Uses of Class

Packages that use FilterException Provides adapter components used to convert native models to models which can then be used with filter components. Provides classes for generating a qualifiers selector that is used within the Filter and Ranking Selectors for OLAP data. 

Uses of FilterException in

Methods in that throw FilterException
 MetadataInterface FilterBaseModelData.createMetadata()
          Attempts to create a MetadataInterface from the base model if one is not already available.
protected  java.lang.String DefaultAdvancedFilterModelAdapter.getFilterQualifierSkipID(java.lang.Object nativeItem)
          Returns the identifier for the given native object that the filter qualifier editor will expect to receive to properly display and function.
protected  java.lang.String BusinessQueryToAdvancedFilterModelAdapter.getFilterQualifierSkipID(java.lang.Object nativeItem)
          Returns the identifier for the given native object that the filter qualifier editor will expect to receive to properly display and function.
 MetadataInterface BaseFilterObjectFactory.getMetadataInterface()
          Returns a MetadataInterface instance that should connect with the first DataSource in the current BusinessModel.
 java.util.List DefaultAdvancedFilterModelAdapter.getSystemVariableValueList(java.lang.Object item)
          Returns a List of applicable system variable values.
 java.util.List OLAPMemberTreeModel.getTreePathNodeList( dataItem, java.lang.String memberName)
          Returns a List of the OLAPMemberTreeNodes in order from the root of the tree model to the target node representing the unique cube member with the specified properties.
 java.util.List OLAPMemberTreeModel.getTreePathNodeList(FilterItemInterface filterItem, FilterValueInterface filterValue)
          Returns a List of the OLAPMemberTreeNodes in order from the root of the tree model to the target node representing the unique cube member derived from the given parameters.
 java.util.List OLAPMemberTreePathFactoryInterface.getTreePathNodeList(FilterItemInterface filterItem, FilterValueInterface filterValue)
          Returns a List of the OLAPMemberTreeNodes in order from the root of the tree model to the target node representing the unique cube member derived from the given parameters.
 java.util.List OLAPMemberTreeModel.getTreePathNodeList(FilterValueInterface filterValue)
          Returns a List of the OLAPMemberTreeNodes in order from the root of the tree model to the target node representing the unique cube member derived from the given parameters.
 java.util.List OLAPMemberTreePathFactoryInterface.getTreePathNodeList(FilterValueInterface filterValue)
          Returns a List of the OLAPMemberTreeNodes in order from the root of the tree model to the target node representing the unique cube member derived from the given parameters.
static java.util.List OLAPMemberTreeModel.getTreePathNodeList(OLAPMemberTreeModel tree, MetadataInterface metadata, java.lang.String cubeName, java.lang.String memberName)
          Returns a List of the OLAPMemberTreeNodes in order from the root of the tree model to the target node representing the unique cube member with the specified properties.
 java.util.List OLAPMemberTreeModel.getTreePathNodeList(java.lang.String memberName)
          Returns a List of the OLAPMemberTreeNodes in order from the root of the tree model to the target node representing the unique cube member with the specified properties.
 java.util.List OLAPMemberTreePathFactoryInterface.getTreePathNodeList(java.lang.String memberName)
          Returns a List of the OLAPMemberTreeNodes in order from the root of the tree model to the target node representing the unique cube member with the specified properties.
 java.util.List OLAPMemberTreeModel.getTreePathNodeList(java.lang.String cubeName, java.lang.String memberName)
          Returns a List of the OLAPMemberTreeNodes in order from the root of the tree model to the target node representing the unique cube member with the specified properties.
 java.util.List OLAPMemberTreePathFactoryInterface.getTreePathNodeList(java.lang.String cubeName, java.lang.String memberName)
          Returns a List of the OLAPMemberTreeNodes in order from the root of the tree model to the target node representing the unique cube member with the specified properties.
 boolean DefaultAdvancedFilterModelAdapter.isValidFilter(FilterLogicTestNodeInterface testNode)
          Attempts to validate the filter represented by the given test node.
 boolean BusinessQueryToAdvancedFilterModelAdapter.isValidFilter(FilterLogicTestNodeInterface testNode)
          Attempts to validate the filter represented by the given test node.
 boolean AdvancedFilterModelInterface.isValidFilter(FilterLogicTestNodeInterface testNode)
          Validates the filter.

Uses of FilterException in

Methods in that throw FilterException
 java.util.List OLAPDimensionTreeModel.getTreePathNodeList(FilterItemInterface filterItem, FilterValueInterface filterValue)
 java.util.List OLAPDimensionTreeModel.getTreePathNodeList(FilterValueInterface filterValue)
 java.util.List OLAPDimensionTreeModel.getTreePathNodeList(java.lang.String memberName)
 java.util.List OLAPDimensionTreeModel.getTreePathNodeList(java.lang.String cubeName, java.lang.String memberName)

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