Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.


The primary focus of the package is to provide the classes making up the model portion of the Remote File Selector.


Interface Summary
RemoteFileMetadataInterface RemoteFileMetadataInterface defines the interface of a metadata storage class for various types of remote files.
RemoteFileSearchModelInterface An interface describing necessary methods for remote file search models.
RemoteFileServerModelInterface RemoteFileServerModelInterface defines the model interface that communicates between the service model and the user interface.
RemoteFileServiceModelInterface RemoteFileServiceModelInterface defines the interface needed for service models to be able to communicate with the RemoteFileServerModel.

Class Summary
BaseRemoteFileMetadata BaseRemoteFileMetadata defines an abstract class that implements the RemoteFileMetadataInterface.
CacheModel CacheModel defines the model that communicates between the service model and the user interface.
RemoteFileDrillableToObjectTransform RemoteFileDrillableToObjectTransform class reads whether the display item is drillable.
RemoteFileMetadataNameToStringTransform RemoteFileDrillableToObjectTransform class reads whether the display item is drillable.
RemoteFilePathToObjectTransform RemoteFilePathToObjectTransform class reads the file system path metadata attribute.
RemoteFileServerModel RemoteFileServerModel defines the model that communicates between the service model and the user interface.
Util Utility methods used by the RemoteFileSelector.

Package Description

The primary focus of the package is to provide the classes making up the model portion of the Remote File Selector. There are classes for the basic user interface model, a data cache model, and the metadata classes representing the actual file system information.

Remote File Selector Model


The RemoteFileServerModelInterface and RemoteFileServerModel classes form the basis of the server side model that communicates information to the user interface for display. Uses a service model to communicate with the actual host file system.

The RemoteFileServiceModelInterface the base interface describing the necessary functions that a service model must support.

The RemoteFileSearchModelInterface the base interface describing the necessary functions that a search model must support.

The CacheModel is used by the remote server model to cache information about the file system. It stores the information already gathered from the file system making subsequent navigation to a location faster.

The BaseRemoteFileMetadata and RemoteFileMetadataInterface classes are used to store the file system information.

The RemoteFileDrillableToObjectTransform, RemoteFileMetadataNameToStringTransform, and RemoteFilePathToObjectTransform are a generic way to get the file system information from the metadata objects.


Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

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