Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.


Provides classes and interfaces for all form element Transformation Beans.


Interface Summary
FormElementModificationEventInterface Interface that allows the user to get the JavaScript event associated with modification for form elements.

Class Summary
BaseCheckBox The BaseCheckBox is an abstract TransformationBean™ for creating a checkbox.
BaseChoiceBox The BaseChoiceBox is an abstract TransformationBean™ for creating a ChoiceBox.
BaseComboBoxView The BaseComboBoxView is an abstract TransformationBean™ for creating a ComboBoxView.
BaseFormElement The BaseFormElement is an abstract TransformationBean™ used to create the Form Element.
BaseHidden The BaseHidden is an abstract TransformationBean™ for creating hidden input fields.
BaseImage The BaseImage is an abstract TransformationBean™ used to create an Image.
BaseInput The BaseInput is an abstract TransformationBean™ for creating INPUT elements.
BaseListBox The BaseListBox is an abstract TransformationBean™ for creating a ListBox input field.
BaseListBoxView The BaseListBox is an abstract TransformationBean™ for creating a ListBoxView input field.
BasePassword The BasePassword is an abstract TransformationBean™ for creating a password input field.
BasePushButton The BasePushButton is an abstract TransformationBean™ for creating a pushbutton.
BaseRadio The BaseRadio is an abstract TransformationBean™ for creating a Radio input field, which is used for attributes which can take a single value from a set of alternatives.
BaseTextArea The BaseTextArea is an abstract TransformationBean™ for creating a TextArea input field.
BaseTextEntry The BaseTextEntry is an abstract TransformationBean™ for creating a text input field.

Package Description

Provides classes and interfaces for all form element Transformation Beans.

Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

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