Directory Services
LDAPS_ADDAdds new entries to an LDAP directory. SyntaxCALL LDAPS_ADD(lHandle, entryName, rc, attr, numValues, attrVal1, ...attrValN, <attr, numValues, attrVal1, ...attrValN>);
DetailsOne or more attributes may be specified. Each attribute name must be followed by the number of attribute values, then followed by a comma separated list of one or more attribute values. ExampleThe following example adds two single-value entries to a distinguished name. dn = ",o=Alphalite Airways,c=US"; attrName = "objectclass"; objValue = "SASDomain"; attrName2 = "node"; nodeValue = ""; CALL LDAPS_ADD(lHandle, dn, rc, attrName, 1, objValue, attrName2, 1, nodeValue); The following example adds three attributes, one with multiple values. dn="sasSubscriberCn=JohnSmith,cn=sassubscribers, sasComponent=sasPublishSubscribe,cn=SAS,o=Alphalite Airways,c=US"; attrName = "objectclass"; objValue = "sassubscriber"; attrName2 = "sasEntryInclusionFilter"; val = "gif"; val2 = "dataset"; htmlvalue = "html"; attrnName3 = "sasPersonDN"; val3 = "uid=JSmith,ou=people,o=Alphalite Airways,c=us"; CALL LDAPS_ADD(lHandle, dn, rc, attrName, 1, objValue, attrName2, 3, val, val2, htmlvalue, attrName3, 1, val3); |