Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.


Interface Summary
FileSelectionInterface FileSelectionInterface is implemented by prompt types which allow a user to specify prompts from a logical server.
MutableFileSelectionInterface MutableFileSelectionInterface is implemented by prompt types which allow a user to specify prompts from a logical server.
MutableRequiredDefinitionInterface Interface which allows a prompt to be configured such that a value is required to be entered before processing can continue.
MutableSelectableDefinitionInterface Modifiable extension to the SelectableDefinitionInterface.
PromptDefinitionInterface Interface used by all classes which define types of prompts.
SelectableDefinitionInterface Interface for prompts which may support multiple values.

Class Summary
BaseDefinitionRange Base class for range definitions.
BaseFileDefinition Base class for prompts which allow the user to specify a file location.
ColorDefinition ColorDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of one color value.
DataSourceColumnDefinition DataSourceColumnDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of one or more columns from a physical table or DataItems from an InformationMap registered in metadata.
DataSourceDefinition DataSourceDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of one or more data sources registered in metadata.
DateRangeDefinition DateDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of a range of dates by specifying a minimum and maximum date.
DoubleDefinition DoubleDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of one or more double values.
DoubleRangeDefinition DoubleRangeDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of a range of double values by specifying minimum and maximum values for the range.
InputFileDefinition InputFileDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of an input file from a SAS server.
IntegerDefinition IntegerDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of one or more integer values.
IntegerRangeDefinition IntegerRangeDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of an integer range consisting of a minimum and maximum value.
ModalGroupDefinition ModalGroupDefinition is a prompt type is used in a ModalGroup to assocate with the value of the selected ModalChoiceGroup.
OutputFileDefinition InputFileDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of an output file from a SAS server.
PromptDefinition Base class for implementing the PromptDefinitionInterface.
SASLibraryDefinition Prompt definition allowing the user to enter or pick the location of a SAS library in the SAS Folders metadata tree.
StringRangeDefinition StringRangeDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of an string range consisting of a minimum and maximum value.
TextDefinition Prompt definition for standard text entry prompts.

Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

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