absolute(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Moves to an absolute row number in the result set.
acceptsURL(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADriver
Returns True if the driver thinks that it can open a connection to the given URL, else returns False.
addBatch() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
JDBC 2.0 Adds a set of parameters to the batch.
addBatch(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
JDBC 2.0 Adds a SQL command to the current batch of commmands for the statement.
addEngine(ProtocolEngineInterface) - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
afterLast() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Moves to the end of the result set, just after the last row.
allProceduresAreCallable() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether all stored procedures are callable.
allTablesAreSelectable() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether all accessible tables are selectable.


beforeFirst() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Moves to the front of the result set, just before the first row.
bookmarkLength - Variable in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
bookmarkLength - Variable in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
bookmarkLengthHolder - Variable in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
bookmarkLengthHolder - Variable in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
BrgOrb - class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb.
This is the root class of JavaBridge, a standard, non-interoperable CORBA ORB.
BrgOrb() - Constructor for class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
BrgOrb(Properties) - Constructor for class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb


cancel() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
Cancel can be used by one thread to cancel a statement that is being executed by another thread.
cancelRowUpdates() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 The cancelRowUpdates() method may be called after calling an updateXXX() method(s) and before calling updateRow() to rollback the updates made to a row.
CHARACTER - Static variable in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
clearBatch() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
JDBC 2.0 Make the set of commands in the current batch empty.
clearParameters() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
Clears all the parameters.
clearWarnings() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
Clears the warnings for this Statement.
clearWarnings() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
Clears the warnings.
clearWarnings() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
After this call getWarnings returns null until a new warning is reported for this ResultSet.
close() - Method in interface com.sas.iom.Connection
Notify the workspace factory that you are done with the IWorkspace object obtained from this connector.
close() - Method in class com.sas.iom.WorkspaceConnector
Notify the workspace factory that you are done with the IWorkspace object obtained from this connector.
close() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
In many cases, it is desirable to immediately release a Statements's database and JDBC resources instead of waiting for this to happen when it is automatically closed; the close method provides this immediate release.
close() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
In some cases, it is desirable to immediately release a Connection's database and JDBC resources instead of waiting for them to be automatically released; the close method provides this immediate release.
close() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Closes the ResultSet.
closePool(Hashtable, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.sas.iom.WorkspacePoolDriver
Deprecated. Close all unused workspace objects in the appropriate pool(s).
Column - class com.sas.rio.Column.
This is the Column class which defines a columns' attributes.
Column() - Constructor for class com.sas.rio.Column
Constructs a Column object.
com.sas.iom - package com.sas.iom
com.sas.net.brg.orb - package com.sas.net.brg.orb
com.sas.net.jca - package com.sas.net.jca
com.sas.net.util - package com.sas.net.util
com.sas.rio - package com.sas.rio
commit() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
Closes all the open Statement and PreparedStatement objects that are associated with this object.
connect(String, Properties) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADriver
Attempts to make a database connection to the server specified by the URL.
Connection - interface com.sas.iom.Connection.
This is the interface between pooled connections to IWorkspace objects and the pool manager.
ConnectionFactory - interface com.sas.net.jca.ConnectionFactory.
A connection factory provides an interface to get a connection to an EIS instance.
corbaToJava(long, Calendar) - Static method in class com.sas.net.util.DateConverter
Convert a CORBA date to a Java date.
create_alias_tc(String, String, TypeCode) - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
Create a TypeCode object representing another TypeCode object.
create_any() - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
Create an Any object.
create_array_tc(int, TypeCode) - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
Create a TypeCode object representing an array.
create_context_list() - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
Create a list of Context objects.
create_enum_tc(String, String, String[]) - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
Create a TypeCode object representing an enum.
create_environment() - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
Creates an environment which holds the exception raised by an operation invocation.
create_exception_list() - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
Create a list of exceptions raised by an operation.
create_exception_tc(String, String, StructMember[]) - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
Create a TypeCode object representing an exception.
create_interface_tc(String, String) - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
Create a TypeCode object representing an interface.
create_list(int) - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
Create a name/value pair list.
create_named_value(String, Any, int) - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
Create a name/value pair.
create_output_stream() - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
Create a stream for serializing parameters.
create_recursive_sequence_tc(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
create_sequence_tc(int, TypeCode) - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
Create a TypeCode object representing a sequence.
create_string_tc(int) - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
Create a TypeCode object representing a string.
create_struct_tc(String, String, StructMember[]) - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
Create a TypeCode object representing a struct.
create_union_tc(String, String, TypeCode, UnionMember[]) - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
Create a TypeCode object representing a union.
create_wstring_tc(int) - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
Create a TypeCode object representing a wide string.
createConnectionFactory() - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
Get a connection factory for connections created by this object.
createConnectionFactory(ConnectionManager) - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
Get a connection factory for connections created by this object.
createManagedConnection(Subject, ConnectionRequestInfo) - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
Create a managed connection.
createStatement() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
Creates a Statement object.
createStatement(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
JDBC 2.0 Same as createStatement() above, but allows the default result set type and result set concurrency type to be overridden.
createTable(String, String, Column[], String) - Method in interface com.sas.rio.RIOStatementInterface
Creates a new table with the name specified in the tableName String.
createTable(String, String, Column[], String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
RIO Creates a new table with the name specified in the tableName String.
createWorkspaceByLogicalName(String, String, String, String, Properties) - Method in class com.sas.iom.WorkspaceFactory
Creates a new connection to a workspace object using LDAP information.
createWorkspaceByServer(Properties) - Method in class com.sas.iom.WorkspaceFactory
Creates a new IWorkspace object based on Server definitions.


dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether a data definition statement within a transaction forces the transaction to commit.
dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether a data definition statement within a transaction is ignored.
DATE - Static variable in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
DateConverter - class com.sas.net.util.DateConverter.
This class has methods that convert one date format to another.
DateConverter() - Constructor for class com.sas.net.util.DateConverter
DATETIME - Static variable in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
deleteRow() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Delete the current row from the result set and the underlying database.
deletesAreDetected(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
JDBC 2.0 Determines whether or not a visible row delete can be detected by calling ResultSet.rowDeleted().
deleteTable(String, String) - Method in interface com.sas.rio.RIOStatementInterface
Deletes the table with the name specified in the tableName String.
deleteTable(String, String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
Deletes the table with the name specified in the tableName String.
deleteTable(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.sas.rio.RIOStatementInterface
Deletes the table for the specified tableType with the name specified in the tableName String.
deleteTable(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
RIO Deletes the table for the specified tableType with the name specified in the tableName String.
destroy() - Method in class com.sas.iom.WorkspaceFactory
Immediately disconnects all live connections to remote workspace object including allocated connections and connections in progress.
destroy(String, String) - Method in class com.sas.iom.WorkspaceFactory
Immediately disconnects all live connections to remote workspace object including allocated connections and connections in progress.
direction - Variable in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether getMaxRowSize() includes LONGVARCHAR and LONGVARBINARY blobs.


equals(Object) - Method in class com.sas.iom.WorkspaceFactory
Compares an object with this factory for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
Returns true if the given object is equal to this object.
execute() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
Executes a query.
execute(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
Execute a SQL statement that may return multiple results.
executeBatch() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
JDBC 2.0 Submit a batch of commands to the database for execution.
executeQuery() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
Executes a prepared SQL query and returns the ResultSet.
executeQuery(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
Execute a SQL statement that returns a single ResultSet.
executeUpdate() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
Executes an SQL INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement.
executeUpdate(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
Executes an SQL INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement.


fillInStackTrace() - Method in class com.sas.net.util.RuntimeWrapperException
fillInStackTrace() - Method in class com.sas.net.util.WrapperException
findColumn(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Maps a Resultset column name to a ResultSet column index.
first() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Moves to the first row in the result set.


get_current() - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
get_default_context() - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
Create a Context object.
get_next_response() - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
get_primitive_tc(TCKind) - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
Get the TypeCode object representing a particular primitive type.
getActiveObjectMap() - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
getActiveObjectMapKey() - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
getArray(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
JDBC 2.0 Gets an Array OUT parameter.
getArray(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Get an array column.
getArray(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Get an array column.
getAsciiStream(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java InputStream.
getAsciiStream(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java InputStream.
getAutoCommit() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
SAS software does not support transactions.
getBestRowIdentifier(String, String, String, int, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets a description of a table's optimal set of columns that uniquely identifies a row.
getBigDecimal(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
getBigDecimal(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.math.BigDecimal object.
getBigDecimal(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
getBigDecimal(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
getBigDecimal(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.math.BigDecimal object.
getBigDecimal(String, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
getBinaryStream(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java InputStream.
getBinaryStream(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java InputStream.
getBlob(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
JDBC 2.0 Gets a BLOB OUT parameter.
getBlob(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Get a BLOB column.
getBlob(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Get a BLOB column.
getBoolean(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
This method is not supported.
getBoolean(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java boolean.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java boolean.
getByGroup() - Method in class com.sas.rio.Options
Gets an MVAResultSet object containing rows of a by-group.
getByStatement() - Method in class com.sas.rio.Options
Gets the SAS BY statement text.
getByte(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
This method is not supported.
getByte(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java byte.
getByte(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java byte.
getBytes(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
This method is not supported.
getBytes(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java byte array.
getBytes(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java byte array.
getCatalog() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
Gets the Connection's current catalog name.
getCatalogName(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
Gets the catalog name of the table that the column is in.
getCatalogs() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets the catalog names that are available in this database.
getCatalogSeparator() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets the separator that is being used between the catalog name and the table name.
getCatalogTerm() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets the preferred term for "catalog".
getCharacterStream(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.io.Reader.
getCharacterStream(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.io.Reader.
getClob(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
JDBC 2.0 Gets a CLOB OUT parameter.
getClob(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Get a CLOB column.
getClob(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Get a CLOB column.
getColumnClassName(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
JDBC 2.0 Gets the fully qualified name of the Java class whose instances are manufactured if ResultSet.getObject() is called to retrieve a value from the column.
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
Gets the number of columns in the ResultSet.
getColumnDisplaySize(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
Gets the normal maximum width of the column (in characters).
getColumnFormatDecimal() - Method in class com.sas.rio.Column
Gets the format decimal of the column.
getColumnFormatDecimal(int) - Method in interface com.sas.rio.RIOResultSetMetaDataInterface
Gets the format decimal of the column.
getColumnFormatDecimal(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
RIO Gets the format decimal of the column.
getColumnFormatDecimals() - Method in interface com.sas.rio.RIOResultSetMetaDataInterface
Gets the format lengths of the columns in the ResultSet.
getColumnFormatDecimals() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
RIO Gets the format lengths of the columns in the ResultSet.
getColumnFormatLength() - Method in class com.sas.rio.Column
Gets the format length of the column.
getColumnFormatLength(int) - Method in interface com.sas.rio.RIOResultSetMetaDataInterface
Gets the format length of the column.
getColumnFormatLength(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
RIO Gets the format length of the column.
getColumnFormatLengths() - Method in interface com.sas.rio.RIOResultSetMetaDataInterface
Gets the format lengths of the columns in the ResultSet.
getColumnFormatLengths() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
RIO Gets the format lengths of the columns in the ResultSet.
getColumnFormatName() - Method in class com.sas.rio.Column
Gets the format name of the column.
getColumnFormatName(int) - Method in interface com.sas.rio.RIOResultSetMetaDataInterface
Gets the format name of the column.
getColumnFormatName(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
RIO Gets the format name of the column.
getColumnFormatNames() - Method in interface com.sas.rio.RIOResultSetMetaDataInterface
Gets the format names of the columns in the ResultSet.
getColumnFormatNames() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
RIO Gets the format names of the columns in the ResultSet.
getColumnFormatWidth() - Method in class com.sas.rio.Column
Gets the format width of the column.
getColumnFormatWidth(int) - Method in interface com.sas.rio.RIOResultSetMetaDataInterface
Gets the format width of the column.
getColumnFormatWidth(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
RIO Gets the format width of the column.
getColumnFormatWidths() - Method in interface com.sas.rio.RIOResultSetMetaDataInterface
Gets the format widths of the columns in the ResultSet.
getColumnFormatWidths() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
RIO Gets the format widths of the columns in the ResultSet.
getColumnInformatDecimal() - Method in class com.sas.rio.Column
Gets the informat decimal of the column.
getColumnInformatDecimal(int) - Method in interface com.sas.rio.RIOResultSetMetaDataInterface
Gets the informat decimal of the column.
getColumnInformatDecimal(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
RIO Gets the informat decimal of the column.
getColumnInformatDecimals() - Method in interface com.sas.rio.RIOResultSetMetaDataInterface
Gets the informat decimals of the columns in the ResultSet.
getColumnInformatDecimals() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
RIO Gets the informat decimals of the columns in the ResultSet.
getColumnInformatLength() - Method in class com.sas.rio.Column
Gets the informat length of the column.
getColumnInformatLength(int) - Method in interface com.sas.rio.RIOResultSetMetaDataInterface
Gets the informat length of the column.
getColumnInformatLength(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
RIO Gets the informat length of the column.
getColumnInformatLengths() - Method in interface com.sas.rio.RIOResultSetMetaDataInterface
Gets the informat lengths of the columns in the ResultSet.
getColumnInformatLengths() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
RIO Gets the informat lengths of the columns in the ResultSet.
getColumnInformatName() - Method in class com.sas.rio.Column
Gets the informat name of the column.
getColumnInformatName(int) - Method in interface com.sas.rio.RIOResultSetMetaDataInterface
Gets the informat name of the column.
getColumnInformatName(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
RIO Gets the informat name of the column.
getColumnInformatNames() - Method in interface com.sas.rio.RIOResultSetMetaDataInterface
Gets the informat names of the columns in the ResultSet.
getColumnInformatNames() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
RIO Gets the informat names of the columns in the ResultSet.
getColumnInformatWidth() - Method in class com.sas.rio.Column
Gets the informat width of the column.
getColumnInformatWidth(int) - Method in interface com.sas.rio.RIOResultSetMetaDataInterface
Gets the informat width of the column.
getColumnInformatWidth(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
RIO Gets the informat width of the column.
getColumnInformatWidths() - Method in interface com.sas.rio.RIOResultSetMetaDataInterface
Gets the informat widths of the columns in the ResultSet.
getColumnInformatWidths() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
RIO Gets the informat widths of the columns in the ResultSet.
getColumnLabel() - Method in class com.sas.rio.Column
Gets the label of the column.
getColumnLabel(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
Gets the suggested column title for use in printouts and displays.
getColumnName() - Method in class com.sas.rio.Column
Gets the name of the column.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
Gets the column name.
getColumnPrivileges(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets a description of the access rights for a table's columns.
getColumns(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets a description of table columns available in a catalog.
getColumns(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.LDAPDatabaseMetaData
Gets a description of table columns available in LDAP.
getColumnType() - Method in class com.sas.rio.Column
Gets the SQL type of the column.
getColumnType(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
Gets the SQL type for the column.
getColumnTypeName() - Method in class com.sas.rio.Column
Gets the SQL type name of the column.
getColumnTypeName(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
Gets the data-source-specific type name for the column.
getConcurrency() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Gets the concurrency of this result set.
getConnection() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
JDBC 2.0 Return the Connection that produced the Statement.
getConnection() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
JDBC 2.0 Gets the connection that produced this metadata object.
getConnection() - Method in interface com.sas.net.jca.ConnectionFactory
Get a connection from this factory.
getConnection(long) - Method in interface com.sas.net.jca.ConnectionFactory
Get a connection from this factory.
getConnection(String, String, long) - Method in interface com.sas.net.jca.ConnectionFactory
Get a connection from this factory.
getCrossReference(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets a description of the foreign key columns in the foreign key table that reference the primary key columns of the primary key table.
getCursorName() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the name of the SQL cursor used by this ResultSet.
getDatabaseProductName() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets the database product name.
getDatabaseProductVersion() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
TODO: Returns the version of the MVA server.
getDate(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
This method is not supported.
getDate(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java java.sql.Date.
getDate(int, Calendar) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
Gets the value of a SQL DATE parameter as a java.sql.Date object.
getDate(int, Calendar) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.sql.Date object.
getDate(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java java.sql.Date.
getDate(String, Calendar) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.sql.Date object.
getDebugLevel() - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
getDefaultTransactionIsolation() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets the default transaction isolation level for the database.
getDelegateBase() - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
getDouble(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
This method is not supported.
getDouble(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java double.
getDouble(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java double.
getDriverMajorVersion() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets the driver major version number as a string.
getDriverMinorVersion() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets the driver minor version number as a string.
getDriverName() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets the driver name.
getDriverVersion() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets the driver version number as a string.
getEncryptionAlgorithms() - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
getEncryptionContent() - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
getEncryptionPolicy() - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
getExportedKeys(String, String, String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets a description of a foreign key columns that reference a table's primary key columns.
getExtraNameCharacters() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets a string that contains all the "extra" characters that identier names can contain.
getFactory(Hashtable, String, String) - Static method in class com.sas.iom.WorkspaceFactory
Searches for a factory that any user can use to obtain a connection to a server described in the JNDI repository identified by repositoryProperties under the given base DN and logical name.
getFactory(String, String, Hashtable, String, String) - Static method in class com.sas.iom.WorkspaceFactory
Searches for a factory that the given user can use to obtain a connection to a server described in the JNDI repository identified by repositoryProperties under the given base DN and logical name.
getFetchDirection() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
JDBC 2.0 Gets the result set fetch direction.
getFetchDirection() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Gets the result set fetch direction.
getFetchSize() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
JDBC 2.0 Gets the fetch size.
getFetchSize() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Gets the fetch size.
getFloat(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
This method is not supported.
getFloat(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java float.
getFloat(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java float.
getGenericObject() - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
getIdentifierQuoteString() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets the quote string that is used to surround quoted SQL identifiers.
getImportedKeys(String, String, String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets a description of the primary key columns that are referenced by a table's foreign key columns.
getIndexInfo(String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets a description of a table's indices and statistics.
getInt(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
This method is not supported.
getInt(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java int.
getInt(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java int.
getLocalizedMessage() - Method in class com.sas.net.util.RuntimeWrapperException
getLocalizedMessage() - Method in class com.sas.net.util.WrapperException
getLog() - Static method in class com.sas.iom.WorkspacePoolDriver
Deprecated. Messages about all pools operating under this driver are printed on this writer.
getLogWriter() - Method in interface com.sas.net.jca.ConnectionFactory
getLogWriter() - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
Get the character output stream for the log.
getLong(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
This method is not supported.
getLong(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java long.
getLong(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java long.
getMajorVersion() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADriver
Gets the driver's major version number.
getMaxBinaryLiteralLength() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Returns the number of hex characters that are allowed in an inline binary literal.
getMaxCatalogNameLength() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Indicates the maximum length of a catalog name.
getMaxCharLiteralLength() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Returns the maximum length of a character literal.
getMaxColumnNameLength() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Returns the maximum length of a column name.
getMaxColumnsInGroupBy() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Indicates the maximum number of columns that are allowed in a GROUP BY clause.
getMaxColumnsInIndex() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Indicates the maximum number of columns that are allowed in an index.
getMaxColumnsInOrderBy() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Indicates the maximum number of columns that are allowed in an ORDER BY clause.
getMaxColumnsInSelect() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines the maximum number of columns that are allowed in a SELECT list.
getMaxColumnsInTable() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Indicates the maximum number of columns that are allowed in a table.
getMaxConnections() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Indicates the maximum number of database connections that can be active concurrently.
getMaxCursorNameLength() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Indicates the maximum length of a cursor name.
getMaxFieldSize() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
The maxFieldSize limit (in bytes) is the maximum amount of data returned for any column value; it only applies to BINARY, VARBINARY, LONGVARBINARY, CHAR, VARCHAR, and LONGVARCHAR columns.
getMaxIndexLength() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Indicates the maximum size of an index (in bytes).
getMaxLength() - Method in class com.sas.rio.Column
Gets the length of the column.
getMaxProcedureNameLength() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Indicates the maximum length of a procedure name.
getMaxRows() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
The maxRows limit is the maximum number of rows that a ResultSet can contain.
getMaxRowSize() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Indicates the maximum length of a single row.
getMaxSchemaNameLength() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Indicates the maximum length of a schema name.
getMaxStatementLength() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Indicates the maximum length of an SQL statement.
getMaxStatements() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Indicates the maximum number of active statements that can be open to this database concurrently.
getMaxTableNameLength() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Indicates the maximum length of a table name.
getMaxTablesInSelect() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Indicates the maximum number of tables in a SELECT list.
getMaxUserNameLength() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Indicates the maximum length of a user name.
getMessage() - Method in class com.sas.net.util.RuntimeWrapperException
getMessage() - Method in class com.sas.net.util.WrapperException
getMetaData() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
JDBC 2.0 Gets the number, types and properties of a ResultSet's columns as a ResultSetMetaData object.
getMetaData() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
A Connection's database is able to provide information describing its tables, its supported SQL grammar, its stored procedures, the capabilities of this connection, etc.
getMetaData() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets a ResultSetMetaData object that is associated with this ResultSet.
getMetaData() - Method in interface com.sas.net.jca.ConnectionFactory
getMinorVersion() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADriver
Gets the driver's minor version number.
getMoreResults() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
Moves to a Statement's next result.
getNestedException() - Method in class com.sas.net.util.RuntimeWrapperException
Gets the nested exception.
getNestedException() - Method in class com.sas.net.util.WrapperException
Gets the nested exception.
getNextClientID() - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
getNumericFunctions() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets a comma-delimited list of math functions.
getObject(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
This method is not supported.
getObject(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in its default Java representation.
getObject(int, Map) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
JDBC 2.0 Gets an object representing the value of OUT parameter @i.
getObject(int, Map) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Returns the value of column @i as a Java object.
getObject(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in its default Java representation.
getObject(String, Map) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Returns the value of column @i as a Java object.
getOptions() - Method in class com.sas.rio.Options
Gets the options text.
getOrderByStatement() - Method in class com.sas.rio.Options
Gets the ORDER BY statement text.
getPassword() - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
getPooledWorkspace(Hashtable, String, String, String, long) - Static method in class com.sas.iom.WorkspacePoolDriver
Deprecated. Get a workspace from an appropriate pool.
getPortNumber() - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
getPrecision(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
Gets the maximum number of decimal digits that can be in the column.
getPrimaryKeys(String, String, String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets a description of a table's primary key columns.
getProcedureColumns(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets a description of a catalog's stored procedure parameters and result columns.
getProcedures(String, String, String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Get a description of stored procedures available in a catalog.
getProcedureTerm() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets the preferred term for "procedure".
getPropertyInfo(String, Properties) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADriver
Gets a DriverPropertyInfo object that lists the properties for the SAS/Integrated Object Model driver for JDBC.
getQueryTimeout() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
Gets the query timeout limit.
getRef(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
JDBC 2.0 Gets a REF(<structured-type>) OUT parameter.
getRef(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Get a REF(<structured-type>) column.
getRef(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Get a REF(<structured-type>) column.
getRepositoryBaseDN() - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
getRepositoryInitialContextFactory() - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
getRepositoryLogicalName() - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
getRepositoryProviderURL() - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
getRepositorySecurityCredentials() - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
getRepositorySecurityPrincipal() - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
getResultSet() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
Gets the current result as a ResultSet.
getResultSetConcurrency() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
JDBC 2.0 Gets the result set concurrency type.
getResultSetType() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
JDBC 2.0 Gets the result set type.
getRow() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Gets the current row number.
getScale(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
Gets the number of digits in the column that are to right of the decimal.
getSchemaName(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
Gets the schema name for the table that the column is in.
getSchemas() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets the schema names available in this database.
getSchemas() - Method in class com.sas.rio.LDAPDatabaseMetaData
Gets the schema names available in LDAP.
getSchemaTerm() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets the preferred term for "schema".
getSearchStringEscape() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets the string that can be used to escape an underscore (_) or a percentage sign (%) in string based searches such as getTables().
getServerName() - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
getServersByLogicalName(String, String, String, Properties) - Method in class com.sas.iom.WorkspaceFactory
Gets a list of server definitions matching the logicalName.
getShort(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
This method is not supported.
getShort(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java short.
getShort(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java short.
getSQLKeywords() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets a comma-delimited list of all database-specific SQL keywords that are not SQL92 keywords.
getStatement() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Return the Statement that produced the ResultSet.
getString(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
This method is not supported.
getString(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java String.
getString(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java String.
getStringFunctions() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets a comma-delimited list of string functions.
getSystemFunctions() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets a comma-delimited list of system functions.
getTable(String, String) - Method in interface com.sas.rio.RIOStatementInterface
Gets an MVAResultSet object for the given table name.
getTable(String, String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
RIO Gets an MVAResultSet object for the given table name.By default all the columns and all rows are selected.
getTable(String, String, String, String[], String) - Method in interface com.sas.rio.RIOStatementInterface
Gets an MVAResultSet object for the given table name.
getTable(String, String, String, String[], String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
RIO Gets an MVAResultSet object for the given table name.
getTableName(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
Gets the number of digits in the column that are to right of the decimal.
getTablePrivileges(String, String, String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets a description of the access rights each table available in a catalog.
getTables(String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets a description of the tables that are available in a catalog.
getTables(String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class com.sas.rio.LDAPDatabaseMetaData
Gets a description of the tables that are defined in LDAP.
getTableTypes() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets the table types available in this database.
getTableTypes() - Method in class com.sas.rio.LDAPDatabaseMetaData
Gets the table types available in LDAP.
getTime(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
This method is not supported.
getTime(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java java.sql.Time.
getTime(int, Calendar) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
Gets the value of a SQL TIME parameter as a java.sql.Time object.
getTime(int, Calendar) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.sql.Time object.
getTime(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java java.sql.Time.
getTime(String, Calendar) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.sql.Time object.
getTimeDateFunctions() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets a comma-delimited list of time and date functions.
getTimestamp(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
This method is not supported.
getTimestamp(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java java.sql.Timestamp.
getTimestamp(int, Calendar) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
Get the value of a SQL TIMESTAMP parameter as a java.sql.Timestamp object.
getTimestamp(int, Calendar) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.sql.Timestamp object.
getTimestamp(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java java.sql.Timestamp.
getTimestamp(String, Calendar) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.sql.Timestamp object.
getTransactionIsolation() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
SAS software does not support transactions.
getType() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Gets the result set type.
getTypeInfo() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets a description of all the standard SQL types supported by this database.
getTypeMap() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
JDBC 2.0   * Gets the type-map object associated with this connection.
getUDTs(String, String, String, int[]) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
JDBC 2.0 Gets a description of the user-defined types defined in a particular schema.
getUnicodeStream(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
getUnicodeStream(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
getUpdateCount() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
Gets the current result as an update count.If the result is a ResultSet or there are no more results, -1 is returned.
getURL() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets the URL from the MVAConnection object.
getUserAuthorizationRequired() - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
getUserName() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets the user name from the MVAConnection object.
getUserName() - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
getVersionColumns(String, String, String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Gets a description of the table columns that are automatically updated when any value in a row is updated.
getWarnings() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
Gets the warnings for this statement.
getWarnings() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
Gets the warning reported by calls on this Connection.
getWarnings() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Gets the SQLWarnings that are associated with this row.
getWhereClause() - Method in class com.sas.rio.Options
Gets the Where clause statement text.
getWorkspace() - Method in interface com.sas.iom.Connection
Gets an IWorkspace object.
getWorkspace() - Method in class com.sas.iom.WorkspaceConnector
Gets an IWorkspace object.
getWorkspaceConnector(long) - Method in class com.sas.iom.WorkspaceFactory
Allocates a connection from an ad hoc pool or a JNDI pool with user authorization turned off.
getWorkspaceConnector(String, String, long) - Method in class com.sas.iom.WorkspaceFactory
Allocates a connection from a JNDI pool with user authorization turned on.
getWorkspaceConnectorByUUID(String) - Static method in class com.sas.iom.WorkspaceFactory
Returns a reference to a previously created workspace connector that encapsulates a workspace object with the given UUID.
getWorkspaceConnectorByUUID(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.sas.iom.WorkspaceFactory
Returns a reference to a previously created workspace connector that encapsulates a workspace object with the given UUID.


hashCode() - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
Get a hash code for this object.


INITCTX - Static variable in class com.sas.rio.LDAPDatabaseMetaData
insertRow() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Insert the contents of the insert row into the result set and the database.
insertsAreDetected(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
JDBC 2.0 Determines whether or not a visible row insert can be detected by calling ResultSet.rowInserted().
INTEGER - Static variable in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
isAfterLast() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Determines if the cursor is after the last row in the result set.
isAutoIncrement(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
Determines whether a column is automatically numbered.
isBeforeFirst() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Determines if the cursor is before the first row in the result set.
isCaseSensitive(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
Determines whether case matters in a column.
isCatalogAtStart() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether a catalog appears at the start of a qualified table name.
isClosed() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
Tests to see if a Connection is closed.
isCurrency(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
Determines whether a column is a cash value.
isDefinitelyWritable(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
Determines whether you can successfully write to the column.
isFirst() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Determines if the cursor is on the first row of the result set.
isLast() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Determines if the cursor is on the last row of the result set.
isNullable(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
Determines whether you can put a NULL in this column.
isReadOnly() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
TODO: is this right ??? Determines whether the connection is read-only.
isReadOnly() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
SAS software does not support read-only connections.
isReadOnly(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
Determines whether a column is read-only.
isSearchable(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
Determines whether a column can be used in a WHERE clause.
isSigned(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
Determines whether the value in a column is a signed number.
isWritable(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
Determines whether it is at all possible to successfully write to the column.


javaToCorba(Calendar) - Static method in class com.sas.net.util.DateConverter
Convert a Java date value to a CORBA format.
jdbcCompliant() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADriver
Reports whether the Driver is a genuine JDBC COMPLIANT (tm) driver.


last() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Moves to the last row in the result set.
LDAPDatabaseMetaData - class com.sas.rio.LDAPDatabaseMetaData.
This class extends the MVADatabaseMetaData class.
LDAPDatabaseMetaData(MVAConnection, Properties) - Constructor for class com.sas.rio.LDAPDatabaseMetaData
Constructs LDAPDatabaseMetaData object.
list_initial_services() - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb


majorVersion - Static variable in class com.sas.rio.MVADriver
ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl - class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl.
This class supports connection pooling by defining methods for matching and creating connections.
ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
This constructor can be used in both non-managed and managed environments.
ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl(WorkspaceFactory) - Constructor for class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
This constructor is used only in non-managed environments.
matchManagedConnections(Set, Subject, ConnectionRequestInfo) - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
Match a request for a connection to an existing connection in the pool.
MAYBE_INTEGER - Static variable in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
minorVersion - Static variable in class com.sas.rio.MVADriver
moveToCurrentRow() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Move the cursor to the remembered cursor position, usually the current row.
moveToInsertRow() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Move to the insert row.
MVACallableStatement - class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement.
Note: None of the methods in this class are supported because SAS software does not support stored procedures.
MVACallableStatement() - Constructor for class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
Constructs a MVACallableStatement
MVAConnection - class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection.
A Connection represents a session with a specific database.
MVAConnection(IDataService, Properties) - Constructor for class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
Constructs an MVAConnection object.
MVAConnection(String, Properties) - Constructor for class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
Constructs an MVAConnection object.
MVADatabaseMetaData - class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData.
This class provides information about the database as a whole.
MVADatabaseMetaData(MVAConnection) - Constructor for class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Constructs MVADatabaseMetaData object.
MVADriver - class com.sas.rio.MVADriver.
MVADriver class implements the Driver interface.
MVADriver() - Constructor for class com.sas.rio.MVADriver
Constructs an MVADriver object and registers the driver with the java.sql.DriverManager.
MVAPreparedStatement - class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement.
MVAPreparedStatement() - Constructor for class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
Constructs a MVAPreparedStatement object.
MVAPreparedStatement(MVAConnection, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
Constructs a MVAPreparedStatement object.
MVAResultSet - class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet.
A ResultSet provides access to a table of data.
MVAResultSet() - Constructor for class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Constructs a ResultSet.
MVAResultSet(IDataSet) - Constructor for class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Constructs a ResultSet.
MVAResultSet(MVAStatement) - Constructor for class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Constructs a ResultSet.
MVAResultSet(MVAStatement, String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Constructs a ResultSet.
MVAResultSetMetaData - class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData.
A ResultSetMetaData object can be used to find out about the types and properties of the columns in a ResultSet.
MVAResultSetMetaData(MVAResultSet) - Constructor for class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
Constructs an MVAResultSetMetaData object.
MVAResultSetMetaData(MVAResultSet, int[]) - Constructor for class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSetMetaData
Constructs an MVAResultSetMetaData object.
MVAStatement - class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement.
A Statement object is used for executing a static SQL statement and obtaining the results produced by it.
MVAStatement() - Constructor for class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
Constructs a MVAStatement object for MVACallableStatement
MVAStatement(MVAConnection) - Constructor for class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
Constructs an MVAStatement object.


nativeSQL(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
Returns the input string.
next() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Proceeds to the next row in the ResultSet.
NOSUBTYPE - Static variable in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
nullPlusNonNullIsNull() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether the concatenations between NULL and non-NULL values are NULL.
nullsAreSortedAtEnd() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether NULLs are sorted at end.
nullsAreSortedAtStart() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether NULLs are sorted at start.
nullsAreSortedHigh() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether NULLs are sorted high.
nullsAreSortedLow() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether NULLs are sorted low.
NUMERIC - Static variable in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet


object_to_string(Object) - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
Options - class com.sas.rio.Options.
This is the Options class which defines the SAS options like By clause, while creating a table.
Options() - Constructor for class com.sas.rio.Options
Constructs an Options object.
othersDeletesAreVisible(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
JDBC 2.0 Determines whether changes made by others are visible.
othersInsertsAreVisible(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
JDBC 2.0 Determines whether changes made by others are visible.
othersUpdatesAreVisible(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
JDBC 2.0 Determines whether changes made by others are visible.
ownDeletesAreVisible(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
JDBC 2.0 Determines whether a result set's own changes are visible.
ownInsertsAreVisible(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
JDBC 2.0 Determines whether a result set's own changes are visible.
ownUpdatesAreVisible(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
JDBC 2.0 Determines whether a result set's own changes are visible.


poll_next_response() - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
prepareCall(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
Creates a CallableStatement object.
prepareCall(String, int, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
JDBC 2.0 Same as prepareCall() above, but allows the default result set type and result set concurrency type to be overridden.
prepareStatement(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
Creates a PreparedStatement object.
prepareStatement(String, int, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
JDBC 2.0 Same as prepareStatement() above, but allows the default result set type and result set concurrency type to be overridden.
previous() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Moves to the previous row in the result set.
printStackTrace() - Method in class com.sas.net.util.RuntimeWrapperException
printStackTrace() - Method in class com.sas.net.util.WrapperException
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in class com.sas.net.util.RuntimeWrapperException
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in class com.sas.net.util.WrapperException
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in class com.sas.net.util.RuntimeWrapperException
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in class com.sas.net.util.WrapperException


refreshRow() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Refresh the value of the current row with its current value in the database.
registerOutParameter(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
This method is not supported.
registerOutParameter(int, int, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
This method is not supported.
registerOutParameter(int, int, String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
JDBC 2.0 TODO: need method definition from latest java.sql source.
relative(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Moves a relative number of rows, either positive or negative.
resolve_initial_references(String) - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
returnActiveObjectMapKey(ActiveObjectMapKey) - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
returnDelegateBase(DelegateBase) - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
returnGenericObject(GenericObject) - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
RIOResultSetMetaDataInterface - interface com.sas.rio.RIOResultSetMetaDataInterface.
This is the interface definition of RIOResultSetMetaDataInterface.
RIOStatementInterface - interface com.sas.rio.RIOStatementInterface.
This is the interface definition of RIOStatementInterface.
rollback() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
SAS software does not support transactions.
rowDeleted() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Determines if this row has been deleted.
rowInserted() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Determines if the current row has been inserted.
rowUpdated() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Determine if the current row has been updated.
RuntimeWrapperException - exception com.sas.net.util.RuntimeWrapperException.
Base class for exceptions that may contain nested exceptions.
RuntimeWrapperException() - Constructor for class com.sas.net.util.RuntimeWrapperException
No-argument constructor.
RuntimeWrapperException(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.net.util.RuntimeWrapperException
Constructor with message.
RuntimeWrapperException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.sas.net.util.RuntimeWrapperException
Wrapper constructor.
RuntimeWrapperException(Throwable) - Constructor for class com.sas.net.util.RuntimeWrapperException
Wrapper constructor.


sasDataSet - Variable in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
sasDataSet - Variable in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
sasDataSetHolder - Variable in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
sasLibref - Variable in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
send_multiple_requests_deferred(Request[]) - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
send_multiple_requests_oneway(Request[]) - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
setArray(int, Array) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
JDBC 2.0 Sets a parameter to an Array object.
setAsciiStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
Sets a parameter to a Java java.io.InputStream.
setAutoCommit(boolean) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
Sets the auto-commit state.
setBigDecimal(int, BigDecimal) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
Sets a parameter to a Java BigDecimal value.
setBinaryStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
Sets a parameter to a Java java.io.InputStream.
setBlob(int, Blob) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
JDBC 2.0 Sets a parameter to a BLOB object.
setBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
Sets a parameter to a Java Boolean value.
setByStatement(String, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.rio.Options
Sets BY statement text.
setByte(int, byte) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
Sets a parameter to a Java byte value.
setBytes(int, byte[]) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
Sets a parameter to a Java byte array value.
setCatalog(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
A sub-space of this Connection's database may be selected by setting a catalog name.
setCharacterStream(int, Reader, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
JDBC 2.0 Sets a parameter to java.io.Reader object.
setClob(int, Clob) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
JDBC 2.0 Sets a parameter to a CLOB object.
setColumnFormatDecimal(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.Column
Sets the format decimal of the column.
setColumnFormatLength(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.Column
Sets the format length of the column.
setColumnFormatName(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.Column
Sets the format name of the column.
setColumnFormatWidth(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.Column
Sets the format width of the column.
setColumnInformatDecimal(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.Column
Sets the informat decimal of the column.
setColumnInformatLength(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.Column
Sets the informat length of the column.
setColumnInformatName(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.Column
Sets the informat name of the column.
setColumnInformatWidth(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.Column
Sets the informat width of the column.
setColumnLabel(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.Column
Sets the label of the column.
setColumnName(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.Column
Sets the name of the column.
setColumnType(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.Column
Sets the SQL type of the column.
setCursorName(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
Sets the cursor name.
setDate(int, Date) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
Sets a parameter to a Java java.sql.Date value.
setDate(int, Date, Calendar) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
JDBC 2.0 Sets a parameter to a java.sql.Date value.
setDebugLevel(Integer) - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
setDouble(int, double) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
Sets a parameter to a Java double value.
setEncryptionAlgorithms(String) - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
setEncryptionContent(String) - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
setEncryptionPolicy(String) - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
setEscapeProcessing(boolean) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
If escape scanning is on (the default), the driver will do escape substitution before sending the SQL to the database.
setFetchDirection(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
JDBC 2.0 Give a hint as to the direction in which the rows in a result set will be processed.
setFetchDirection(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Give a hint as to the direction in which the rows in a result set will be processed.
setFetchSize(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
JDBC 2.0 Give the JDBC driver a hint as to the number of rows that should be fetched from the database when more rows are needed.
setFetchSize(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Give the JDBC driver a hint as to the number of rows that should be fetched from the database when more rows are needed.
setFloat(int, float) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
Sets a parameter to a Java float value.
setInt(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
Sets a parameter to a Java int value.
setLog(PrintWriter) - Static method in class com.sas.iom.WorkspacePoolDriver
Deprecated. Messages about all pools operating under this driver will be printed on this writer.
setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in interface com.sas.net.jca.ConnectionFactory
setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
Set the character output stream for the log.
setLong(int, long) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
Sets a parameter to a Java long value.
setMaxFieldSize(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
The maxFieldSize limit (in bytes) is set to limit the size of data that can be returned for any column value; it only applies to BINARY, VARBINARY, LONGVARBINARY, CHAR, VARCHAR, and LONGVARCHAR fields.
setMaxLength(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.Column
Sets the maximum length of the column.
setMaxRows(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
The maxRows limit is set to limit the number of rows that any ResultSet can contain.
setNull(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
Sets a parameter to SQL NULL.
setNull(int, int, String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
JDBC 2.0 Sets a parameter to SQL NULL.
setObject(int, Object) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
Sets a parameter to the default type.
setObject(int, Object, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
Sets a parameter to the input type.
setObject(int, Object, int, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
Sets a parameter to the input type.
setOptions(String, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.rio.Options
Sets options string to be passed in while creating a table.
setOrderByStatement(String, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.rio.Options
Sets ORDER BY statement text.
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
setPortNumber(Integer) - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
setQueryTimeout(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
Sets the query timeout limit.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
SAS software does not support read-only connections.
setRef(int, Ref) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
JDBC 2.0 Sets a parameter to a REF(<structured-type>) object.
setRepositoryBaseDN(String) - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
setRepositoryInitialContextFactory(String) - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
setRepositoryLogicalName(String) - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
setRepositoryProviderURL(String) - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
setRepositorySecurityCredentials(String) - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
setRepositorySecurityPrincipal(String) - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
setServerName(String) - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
setShort(int, short) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
Sets a parameter to a Java short value.
setString(int, String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
Sets a parameter to a Java string value.
setTime(int, Time) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
Sets a parameter to a Java java.sql.Time value.
setTime(int, Time, Calendar) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
JDBC 2.0 Sets a parameter to a java.sql.Time value.
setTimestamp(int, Timestamp) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
Sets a parameter to a Java java.sql.Timestamp value.
setTimestamp(int, Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
JDBC 2.0 Sets a parameter to a java.sql.Timestamp value.
setTransactionIsolation(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
SAS software does not support transactions.
setTypeMap(Map) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection
JDBC 2.0  * Install a type-map object as the default type-map for this connection.
setUnicodeStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAPreparedStatement
setUserAuthorizationRequired(Boolean) - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
setUserName(String) - Method in class com.sas.net.jca.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl
setWhereClause(String, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.rio.Options
Sets WHERE clause text.
shutdown() - Method in class com.sas.iom.WorkspaceFactory
Disconnects all unallocated live connections to remote workspace objects.
shutdown(boolean) - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
shutdown(String, String) - Method in class com.sas.iom.WorkspaceFactory
Disconnects all unallocated live connections to remote workspace objects.
status - Variable in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
status - Variable in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
statusHolder - Variable in class com.sas.rio.MVAStatement
storesLowerCaseIdentifiers() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether the database stores lowercase identifiers.
storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether the database stores lowercase quoted SQL identifiers.
storesMixedCaseIdentifiers() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether the database stores mixed-case identifiers.
storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether the database stores mixed-case quoted SQL identifiers.
storesUpperCaseIdentifiers() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether the database stores uppercase identifiers.
storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether the database stores uppercase quoted SQL identifiers.
string_to_object(String) - Method in class com.sas.net.brg.orb.BrgOrb
This method causes the server to instantiate an object and sets up a remote reference to it on the client.
supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether ALTER TABLE with an add column is supported.
supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether ALTER TABLE with a drop column is supported.
supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether ANSI92 entry level SQL grammar is supported.
supportsANSI92FullSQL() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether ANSI92 full SQL grammar is supported.
supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether ANSI92 intermediate SQL grammar is supported.
supportsBatchUpdates() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
JDBC 2.0 Determines if the database supports batch updates.
supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether a data manipulation statement can contain a catalog name.
supportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether an index definition statement can contain a catalog name.
supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether a privilege definition statement can contain a catalog name.
supportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether a procedure call statement can contain a catalog name.
supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether a table definition statement can contain a catalog name.
supportsColumnAliasing() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether column aliasing is supported.
supportsConvert() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether the CONVERT function for conversions between SQL types is supported.
supportsConvert(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether the CONVERT function for conversions between the given SQL types from java.sql.Types is supported.
supportsCoreSQLGrammar() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether the ODBC Core SQL grammar is supported.
supportsCorrelatedSubqueries() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether correlated subqueries are supported.
supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether both data definition and data manipulation statements within a transaction are supported.
supportsDataManipulationTransactionsOnly() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether data manipulation statements within a transaction are supported.
supportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
When table correlation names are supported, determines whether table correlation names must be different from the table names.
supportsExpressionsInOrderBy() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether expressions are supported in "ORDER BY" lists.
supportsExtendedSQLGrammar() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether the ODBC Extended SQL grammar is supported.
supportsFullOuterJoins() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether full, nested outer joins are supported.
supportsGroupBy() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether some form of the GROUP BY clause is supported.
supportsGroupByBeyondSelect() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether a GROUP BY clause can add columns that are not in the SELECT list.
supportsGroupByUnrelated() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Detrmines whether GROUP BY clause can use columns that are not in the SELECT list.
supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether the SQL Integrity Enhancement Facility is supported.
supportsLikeEscapeClause() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether the escape character in LIKE clauses is supported.
supportsLimitedOuterJoins() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether there is limited support for outer joins.
supportsMinimumSQLGrammar() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether the ODBC Minimum SQL grammar is supported.
supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether the database supports mixed-case, unquoted SQL identifiers.
supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether the database supports mixed-case quoted SQL identifiers.
supportsMultipleResultSets() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether mulitple ResultSets from a single execute are supported.
supportsMultipleTransactions() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether multiple transactions can be open concurrently.
supportsNonNullableColumns() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether columns can support NULLs.
supportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether cursors can remain open across commits.
supportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether cursors can remain open across rollback.
supportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether statements can remain open across commits.
supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether statements can remain open across rollbacks.
supportsOrderByUnrelated() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether an ORDER BY clause can use columns that are not in the SELECT list.
supportsOuterJoins() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether some form of outer join is supported.
supportsPositionedDelete() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether positioned DELETE is supported.
supportsPositionedUpdate() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether positioned UPDATE is supported.
supportsResultSetConcurrency(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
JDBC 2.0 Determines if the database supports the concurrency type in combination with the given result set type.
supportsResultSetType(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
JDBC 2.0 Determines if the database supports the given result set type.
supportsSchemasInDataManipulation() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether a data manipulation statementcaon contain a schema name.
supportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether an index definition statement can contain a schema name.
supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether a privilege definition statement can contain a schema name.
supportsSchemasInProcedureCalls() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether a procedure call statement can contain a schema name.
supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether a table definition statement can contain a schema name.
supportsSelectForUpdate() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether SELECT for UPDATE is supported.
supportsStoredProcedures() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether stored procedure calls that use the stored procedure escape syntax are supported.
supportsSubqueriesInComparisons() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether subqueries in comparison expressions are supported.
supportsSubqueriesInExists() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether subqueries in exists expressions are supported.
supportsSubqueriesInIns() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether subqueries in "in" statements are supported.
supportsSubqueriesInQuantifieds() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether subqueries in quantified expressions are supported.
supportsTableCorrelationNames() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether table correlation names are supported.
supportsTransactionIsolationLevel(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether the database supports the transaction isolation level.
supportsTransactions() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether transactions are supported.
supportsUnion() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether an SQL UNION is supported.
supportsUnionAll() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether an SQL UNION ALL is supported.


TIME - Static variable in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
toString() - Method in class com.sas.net.util.RuntimeWrapperException
toString() - Method in class com.sas.net.util.WrapperException


updateAsciiStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with an ascii stream value.
updateAsciiStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with an ascii stream value.
updateBigDecimal(int, BigDecimal) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a BigDecimal value.
updateBigDecimal(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a BigDecimal value.
updateBinaryStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a binary stream value.
updateBinaryStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a binary stream value.
updateBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a boolean value.
updateBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a boolean value.
updateByte(int, byte) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a byte value.
updateByte(String, byte) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a byte value.
updateBytes(int, byte[]) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a byte array value.
updateBytes(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a byte array value.
updateCharacterStream(int, Reader, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a character stream value.
updateCharacterStream(String, Reader, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a character stream value.
updateDate(int, Date) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a Date value.
updateDate(String, Date) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a Date value.
updateDouble(int, double) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a Double value.
updateDouble(String, double) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a double value.
updateFloat(int, float) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a float value.
updateFloat(String, float) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a float value.
updateInt(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with an integer value.
updateInt(String, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with an integer value.
updateLong(int, long) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a long value.
updateLong(String, long) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a long value.
updateNull(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Give a nullable column a null value.
updateNull(String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a null value.
updateObject(int, Object) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with an Object value.
updateObject(int, Object, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with an Object value.
updateObject(String, Object) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with an Object value.
updateObject(String, Object, int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with an Object value.
updateRow() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update the underlying database with the new contents of the current row.
updatesAreDetected(int) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
JDBC 2.0 Determines whether or not a visible row update can be detected by calling ResultSet.rowUpdated().
updateShort(int, short) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a short value.
updateShort(String, short) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a short value.
updateString(int, String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a String value.
updateString(String, String) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a String value.
updateTime(int, Time) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a Time value.
updateTime(String, Time) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a Time value.
updateTimestamp(int, Timestamp) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a Timestamp value.
updateTimestamp(String, Timestamp) - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Update a column with a Timestamp value.
usesLocalFilePerTable() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether the database uses a file for each table.
usesLocalFiles() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVADatabaseMetaData
Determines whether the database stores each table in a local file.


wasNull() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVACallableStatement
This method is not supported.
wasNull() - Method in class com.sas.rio.MVAResultSet
Determines whether the given column in the current row holds an SQL NULL.
WorkspaceConnector - class com.sas.iom.WorkspaceConnector.
This class is the interface between pooled connection to IWorkspace objects and the workspace factory.
WorkspaceFactory - class com.sas.iom.WorkspaceFactory.
WorkspaceFactory provides a factory for creating and connecting to a remote object on an IOM Server that implements com.sas.iom.SAS.IWorkspace.
WorkspaceFactory() - Constructor for class com.sas.iom.WorkspaceFactory
NON-POOLING CONSTRUCTOR - constructs a factory that creates a new connection each time createWorkspaceByLogicalName() or createWorkspaceByServer() is called.
WorkspaceFactory(Object, String, String, boolean, boolean, PrintWriter) - Constructor for class com.sas.iom.WorkspaceFactory
JNDI POOLING CONSTRUCTOR - constructs a factory that reads the information necessary to create a pool of live connections to remote workspace objects from a JNDI repository.
WorkspaceFactory(Properties[], Properties, PrintWriter) - Constructor for class com.sas.iom.WorkspaceFactory
AD HOC POOLING CONSTRUCTOR - constructs a factory that uses the provided information to create a pool of live connections to remote workspace objects.
WorkspaceFactoryException - exception com.sas.iom.WorkspaceFactoryException.
The exception class for the WorkspaceFactory.
WorkspaceFactoryException() - Constructor for class com.sas.iom.WorkspaceFactoryException
No-argument constructor.
WorkspaceFactoryException(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.iom.WorkspaceFactoryException
Constructor with message.
WorkspaceFactoryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.sas.iom.WorkspaceFactoryException
Wrapper constructor.
WorkspaceFactoryException(Throwable) - Constructor for class com.sas.iom.WorkspaceFactoryException
Wrapper constructor.
WorkspacePoolDriver - class com.sas.iom.WorkspacePoolDriver.
Deprecated. The methods in this class are ambiguous. Use com.sas.iom.WorkspaceFactory instead. It is not always clear when calling getPooledWorkspace if the intent is to create a new connection pool or to get a connection from an existing pool. Furthermore, calls to closePool may match more than one pool, and the caller has no way to control which pools should be closed.
WorkspacePoolException - exception com.sas.iom.WorkspacePoolException.
Deprecated. WorkspacePoolDriver and WorkspacePoolException have been deprecated in favor of the less ambiguous WorkspaceFactory and WorkspaceFactoryException.
WorkspacePoolException() - Constructor for class com.sas.iom.WorkspacePoolException
Deprecated. No-argument constructor.
WorkspacePoolException(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.iom.WorkspacePoolException
Deprecated. Constructor with message.
WorkspacePoolException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.sas.iom.WorkspacePoolException
Deprecated. Wrapper constructor.
WorkspacePoolException(Throwable) - Constructor for class com.sas.iom.WorkspacePoolException
Deprecated. Wrapper constructor.
WrapperException - exception com.sas.net.util.WrapperException.
Base class for exceptions that may contain nested exceptions.
WrapperException() - Constructor for class com.sas.net.util.WrapperException
No-argument constructor.
WrapperException(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.net.util.WrapperException
Constructor with message.
WrapperException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.sas.net.util.WrapperException
Wrapper constructor.
WrapperException(Throwable) - Constructor for class com.sas.net.util.WrapperException
Wrapper constructor.


XHRSQPRECS - Static variable in class com.sas.rio.MVAConnection