Applications Developer Papers A-Z

Session 0898-2017:
A Custom Method to Auto-load SAS® LASR™ Tables and Longitudinally Report on ETL, DQ, and LASR Timings
Automatic loading, tracking, and visualization of data readiness in SAS® Visual Analytics is easy when you combine SAS® Data Integration Studio with the DATASET and LASR procedures. This paper illustrates the simple method that the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Enterprise Reporting and Departmental Systems) uses to automatically load tables into the SAS® LASR Analytic Servers, and then store reportable data about the HDFS tables created, the LASR tables loaded, and the ETL job execution times. This methodology gives the department the ability to longitudinally visualize system loading performance and identify changes in system behavior, as well as providing a means of measuring how well we are serving our customers over time.
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Jessica Fraley, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Session 1132-2017:
A Macro that Creates U.S State and County Keyhole Markup Language Files for Google Map Use
This paper introduces a macro that can generate the keyhole markup language (KML) files for U.S. states and counties. The generated KML files can be used directly by Google Maps to add customized state and county layers with user-defined colors and transparencies. When someone clicks on the state and county layers in Google Maps, customized information is shown. To use the macro, the user needs to prepare only a simple SAS® input data set. The paper includes all the SAS codes for the macro and provides examples that show you how to use the macro as well as how to display the KML files in Google Maps.
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Ting Sa, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Session SAS0297-2017:
Automating Gorgeous Executive-Level Presentations Using SAS® Office Analytics
A lot of time and effort goes into creating presentations or dashboards for the purposes of management business reviews. Data for the presentation is produced from a variety of tools, and the output is cut and pasted into Microsoft PowerPoint or Microsoft Excel. Time is spent not only on the data preparation and reporting, but also on the finishing and touching up of these presentations. In previous years, SAS® Global Forum authors have described the automation capabilities of SAS® and Microsoft Office. The default look and feel of SAS output in Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Excel is not always adequate for the more polished requirement of an executive presentation. This paper focuses on how to combine the capabilities of SAS® Enterprise Guide®, SAS® Visual Analytics, and Microsoft PowerPoint into a finished, professional presentation. We will build and automate a beautiful finished end product that can be refreshed by anyone with the click of a mouse.
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Dwight Fowler, SAS
Session SAS0287-2017:
Basic Ingredients for Blending the SAS® Client with SAS® Viya™
Let's walk through an example of communicating from the SAS® client to SAS® Viya . The demonstration focuses on how to use SAS® language to establish a session, transport and persist data, and receive results. Learn how to establish communication with SAS Viya. Explore topics such as: What is a session? How do I make requests? What does my SAS log tell me? Get a deeper understanding of data location on the client and the server side. Learn about applying existing user formats, how to get listings or reports, and how to query sessions, data, and properties.
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Denise Poll, SAS
Session 0175-2017:
Best-Practice Programming Techniques Using SAS® Software
It's essential that SAS® users enhance their skills to implement best-practice programming techniques when using Base SAS® software. This presentation illustrates core concepts with examples to ensure that code is readable, clearly written, understandable, structured, portable, and maintainable. Attendees learn how to apply good programming techniques including implementing naming conventions for data sets, variables, programs, and libraries; code appearance and structure using modular design, logic scenarios, controlled loops, subroutines and embedded control flow; code compatibility and portability across applications and operating platforms; developing readable code and program documentation; applying statements, options, and definitions to achieve the greatest advantage in the program environment; and implementing program generality into code to enable its continued operation with little or no modifications.
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Kirk Paul Lafler, Software Intelligence Corporation
Session 1372-2017:
Build Apps for Your Enterprise with SAS® and HTML5
SAS® is perfect for building enterprise apps. Think about it: SAS speaks to almost any database you can think of and is probably already hooked in to most of the data sources in your organization. A full-fledged metadata security layer happens to already be integrated with your single sign-on authentication provider, and every time a user interacts with the system, their permissions are checked and the data their app asks for is automatically encrypted. SAS ticks all the boxes required by IT, and the skills required to start developing apps already sit within your department. Your team most likely already knows what your app needs to do, so instead of writing lists of requirements, give them an HTML5 resource, and together they can write and deploy the back-end code themselves. The apps run in the browser, the server-side logic is deployed using SAS .spk packages, and permissions are managed via SAS® Management Console. Best of all, the infrastructure that would normally take months to integrate is already there, eliminating barriers to entry and letting you demonstrate the value of your solution to internal customers with zero up-front investment. This paper shows how SAS integrates with open-source tools like H54S, AngularJS, and PostGIS, together with next-generation developer-centric analytical platforms like SAS® Viya , to build secure, enterprise-class apps that can support thousands of users. This presentation includes lots of app demos. This presentation was included at SAS® Forum UK 2016.
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Nik Markovic, Boemska
Session 1091-2017:
Build Lightning-Fast Web Apps with HTML5 and SAS®
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) frameworks like Bootstrap, and JavaScript libraries such as jQuery and h54s, have made it faster than ever before to develop enterprise-grade web apps on top of the SAS® platform. Hailing the benefits of using SAS as a back end (authentication, security, ease of data access), this paper navigates the configuration issues to consider for maximum responsiveness to client web requests (pooled sessions, load balancing, multibridge connections). Cherry picking from the whirlwind of front end technologies and approaches, the author presents a framework that enables the novice programmer to build a simple web app in minutes. The exact steps necessary to achieve this are described, alongside a hurricane of practical tips like the following: dealing with CORS; logging in SAS; debugging AJAX calls; and SAS http responses. Beware this approach is likely to cause a storm of demand in your area! Server requirements: SAS® Business Intelligence Platform (SAS® 9.2 or later); SAS® Stored Process Web Application (SAS® Integration Technologies). Client requirements: HTML5 browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or later); access to open-source libraries (which can be hosted on-premises if Internet access is an issue).
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Allan Bowe, BOWE IO
Session SAS0118-2017:
DATA Step in SAS® Viya™: Essential New Features
The DATA step is the familiar and powerful data processing language in SAS® and now SAS Viya . The DATA step's simple syntax provides row-at-a-time operations to edit, restructure, and combine data. New to the DATA step in SAS Viya are a varying-size character data type and parallel execution. Varying-size character data enables intuitive string operations that go beyond the 32KB limit of current DATA step operations. Parallel execution speeds the processing of big data by starting the DATA step on multiple machines and dividing data processing among threads on these machines. To avoid multi-threaded programming errors, the run-time environment for the DATA step is presented along with potential programming pitfalls. Come see how the DATA step in SAS Viya makes your data processing simpler and faster.
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Jason Secosky, SAS
Session 0868-2017:
DS2 with Both Hands on the Wheel
The DATA Step has served SAS® programmers well over the years. Although the DATA step is handy, the new, exciting, and powerful DS2 provides a significant alternative to the DATA step by introducing an object-oriented programming environment. It enables users to effectively manipulate complex data and efficiently manage the programming through additional data types, programming structure elements, user-defined methods, and shareable packages, as well as providing threaded execution. This tutorial was developed based on our experiences with getting started with DS2 and learning to use it to access, manage, and share data in a scalable and standards-based way. It facilitates SAS users of all levels to easily get started with DS2 and understand its basic functionality by practicing how to use the features of DS2.
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Xue Yao, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
Peter Eberhardt, Fernwood Consulting Group Inc.
Session SAS0605-2017:
Data Grids in Business Rules, Decisions, Batch Scoring, and Real-Time Scoring
Users want more power. SAS® delivers. Data grids are a new data type available to users of SAS® Business Rules Manager and SAS® Decision Manager. These data grids can be deployed to both batch and web service scoring for data mining models and business decisions. Users will learn how to construct data with grid data types, create business rules using high-level expressions, and deploy decisions to both batch and web services for scoring.
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Carl Sommer, SAS
Ernest Jessee, SAS
Chris Upton, SAS
Session 0801-2017:
Don't Let Your Annual Report Be Such a Manual Report: Combining Text, Graphs, and Tables in One Doc
Learn neat new (and not so new) methods for joining text, graphs, and tables in a single document. This paper shows how you can create a report that includes all three with a single solution: SAS®. The text portion is taken from a Microsoft Word document and joined with output from the GPLOT and REPORT procedures.
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Ben Cochran, The Bedford Group, Inc.
Session 1346-2017:
Extensive Modification of SAS® Program Output Routed to ODS Using Proc Document
The DOCUMENT procedure is a little known procedure that can save you vast amounts of time and effort when managing the output of your SAS® programming efforts. This procedure is deeply associated with the mechanism by which SAS controls output in the Output Delivery System (ODS). Have you ever wished you didn't have to modify and rerun the report-generating program every time there was some tweak in the desired report? PROC DOCUMENT enables you to store one version of the report as an ODS Document Object and then call it out in many different output forms, such as PDF, HTML, listing, RTF, and so on, without rerunning the code. Have you ever wished you could extract those pages of the output that apply to certain BY variables such as State, StudentName, or CarModel? With PROC DOCUMENT, you have where capabilities to extract these. Do you want to customize the table of contents that assorted SAS procedures produce when you make frames for the table of contents with HTML, or use the facilities available for PDF? PROC DOCUMENT enables you to get to the inner workings of ODS and manipulate them. This paper addresses PROC DOCUMENT from the viewpoint of end results, rather than provide a complete technical review of how to do the task at hand. The emphasis is on the benefits of using the procedure, not on detailed mechanics.
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Roger Muller, Data-to-Events
Session 1281-2017:
Finding National Best Bid and Best Offer: Quote by Quote
U.S. stock exchanges (currently there are 12) are tracked in real time via the Consolidated Trade System (CTS) and the Consolidated Quote System (CQS). CQS contains every updated quote from each of these exchanges, covering some 8,500 stock tickers. It provides the basis by which brokers can honor their fiduciary obligation to investors to execute transactions at the best price, that is, at the National Best Bid or Best Offer (NBBO). With the advent of electronic exchanges and high-frequency trading (timestamps are published to the nanosecond), data set size (approaching 1 billion quotes requiring 80 gigabytes of storage for a normal trading day) has become a major operational consideration for market behavior researchers re-creating NBBO values from quotes. This presentation demonstrates a straightforward use of hash tables for tracking constantly changing quotes for each ticker/exchange combination to provide the NBBO for each ticker at each time point in the trading day.
Mark Keintz, Wharton Research Data Services
Session 0187-2017:
Guidelines for Protecting Your Computer, Network, and Data from Malware Threats
Because many SAS® users either work for or own companies that house big data, the threat that malicious software poses becomes even more extreme. Malicious software, often abbreviated as malware, includes many different classifications, ways of infection, and methods of attack. This E-Poster highlights the types of malware, detection strategies, and removal methods. It provides guidelines to secure essential assets and prevent future malware breaches.
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Ryan Lafler
Session SAS0378-2017:
How SAS® Customers Are Using Hadoop: Year in Review
Another year implementing, validating, securing, optimizing, migrating, and adopting the Hadoop platform. What have been the top 10 accomplishments with Hadoop seen over the last year? We also review issues, concerns, and resolutions from the past year as well. We discuss where implementations are and some best practices for moving forward with Hadoop and SAS® releases.
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Howard Plemmons, SAS
Mauro Cazzari, SAS
Session 0340-2017:
How to Use SAS® to Filter Stock for Trade
Investors usually trade stocks or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) based on a methodology, such as a theory, a model, or a specific chart pattern. There are more than 10,000 securities listed on the US stock market. Picking the right one based on a methodology from so many candidates is usually a big challenge. This paper presents the methodology based on the CANSLIM1 theorem and momentum trading (MT) theorem. We often hear of the cup and handle shape (C&H), double bottoms and multiple bottoms (MB), support and resistance lines (SRL), market direction (MD), fundamental analyses (FA), and technical analyses (TA). Those are all covered in CANSLIM theorem. MT is a trading theorem based on stock moving direction or momentum. Both theorems are easy to learn but difficult to apply without an appropriate tool. The brokers' application system usually cannot provide such filtering due to its complexity. For example, for C&H, where is the handle located? For the MB, where is the last bottom you should trade at? Now, the challenging task can be fulfilled through SAS®. This paper presents the methods on how to apply the logic and graphically present them though SAS. All SAS users, especially those who work directly on capital market business, can benefit from reading this document to achieve their investment goals. Much of the programming logic can also be adopted in SAS finance packages for clients.
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Brian Shen, Merlin Clinical Service LLC
Session 1163-2017:
If You Have to Process Difficult Characters: UTF-8 Encoding and SAS®
Many SAS® environments are set up for single-byte character sets (SBCS). But many organizations now have to process names of people and companies with characters outside that set. You can solve this problem by changing the configuration to the UTF-8 encoding, which is a multi-byte character set (MBCS). But the commonly used text manipulating functions like SUBSTR, INDEX, FIND, and so on, act on bytes, and should not be used anymore. SAS has provided new functions to replace these (K-functions). Also, character fields have to be enlarged to make room for multi-byte characters. This paper describes the problems and gives guidelines for a strategy to change. It also presents code to analyze existing code for functions that might cause problems. For those interested, a short historic background and a description of UTF-8 encoding is also provided. Conclusions focus on the positioning of SAS environments configured with UTF-8 versus single-byte encodings, the strategy of organizations faced with a necessary change, and the documentation.
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Frank Poppe, PW Consulting
Session 0927-2017:
Improving Efficiency in SAS® Enterprise Guide®: Parallel Processing and Other Hidden Gems
In the past 10 years, SAS® Enterprise Guide® has developed into the go-to application to access the power of SAS®. With each new release, SAS continues to add functionality that makes the SAS user's life easier. We take a closer look at some of the built-in features within SAS Enterprise Guide and how they can make your life easier. One of the most exciting and powerful features we explore is allowing parallel execution on the same server. This gives you the ability to run multiple SAS processes at the same time regardless of whether you have a SAS® Grid Computing environment. Some other topics we cover include conditional processing within SAS Enterprise Guide, how to securely store database login and password information, setting up autoexec files in SAS Enterprise Guide, exploiting process flows, and much more.
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Steve First, Systems Seminar Consultants
Benjamin First, US Bank Corp
Session SAS0331-2017:
Introduction to SAS® Data Connectors and SAS® Data Connect Accelerators on SAS® Viya™
For many years now you have learned the ins and outs of using SAS/ACCESS® software to move data into SAS® to do your analytics. With the new open, cloud-ready SAS® Viya platform comes a new set of data access technologies known as SAS data connectors and SAS data connect accelerators. This paper describes what these new data access products are and how they integrate with the SAS Viya platform. After reading this paper, you will have the foundation needed to load data from third-party data sources into SAS Viya.
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Salman Maher, SAS
Chris DeHart, SAS
Barbara Kemper, SAS
Session 1277-2017:
Leads and Lags: Static and Dynamic Queues in the SAS® DATA Step
From stock price histories to hospital stay records, analysis of time series data often requires use of lagged (and occasionally lead) values of one or more analysis variable. For the SAS® user, the central operational task is typically getting lagged (lead) values for each time point in the data set. Although SAS has long provided a LAG function, it has no analogous lead function, which is an especially significant problem in the case of large data series. This paper 1) reviews the lag function, in particular, the powerful but non-intuitive implications of its queue-oriented basis; 2) demonstrates efficient ways to generate leads with the same flexibility as the LAG function, but without the common and expensive recourse to data re-sorting; and 3) shows how to dynamically generate leads and lags through use of the hash object.
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Mark Keintz, Wharton Research Data Services
Session SAS0395-2017:
Location Analytics: Minority Report Is Here. Real-Time Geofencing Using SAS® Event Stream Processing
Geofencing is one of the most promising and exciting concepts that has developed with the advent of the internet of things. Like John Anderton in the 2002 movie Minority Report, you can now enter a mall and immediately receive commercial ads and offers based on your personal taste and past purchases. Authorities can track vessels positions and detect when a ship is not in the area it should be, or they can forecast and optimize harbor arrivals. When a truck driver breaks from the route, the dispatcher can be alerted and can act immediately. And there are countless examples from manufacturing, industry, security, or even households. All of these applications are based on the core concept of geofencing, which consists of detecting whether a device s position is within a defined geographical boundary. Geofencing requires real-time processing in order to react appropriately. In this session, we explain how to implement real-time geofencing on streaming data with SAS® Event Stream Processing and achieve high-performance processing, in terms of millions of events per second, over hundreds of millions of geofences.
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Frederic Combaneyre, SAS
Session SAS0563-2017:
Managing Real-Time Data Streams to High-Performance Analytics Engines
You re in the business of performing complex analyses on large amounts of data. This data changes quickly and often, so you ve invested in a powerful high-performance analytics engine with the speed to respond to a real-time data stream. However, you realize an immediate problem upon the implementation of your software solution: your analytics engine wants to process many records of data at once, but your streaming engine wants to send individual records. How do you store this streaming data? How do you tell the analytics engine about the updates? This paper explains how to manage real-time streaming data in a batch-processing analytics engine. The problem of managing streaming data in analytics engines comes up in many industries: energy, finance, health care, and marketing to name a few. The solution described in this paper can be applied in any industry, using features common to most analytics engines. You learn how to store and manage streaming data in such a way as to guarantee that the analytics engine has only current information, limit interruptions to data access, avoid duplication of data, and maintain a historical record of events.
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Katherine Taylor, SAS
Session 1400-2017:
More than a Report: Mapping the TABULATE Procedure as a Nested Data Object
The TABULATE procedure has long been a central workhorse of our organization's reporting processes, given that it offers a uniquely concise syntax for obtaining descriptive statistics on deeply grouped and nested categories within a data set. Given the diverse output capabilities of SAS®, it often then suffices to simply ship the procedure's completed output elsewhere via the Output Delivery System (ODS). Yet there remain cases in which we want to not only obtain a formatted result, but also to acquire the full nesting tree and logic by which the computations were made. In these cases, we want to treat the details of the Tabulate statements as data, not merely as presentation. I demonstrate how we have solved this problem by parsing our Tabulate statements into a nested tree structure in JSON that can be transferred and easily queried for deep values elsewhere beyond the SAS program. Along the way, this provides an excellent opportunity to walk through the nesting logic of the procedure's statements and explain how to think about the axes, groupings, and set computations that make it tick. The source code for our syntax parser are also available on GitHub for further use.
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Jason Phillips, The University of Alabama
Session SAS0127-2017:
New for SAS® 9.4: Including Text and Graphics in Your Microsoft Excel Workbooks, Part 2
A new ODS destination for creating Microsoft Excel workbooks is available starting in the third maintenance release for SAS® 9.4. This destination creates native Microsoft Excel XLSX files, supports graphic images, and offers other advantages over the older ExcelXP tagset. In this presentation, you learn step-by-step techniques for quickly and easily creating attractive multi-sheet Excel workbooks that contain your SAS® output. The techniques can be used regardless of the platform on which SAS software is installed. You can even use them on a mainframe! Creating and delivering your workbooks on demand and in real time using SAS server technology is discussed. Using earlier versions of SAS to create multi-sheet workbooks is also discussed. Although the title is similar to previous presentations by this author, this presentation contains new and revised material not previously presented.
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Vince DelGobbo, SAS
Session SAS0278-2017:
Optimizing SAS® Grid Computing with SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server and Dynamic Data Partitioning
Making optimal use of SAS® Grid Computing relies on the ability to spread the workload effectively across all of the available nodes. With SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server (SPD Server), it is possible to partition your data and spread the processing across the SAS Grid Computing environment. In an ideal world it would be possible to adjust the size and number of partitions according to the data volumes being processed on any given day. This paper discusses a technique that enables the processing performed in the SAS Grid Computing environment to be dynamically reconfigured, automatically at run time, to optimize the use of SAS Grid Computing, and to provide significant performance benefits.
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Andy Knight, SAS
Session 0963-2017:
PROC DATASETS: The Swiss Army Knife of SAS® Procedures
The DATASETS procedure provides the most diverse selection of capabilities and features of any of the SAS® procedures. It is the prime tool that programmers can use to manage SAS data sets, indexes, catalogs, and so on. Many SAS programmers are only familiar with a few of PROC DATASETS's many capabilities. Most often, they only use the data set updating, deleting, and renaming capabilities. However, there are many more features and uses that should be in a SAS programmer's toolkit. This paper highlights many of the major capabilities of PROC DATASETS. It discusses how it can be used as a tool to update variable information in a SAS data set; provide information about data set and catalog contents; delete data sets, catalogs, and indexes; repair damaged SAS data sets; rename files; create and manage audit trails; add, delete, and modify passwords; add and delete integrity constraints; and more. The paper contains examples of the various uses of PROC DATASETS that programmers can cut and paste into their own programs as a starting point. After reading this paper, a SAS programmer will have practical knowledge of the many different facets of this important SAS procedure.
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Michael Raithel, Westat
Session 0916-2017:
PROC DS2: What's in It for You?
In this paper, we explore advantages of the DS2 procedure over the DATA step programming in SAS®. DS2 is a new SAS proprietary programming language appropriate for advanced data manipulation. We explore the use of PROC DS2 to execute queries in databases using SAS FedSQL. Several DS2 language elements accept embedded FedSQL syntax, and the run-time generated queries can exchange data interactively between DS2 and the supported database. This action enables SQL preprocessing of input tables, which effectively allows processing data from multiple tables in different databases within the same query, thereby drastically reducing processing times and improving performance. We explore use of DS2 for creating tables, bulk loading tables, manipulating tables, and querying data in an efficient manner. We explore advantages of using PROC DS2 over DATA step programming such as support for different data types, ANSI SQL types, programming structure elements, and benefits of using new expressions or writing one's own methods or packages available in the DS2 system. The DS2 procedure enables requests to be processed by the DS2 data access technology that supports a scalable, threaded, high-performance, and standards-based way to access, manage, and share relational data. In the end, we empirically measure performance benefits of using PROC DS2 over PROC SQL for processing queries in-database by taking advantage of threaded processing in supported databases such as Oracle.
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Viraj Kumbhakarna, MUFG Union Bank
Session SAS0606-2017:
Power to the People! Web Service Scoring for the Masses
SAS® Decision Manager includes a hidden gem: a web service for high-speed online scoring of business events. The fourth maintenance release of SAS® 9.4 represents the third release of the SAS® Micro Analytics Service for scoring SAS® DS2 code decisions in a standard JSON web service. Users will learn how to create decisions, deploy modules to the web service, test the service, and record business events.
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Prasenjit Sen, SAS
Chris Upton, SAS
Session 0188-2017:
Removing Duplicates Using SAS®
We live in a world of data; small data, big data, and data in every conceivable size between small and big. In today's world, data finds its way into our lives wherever we are. We talk about data, create data, read data, transmit data, receive data, and save data constantly during any given hour in a day, and we still want and need more. So, we collect even more data at work, in meetings, at home, on our smartphones, in emails, in voice messages, sifting through financial reports, analyzing profits and losses, watching streaming videos, playing computer games, comparing sports teams and favorite players, and countless other ways. Data is growing and being collected at such astounding rates, all in the hope of being able to better understand the world around us. As SAS® professionals, the world of data offers many new and exciting opportunities, but it also presents a frightening realization that data sources might very well contain a host of integrity issues that need to be resolved first. This presentation describes the available methods to remove duplicate observations (or rows) from data sets (or tables) based on the row's values and keys using SAS.
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Kirk Paul Lafler, Software Intelligence Corporation
Session SAS0147-2017:
SAS® Customer Intelligence 360 for Dummies
Have you heard of SAS® Customer Intelligence 360, the program for creating a digital marketing SasS offering on a multi-tenant SAS cloud? Were you mesmerized by it but found it overwhelming? Did you tell yourself, I wish someone would show me how to do this ? This paper is for you. This paper provides you with an easy, step-by-step procedure on how to create a successful digital web, mobile, and email marketing campaign. In addition to these basics, the paper points to resources that allow you to get deeper into the application and customize each object to satisfy your marketing needs.
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Fariba Bat-haee, SAS
Denise Sealy, SAS
Session SAS0296-2017:
SAS® and UTF-8: Ultimately the Finest. Your Data and Applications Will Thank You!
The SAS® platform with Unicode's UTF-8 encoding is ready to help you tackle the challenges of dealing with data in multiple languages. In today's global economy, software needs are changing. Companies are globalizing and consolidating systems from various parts of the world. Software must be ready to handle data from social media, international web pages, and databases that have characters in many different languages. SAS makes migrating your data to Unicode a snap! This paper helps you move smoothly from your legacy SAS environment to the powerful SAS Unicode environment with UTF-8 support. Along the way, you will uncover secrets to successfully manipulate your characters, so that all of your data remains intact.
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Elizabeth Bales, SAS
Wei Zheng, SAS
Session 1279-2017:
SAS®: A Unifying Tool That Manages Hospital and Research Pharmacy Data and Reporting
Hospital Information Technologists are faced with a dilemma: how to get the many pharmacy databases, dynamic data sets, and software systems to communicate with each other and generate useful, automated, real-time output. SAS® serves as a unifying tool for our hospital pharmacy. It brings together data from multiple sources, generates output in multiple formats, analyzes trends, and generates summary reports to meet workload, quality, and regulatory requirements. Data sets originate from multiple sources, including drug and device wholesalers, web-based drug information systems, dumb machine output, pharmacy drug-dispensing platforms, hospital administration systems, and others. SAS output includes CSV files that can be read by dispensing machines, report output for Pharmacy and Therapeutics committees, graphs to summarize year-to-year dispensing and quality trends, emails to customers with inventory and expiry date notifications, investigational drug information summaries for hospital staff, inventory trending with restock alerts, and quality assurance summary reports. For clinical trial support, additional output includes randomization codes, data collection forms, blinded enrollment summaries, study subject assignment lists, and others. For business operations, output includes invoices, shipping documents, and customer metrics. SAS brings our pharmacy information systems together and supports an efficient, cost-effective, flexible, and reliable workflow.
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Robert MacArthur, Rockefeller University
Arman Altincatal, Evidera
Session 0383-2017:
Setting Relative Server Paths in SAS® Enterprise Guide®
Imagine if you will a program, a program that loves its data, a program that loves its data to be in the same directory as the program itself. Together, in the same directory. True love. The program loves its data so much, it just refers to it by filename. No need to say what directory the data is in; it is the same directory. Now imagine that program being thrust into the world of the server. The server knows not what directory this program resides in. The server is an uncaring, but powerful, soul. Yet, when the program is executing, and the program refers to the data just by filename, the server bellows nay, no path, no data. A knight in shining armor emerges, in the form of a SAS® macro, who says lo, with the help of the SAS® Enterprise Guide® macro variable minions, I can gift you with the location of the program directory and send that with you to yon mighty server. And there was much rejoicing. Yay. This paper shows you a SAS macro that you can include in your SAS Enterprise Guide pre-code to automatically set your present working directory to the same directory where your program is saved on your UNIX or Linux operating system. This is applicable to submitting to any type of server, including a SAS Grid Server. It gives you the flexibility of moving your code and data to different locations without having to worry about modifying the code. It also helps save time by not specifying complete pathnames in your programs. And can't we all use a little more time?
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Michelle Buchecker, ThotWave Technologies, LLC.
Session 1229-2017:
String Search in SAS® Visual Analytics Records
In SAS® Visual Analytics, we demonstrate a search functionality that enables users to filter a LASR table for records containing a search string. The search is performed on selected character fields that are defined for the table. The search string can be portions of words. Each additional string to search for narrows the search results.
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robbert rahamat, Accenture
Session 1258-2017:
Testing the Night Away
Testing is a weak spot in many data warehouse environments. A lot of the testing is focused on the correct implementation of requirements. But due to the complex nature of analytics environments, a change in a data integration process can lead to unexpected results in totally different and untouched areas. We developed a method to identify unexpected changes often and early by doing a nightly regression test. The test does a full ETL run, compares all output from the test to a baseline, and reports all the changes. This paper describes the process and the SAS® code needed to back up existing data, trigger ETL flows, compare results, and restore situations after a nightly regression test. We also discuss the challenges we experienced while implementing the nightly regression test framework.
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Laurent de Walick, PW Consulting
bas Marsman, NN Bank
Stephan Minnaert, PW Consulting
Session 0274-2017:
Text Generation Data Sets (Text GDS)
SAS offers generation data set structure as part of the language feature that many users are familiar with. They use it in their organizations and manage it using keywords such as GENMAX and GENNUM. While SAS operates in a mainframe environment, users also have the ability to tap into the GDG (generation data group) feature available on z/OS, OS/390, OS/370, IBM 3070, or IBM 3090 machines. With cost-saving initiatives across businesses and due to some scaling factors, many organizations are in the process of migrating to mid-tier platforms to cheaper operating platforms such as UNIX and AIX. Because Linux is open source and is a cheaper alternative, several organizations have opted for the UNIX distribution of SAS that can work in UNIX and AIX environments. While this might be a viable alternative, there are certain nuances that the migration effort brings to the technical conversion teams. On UNIX, the concept of GDGs does not exist. While SAS offers generation data sets, they are good only for SAS data sets. If the business organization needs to house and operate with a GDG-like structure for text data sets, there isn't one available. While my organization had a similar initiative to migrate programs used to run the subprime mortgage analytic, incentive, and regulatory reporting, we identified the paucity of literature and research on this topic. Hence, I ended up developing the utility that addresses this need. This is a simple macro that helps us closely simulate a GDG/GDS.
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Dr. Kannan Deivasigamani, HSBC
Session SAS0309-2017:
The Architecture of the SAS® Cloud Analytic Services in SAS® Viya™
SAS® Cloud Analytic Services (CAS) is the cloud-based run-time environment for data management and analytics in SAS®. By run-time environment, we refer to the combination of hardware and software where data management and analytics take place. In a sense, CAS is just another SAS platform to do things. CAS is a platform for high-performance analytics and distributed computing. The CAS server provides data management and an analytics framework that can run in the cloud, that can act as a cloud, and that provides the best-in-class analytics that SAS is known for. This new architecture functions as a public API, allowing access from many different clients such as Lua, Python, Java, REST, and yes, even SAS. The CAS server is designed to provide user-level sessions, to share data between sessions, and to provide fault tolerance, which allows a worker node to crash without losing data and allows the user action to continue running to completion. The isolation provided to each session allows one session to crash without affecting other sessions. The concept of 'always in memory' in CAS means that an action is not aware of what the server does to allow the action to access the data. The entire file might be in memory or just pieces of the file might be mapped into memory, just in time for the action to access the data. This allows CAS tables to be loaded that are larger than the memory available across the grid. Hadoop can be used to provide data redundancy. The server is elastic and can add or remove nodes as needed. Users can specify how many nodes they want their session to use, so that the session fits their needs.
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Jerry Pendergrass, SAS
Session 1074-2017:
Use Internal SAS Metadata User and Authentication Domain to Connect to an FTP Server
Within a SOX-compliant environment, a batch job is run. During the process, an FTP server needs to be accessed. The batch user password is not known and the FTP credentials are not known either. How safely and securely can we achieve this? The approach is to have an authentication domain within the SAS metadata created that has the FTP credentials. Create an internal SAS user within the SAS metadata. This user exists only within the SAS metadata, so it does not pose any risk. Create an FTP server within the SAS metadata. Add and link everything together within the SAS metadata. Within the SAS batch job, the SAS internal user will be used (with the use of the hashed password) to connect to the metadata to get the FTP credentials stored within the authentication domain and retrieve or upload the data.
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Sebastian Scanzi, S4S Consulting
Session 0991-2017:
Using SAS® Software to Shrink the Data Footprint in Your Applications
This paper discusses the techniques I used at the US Census Bureau to overcome the issue of dealing with large amounts of data while modernizing some of their public-facing web applications by using service-oriented architecture (SOA) to deploy JavaScript web applications powered by SAS®. The paper covers techniques that resulted in reducing 1,753,926 records (82 MB) down to 58 records (328 KB), a 99.6% size reduction in summarized data on the server side.
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Ahmed Al-Attar, AnA Data Warehousing Consulting, LLC
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