Uses of Class

Packages that use Filter Provides a set of interfaces for accessing OLAP data. Provides a set of classes for accessing OLAP data from the SAS OLAP Server. 

Uses of Filter in

Methods in with parameters of type Filter
static boolean OLAPActionProviderUtil.isMeasure(java.lang.String uniqueLevelName, OLAPDataSetInterface model, AxisInterface axis, Filter metadataFilter)
static boolean OLAPActionProviderUtil.isMeasure(TupleElementInterface tupleElement, OLAPDataSetInterface model, AxisInterface axis, Filter metadataFilter)

Uses of Filter in

Methods in that return Filter
 Filter SchemaInterface.getFilter()
          Returns a copy of the Filter object that was used to obtain this SchemaInterface.
 Filter PropertyInterface.getFilter()
          Returns a copy of the Filter object that was used to obtain this PropertyInterface.
 Filter MemberInterface.getFilter()
          Returns a copy of the Filter object that was used to obtain this MemberInterface.
 Filter MeasureInterface.getFilter()
          Returns a copy of the Filter object that was used to obtain this MeasureInterface.
 Filter LevelInterface.getFilter()
          Returns a copy of the Filter object that was used to obtain this LevelInterface.
 Filter HierarchyInterface.getFilter()
          Returns a copy of the Filter object that was used to obtain this HierarchyInterface.
 Filter DimensionInterface.getFilter()
          Returns a copy of the Filter object that was used to obtain this DimensionInterface.
 Filter CubeInterface.getFilter()
          Returns a copy of the Filter object that was used to obtain this CubeInterface.

Methods in with parameters of type Filter
 CubeInterface MetadataInterface.getCube(Filter filter)
          Returns the cube with the appropriate restrictions
 CubeInterface[] MetadataInterface.getCubes(Filter filter)
          Returns the cube(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 DimensionInterface MetadataInterface.getDimension(Filter filter)
          Returns the dimension with the appropriate restrictions
 DimensionInterface[] MetadataInterface.getDimensions(Filter filter)
          Returns the dimension(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 HierarchyInterface[] MetadataInterface.getHierarchies(Filter filter)
          Returns the hierarchies with the appropriate restrictions
 HierarchyInterface MetadataInterface.getHierarchy(Filter filter)
          Returns the hierarchy with the appropriate restrictions
 LevelInterface MetadataInterface.getLevel(Filter filter)
          Returns the level with the appropriate restrictions
 LevelInterface[] MetadataInterface.getLevels(Filter filter)
          Returns the level(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 MeasureInterface MetadataInterface.getMeasure(Filter filter)
          Returns the measure with the appropriate restrictions
 MeasureInterface[] MetadataInterface.getMeasures(Filter filter)
          Returns the measure(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 MemberInterface[] MetadataInterface.getMembers(Filter filter, int start, int count)
          Returns the member(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 PropertyInterface[] MetadataInterface.getProperties(Filter filter)
          Returns the properties with the appropriate restrictions
 PropertyInterface MetadataInterface.getProperty(Filter filter)
          Returns the property with the appropriate restrictions
 SchemaInterface MetadataInterface.getSchema(Filter filter)
          Returns the schema with the appropriate restrictions
 SchemaInterface[] MetadataInterface.getSchemas(Filter filter)
          Returns the schema(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 boolean Filter.isMatch(Filter filter)
          It compares one to one all the restrictions of the received Filter to the internal restrictions

Uses of Filter in

Fields in declared as Filter
protected  Filter Schema.filter
protected  Filter Property.filter
protected  Filter Member.filter
protected  Filter Measure.filter
protected  Filter Level.filter
protected  Filter Hierarchy.filter
protected  Filter Dimension.filter
protected  Filter Cube.filter

Methods in that return Filter
 Filter Schema.getFilter()
 Filter Property.getFilter()
 Filter Member.getFilter()
 Filter Measure.getFilter()
 Filter Level.getFilter()
          Get the Filter with the properties used to create this object
 Filter Hierarchy.getFilter()
          Get the filter with the properties used to create this object.
 Filter Dimension.getFilter()
          A filter object containing information used in creating this dimension.
 Filter Cube.getFilter()
          This filter is filled from the information it has after the server call.

Methods in with parameters of type Filter
static void Metadata.clearCache(Filter filter, java.lang.Object connObject, int cacheType)
          Clear the cache that matches the filter and cache type.
 CubeInterface Metadata.getCube(Filter filter)
          Returns the cube(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 CubeInterface[] Metadata.getCubes(Filter filter)
          Returns the cube(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 DimensionInterface Metadata.getDimension(Filter filter)
 DimensionInterface[] Metadata.getDimensions(Filter filter)
          Returns the dimension(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 HierarchyInterface[] Metadata.getHierarchies(Filter filter)
          Returns the hierarchies(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 HierarchyInterface Metadata.getHierarchy(Filter filter)
 LevelInterface Metadata.getLevel(Filter filter)
 LevelInterface[] Metadata.getLevels(Filter filter)
          Returns the level(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 MeasureInterface Metadata.getMeasure(Filter filter)
          Returns the measure(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 MeasureInterface[] Metadata.getMeasures(Filter filter)
          Returns the measure(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 MemberInterface[] Metadata.getMembers(Filter filter, int start, int count)
          Returns a count number of members(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 PropertyInterface[] Metadata.getProperties(Filter filter)
          Returns the properties with the appropriate restrictions
 PropertyInterface Metadata.getProperty(Filter filter)
          Returns the properties with the appropriate restrictions
 SchemaInterface Metadata.getSchema(Filter filter)
          Return the schema that match the filter restriction
 SchemaInterface[] Metadata.getSchemas(Filter filter)
          Return the schemas that match the filter restriction

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