Union County data

Category Union Rank North Carolina
1990 Total Population 84,211 24 6,628,637
2000 Total Population 123,677 18 8,049,313
2010 Total Population 201,292 10 9,538,870
1990-2000 % Change in Population 46.9% 4 21.4%
2000-2010 % Change in Population 62.8% 1 18.5%
1990-2010 % Change in Population 139% 1 43.9%
2000 Foreign Born Population 7,047 13 430,000
2006-2010 Foreign Born Population 15,683 8 682,955
2006-2010 % Foreign Born 8.2% 13 7.4%
% Change in Foreign Born from 2000 123% 12 58.8%
07-08 In-Migration from Foreign Countries (IRS Data) 118 14 9,783
07-08 Out-Migration to Foreign Countries (IRS Data) 53 16 5,950
2010 Latino/Hispanic Population 20,967 8 800,120
2010 % Latino/Hispanic 10.4% 14 8.0%
2010-2011 Latino Public School Enrollment 5,317 8 182,754
2011 % of Latino/Hispanic Birth 19.4% 16 15.0%
Foreign Born Residents from Europe--ACS 2006-2010 2,382 10 74,154
Foreign Born Residents from Asia--ACS 2006-2010 2,121 11 150,469
Foreign Born Residents from Africa--ACS 2006-2010 440 11 38,111
Foreign Born Residents from Oceania--ACS 2006-2010 46 17 2,811
Foreign Born Residents from Latin America--ACS 2006-2010 10,256 7 401,078
% of Foreign Born from Latin America--ACS 2006-2010 65.4% 56 58.7%
Foreign Born Residents from North America--ACS 2006-2010 438 7 16,332
American Ancestry--ACS 2006-2010 28,569 6 1,066,458
Middle Eastern Ancestry--ACS 2006-2010 650 8 28,696
European Ancestry--ACS 2006-2010 114,291 8 4,565,101
Russian Ancestry--ACS 2006-2010 1,526 8 41,674
African Ancestry--ACS 2006-2010 1,146 12 80,071
Hispanic Ancestry--ACS 2006-2010 18,819 8 723,408
Asian Ancestry--ACS 2006-2010 2,665 12 194,993
Population 5 and Older: Only English--ACS 2006-2010 154,264 10 7,750,904
% of Population 5 and Older Speaking Language other than English--ACS 2006-2010 12.1% 12 10.4%
Population 5 and Older: English + Spanish--ACS 2006-2010 15,461 8 601,101
Population 5 and Older: English + 0ther Indo-European Languages--ACS 2006-2010 4,028 9 140,867
Population 5 and Older: English + Asian and Pacific Islander Languages--ACS 2006-2010 1,238 16 119,684
Population 5 and Older: English + Other Languages--ACS 2006-2010 458 13 36,751
K-12 Total Enrollment 2010-2011 40,134 6 1,451,206
% of K-12 Students Enrolled in Foreign Language 2010-2011 20.8% 7 15.4%
K-12 Enrollment in Foreign Language Immersion Programs 2009-2010 32 17 7,041
K-12 Enrollment in Spanish Language Courses 2010-2011 5,726 5 160,136
K-12 Enrollment in Chinese Language Courses 2010-2011 315 3 2,564
K-12 Enrollment in Other Foreign Language Courses 2010-2011 2,299 5 60,874
Foreign Language Degrees Awarded at N.C. Independent Colleges 2010-2011 1 14 236
Foreign Language Degrees Awarded at UNC System Colleges 2010-2011 0 . 596
Foreign Language Degrees Awarded at NC Community Colleges 2008-2009 0 . 17
2011 International Students at UNC System Colleges 0 . 14,111
2012 International Students at N.C. Independent Colleges 59 10 2,077
2012 International Students at N.C. Community Colleges 0 . 6,642
2012 International Sister Cities 0 . 65
2011 Estimated Value of Imports $383,078,354 7 $15,502,282,134
2012 Number of Companies Importing 160 11 7,010
2011 Estimated Value of Exports $85,480,589 19 $23,835,752,435
2012 Number of Companies Exporting 65 7 2,453
2012 Number of Foreign Owned Company Sites 82 10 4,133
2012 Estimated Number of NC Employees at Foreign Company Sites 3,282 10 190,874
2012 # Foreign Companies with US Headquarters in NC 0 . 58
Pork - 2010 Total Export 0 . 373,931,831
Poultry - 2010 Total Export 18,255,038 1 194,340,096
Cotton - 2010 Total Export 0 . 711,305,068
Sweet Potatoes - 2010 Total Export 0 . 36,588,127
Soy Beans - 2010 Total Export 2,696,088 6 78,847,848
Tobacco - 2010 Total Export 0 . 877,077,600
Argricultural Forest Products - 2011 Total Export 8,047,624 63 1,493,948,806
Participants in CIU Policy Programs (2008-2012) 1 43 204
Participants in CIU Educator Programs (1995-2012) 12 13 640
Participants in CIU Latino Initiative International Programs (1998-2012) 14 13 553
Students in CIU Chinese Language Programs (2012-2013) 0 . 5,539