Publishing Framework
Viewing Subscription DetailsTo view the details of a subscription:
Subscription details are divided between the following two tabs. The Subscription tab displays the following information:
The Channel tab displays a description of the channel, its subject, and any associated keywords and reference keys.
You cannot view subscription details for channels
to which you are subscribed as part of a group.
However, to view the details of a group subscription to a channel,
you can duplicate the subscription as a personal subscription
and you can then view those details.
( Regardless of the duplicate subscription, you receive channel information only based on the delivery properties of your personal channel subscription. Therefore, you receive only one package, not two, based on your personal subscription properties. Note: If you cannot view existing subscriptions that you previously created and existing channels to which you previously subscribed using SAS Subscription Manager, Release 1.1, your existing channel and subscriber definitions are out of date. To fix this problem, the publishing framework administrator at your site must explicitly update the schema files to SAS Version 9. |