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Configuring and Starting the Spawner on OS/390

On an OS/390 server machine, the spawner starts a SAS object server session in response to a request from a client. To start the SAS object server session, the spawner uses Advanced Program-to-Program Communication (APPC) and the Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM). The client communicates first with the spawner, and then with the object server, using TCP/IP. The object spawner runs as a started task; before it can handle client requests, you must start it using a started task procedure.

The following set-up tasks are required:

  1. Configure APPC
  2. Configure VTAM
  3. Configure TCP/IP
  4. Activate the VTAM definitions
  5. Activate the APPC definitions
  6. Create the object spawner started task

Task 1: Configure APPC

To configure APPC, you must define the following:

Defining the VTAM Logical Unit

Define the VTAM logical unit (LU) within SYS1.PARMLIB(APPCPMxx), where xx is user-definable.

Below is a sample APPCPM definition. It includes a definition for the LU that will receive communications coming from the object spawner, followed by a definition for the BASE LU. Include the second definition only if the BASE LU is not already defined.

/* LICENSED MATERIALS - PROPERTY OF IBM                              */ 
/* 5695-047 (C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1991                             */ 
/* SEE COPYRIGHT INSTRUCTIONS                                        */
/*                                                                   */ 
/* STATUS= JBB4422                                                   */ 
/*                                                                   */ 
/*                                                                   */ 
/*01* FUNCTION:                                                      */ 
/*                                                                   */
/*01* OPERATION:                                                     */
/*                                                                   */
/*    OPERATOR COMMANDS.                                             */
/*                                                                   */
/*                                                                   */
/*  SIDEINFO DATASET                                                 */
/*                                                                   */
SIDEINFO DATASET(SYS1.APPCSI)                                          
/*                                                                   */
/*  APPC SAMPLE                                                      */
/*                                                                   */



In the definition of the LU that will receive communications coming from the object spawner:

1.2 Defining the Transaction Program

As noted above, the transaction program (TP) definition is stored in the VSAM data set that is named in the TPDATA statement. In the preceding example, SYS1.APPC.APPCTP is the data set name.

Normally this data set already exists. If necessary, however, you can create the required VSAM data set with the following IDCAMS job:

//SYSIN    DD   *
VOLUME ( volser ) -
KEYS ( 112 0 ) -
RECORDSIZE ( 248 4000 ) -
RECORDS ( 100 100 ) -

To load the TP definition into the VSAM data set, use the ATBSDFMU utility, as shown below.

//SAS     EXEC SAS8,

Following are some comments on the preceding code:

Task 2: Configuring VTAM

To configure VTAM, you must define the following:

2.1 Defining VTAM Logical Units

Create a VTAM Major Node in SYS1.VTAMLST, giving it a recognizable name such as APPLSAS.

The definitions for SASOBJS and SASOBJD are required in all cases. SASOBJS is the LU that APPC uses to receive communications from the object spawner. Its name must match the ACBNAME for this LU that is defined in SYS1.PARMLIB(APPCPMxx). SASOBJD is the LU that the object spawner uses to send communications to APPC.

The definition of SASOBJB should be included only if the BASE LU for APPC is not already defined. If you include it, its name must match the ACBNAME for the BASE LU that is defined in SYS1.PARMLIB(APPCPMxx).


SASOBJB	 APPL  APPC=YES,                                               X
               DDRAINL=NALLOW,                                         X
               DMINWNL=5,                                              X
               DMINWNR=5,                                              X
               DRESPL=NALLOW,                                          X
               DSESLIM=10,                                             X
               SECACPT=CONV,                                           X
               PARSESS=YES,                                            X
               AUTOSES=0,                                              X
               LMDENT=19,                                              X
               DLOGMOD=SASLU62,                                        X
               MODETAB=MTABASL,                                        X

SASOBJS  APPL  APPC=YES,                                               X
               DDRAINL=NALLOW,                                         X
               DMINWNL=0,                                              X
               DMINWNR=0,                                              X
               DRESPL=NALLOW,                                          X
               DSESLIM=32767,                                          X
               EAS=20,                                                 X
               SECACPT=CONV,                                           X
               DLOGMOD=SASLU62,                                        X
               MODETAB=MTABASL,                                        X
SASOBJD  APPL  APPC=YES,                                               X
               AUTOSES=0,                                              X
               DDRAINL=NALLOW,                                         X
               DMINWNL=5,                                              X
               DMINWNR=5,                                              X
               DSESLIM=10,                                             X
               EAS=3,                                                  X
               SECACPT=CONV,                                           X
               LMDENT=19,                                              X
               PARSESS=YES,                                            X
               DLOGMOD=SASLU62,                                        X
               MODETAB=MTABASL,                                        X

2.2 Creating MODETABLE Entries

Assemble the following MODETABLE entries into VTAM:

Task 3: Configuring TCP/IP

The overall configuration of TCP/IP is outside the scope of this discussion. Assuming that a functioning TCP/IP connection is already in place between the client and the OS/390 server, the following additional steps are required to support the object spawner:

Task 4: Activating the VTAM Definitions

To activate the VTAM MODETABLE and logical units, issue the following VTAM commands. NEWTAB is the name of the table that you are activating (MTABASL), and OLDTAB is the name of the table that you are replacing.


RepCheck the system log for non-error responses.

The command


should show that the logical units are in the appropriate states:

See the sample output displays.

Task 5: Activating the APPC Definitions

You can activate the APPC changes dynamically with the following command:


where xx is the two digit suffix of the APPCPMxx member.

Alternatively, you may prefer to bounce (stop and then restart) the address space. To restart APPC, issue the following commands:


Check the system log. If APPC cannot see the VTAM changes, you will receive the following message:


This means that APPC cannot see the VTAM definition of SASOBJS. If VTAM thinks that it is in the CONCT state, then the problem is probably a typographical error in the ACBNAME within SYS1.PARMLIB(APPCPMxx). Such an error would prevent the VTAM and APPC definitions from matching.

A second address space called ASCH must also be active. The ASCH address space controls the scheduling of the workload on the APPC initiators. Normally the ASCH address space does not have to be restarted, but it can be controlled in the same way as the APPC address space, with a SET command or a START command, as follows:


If you have to create the BASE LU for APPC, you may find that the APPC and ASCH procedures have not been created. Refer to the appropriate system documentation for guidance.

Task 6: Creating the Object Spawner Started Task

The object spawner runs as a started task (STC). Its job is to listen for requests from clients and pass them to APPC, which starts an object server session.

Create a procedure in a system PROCLIB library (typically SYS1.PROCLIB) using the following as a template:

//        PARM='&OPTIONS&OPT2'   

In the template shown above, the name of the STC is SASOS1. Remember that the STC must have access to the SAS/C Transient Runtime Library (CTRANS) and the TCP/IP parameter file (SYSTCPD).

In addition to the standard SAS configuration file, certain options must be specified for the object spawner. These have been concatenated into the CONFIG DD statement through the member OBJSAS. They must be modified as follows to reflect the site's TCP/IP set-up. (Note: The tcpipprf entry is needed only if the site does not have SYSTCPD defined for the address space.)


A second configuration file is also required. This file is specified by the –CONFIGFILE parameter of the SAS options statement. It is in LDIF format, and must contain a blank line between paragraphs; a comment line is not sufficient. Following is a generic profile of what you need:

dn: sasSpawnercn=MySpawner
objectClass: sasSpawner
sasSpawnercn: MySpawner
sasLuName: SASOBJD
sasMachineDNSName: localhost
sasOperatorPort: sasobjoper

# This is a comment line!
dn: sasServercn=MyServer
objectClass: sasServer
sasPluName: SASOBJS
sasPort: 5307
sasProtocol: bridge 
sasTpName: SASOBJS
sasMachineDNSName: localhost
sasServercn: MyServer

In the configuration file shown above:

The –SASVERBOSE and –SASLOGFILE options in the STC procedure provide useful information for diagnosing connection problems. It is a good idea to include these options until you are satisfied that everything is working correctly.

For a list of all of the available options, refer to the Attributes for sasSpawner and Attributes for sasServer. In general, try to keep the procedure simple. Any option can become the source of problems, so include only the options that you need.

Once you have created the STC procedure, you can start the object spawner by issuing the following operator command:


If there are no configuration errors, the object spawner will assume a listening state by entering a detected wait state (DW).

While the spawner is running, you can use a telnet client to connect to the sasOperatorPort (or sasOperatorService) for administrative purposes, such as monitoring or terminating spawner execution. Refer to Using Telnet to Administer the Portal for a list of available commands. Before you stop the spawner, use the operator interface to close the log. Otherwise the log contents may be erased when you stop the object spawner.

What Can Go Wrong?

If you have performed all the tasks described here and you are not able to start a SAS object server session from the client, then there is a problem.

First, check that the object spawner is listening correctly. A good way to do this is to telnet into the object spawner, using the operator port that is defined in the TCP/IP services file:

Telnet 5306

In response, a blank screen should appear. If you coded the sasOperatorPassword in the object spawner configuration file, type that in. Otherwise use the default password, which is sasobjspawn. The password will be displayed as you type it. If this is successful then the following message will be displayed:

Operator Conversation Established

Type list and you should see the name of the server that has been defined. This proves that the TCP/IP listening side has been correctly defined. Now type quit to end the session.

Next, look at the outbound VTAM/APPC configuration. Check the system log and/or the network log and look for any VTAM messages relating to the VTAM logical units (SASOBJS or SASOBJD in this example). If you find any VTAM messages then the associated sense code will help identify the problem.

If VTAM shows no clues to the problem, then check whether the object server started. Scan the system for the name of the job that is started by the TP definition (SASOBJS). If the job is running, then cancel it and check its JESLOG for messages. If there is a missing SYSTCPD, the object server will start but it will not communicate back to the client and it will show a TCP/IP error number (errno) of 10200.

If you are still trying to diagnose the problem, you can run a trace on the object spawner. Telnet in to the object spawner. Begin the trace by issuing the following command:


The object spawner responds:

Log file already open

This seems to be an error, so issue the ETRACE command followed by the BTRACE command again:


Log file closed


Log file opened

The object spawner will now trace incoming requests into the data set that is named in the BTRACE command. When issuing the BTRACE command, make sure that the data set that is specified exists. Once you have traced the problem, issue an ETRACE command to close the trace file followed by a BYE command to close the object spawner. This will also close the log file. Following are examples of the object spawner log and trace files for a successful connection.

A successful connection does not produce much information. A failed attempt will produce many more diagnostic messages.

Sample Output

This section shows the actual output produced during an object spawner start-up that was performed in accordance with the instructions that are given here.

The following definitions were in effect:

SASOBJS		Object Server VTAM LU
SASOBJD		Object Spawner VTAM LU
SASOBJS		Transaction Program Name and Object Server Name
SASOS1		Object Spawner STC

Both the APPC and ASCH address spaces were active.

  1. Activate the VTAM logical units:
    NC0000000 SYSD 00273 11:09:07.33 TSG54    00000290  V NET,ACT,ID=APPLSAS
    NR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:09:07.34 STC05977 00000090  IST097I VARY ACCEPTED
    NR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:09:07.50 STC05977 00000090  IST093I APPLSAS ACTIVE
    NC0000000 SYSD 00273 11:09:14.08 TSG54    00000290  D NET,E,ID=APPLSAS
    NR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:09:14.08 STC05977 00000090  IST097I DISPLAY ACCEPTED
    MR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:09:14.08 STC05977 00000090  IST075I NAME = APPLSAS, TYPE = APPL SEGMENT 731
    DR                                      731 00000090  IST486I STATUS= ACTIV, DESIRED STATE= ACTIV
    DR                                      731 00000090  IST360I APPLICATIONS:
    DR                                      731 00000090  IST080I SASOBJB  ACTIV      SASOBJS  ACTIV      SASOBJD  CONCT
    ER                                      731 00000090  IST314I END
  2. Display the VTAM logical units:
    NC0000000 SYSD 00273 11:09:27.81 TSG54    00000290  D NET,E,ID=SASOBJB
    NR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:09:27.81 STC05977 00000090  IST097I DISPLAY ACCEPTED
    MR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:09:27.81 STC05977 00000090  IST075I NAME = MVSNET1.SASOBJB, TYPE = APPL 734
    DR                                    734 00000090  IST486I STATUS= ACTIV, DESIRED STATE= ACTIV
    DR                                    734 00000090  IST1447I REGISTRATION TYPE = CDSERVR
    DR                                    734 00000090  IST977I MDLTAB=***NA*** ASLTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    734 00000090  IST861I MODETAB=MTABASL USSTAB=***NA*** LOGTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    734 00000090  IST934I DLOGMOD=SASLU62 USS LANGTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    734 00000090  IST1632I VPACING =  7
    DR                                    734 00000090  IST597I CAPABILITY-PLU ENABLED  ,SLU ENABLED  ,SESSION LIMIT NONE
    DR                                    734 00000090  IST231I APPL MAJOR NODE = APPLSAS
    DR                                    734 00000090  IST654I I/O TRACE = OFF, BUFFER TRACE = OFF
    DR                                    734 00000090  IST1500I STATE TRACE = OFF
    DR                                    734 00000090  IST271I JOBNAME = APPC, STEPNAME = APPC, DSPNAME = IST9D8BB
    DR                                    734 00000090  IST228I ENCRYPTION = OPTIONAL
    DR                                    734 00000090  IST1563I CKEYNAME = SASOBJB CKEY = PRIMARY CERTIFY = NO
    DR                                    734 00000090  IST1552I MAC = NONE MACTYPE = NONE
    DR                                    734 00000090  IST1050I MAXIMUM COMPRESSION LEVEL - INPUT = 0, OUTPUT = 0
    DR                                    734 00000090  IST1633I ASRCVLM = 1000000
    DR                                    734 00000090  IST1634I DATA SPACE USAGE: CURRENT = 0 MAXIMUM = 392
    DR                                    734 00000090  IST171I ACTIVE SESSIONS = 0000000000, SESSION REQUESTS = 0000000000
    DR                                    734 00000090  IST172I NO SESSIONS EXIST
    ER                                    734 00000090  IST314I END
    NC0000000 SYSD  0273 11:09:32.40 TSG54    00000290  D NET,E,ID=SASOBJS
    NR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:09:32.40 STC05977 00000090  IST097I DISPLAY ACCEPTED
    MR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:09:32.40 STC05977 00000090  IST075I NAME = MVSNET1.SASOBJS, TYPE = APPL 737
    DR                                    737 00000090  IST486I STATUS= ACTIV, DESIRED STATE= ACTIV
    DR                                    737 00000090  IST1447I REGISTRATION TYPE = CDSERVR
    DR                                    737 00000090  IST977I MDLTAB=***NA*** ASLTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    737 00000090  IST861I MODETAB=MTABASL USSTAB=***NA*** LOGTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    737 00000090  IST934I DLOGMOD=SASLU62 USS LANGTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    737 00000090  IST1632I VPACING =  7
    DR                                    737 00000090  IST597I CAPABILITY-PLU ENABLED  ,SLU ENABLED  ,SESSION LIMIT NONE
    DR                                    737 00000090  IST231I APPL MAJOR NODE = APPLSAS
    DR                                    737 00000090  IST654I I/O TRACE = OFF, BUFFER TRACE = OFF
    DR                                    737 00000090  IST1500I STATE TRACE = OFF
    DR                                    737 00000090  IST271I JOBNAME = APPC, STEPNAME = APPC, DSPNAME = IST9D8BB
    DR                                    737 00000090  IST228I ENCRYPTION = OPTIONAL
    DR                                    737 00000090  IST1563I CKEYNAME = SASOBJS CKEY = PRIMARY CERTIFY = NO
    DR                                    737 00000090  IST1552I MAC = NONE MACTYPE = NONE
    DR                                    737 00000090  IST1050I MAXIMUM COMPRESSION LEVEL - INPUT = 0, OUTPUT = 0
    DR                                    737 00000090  IST1633I ASRCVLM = 1000000
    DR                                    737 00000090  IST1634I DATA SPACE USAGE: CURRENT = 0 MAXIMUM = 392
    DR                                    737 00000090  IST171I ACTIVE SESSIONS = 0000000000, SESSION REQUESTS = 0000000000
    DR                                    737 00000090  IST172I NO SESSIONS EXIST
    ER                                    737 00000090  IST314I END
    NC0000000 SYSD 00273 11:09:36.76 TSG54    00000290  D NET,E,ID=SASOBJD
    NR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:09:36.77 STC05977 00000090  IST097I DISPLAY ACCEPTED
    MR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:09:36.77 STC05977 00000090  IST075I NAME = MVSNET1.SASOBJD, TYPE = APPL 740
    DR                                    740 00000090  IST486I STATUS= CONCT, DESIRED STATE= CONCT
    DR                                    740 00000090  IST1447I REGISTRATION TYPE = CDSERVR
    DR                                    740 00000090  IST977I MDLTAB=***NA*** ASLTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    740 00000090  IST861I MODETAB=MTABASL USSTAB=***NA*** LOGTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    740 00000090  IST934I DLOGMOD=SASLU62 USS LANGTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    740 00000090  IST1632I VPACING =  7
    DR                                    740 00000090  IST597I CAPABILITY-PLU INHIBITED,SLU INHIBITED,SESSION LIMIT NONE
    DR                                    740 00000090  IST231I APPL MAJOR NODE = APPLSAS
    DR                                    740 00000090  IST654I I/O TRACE = OFF, BUFFER TRACE = OFF
    DR                                    740 00000090  IST1500I STATE TRACE = OFF
    DR                                    740 00000090  IST271I JOBNAME = ***NA***, STEPNAME = ***NA***, DSPNAME = ***NA***
    DR                                    740 00000090  IST228I ENCRYPTION = OPTIONAL
    DR                                    740 00000090  IST1563I CKEYNAME = SASOBJD CKEY = PRIMARY CERTIFY = NO
    DR                                    740 00000090  IST1552I MAC = NONE MACTYPE = NONE
    DR                                    740 00000090  IST1050I MAXIMUM COMPRESSION LEVEL - INPUT = 0, OUTPUT = 0
    DR                                    740 00000090  IST1633I ASRCVLM = 1000000
    DR                                    740 00000090  IST1634I DATA SPACE USAGE: CURRENT = ***NA*** MAXIMUM = ***NA***
    DR                                    740 00000090  IST171I ACTIVE SESSIONS = 0000000000, SESSION REQUESTS = 0000000000
    DR                                    740 00000090  IST172I NO SESSIONS EXIST
    ER                                    740 00000090  IST314I END
  3. Display the transaction programs:
    NC0000000 SYSD 00273 11:09:45.10 TSG54    00000290  D APPC,TP,ALL
    MR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:09:45.14 TSG54    00000090  ATB122I  11.09.45  APPC DISPLAY 743
    LR                                    743 00000090    LOCAL TP'S      INBOUND CONVERSATIONS    OUTBOUND CONVERSATIONS
    ER                                    743 00000090      00000                 00000                      00000
  4. Start the object spawner:
    NC0000000 SYSD 00273 11:10:02.51 TSG54    00000290  S SASOS1
    N 0200000 SYSD 00273 11:10:02.64 STC06034 00000080  $HASP100 SASOS1   ON STCINRDR
    N 0020000 SYSD 00273 11:10:02.72 STC06034 00000290  IEF695I START SASOS1 WITH JOBNAME SASOS1 IS ASSIGNED TO USER SASOS1
    S                                                    , GROUP OMVSGRP
    N 4000000 SYSD 00273 11:10:02.72 STC06034 00000090  $HASP373 SASOS1   STARTED
    N 0000000 SYSD 00273 11:10:02.73 STC06034 00000090  IEF403I SASOS1 – STARTED
  5. Display the VTAM logical units again, now that the object spawner has been started. There is very little difference because no connections have been made yet:
    NC0000000 SYSD 00273 11:11:10.61 TSG54    00000290  D NET,E,ID=SASOBJB
    NR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:11:10.61 STC05977 00000090  IST097I DISPLAY ACCEPTED
    MR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:11:10.62 STC05977 00000090  IST075I NAME = MVSNET1.SASOBJB, TYPE = APPL 755
    DR                                    755 00000090  IST486I STATUS= ACTIV, DESIRED STATE= ACTIV
    DR                                    755 00000090  IST1447I REGISTRATION TYPE = CDSERVR
    DR                                    755 00000090  IST977I MDLTAB=***NA*** ASLTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    755 00000090  IST861I MODETAB=MTABASL USSTAB=***NA*** LOGTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    755 00000090  IST934I DLOGMOD=SASLU62 USS LANGTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    755 00000090  IST1632I VPACING =  7
    DR                                    755 00000090  IST597I CAPABILITY-PLU ENABLED  ,SLU ENABLED  ,SESSION LIMIT NONE
    DR                                    755 00000090  IST231I APPL MAJOR NODE = APPLSAS
    DR                                    755 00000090  IST654I I/O TRACE = OFF, BUFFER TRACE = OFF
    DR                                    755 00000090  IST1500I STATE TRACE = OFF
    DR                                    755 00000090  IST271I JOBNAME = APPC, STEPNAME = APPC, DSPNAME = IST9D8BB
    DR                                    755 00000090  IST228I ENCRYPTION = OPTIONAL
    DR                                    755 00000090  IST1563I CKEYNAME = SASOBJB CKEY = PRIMARY CERTIFY = NO
    DR                                    755 00000090  IST1552I MAC = NONE MACTYPE = NONE
    DR                                    755 00000090  IST1050I MAXIMUM COMPRESSION LEVEL - INPUT = 0, OUTPUT = 0
    DR                                    755 00000090  IST1633I ASRCVLM = 1000000
    DR                                    755 00000090  IST1634I DATA SPACE USAGE: CURRENT = 0 MAXIMUM = 392
    DR                                    755 00000090  IST171I ACTIVE SESSIONS = 0000000000, SESSION REQUESTS = 0000000000
    DR                                    755 00000090  IST172I NO SESSIONS EXIST
    ER                                    755 00000090  IST314I END
    NC0000000 SYSD 00273 11:11:23.33 TSG54    00000290  D NET,E,ID=APPLSAS
    NR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:11:23.34 STC05977 00000090  IST097I DISPLAY ACCEPTED
    MR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:11:23.34 STC05977 00000090  IST075I NAME = APPLSAS, TYPE = APPL SEGMENT 758
    DR                                    758 00000090  IST486I STATUS= ACTIV, DESIRED STATE= ACTIV
    DR                                    758 00000090  IST360I APPLICATIONS:
    DR                                    758 00000090  IST080I SASOBJB  ACTIV      SASOBJS  ACTIV      SASOBJD  CONCT
    ER                                    758 00000090  IST314I END
    NC0000000 SYSD 00273 11:11:32.66 TSG54    00000290  D NET,E,ID=SASOBJS
    NR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:11:32.66 STC05977 00000090  IST097I DISPLAY ACCEPTED
    MR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:11:32.66 STC05977 00000090  IST075I NAME = MVSNET1.SASOBJS, TYPE = APPL 761
    DR                                    761 00000090  IST486I STATUS= ACTIV, DESIRED STATE= ACTIV
    DR                                    761 00000090  IST1447I REGISTRATION TYPE = CDSERVR
    DR                                    761 00000090  IST977I MDLTAB=***NA*** ASLTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    761 00000090  IST861I MODETAB=MTABASL USSTAB=***NA*** LOGTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    761 00000090  IST934I DLOGMOD=SASLU62 USS LANGTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    761 00000090  IST1632I VPACING =  7
    DR                                    761 00000090  IST597I CAPABILITY-PLU ENABLED  ,SLU ENABLED  ,SESSION LIMIT NONE
    DR                                    761 00000090  IST231I APPL MAJOR NODE = APPLSAS
    DR                                    761 00000090  IST654I I/O TRACE = OFF, BUFFER TRACE = OFF
    DR                                    761 00000090  IST1500I STATE TRACE = OFF
    DR                                    761 00000090  IST271I JOBNAME = APPC, STEPNAME = APPC, DSPNAME = IST9D8BB
    DR                                    761 00000090  IST228I ENCRYPTION = OPTIONAL
    DR                                    761 00000090  IST1563I CKEYNAME = SASOBJS CKEY = PRIMARY CERTIFY = NO
    DR                                    761 00000090  IST1552I MAC = NONE MACTYPE = NONE
    DR                                    761 00000090  IST1050I MAXIMUM COMPRESSION LEVEL - INPUT = 0, OUTPUT = 0
    DR                                    761 00000090  IST1633I ASRCVLM = 1000000
    DR                                    761 00000090  IST1634I DATA SPACE USAGE: CURRENT = 0 MAXIMUM = 392
    DR                                    761 00000090  IST171I ACTIVE SESSIONS = 0000000000, SESSION REQUESTS = 0000000000
    DR                                    761 00000090  IST172I NO SESSIONS EXIST
    ER                                    761 00000090  IST314I END
    NC0000000 SYSD 00273 11:11:35.81 TSG54    00000290  D NET,E,ID=SASOBJD
    NR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:11:35.82 STC05977 00000090  IST097I DISPLAY ACCEPTED
    MR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:11:35.82 STC05977 00000090  IST075I NAME = MVSNET1.SASOBJD, TYPE = APPL 764
    DR                                    764 00000090  IST486I STATUS= CONCT, DESIRED STATE= CONCT
    DR                                    764 00000090  IST1447I REGISTRATION TYPE = CDSERVR
    DR                                    764 00000090  IST977I MDLTAB=***NA*** ASLTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    764 00000090  IST861I MODETAB=MTABASL USSTAB=***NA*** LOGTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    764 00000090  IST934I DLOGMOD=SASLU62 USS LANGTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    764 00000090  IST1632I VPACING =  7
    DR                                    764 00000090  IST597I CAPABILITY-PLU INHIBITED,SLU INHIBITED,SESSION LIMIT NONE
    DR                                    764 00000090  IST231I APPL MAJOR NODE = APPLSAS
    DR                                    764 00000090  IST654I I/O TRACE = OFF, BUFFER TRACE = OFF
    DR                                    764 00000090  IST1500I STATE TRACE = OFF
    DR                                    764 00000090  IST271I JOBNAME = ***NA***, STEPNAME = ***NA***, DSPNAME = ***NA***
    DR                                    764 00000090  IST228I ENCRYPTION = OPTIONAL
    DR                                    764 00000090  IST1563I CKEYNAME = SASOBJD CKEY = PRIMARY CERTIFY = NO
    DR                                    764 00000090  IST1552I MAC = NONE MACTYPE = NONE
    DR                                    764 00000090  IST1050I MAXIMUM COMPRESSION LEVEL - INPUT = 0, OUTPUT = 0
    DR                                    764 00000090  IST1633I ASRCVLM = 1000000
    DR                                    764 00000090  IST1634I DATA SPACE USAGE: CURRENT = ***NA*** MAXIMUM = ***NA***
    DR                                    764 00000090  IST171I ACTIVE SESSIONS = 0000000000, SESSION REQUESTS = 0000000000
    DR                                    764 00000090  IST172I NO SESSIONS EXIST
    ER                                    764 00000090  IST314I END
  6. Display the VTAM logical units again after making a connection from the client PC:
    NC0000000 SYSD 00273 11:12:41.29 TSG54    00000290  D NET,E,ID=APPLSAS
    NR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:12:41.30 STC05977 00000090  IST097I DISPLAY ACCEPTED
    MR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:12:41.30 STC05977 00000090  IST075I NAME = APPLSAS, TYPE = APPL SEGMENT 771
    DR                                    771 00000090  IST486I STATUS= ACTIV, DESIRED STATE= ACTIV
    DR                                    771 00000090  IST360I APPLICATIONS:
    DR                                    771 00000090  IST080I SASOBJB  ACT/S      SASOBJS  ACT/S      SASOBJD  CONCT
    ER                                    771 00000090  IST314I END
    NC0000000 SYSD 00273 11:12:46.50 TSG54    00000290  D NET,E,ID=SASOBJB
    NR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:12:46.53 STC05977 00000090  IST097I DISPLAY ACCEPTED
    MR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:12:46.53 STC05977 00000090  IST075I NAME = MVSNET1.SASOBJB, TYPE = APPL 774
    DR                                    774 00000090  IST486I STATUS= ACT/S, DESIRED STATE= ACTIV
    DR                                    774 00000090  IST1447I REGISTRATION TYPE = CDSERVR
    DR                                    774 00000090  IST977I MDLTAB=***NA*** ASLTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    774 00000090  IST861I MODETAB=MTABASL USSTAB=***NA*** LOGTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    774 00000090  IST934I DLOGMOD=SASLU62 USS LANGTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    774 00000090  IST1632I VPACING =  7
    DR                                    774 00000090  IST597I CAPABILITY-PLU ENABLED  ,SLU ENABLED  ,SESSION LIMIT NONE
    DR                                    774 00000090  IST231I APPL MAJOR NODE = APPLSAS
    DR                                    774 00000090  IST654I I/O TRACE = OFF, BUFFER TRACE = OFF
    DR                                    774 00000090  IST1500I STATE TRACE = OFF
    DR                                    774 00000090  IST271I JOBNAME = APPC, STEPNAME = APPC, DSPNAME = IST9D8BB
    DR                                    774 00000090  IST228I ENCRYPTION = OPTIONAL
    DR                                    774 00000090  IST1563I CKEYNAME = SASOBJB CKEY = PRIMARY CERTIFY = NO
    DR                                    774 00000090  IST1552I MAC = NONE MACTYPE = NONE
    DR                                    774 00000090  IST1050I MAXIMUM COMPRESSION LEVEL - INPUT = 0, OUTPUT = 0
    DR                                    774 00000090  IST1633I ASRCVLM = 1000000
    DR                                    774 00000090  IST1634I DATA SPACE USAGE: CURRENT = 0 MAXIMUM = 392
    DR                                    774 00000090  IST171I ACTIVE SESSIONS = 0000000002, SESSION REQUESTS = 0000000000
    DR                                    774 00000090  IST206I SESSIONS:
    DR                                    774 00000090  IST634I NAME     STATUS         SID          SEND RECV VR TP NETID
    DR                                    774 00000090  IST635I SASOBJS  ACTIV-S    E2C756A2C233BB53 0003 0002       MVSNET1
    DR                                    774 00000090  IST635I SASOBJS  ACTIV/SV-S E2C756A2C233BB51 0001 0001       MVSNET1
    ER                                    774 00000090  IST314I END
    NC0000000 SYSD 00273 11:12:51.05 TSG54    00000290  D NET,E,ID=SASOBJS
    NR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:12:51.06 STC05977 00000090  IST097I DISPLAY ACCEPTED
    MR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:12:51.06 STC05977 00000090  IST075I NAME = MVSNET1.SASOBJS, TYPE = APPL 777
    DR                                    777 00000090  IST486I STATUS= ACT/S, DESIRED STATE= ACTIV
    DR                                    777 00000090  IST1447I REGISTRATION TYPE = CDSERVR
    DR                                    777 00000090  IST977I MDLTAB=***NA*** ASLTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    777 00000090  IST861I MODETAB=MTABASL USSTAB=***NA*** LOGTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    777 00000090  IST934I DLOGMOD=SASLU62 USS LANGTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    777 00000090  IST1632I VPACING =  7
    DR                                    777 00000090  IST597I CAPABILITY-PLU ENABLED  ,SLU ENABLED  ,SESSION LIMIT NONE
    DR                                    777 00000090  IST231I APPL MAJOR NODE = APPLSAS
    DR                                    777 00000090  IST654I I/O TRACE = OFF, BUFFER TRACE = OFF
    DR                                    777 00000090  IST1500I STATE TRACE = OFF
    DR                                    777 00000090  IST271I JOBNAME = APPC, STEPNAME = APPC, DSPNAME = IST9D8BB
    DR                                    777 00000090  IST228I ENCRYPTION = OPTIONAL
    DR                                    777 00000090  IST1563I CKEYNAME = SASOBJS CKEY = PRIMARY CERTIFY = NO
    DR                                    777 00000090  IST1552I MAC = NONE MACTYPE = NONE
    DR                                    777 00000090  IST1050I MAXIMUM COMPRESSION LEVEL - INPUT = 0, OUTPUT = 0
    DR                                    777 00000090  IST1633I ASRCVLM = 1000000
    DR                                    777 00000090  IST1634I DATA SPACE USAGE: CURRENT = 0 MAXIMUM = 392
    DR                                    777 00000090  IST171I ACTIVE SESSIONS = 0000000002, SESSION REQUESTS = 0000000000
    DR                                    777 00000090  IST206I SESSIONS:
    DR                                    777 00000090  IST634I NAME     STATUS         SID          SEND RECV VR TP NETID
    DR                                    777 00000090  IST635I SASOBJB  ACTIV-P    E2C756A2C233BB53 0002 0003       MVSNET1
    DR                                    777 00000090  IST635I SASOBJB  ACTIV/SV-P E2C756A2C233BB51 0001 0001       MVSNET1
    ER                                    777 00000090  IST314I END
    NC0000000 SYSD 00273 11:12:55.03 TSG54    00000290  D NET,E,ID=SASOBJD
    NR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:12:55.03 STC05977 00000090  IST097I DISPLAY ACCEPTED
    MR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:12:55.03 STC05977 00000090  IST075I NAME = MVSNET1.SASOBJD, TYPE = APPL 780
    DR                                    780 00000090  IST486I STATUS= CONCT, DESIRED STATE= CONCT
    DR                                    780 00000090  IST1447I REGISTRATION TYPE = CDSERVR
    DR                                    780 00000090  IST977I MDLTAB=***NA*** ASLTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    780 00000090  IST861I MODETAB=MTABASL USSTAB=***NA*** LOGTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    780 00000090  IST934I DLOGMOD=SASLU62 USS LANGTAB=***NA***
    DR                                    780 00000090  IST1632I VPACING =  7
    DR                                    780 00000090  IST597I CAPABILITY-PLU INHIBITED,SLU INHIBITED,SESSION LIMIT NONE
    DR                                    780 00000090  IST231I APPL MAJOR NODE = APPLSAS
    DR                                    780 00000090  IST654I I/O TRACE = OFF, BUFFER TRACE = OFF
    DR                                    780 00000090  IST1500I STATE TRACE = OFF
    DR                                    780 00000090  IST271I JOBNAME = ***NA***, STEPNAME = ***NA***, DSPNAME = ***NA***
    DR                                    780 00000090  IST228I ENCRYPTION = OPTIONAL
    DR                                    780 00000090  IST1563I CKEYNAME = SASOBJD CKEY = PRIMARY CERTIFY = NO
    DR                                    780 00000090  IST1552I MAC = NONE MACTYPE = NONE
    DR                                    780 00000090  IST1050I MAXIMUM COMPRESSION LEVEL - INPUT = 0, OUTPUT = 0
    DR                                    780 00000090  IST1633I ASRCVLM = 1000000
    DR                                    780 00000090  IST1634I DATA SPACE USAGE: CURRENT = ***NA*** MAXIMUM = ***NA***
    DR                                    780 00000090  IST171I ACTIVE SESSIONS = 0000000000, SESSION REQUESTS = 0000000000
    DR                                    780 00000090  IST172I NO SESSIONS EXIST
    ER                                    780 00000090  IST314I END
  7. Display the transaction programs again:
    NC0000000 SYSD 00273 11:13:06.88 TSG54    00000290  D APPC,TP,ALL
    MR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:13:06.92 TSG54    00000090  ATB122I  11.13.06  APPC DISPLAY 782
    LR                                    782 00000090    LOCAL TP'S      INBOUND CONVERSATIONS    OUTBOUND CONVERSATIONS
    LR                                    782 00000090      00002                 00001                      00000
    DR                                    782 00000090  LTPN=*UNKNOWN*
    DR                                    782 00000090     LLUN=SASOBJB    WUID=*UNKNOWN*  CONVERSATIONS=00000   ASID=0042
    DR                                    782 00000090     SCHED=*NONE*    ASNAME=SASOS1   TPID=0C6A69100000000B
    DR                                    782 00000090  LTPN=SASOBJS
    DR                                    782 00000090     LLUN=SASOBJS    WUID=A0000007   CONVERSATIONS=00001   ASID=0034
    DR                                    782 00000090     SCHED=ASCH      ASNAME=SASOBJS  TPID=0C6A6A700000000C
    DR                                    782 00000090   PTPN=*UNKNOWN*
    DR                                    782 00000090     PLUN=MVSNET1.SASOBJB
    DR                                    782 00000090     PROTECTED=NO    USERID=TSG54    DIRECTION=INBOUND
    DR                                    782 00000090     VERBS=00000006  IT=*NONE*
    DR                                    782 00000090     MODE=ATB#MODE   VTAMCID=01000012  SYNC POINT IN PROG=NO
    ER                                    782 00000090     LUWID=*NONE*
  8. Display the ASCH information:
    NC0000000 SYSD 00273 11:13:17.67 TSG54    00000290  D ASCH,ALL
    MR0000000 SYSD 00273 11:13:17.71 TSG54    00000090  ASB101I  11.13.17  ASCH DISPLAY 786
    LR                                    786 00000090    CLASSES   ACTIVE TRANS   QUEUED TRANS   IDLE INITS    TOTAL INITS
    LR                                    786 00000090     00002       00001          00000         00015          00016
    LR                                    786 00000090    REGION       TIME          MSGLEVEL      OUTCLASS       SUBSYS
    DR                                    786 00000090    0004M       1440,00          1,1            X            JESD
    DR                                    786 00000090  CLASS=OPENMVS    STATUS=ACTIVE       ACTIVE TRANS=00000  MIN=00015
    DR                                    786 00000090                   RESPGOAL=1.000000   QUEUED TRANS=00000  MAX=00100
    DR                                    786 00000090                   DEFAULT=NO          IDLE INITS=00015
    DR                                    786 00000090  CLASS=GENERAL    STATUS=ACTIVE       ACTIVE TRANS=00001  MIN=00001
    DR                                    786 00000090                   RESPGOAL=1.000000   QUEUED TRANS=00000  MAX=00005
    DR                                    786 00000090                   DEFAULT=YES         IDLE INITS=00000
    DR                                    786 00000090   LTPN=SASOBJS
    DR                                    786 00000090                   STATUS=ACTIVE       WUID=A0000007       ASID=0034
    DR                                    786 00000090                   TPST=STANDARD       USERID=TSG54        QT=*NONE*
    ER                                    786 00000090                   JOBNAME=SASOBJS
  9. Stop the object spawner using the operator port:
    N 0000000 SYSD   00273 11:13:34.31 STC06034 00000090  IEF404I SASOS1 - ENDED
    N 4000000 SYSD   00273 11:13:34.32 STC06034 00000090  $HASP395 SASOS1   ENDED
    N 0000000 SYSD   00273 11:13:34.35          00000290  IEA989I SLIP TRAP ID=X33E MATCHED.  JOBNAME=*UNAVAIL, ASID=0042.

The object spawner produces the following log messages.

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