
                                        boolean showDirectoriesOnly)
Displays the dialog for the IFileServiceSelector.

parent - the parent window of the dialog
titleOfDialog - the title of the dialog window
modal - specfies whether the dialog is to be modal
typeOfDialog - specifies whether this dialog functions as a Save, Open, or OK window. Specify OK = 0, Save = 1, Open = 2
initialPath - the initial file system path to be displayed
workspace - the IOM IWorkspace used to view the file system.
returnSelectedItems - determines whether to return information about the file selections when the window is closed
showDirectoriesOnly - specifies whether to show the directory structure only (true) or show the structure and the files (false)
list containing Strings representing the file selections made in the window
See Also:


public static java.util.List showDialog(java.awt.Frame parent,
                                        java.lang.String titleOfDialog,
                                        boolean modal,
                                        int typeOfDialog,
                                        java.lang.String initialPath,
                                        boolean returnSelectedItems,
                                        boolean showDirectoriesOnly,
                                        IFileServiceSelectorPanel panel)
Displays the dialog for the IFileServiceSelector. Allows specification of alternate panel to be displayed.

parent - the parent window of the dialog
titleOfDialog - the title of the dialog window
modal - specfies whether the dialog is to be modal
typeOfDialog - specifies whether this dialog functions as a Save, Open, or OK window. Specify OK = 0, Save = 1, Open = 2
initialPath - the initial file system path to be displayed
workspace - the IOM IWorkspace used to view the file system
returnSelectedItems - determines whether to return information about the file selections when the window is closed
showDirectoriesOnly - specifies whether to show the directory structure only (true) or show the structure and the files (false)
panel - allows specification of a selector panel other than the default panel
list containing Strings representing the file selections made in the window
See Also:


public IFileServiceModel getServiceModel()
Returns the model that is used to communicate with the file system.

the model

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