Uses of Class

Packages that use AttributeType Defines interfaces and classes for Entities, which are a dynamic extension of Java Beans. 

Uses of AttributeType in

Fields in declared as AttributeType
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
          Constant for creating a boolean AttributeType
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.BYTE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
          Constant for creating a byte AttributeType
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
          Constant for creating a char AttributeType
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.COLOR_STRING_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
          Constant for creating special color AttributeType (sql type = Types.VARCHAR)
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.DATE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
          Constant for creating a Date AttributeType (sql type = Types.DATE)
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.DOUBLE_ARRAY_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
          Constant for creating a double array AttributeType
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.DOUBLE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
          Constant for creating a double AttributeType
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.FLOAT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
          Constant for creating a float AttributeType
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.INT_ARRAY_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
          Constant for creating an int array AttributeType
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.INT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
          Constant for creating an int AttributeType
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.LONG_ARRAY_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
          Constant for creating a long array AttributeType
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.LONG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
          Constant for creating a long AttributeType
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.NULL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
          Constant for creating a long array AttributeType
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.OBJECT_ARRAY_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
          Constant for creating a java.lang.Object array AttributeType
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
          Constant for creating a java.lang.Object AttributeType
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.SHORT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
          Constant for creating a short AttributeType
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.STRING_ARRAY_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
          Constant for creating a java.lang.String array AttributeType
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.STRING_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
          Constant for creating a java.lang.String AttributeType
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.TIME_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
          Constant for creating Time AttributeType (sql type = Types.TIME)
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.TIMESTAMP_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
          Constant for creating TimeStamp AttributeType (sql type = Types.TIMESTAMP)

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