Caldwell County data

Category Caldwell Rank North Carolina
1990 Total Population 70,709 29 6,628,637
2000 Total Population 77,415 31 8,049,313
2010 Total Population 83,029 33 9,538,870
1990-2000 % Change in Population 9.5% 79 21.4%
2000-2010 % Change in Population 7.3% 63 18.5%
1990-2010 % Change in Population 17.4% 72 43.9%
2000 Foreign Born Population 1,509 47 430,000
2006-2010 Foreign Born Population 1,970 50 682,955
2006-2010 % Foreign Born 2.4% 81 7.4%
% Change in Foreign Born from 2000 30.6% 75 58.8%
07-08 In-Migration from Foreign Countries (IRS Data) 0 . 9,783
07-08 Out-Migration to Foreign Countries (IRS Data) 0 . 5,950
2010 Latino/Hispanic Population 3,796 44 800,120
2010 % Latino/Hispanic 4.6% 63 8.0%
2010-2011 Latino Public School Enrollment 970 44 182,754
2011 % of Latino/Hispanic Birth 9.2% 67 15.0%
Foreign Born Residents from Europe--ACS 2006-2010 232 46 74,154
Foreign Born Residents from Asia--ACS 2006-2010 411 36 150,469
Foreign Born Residents from Africa--ACS 2006-2010 68 35 38,111
Foreign Born Residents from Oceania--ACS 2006-2010 32 19 2,811
Foreign Born Residents from Latin America--ACS 2006-2010 1,107 59 401,078
% of Foreign Born from Latin America--ACS 2006-2010 56.2% 70 58.7%
Foreign Born Residents from North America--ACS 2006-2010 120 28 16,332
American Ancestry--ACS 2006-2010 15,175 23 1,066,458
Middle Eastern Ancestry--ACS 2006-2010 0 . 28,696
European Ancestry--ACS 2006-2010 39,549 32 4,565,101
Russian Ancestry--ACS 2006-2010 172 38 41,674
African Ancestry--ACS 2006-2010 47 76 80,071
Hispanic Ancestry--ACS 2006-2010 3,573 45 723,408
Asian Ancestry--ACS 2006-2010 437 39 194,993
Population 5 and Older: Only English--ACS 2006-2010 73,964 33 7,750,904
% of Population 5 and Older Speaking Language other than English--ACS 2006-2010 4.5% 74 10.4%
Population 5 and Older: English + Spanish--ACS 2006-2010 2,732 47 601,101
Population 5 and Older: English + 0ther Indo-European Languages--ACS 2006-2010 410 45 140,867
Population 5 and Older: English + Asian and Pacific Islander Languages--ACS 2006-2010 312 37 119,684
Population 5 and Older: English + Other Languages--ACS 2006-2010 61 43 36,751
K-12 Total Enrollment 2010-2011 12,555 35 1,451,206
% of K-12 Students Enrolled in Foreign Language 2010-2011 12.4% 61 15.4%
K-12 Enrollment in Foreign Language Immersion Programs 2009-2010 0 . 7,041
K-12 Enrollment in Spanish Language Courses 2010-2011 1,248 36 160,136
K-12 Enrollment in Chinese Language Courses 2010-2011 2 42 2,564
K-12 Enrollment in Other Foreign Language Courses 2010-2011 302 35 60,874
Foreign Language Degrees Awarded at N.C. Independent Colleges 2010-2011 0 . 236
Foreign Language Degrees Awarded at UNC System Colleges 2010-2011 0 . 596
Foreign Language Degrees Awarded at NC Community Colleges 2008-2009 0 . 17
2011 International Students at UNC System Colleges 0 . 14,111
2012 International Students at N.C. Independent Colleges 0 . 2,077
2012 International Students at N.C. Community Colleges 23 32 6,642
2012 International Sister Cities 0 . 65
2011 Estimated Value of Imports $93,565,696 31 $15,502,282,134
2012 Number of Companies Importing 56 25 7,010
2011 Estimated Value of Exports $13,900,149 33 $23,835,752,435
2012 Number of Companies Exporting 25 24 2,453
2012 Number of Foreign Owned Company Sites 13 58 4,133
2012 Estimated Number of NC Employees at Foreign Company Sites 258 67 190,874
2012 # Foreign Companies with US Headquarters in NC 0 . 58
Pork - 2010 Total Export 99,715 43 373,931,831
Poultry - 2010 Total Export 253,542 52 194,340,096
Cotton - 2010 Total Export 0 . 711,305,068
Sweet Potatoes - 2010 Total Export 0 . 36,588,127
Soy Beans - 2010 Total Export 0 . 78,847,848
Tobacco - 2010 Total Export 0 . 877,077,600
Argricultural Forest Products - 2011 Total Export 8,213,542 62 1,493,948,806
Participants in CIU Policy Programs (2008-2012) 0 . 204
Participants in CIU Educator Programs (1995-2012) 0 . 640
Participants in CIU Latino Initiative International Programs (1998-2012) 0 . 553
Students in CIU Chinese Language Programs (2012-2013) 0 . 5,539