SAS Life Science Analytics Framework Macro API
- Version: 1.5
Macro Summary |
%lsaf_addgroupmember(lsaf_path=, lsaf_group=, lsaf_type=USER, lsaf_member=, lsaf_group_context=);
Adds a user or group as a member of a group in the specified organization, project, or ...
%lsaf_addmember(lsaf_path=, lsaf_member=, lsaf_type=USER, lsaf_group_context=);
Adds a user or a group as a member of the specified organization, project, or analysis.
%lsaf_addrolemember(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=, lsaf_role_context=, lsaf_member=, lsaf_type=USER, lsaf_group_context=);
Adds a user or group as a member of a role in the specified organization, project, or ...
%lsaf_addroleprivilege(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=, lsaf_privilege=);
Adds a privilege to a role in the specified organization, project, or analysis.
%lsaf_adduserprivilege(lsaf_userid=, lsaf_privilege=);
Assign a global privilege to a user in the system.
%lsaf_assignedroleexists(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=, lsaf_role_context=);
Determine if a role exists (as defined or inherited) in an organization, project, or analysis.
%lsaf_assignrole(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=, lsaf_role_context=);
Assigns a role to the specified organization, project, or analysis as an inherited role.
%lsaf_checkin(lsaf_path=, lsaf_comment=, lsaf_versiontype=MINOR, lsaf_customversion=);
Checks in a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository file.
Check out a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository file.
%lsaf_copy(lsaf_source=, lsaf_target=);
Copies a file or folder to the specified target location.
Creates an analysis in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
%lsaf_createfile(local_path=, lsaf_path=, lsaf_versioning=, lsaf_version=, lsaf_comment=);
Uploads a file from the local machine to the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
Creates a folder in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository. Folders can ...
%lsaf_creategroup(lsaf_path=, lsaf_group=, lsaf_description=);
Creates a group in the specified organization, project, or analysis.
%lsaf_createprocessflow(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, lsaf_processflowdef=);
Creates a process flow in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository. A process flow ...
%lsaf_createprocessflowmanifest(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, lsaf_manifest_path=, lsaf_versioning=, lsaf_versiontype=, lsaf_customversion=, lsaf_comment=);
Creates a process flow manifest file in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository. ...
Creates a project in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
%lsaf_createrole(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=, lsaf_description=);
Creates a role in the specified organization, project, or analysis.
%lsaf_createuser(lsaf_userid=, lsaf_displayname=, lsaf_email=, lsaf_accounttype=, lsaf_password=, lsaf_firstname=, lsaf_lastname=, lsaf_department=, lsaf_phone=);
Creates a user account within the system.
Creates a folder in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework workspace.
%lsaf_createworkspacejob(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname_info=%str(_lsaf_createworkspacejob_ds_notprovided_), sas_dsname_tasks=%str(_lsaf_createworkspacejob_ds_notprovided_), sas_dsname_parameters=%str(_lsaf_createworkspacejob_ds_notprovided_), sas_dsname_inputs=%str(_lsaf_createworkspacejob_ds_notprovided_), sas_dsname_outputs=%str(_lsaf_createworkspacejob_ds_notprovided_));
Creates a job in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework workspace. The SAS macro variable ...
Deletes an analysis from the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
%lsaf_deletegroup(lsaf_path=, lsaf_group=);
Deletes a group from the specified organization, project, or analysis.
Deletes an object from the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
%lsaf_deleteprocessflow(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, lsaf_createmanifest=1, lsaf_manifest_path=, lsaf_versioning=, lsaf_versiontype=, lsaf_customversion=, lsaf_comment=);
Deletes a process flow and, optionally, creates manifest file in the SAS Life Science ...
Deletes a project from the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
%lsaf_deleterbitems(sas_dsname=, sas_result_dsname=work.lsafDeleteRBItems);
Permanently deletes items from the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework recycle bin using a ...
%lsaf_deleterole(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=);
Deletes a role from the specified organization, project, or analysis.
Deletes a user account from the system.
%lsaf_disableversioning(lsaf_path=, lsaf_comment=);
Disables versioning on a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository file.
%lsaf_downloadaszip(lsaf_path=, local_path=, lsaf_overwrite=0);
Downloads SAS Life Science Analytics Framework files or a folder along with its content ...
%lsaf_downloadfile(lsaf_path=, lsaf_version=, local_path=);
Downloads a file to your local machine from the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
%lsaf_enableversioning(lsaf_path=, lsaf_version=, lsaf_comment=);
Enables versioning on a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository file.
Encrypts the password for a user in the system. The returned encrypted password can be used ...
%lsaf_getabsolutepath(lsaf_base_path=, lsaf_relative_path=);
Returns an absolute path for a file relative to the given base path. Neither path is validated ...
%lsaf_getacls(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetACLs, lsaf_recursive=0);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the access control list for objects in the SAS Life ...
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the users defined within the ...
%lsaf_getassignedmembers(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetAssignedMembers);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the members assigned to the ...
%lsaf_getcheckedoutfiles(lsaf_checkedoutby=%str(_LSAF_VALUE_NOT_PROVIDED_), lsaf_name=%str(_LSAF_VALUE_NOT_PROVIDED_), lsaf_location=%str(_LSAF_VALUE_NOT_PROVIDED_), sas_dsname=work.lsafGetCheckedOutFiles);
Returns a SAS data set containing the checked out file information for the specified user, ...
%lsaf_getchildren(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetChildren, lsaf_recursive=0);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for objects within a container in the SAS ...
%lsaf_getconfiguration(sas_dsname=work.lsafGetConfiguration, sas_suppressLogList=0);
Reports the current configuration settings.
%lsaf_getcontextprivileges(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetContextPrivileges);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the privileges available in the ...
Returns the value for the Copy to Workspace status of a file or folder in the SAS Life Science ...
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the global privileges available ...
%lsaf_getgroupmembers(lsaf_path=, lsaf_group=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetGroupMembers);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the members assigned to a group ...
%lsaf_getgroups(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetGroups);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the groups defined within a ...
%lsaf_getjobinfo(lsaf_path=, lsaf_version=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetJobInfo);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the information for a job in the SAS Life Science ...
%lsaf_getjobinputs(lsaf_path=, lsaf_version=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetJobInputs);
Returns a SAS data set containing metadata for the inputs for the specified job in the SAS ...
%lsaf_getjoboutputs(lsaf_path=, lsaf_version=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetJobOutputs);
Returns a SAS data set containing metadata for the outputs for the specified job in the SAS ...
%lsaf_getjobparameters(lsaf_path=, lsaf_version=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetJobParameters);
Returns a SAS data set containing job parameter metadata for the specified job.
%lsaf_getjobtasks(lsaf_path=, lsaf_version=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetJobTasks);
Returns a SAS data set containing metadata for the tasks for the specified job in the SAS ...
%lsaf_getmyprocessflows(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetMyProcessFlows, lsaf_includeChildren=1);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all the process flows defined by the ...
Reports the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework object type for the specified ...
%lsaf_getowner(lsaf_path=, lsaf_aclType=);
Returns the current owner of an object within the organization in the SAS Life Science ...
%lsaf_getpfjobelementinfo(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetPfJobElementInfo);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the properties for the job setup elements for the ...
%lsaf_getpfjobparameters(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetPfJobParameters);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the override parameters for the job setup elements for the ...
%lsaf_getpfnotificationinfo(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetPfNotificationInfo);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the properties for the notification setup elements for the ...
%lsaf_getpfnotifrecipients(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetPfNotifRecipients);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the recipients for notification setup elements for the ...
%lsaf_getpfsignallocations(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetPfSignalLocations);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the locations for the signal setup elements for the ...
%lsaf_getpftimerelements(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetPfTimerElements);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the data for the timer setup elements for the ...
%lsaf_getpfusercandidates(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetPfUserCandidates);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the candidates for user setup elements for the ...
%lsaf_getpfuserelementinfo(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetPfUserElementInfo);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the properties for the user setup elements for the ...
%lsaf_getprocessdefsbytype(lsaf_type=ORGANIZATION, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetProcessDefsByType);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the process flow definitions ...
%lsaf_getprocessflowdata(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetProcessFlowData);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for the process data for the specified ...
%lsaf_getprocessflowelements(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetProcessFlowElements);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for the flow setup elements for the ...
%lsaf_getprocessflowproperties(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetProcessFlowProperties);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the properties for the specified process flow within the ...
%lsaf_getprocessflows(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetProcessFlows, lsaf_includeChildren=1);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the process flows defined at, and ...
%lsaf_getproperties(lsaf_path=, lsaf_version=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetProperties);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the properties of an object in the SAS Life Science ...
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for the items in the SAS Life Science ...
%lsaf_getrbitemsbyquery(lsaf_path=, lsaf_name=, lsaf_userid=, lsaf_from=, lsaf_to=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetRBItemsByQuery);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for the items in the SAS Life Science ...
%lsaf_getrelativepath(lsaf_base_path=, lsaf_absolute_path=);
Returns a relative path for a file relative to the given base path. Neither path is validated ...
%lsaf_getrolemembers(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=, lsaf_role_context=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetRoleMembers);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the members assigned to a role ...
%lsaf_getroleprivileges(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetRolePrivileges);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the privileges assigned to a ...
%lsaf_getroles(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetRoles, lsaf_getInherited=1);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the roles defined and, if ...
%lsaf_getsignatures(lsaf_path=, lsaf_version=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetSignatures);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the signatures of a file or a ...
Determines the status of a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository or workspace job ...
Returns a SAS data set containing metadata for all subscriptions for the current user.
%lsaf_getsyncinfo(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetSyncInfo);
Returns a SAS data set containing synchronization information for the specified file in the ...
Determines if a file in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository is synchronized, ...
%lsaf_getusergroups(lsaf_userid=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetUserGroups);
Returns a SAS data set containing metadata for each of the groups in which the specified ...
%lsaf_getuserprivileges(lsaf_userid=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetUserPrivileges);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the global privileges assigned ...
%lsaf_getversions(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetVersions);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the versions of a file.
%lsaf_getworkspacechildren(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetWorkspaceChildren, lsaf_recursive=0);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for objects within a folder in the SAS ...
%lsaf_getworkspacejobinfo(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetWorkspaceJobInfo);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the information for a job in the SAS Life Science ...
%lsaf_getworkspacejobinputs(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetWorkspaceJobInputs);
Returns a SAS data set containing metadata for the inputs for the specified job in the SAS ...
%lsaf_getworkspacejoboutputs(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetWorkspaceJobOutputs);
Returns a SAS data set containing metadata for the outputs for the specified job in the SAS ...
%lsaf_getworkspacejobparameters(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetWorkspaceJobParameters);
Returns a SAS data set containing job parameter metadata for the specified job in the SAS ...
%lsaf_getworkspacejobtasks(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetWorkspaceJobTasks);
Returns a SAS data set containing metadata for the tasks for the specified job in the SAS ...
%lsaf_groupexists(lsaf_path=, lsaf_group=);
Determines whether a group is defined for the specified context.
%lsaf_hascontextprivilege(lsaf_path=, lsaf_privilege=, lsaf_member=, lsaf_type=USER, lsaf_group_context=);
Determines whether a user or group has a specific role privilege in the specified ...
Determines whether a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository file has been checked out.
Determines whether a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository object is of type container.
%lsaf_isgroupmember(lsaf_path=, lsaf_group=, lsaf_member=, lsaf_type=USER, lsaf_group_context=, lsaf_includeImplicit=0);
Determines whether a user or group is an explicit member of the group in the specified organization, ...
%lsaf_ismember(lsaf_path=, lsaf_member=, lsaf_type=USER, lsaf_group_context=);
Determines whether a user or group is a member in the specified organization, project, ...
%lsaf_isrolemember(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=, lsaf_role_context=, lsaf_member=, lsaf_type=USER, lsaf_group_context=);
Determines whether a user or group is a member of a role in the specified organization, ...
%lsaf_isroleprivilege(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=, lsaf_privilege=);
Determines whether a privilege is assigned to a role in the specified organization, ...
%lsaf_isuserprivilege(lsaf_userid=, lsaf_privilege=);
Determines whether a global privilege is assigned to a user.
Determines whether a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository object has versioning enabled.
Locks a user account.
%lsaf_login(lsaf_url=, lsaf_userid=, lsaf_password=, proxy_host=, proxy_port=, proxy_userid=, proxy_password=);
Creates a connection to the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework instance.
Closes an open connection to SAS Life Science Analytics Framework.
%lsaf_markforaddandcheckin(lsaf_path=, lsaf_versionfile=1, lsaf_comment=, lsaf_versiontype=MAJOR, lsaf_customversion=);
Marks for add and checks in a workspace file to the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework ...
%lsaf_move(lsaf_source=, lsaf_target=);
Moves a file or folder to the specified target location.
Determines whether a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository object exists.
%lsaf_processflowexists(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=);
Determines whether a process flow is defined for the specified context.
%lsaf_removegroupmember(lsaf_path=, lsaf_group=, lsaf_member=, lsaf_type=USER, lsaf_group_context=);
Removes a user or a group as a member of a group in the specified organization, project, or ...
%lsaf_removemember(lsaf_path=, lsaf_member=, lsaf_type=USER, lsaf_group_context=);
Removes a user or a group as a member of the specified organization, project, or analysis.
%lsaf_removerolemember(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=, lsaf_role_context=, lsaf_member=, lsaf_type=USER, lsaf_group_context=);
Removes a user or a group as a member of a role in the specified organization, project, or ...
%lsaf_removeroleprivilege(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=, lsaf_privilege=);
Removes a privilege from a role in the specified organization, project, or analysis.
%lsaf_removeuserprivilege(lsaf_userid=, lsaf_privilege=);
Remove a global privilege from a user in the system.
%lsaf_renameanalysis(lsaf_source=, lsaf_newname=);
Renames an analysis.
%lsaf_renameobject(lsaf_source=, lsaf_newname=);
Renames a file or folder.
%lsaf_renameproject(lsaf_source=, lsaf_newname=);
Renames a project.
%lsaf_resetpassword(lsaf_userid=, lsaf_newpassword=);
Reset the password for a user in the system. This action requires the logged on user to have ...
%lsaf_roleexists(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=);
Determines whether a a role is defined in the specified organization, project, or analysis.
%lsaf_submitandpopulatewsjob(lsaf_path=, lsaf_userelativepaths=0, sas_dsname=);
Submits a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework workspace job for immediate execution and updates ...
%lsaf_submitjob(lsaf_path=, lsaf_version=, sas_dsname=);
Submits a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository job for immediate execution and sets ...
%lsaf_submitworkspacejob(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=);
Submits a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework workspace job for immediate execution and sets ...
%lsaf_syncfiletoworkspace(lsaf_path=, lsaf_version=);
Gets the version of the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework from the repository file to ...
%lsaf_unassignrole(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=, lsaf_role_context=);
Unassigns a role from the specified organization, project, or analysis.
Unlocks a user account.
Sets permissions on SAS Life Science Analytics Framework objects using a data set as input.
%lsaf_updateanalysislead(lsaf_path=, lsaf_userid=);
Updates the current lead of an analysis in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework ...
%lsaf_updateanalysisstate(lsaf_path=, lsaf_state=, lsaf_comment=);
Update the state of an analysis in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
%lsaf_updatecopytoworkspacestatus(lsaf_path=, lsaf_status=);
Updates the value for the Copy To Workspace status of a file or folder in the SAS Life Science ...
%lsaf_updatefile(local_path=, lsaf_path=, lsaf_comment=, lsaf_version=);
Updates the contents of an existing file in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
%lsaf_updateorglead(lsaf_path=, lsaf_userid=);
Updates the current lead of an organization in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework ...
%lsaf_updateowner(lsaf_path=, lsaf_aclType=, lsaf_userid=);
Updates the current owner of an object within the organization in the SAS Life Science ...
Updates the properties for process flow job elements using a data set as input.
Updates the job parameter overrides for process flow job elements using a data set as input.
Updates the properties for process flow notification elements using a data set as input.
Updates the recipients for process flow notification elements using a data set as input.
Updates the locations for process flow signal elements using a data set as input.
Updates the values of process flow timer elements using a data set as input. Each row of the ...
Updates the candidates for process flow user task elements using a data set as input.
Updates the properties for process flow user elements using a data set as input.
%lsaf_updateprocessflowdata(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, sas_dsname=_lsaf_updatepf_donotupdate_);
Updates the metatdata for the process flow data for the specified process flow in the SAS ...
%lsaf_updateprocessflowproperties(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, sas_dsname=_lsaf_updatepf_donotupdate_);
Updates a process flow in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
%lsaf_updateprojectlead(lsaf_path=, lsaf_userid=);
Updates the current lead of a project in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
%lsaf_updateprojectstate(lsaf_path=, lsaf_state=, lsaf_comment=, lsaf_include_analyses=1);
Update the state of a project in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
%lsaf_updateproperties(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=);
Updates the editable properties of SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository ...
%lsaf_updateuserinfo(lsaf_userid=, lsaf_displayname=_lsaf_updateuser_donotupdate_, lsaf_email=_lsaf_updateuser_donotupdate_, lsaf_accounttype=_lsaf_updateuser_donotupdate_, lsaf_firstname=_lsaf_updateuser_donotupdate_, lsaf_lastname=_lsaf_updateuser_donotupdate_, lsaf_department=_lsaf_updateuser_donotupdate_, lsaf_phone=_lsaf_updateuser_donotupdate_);
Update general user account information.
%lsaf_updateworkspacejob(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname_info=%str(_lsaf_updateworkspacejob_ds_notprovided_), sas_dsname_tasks=%str(_lsaf_updateworkspacejob_ds_notprovided_), sas_dsname_parameters=%str(_lsaf_updateworkspacejob_ds_notprovided_), sas_dsname_inputs=%str(_lsaf_updateworkspacejob_ds_notprovided_), sas_dsname_outputs=%str(_lsaf_updateworkspacejob_ds_notprovided_));
Updates an existing job in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework workspace.
%lsaf_uploadandexpand(local_path=, lsaf_path=, lsaf_versioning=, lsaf_version=, lsaf_comment=);
Uploads and expands the contents of a zip file into the specified folder location in the SAS ...
Determines whether a user exists within the system.
Determines whether a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework workspace object exists.
%sasdrugdev_addgroupmember(sdd_path=, sdd_group=, sdd_type=USER, sdd_member=, sdd_group_context=);
Adds a user or group as a member of a group in the specified organization, project, or ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_addgroupmember, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_addmember(sdd_path=, sdd_member=, sdd_type=USER, sdd_group_context=);
Adds a user or a group as a member of the specified organization, project, or analysis.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_addmember, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_addrolemember(sdd_path=, sdd_role=, sdd_role_context=, sdd_member=, sdd_type=USER, sdd_group_context=);
Adds a user or group as a member of a role in the specified organization, project, or ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_addrolemember, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_addroleprivilege(sdd_path=, sdd_role=, sdd_privilege=);
Adds a privilege to a role in the specified organization, project, or analysis.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_addroleprivilege, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_adduserprivilege(sdd_userid=, sdd_privilege=);
Assign a global privilege to a user in the system.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_adduserprivilege, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_assignedroleexists(sdd_path=, sdd_role=, sdd_role_context=);
Determine if a role exists (as defined or inherited) in an organization, project, or analysis.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_assignedroleexists, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_assignrole(sdd_path=, sdd_role=, sdd_role_context=);
Assigns a role to the specified organization, project, or analysis as an inherited role.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_assignrole, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_copy(sdd_source=, sdd_target=);
Copies a file or folder to the specified target location.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_copy, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
Creates an analysis in the SAS Drug Development repository.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_createanalysis, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_createfile(local_path=, sdd_path=, sdd_versioning=, sdd_version=, sdd_comment=);
Uploads a file from the local machine to the SAS Drug Development repository.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_createfile, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
Creates a folder in the SAS Drug Development repository.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_createfolder, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_creategroup(sdd_path=, sdd_group=, sdd_description=);
Creates a group in the specified organization, project, or analysis.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_creatgroup, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
Creates a project in the SAS Drug Development repository.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_createproject, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_createrole(sdd_path=, sdd_role=, sdd_description=);
Creates a role in the specified organization, project, or analysis.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_createrole, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_createuser(sdd_userid=, sdd_displayname=, sdd_email=, sdd_accounttype=, sdd_password=, sdd_firstname=, sdd_lastname=, sdd_department=, sdd_phone=);
Creates a user account within the system.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_createuser, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
Deletes an analysis from the SAS Drug Development repository.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_deleteanalysis, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_deletegroup(sdd_path=, sdd_group=);
Deletes a group from the specified organization, project, or analysis.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_deletegroup, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
Deletes an object from the SAS Drug Development repository.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_deleteobject, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
Deletes a project from the SAS Drug Development repository.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_deleteproject, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_deleterbitems(sas_dsname=, sas_result_dsname=work.sddDeleteRBItems);
Permanently deletes items from the SAS Drug Development recycle bin using a data set as ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_deleterbitems, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_deleterole(sdd_path=, sdd_role=);
Deletes a role from the specified organization, project, or analysis.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_deleterole, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
Deletes a user account from the system.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_deleteuser, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_disableversioning(sdd_path=, sdd_comment=);
Disables versioning on a SAS Drug Development repository file.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_disableversioning, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_downloadaszip(sdd_path=, local_path=, sdd_overwrite=0);
Downloads SAS Drug Development files or a folder along with its content to your local machine ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_downloadaszip, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_downloadfile(sdd_path=, sdd_version=, local_path=);
Downloads a file to your local machine from the SAS Drug Development repository.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_downloadfile, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_enableversioning(sdd_path=, sdd_version=, sdd_comment=);
Enables versioning on a SAS Drug Development repository file.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_enableversioning, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_getacls(sdd_path=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetACLs, sdd_recursive=0);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the access control list for objects in the SAS Drug ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getacls, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the users defined within the ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getallusers, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_getassignedmembers(sdd_path=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetAssignedMembers);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the members assigned to the ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getassignedmembers, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_getchildren(sdd_path=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetChildren, sdd_recursive=0);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for objects within a container in the SAS ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getchildren, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_getconfiguration(sas_dsname=work.sddGetConfiguration, sas_suppressLogList=0);
Reports the current configuration settings.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getconfiguration, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_getcontextprivileges(sdd_path=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetContextPrivileges);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the privileges available in the ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getcontextprivileges, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the global privileges available ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getglobalprivileges, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_getgroupmembers(sdd_path=, sdd_group=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetGroupMembers);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the members assigned to a group ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getgroupmembers, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_getgroups(sdd_path=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetGroups);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the groups defined within a ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getgroups, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_getjobinfo(sdd_path=, sdd_version=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetJobInfo);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the information for a job in the SAS Drug Development ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getjobinfo, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_getjobinputs(sdd_path=, sdd_version=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetJobInputs);
Returns a SAS data set containing metadata for the inputs for the specified job in the SAS ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getjobinputs, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_getjoboutputs(sdd_path=, sdd_version=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetJobOutputs);
Returns a SAS data set containing metadata for the outputs for the specified job in the SAS ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getjoboutputs, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_getjobparameters(sdd_path=, sdd_version=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetJobParameters);
Returns a SAS data set containing job parameter metadata for the specified job.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getjobparameters, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_getjobtasks(sdd_path=, sdd_version=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetJobTasks);
Returns a SAS data set containing metadata for the tasks for the specified job in the SAS ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getjobtasks, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
Reports the SAS Drug Development object type for the specified ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getobjecttype, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_getowner(sdd_path=, sdd_aclType=);
Returns the current owner of an object within the organization in the SAS Drug Development ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getowner, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_getproperties(sdd_path=, sdd_version=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetProperties);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the properties of an object in the SAS Drug Development ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getproperties, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for the items in the SAS Drug Development ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getrbitems, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_getrolemembers(sdd_path=, sdd_role=, sdd_role_context=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetRoleMembers);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the members assigned to a role ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getrolemembers, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_getroleprivileges(sdd_path=, sdd_role=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetRolePrivileges);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the privileges assigned to a ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getroleprivileges, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_getroles(sdd_path=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetRoles, sdd_getInherited=1);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the roles defined and, if ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getroles, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_getsignatures(sdd_path=, sdd_version=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetSignatures);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the signatures of a file or a ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getsignatures, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
Determines the status of a SAS Drug Development repository or workspace job submission.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getsubmissionstatus, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
Returns a SAS data set containing metadata for all subscriptions for the current user.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getsubscriptions, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
Determines if a file in the SAS Drug Development repository is synchronized, out of ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getsyncstatus, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_getusergroups(sdd_userid=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetUserGroups);
Returns a SAS data set containing metadata for each of the groups in which the specified ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getusergroups, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_getuserprivileges(sdd_userid=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetUserPrivileges);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the global privileges assigned ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getuserprivileges, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_getversions(sdd_path=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetVersions);
Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the versions of a file.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getversions, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_groupexists(sdd_path=, sdd_group=);
Determines whether a group is defined for the specified context.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_groupexists, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
Determines whether a SAS Drug Development repository object is of type container.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_iscontainer, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_isgroupmember(sdd_path=, sdd_group=, sdd_member=, sdd_type=USER, sdd_group_context=, sdd_includeImplicit=);
Determines whether a user or group is a member of the group in the specified organization, ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_isgroupmember, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_ismember(sdd_path=, sdd_member=, sdd_type=USER, sdd_group_context=);
Determines whether a user or group is a member in the specified organization, project, ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_ismember, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_isrolemember(sdd_path=, sdd_role=, sdd_role_context=, sdd_member=, sdd_type=USER, sdd_group_context=);
Determines whether a user or group is a member of a role in the specified organization, ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_isrolemember, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_isroleprivilege(sdd_path=, sdd_role=, sdd_privilege=);
Determines whether a privilege is assigned to a role in the specified organization, ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_isroleprivilege, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_isuserprivilege(sdd_userid=, sdd_privilege=);
Determines whether a global privilege is assigned to a user.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_isuserprivilege, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
Determines whether a SAS Drug Development repository object has versioning enabled.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_isversioned, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
Locks a user account.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_lockuser, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_login(sdd_url=, sdd_userid=, sdd_password=, proxy_host=, proxy_port=, proxy_userid=, proxy_password=);
Creates a connection to the SAS Drug Development instance.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_login, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
Closes an open connection to SAS Drug Development.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_logout, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_move(sdd_source=, sdd_target=);
Moves a file or folder to the specified target location.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_move, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
Determines whether a SAS Drug Development repository object exists.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_objectexists, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_removegroupmember(sdd_path=, sdd_group=, sdd_member=, sdd_type=USER, sdd_group_context=);
Removes a user or a group as a member of a group in the specified organization, project, or ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_removegroupmember, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_removemember(sdd_path=, sdd_member=, sdd_type=USER, sdd_group_context=);
Removes a user or a group as a member of the specified organization, project, or analysis.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_removemember, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_removerolemember(sdd_path=, sdd_role=, sdd_role_context=, sdd_member=, sdd_type=USER, sdd_group_context=);
Removes a user or a group as a member of a role in the specified organization, project, or ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_removerolemember, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_removeroleprivilege(sdd_path=, sdd_role=, sdd_privilege=);
Removes a privilege from a role in the specified organization, project, or analysis.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_removeroleprivilege, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_removeuserprivilege(sdd_userid=, sdd_privilege=);
Remove a global privilege from a user in the system.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_removeuserprivilege, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_renameanalysis(sdd_source=, sdd_newname=);
Renames an analysis.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_renameanalysis, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_renameobject(sdd_source=, sdd_newname=);
Renames a file or folder.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_renameobject, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_renameproject(sdd_source=, sdd_newname=);
Renames a project.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_renameproject, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_resetpassword(sdd_userid=, sdd_newpassword=);
Reset the password for a user in the system. This action requires the logged on user to have ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_resetpassword, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_roleexists(sdd_path=, sdd_role=);
Determines whether a a role is defined in the specified organization, project, or analysis.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_roleexists, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_submitjob(sdd_path=, sdd_version=, sas_dsname=);
Submits a SAS Drug Development repository job for immediate execution and sets the SAS macro ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_submitjob, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_syncfiletoworkspace(sdd_path=, sdd_version=);
Gets the version of the SAS Drug Development from the repository file to the workspace.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_syncfiletoworkspace, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_unassignrole(sdd_path=, sdd_role=, sdd_role_context=);
Unassigns a role from the specified organization, project, or analysis.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_unassignrole, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
Unlocks a user account.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_unlockuser, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
Sets permissions on SAS Drug Development objects using a data set as input.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_updateacls, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_updateanalysislead(sdd_path=, sdd_userid=);
Updates the current lead of an analysis in the SAS Drug Development repository.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_updateanalysislead, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_updateanalysisstate(sdd_path=, sdd_state=, sdd_comment=);
Update the state of an analysis in the SAS Drug Development repository
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_updateanalysisstate, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_updatefile(local_path=, sdd_path=, sdd_comment=, sdd_version=);
Updates the contents of an existing file in the SAS Drug Development repository.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_updatefile, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_updateorglead(sdd_path=, sdd_userid=);
Updates the current lead of an organization in the SAS Drug Development repository.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_updateorglead, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_updateowner(sdd_path=, sdd_aclType=, sdd_userid=);
Updates the current owner of an object within the organization in the SAS Drug Development ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_updateowner, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_updateprojectlead(sdd_path=, sdd_userid=);
Updates the current lead of a project in the SAS Drug Development repository.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_updateprojectlead, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_updateprojectstate(sdd_path=, sdd_state=, sdd_comment=, sdd_include_analyses=1);
Update the state of a project in the SAS Drug Development repository
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_updateprojectstate, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_updateproperties(sdd_path=, sas_dsname=);
Updates the editable properties of SAS Drug Development repository object using a SAS data ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_updateproperties, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_updateuserinfo(sdd_userid=, sdd_displayname=_sdd_updateuser_donotupdate_, sdd_email=_sdd_updateuser_donotupdate_, sdd_accounttype=_sdd_updateuser_donotupdate_, sdd_firstname=_sdd_updateuser_donotupdate_, sdd_lastname=_sdd_updateuser_donotupdate_, sdd_department=_sdd_updateuser_donotupdate_, sdd_phone=_sdd_updateuser_donotupdate_);
Update general user account information
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_updateuserinfo, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%sasdrugdev_uploadandexpand(local_path=, sdd_path=, sdd_versioning=, sdd_version=, sdd_comment=);
Uploads and expands the contents of a zip file into the specified folder location in the SAS ...
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_uploadandexpand, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
Determines whether a user exists within the system.
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_userexists, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
%lsaf_addgroupmember(lsaf_path=, lsaf_group=, lsaf_type=USER, lsaf_member=, lsaf_group_context=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Adds a user or group as a member of a group in the specified organization, project, or
LSAF_MEMBER=lsaf-member-identifier <, LSAF_TYPE=lsaf-member-type,
Example Code
Context paths used in examples:
- Organization: /SAS
- Project: /SAS/Project1
- Analysis: /SAS/Project1/Analysis1
1. Add User as a Group member at the Project level:
%lsaf_addgroupmember(lsaf_path=%str(/SAS/Project1), lsaf_group=%str(PrjGrp1),
lsaf_member=%str(User1), lsaf_type=%str(USER));
2. Add Group as a Group member at the Project level:
%lsaf_addgroupmember(lsaf_path=%str(/SAS/Project1), lsaf_group=%str(PrjGrp1),
lsaf_member=%str(OrgGrp1), lsaf_type=%str(GROUP), lsaf_group_context=%str(/SAS));
3. Add User as a Group member at the Analysis level:
lsaf_group=%str(AnaGrp1), lsaf_member=%str(User1), lsaf_type=%str(USER));
4. Add Project Group as a Group member at the Analysis level:
lsaf_group=%str(AnaGrp1), lsaf_member=%str(PrjGrp1), lsaf_type=%str(GROUP),
5. Add Organization Group as a Group member at the Analysis level:
lsaf_group=%str(AnaGrp1), lsaf_member=%str(OrgGrp1), lsaf_type=%str(GROUP),
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-29
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the group is defined.
- - required - the name of the group to add the member.
- - conditional - the type of member being added.
Values: USER | GROUP (case-insensitive)
Default: USER
- - required - the user ID of the user or the name of the group being added.
- - conditional - specifies the context in which the group is defined
as a path (e.g., /SAS). This parameter is required if LSAF_TYPE=GROUP. Otherwise,
it will be ignored.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_addmember(lsaf_path=, lsaf_member=, lsaf_type=USER, lsaf_group_context=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Adds a user or a group as a member of the specified organization, project, or analysis.
%LSAF_ADDMEMBER(LSAF_PATH=lsaf-path, LSAF_MEMBER=lsaf-member-identifier,
<LSAF_TYPE=lsaf-member-type, LSAF_GROUP_CONTEXT=lsaf-group-context>);
Example Code
Context paths used in examples:
- Organization: /SAS
- Project: /SAS/Project1
- Analysis: /SAS/Project1/Analysis1
1. Add User as a Member at the Project level:
%lsaf_addmember(LSAF_PATH=%str(/SAS/Project1), LSAF_MEMBER=%str(User1));
2. Add Group as a Member at the Project level:
%lsaf_addmember(lsaf_path=%str(/SAS/Project1), lsaf_member=%str(OrgGrp1),
lsaf_type=%str(GROUP), lsaf_group_context=%str(/SAS));
3. Add User as a Member at the Analysis level:
%lsaf_addmember(LSAF_PATH=%str(/SAS/Project1/Analysis1), LSAF_MEMBER=%str(User1));
4. Add Group defined at Organization level as a Member at the Analysis level:
%lsaf_addmember(lsaf_path=%str(/SAS/Project1/Analysis1), lsaf_member=%str(OrgGrp1),
lsaf_type=%str(GROUP), lsaf_group_context=%str(/SAS));
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-29
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the member is being added.
- required - the user ID of the user or the name of the group being added.
- conditional - the type of member being added.
Values: USER | GROUP (case-insensitive)
Default: USER
- - conditional - specifies the context in which the group is defined
as a path (e.g., /SAS). This parameter is required if LSAF_TYPE=GROUP. Otherwise,
it will be ignored.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_addrolemember(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=, lsaf_role_context=, lsaf_member=, lsaf_type=USER, lsaf_group_context=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Adds a user or group as a member of a role in the specified organization, project, or
%LSAF_ADDROLEMEMBER(LSAF_PATH=lsaf-path, LSAF_ROLE=lsaf-role-name,
LSAF_ROLE_CONTEXT=lsaf-role-context, LSAF_MEMBER=lsaf-member-identifier
<, LSAF_TYPE=lsaf-member-type, LSAF_GROUP_CONTEXT=lsaf-group-context>);
Example Code
Context paths used in examples:
- Organization: /SAS
- Project: /SAS/Project1
- Analysis: /SAS/Project1/Analysis1
1. Add User to Role defined at Project:
%lsaf_addrolemember(lsaf_path=%str(/SAS/Project1), lsaf_role=%str(PrjRole1),
lsaf_role_context=%str(/SAS/Project1),lsaf_member=%str(User1), lsaf_type=%str(USER));
2. Add Group defined at Organization to Role defined at Project:
%lsaf_addrolemember(lsaf_path=%str(/SAS/Project1), lsaf_role=%str(PrjRole1),
lsaf_role_context=%str(/SAS/Project1),lsaf_member=%str(OrgGrp1), lsaf_type=%str(GROUP),
3. Add User to Role assigned at Project:
%lsaf_addrolemember(lsaf_path=%str(/SAS/Project1), lsaf_role=%str(OrgRole1),
lsaf_role_context=%str(/SAS),lsaf_member=%str(User1), lsaf_type=%str(USER));
4. Add Group defined at Organization to Role assigned at Project:
%lsaf_addrolemember(lsaf_path=%str(/SAS/Project1), lsaf_role=%str(OrgRole1),
lsaf_role_context=%str(/SAS),lsaf_member=%str(OrgGrp1), lsaf_type=%str(GROUP),
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the role is assigned.
- - required - the name of the role to add the member.
- - required - specifies the context in which the role is defined as a
path (e.g., /SAS).
- required - the user ID of the user or the name of the group being added.
- conditional - the type of member being added.
Values: USER | GROUP (case-insensitive)
Default: USER
- - conditional - specifies the context in which the group is defined
as a path (e.g., /SAS). This parameter is required if LSAF_TYPE=GROUP. Otherwise,
it will be ignored.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_addroleprivilege(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=, lsaf_privilege=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Adds a privilege to a role in the specified organization, project, or analysis.
Example Code:
Use %lsaf_getcontextprivileges to fetch the list of available privileges at a specified
context. The macro returns a SAS data set containing the list of privileges (the default
name of the data set is work.lsafgetcontextprivileges). Use one of the privilegeId values to
add that privilege to a Role.
1. Retrieve the available privileges at a Project:
2. Add a privilege to a Role:
%lsaf_addroleprivilege(lsaf_path=%str(/SAS/Project1), lsaf_role=%str(PrjRole1),
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the role is defined.
- - required - the name of the role to add the privilege.
- - required - the identifier of the privilege being added.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_adduserprivilege(lsaf_userid=, lsaf_privilege=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Assign a global privilege to a user in the system.
Example Code:
Use %lsaf_getglobalprivileges to fetch the list of available global privileges. The
macro returns a SAS data set containing the list of privileges (the default name of the
data set is work.lsafgetglobalprivileges). Use one of the privilegeId values to assign that
global privilege to a User.
1. Retrieve the available global privileges:
2. Assign a privilege to a User:
- History:
- 2013-11-01
- initial coding
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the user to assign the global privilege.
- - required - the identifier of the global privilege to assign.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.3
%lsaf_assignedroleexists(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=, lsaf_role_context=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Determine if a role exists (as defined or inherited) in an organization, project, or analysis.
The SAS macro variable _lsafAssignedRoleExists_ is set to a value of 1 if the role exists, 0
if it does not. In the event of an incorrect call to the macro which results in an error, the
return value of _lsafAssignedRoleExists_ will be set to -1.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- indicates the existence of the assigned role in the context.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
- - required - the name of the role to check for existence.
- - required - specifies the context in which the role is defined as a
path (e.g., /SAS).
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_assignrole(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=, lsaf_role_context=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Assigns a role to the specified organization, project, or analysis as an inherited role.
%LSAF_ASSIGNROLE(LSAF_PATH=lsaf-path, LSAF_ROLE=lsaf-role-name,
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) to assign the role to.
- - required - the name of the role being assigned.
- - required - specifies the context in which the role is defined as a
path (e.g., /SAS).
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_checkin(lsaf_path=, lsaf_comment=, lsaf_versiontype=MINOR, lsaf_customversion=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Checks in a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository file.
- History:
- 2016-10-05
- initial coding
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the file within the SAS Life Science Analytics
Framework repository to check in.
- - optional - a note associated with the action of checking in the file.
- - optional - the version type (MINOR, MAJOR, or CUSTOM) to be created
by the checkin action. The default value is MINOR.
- - conditional - a specific version to be created by the checkin
action. The parameter is required when lsaf_versiontype is set to CUSTOM.
Otherwise, it will be ignored.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
[ Exposure: external ]
- Check out a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository file.
- History:
- 2016-10-04
- initial coding
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the file within the SAS Life Science Analytics
Framework repository to check out.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_copy(lsaf_source=, lsaf_target=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Copies a file or folder to the specified target location.
The copy of a versioned file will not be versioned. The children of a copied folder will
also be copied to the new location in their original directory structure.
%LSAF_COPY(LSAF_SOURCE=lsaf-source-path, LSAF_TARGET=lsaf-target-path);
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the object to be copied.
- - required - the path (including the new name) where the object is to be
copied. The target folder must already exist.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.1
[ Exposure: external ]
- Creates an analysis in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
The parent project must already exist.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the analysis being created.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_createfile(local_path=, lsaf_path=, lsaf_versioning=, lsaf_version=, lsaf_comment=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Uploads a file from the local machine to the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
All parent folders that do not already exist will be created as well.
NOTE: This macro is only supported from a PC SAS session. Using this macro within an active
SAS Life Science Analytics Framework application session will result in a failure.
<, LSAF_VERSIONING=lsaf-versioning, LSAF_VERSION=lsaf-version, LSAF_COMMENT=lsaf_comment>);
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-29
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the absolute path and name of the file on the local computer.
- - required - the path of the file to be created. Files can only be created in
SAS Life Science Analytics Framework areas that support folder and file creation.
They cannot be created at the organization, project, or analysis levels.
- - optional - indicates whether the file being created should be
versioned. The default value is 0, which will create a non-versioned file. A
value of 1 will create a versioned file.
Values: 0 | 1
Default: 0
- - conditional - indicates the version number to assign to the file being
created. The value must be in the valid version label format including a decimal
point. This option is ignored when creating non-versioned file.
- - conditional - the comment for the versioned file being created. This
option is ignored when creating a non-versioned file.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.1
[ Exposure: external ]
- Creates a folder in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository. Folders can
only be created under \Files or an existing folder, not directly under
the organization, project, or analysis.
All parent folders that do not already exist will be created as well.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the folder to be created.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.1
%lsaf_creategroup(lsaf_path=, lsaf_group=, lsaf_description=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Creates a group in the specified organization, project, or analysis.
%LSAF_CREATEGROUP(LSAF_PATH=lsaf-path, LSAF_GROUP=lsaf-group-name
<, LSAF_DESCRIPTION=lsaf-description>);
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the group is to be created.
- - required - the name of the group to create.
- - optional- the description for the group being created.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_createprocessflow(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, lsaf_processflowdef=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Creates a process flow in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository. A process flow
can only be created at the repository, project, or analysis level and not at a folder level.
- History:
- 2016-08-30
- initial programming
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the process flow being created.
- - required - the name of the process flow being created.
- - required - the name of the process flow definition
used to create the process flow.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_createprocessflowmanifest(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, lsaf_manifest_path=, lsaf_versioning=, lsaf_versiontype=, lsaf_customversion=, lsaf_comment=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Creates a process flow manifest file in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
The SAS macro variable _lsafCreatedProcessFlowManifest_ is set to the full path of the
process flow manifest including the file extension. If the process flow manifest cannot be
created, _lsafCreatedProcessFlowManifest_ will be set to blank.
If the manifest file already exists, a new version of the file will be created. If the
existing file is not versioned, it will be overwritten by the new file.
LSAF_MANIFESTPATH=manifest-path <, LSAF_VERSIONING=lsaf-versioning,
LSAF_VERSIONTYPE=lsaf-version-type, LSAF_CUSTOMVERSION=lsaf-custom-version,
- History:
- 2016-11-15
- initial programming
- Expected Macro Variables:
- indicates the full path of the process flow manifest.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path where the process flow exists.
- - required - the name of the process flow.
- - required - the repository location for the manifest. The location
must be a folder and must already exist in the repository.
- - optional - indicates whether the file being created should be
versioned. The default value is 1, which will create a versioned file. A value
of 0 will create an unversioned file.
- - optional - the version type (MINOR, MAJOR, or CUSTOM) to be
created if the file is to be versioned. The default value is MAJOR. The value is
ignored for unversioned files.
- - conditional - indicates the version number to assign to the file
being created. The value must be in the valid version label format including a
decimal point. This option is required when versiontype is CUSTOM and is ignored
when creating a non-versioned file.
- - optional - The comment will display with the audit trail record for the
manifest creation.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
[ Exposure: external ]
- Creates a project in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the project being created.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_createrole(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=, lsaf_description=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Creates a role in the specified organization, project, or analysis.
%LSAF_CREATEROLE(LSAF_PATH=lsaf-path, LSAF_ROLE=lsaf-role-name
<, LSAF_DESCRIPTION=lsaf-description>);
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the role will be defined.
- - required - the name of the role being created.
- - optional - the description for the role being created.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_createuser(lsaf_userid=, lsaf_displayname=, lsaf_email=, lsaf_accounttype=, lsaf_password=, lsaf_firstname=, lsaf_lastname=, lsaf_department=, lsaf_phone=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Creates a user account within the system.
LSAF_EMAIL=lsaf-email, LSAF_ACCOUNTTYPE=lsaf-accounttype, LSAF_PASSWORD=lsaf-password,
<, LSAF_FIRSTNAME=lsaf-firstname, LSAF_LASTNAME=lsaf-lastname,
- History:
- 2013-10-30
- initial coding
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the user ID of the account to create.
- - required - the display name of the account to create.
- - required - the email address of the account to create.
- - required - the account type of the account to create.
Default: None
- - required - the password for the account to create.
- - optional - the first name of the user associated with this account.
- - optional - the last name of the user associated with this account.
- - optional - the business unit of the user associated with this account.
- - optional - the phone number of the user associated with this account.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.3
[ Exposure: external ]
- Creates a folder in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework workspace.
All parent folders that do not already exist will be created as well.
- History:
- 2016-09-29
- initial coding
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the folder to be created.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_createworkspacejob(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname_info=%str(_lsaf_createworkspacejob_ds_notprovided_), sas_dsname_tasks=%str(_lsaf_createworkspacejob_ds_notprovided_), sas_dsname_parameters=%str(_lsaf_createworkspacejob_ds_notprovided_), sas_dsname_inputs=%str(_lsaf_createworkspacejob_ds_notprovided_), sas_dsname_outputs=%str(_lsaf_createworkspacejob_ds_notprovided_));
[ Exposure: external ]
- Creates a job in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework workspace. The SAS macro variable
_lsafWorkspaceJobPath_ is set to the full path of the created job including the file extension.
If the job is not created, _lsafWorkspaceJobPath_ will be set to blank.
Data sets representing the job data to be set at creation time can be sent into the call to
lsaf_createworkspacejob. If data sets are not sent in, the default values for all job data will
be used. The output data sets from the following macros contain all the data relevant to the job
properties that can be set at creation time. See the macro documentation for more details.
- lsaf_getjobinfo or lsaf_getworkspacejobinfo
- lsaf_getjobtasks or lsaf_getworkspacejobtasks
- lsaf_getjobparameters or lsaf_getworkspacejobparameters
- lsaf_getjobinputs or lsaf_getworkspacejobinputs
- lsaf_getjoboutputs or lsaf_getworkspacejoboutputs
SAS_DSNAME_TASKS=SAS-data-set-jobtasks, SAS_DSNAME_PARAMETERS=SAS-data-set-parameters,
SAS_DSNAME_INPUTS=SAS-data-set-inputs, SAS_DSNAME_OUTPUTS=SAS-data-set-outputs>);
- History:
- 2016-09-23
- initial coding
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- indicates the full path of the new job.
- Parameters:
- - required -the path for the job to be created in the SAS Life Science Analytics
Framework workspace.
- - optional - the name of the SAS data set containing the job
information specified as libref.dataset. If the parameter is not included in the call,
the default job information will be set. The data set must contain, at minimum, the
character variables listed below. Any additional variables will be ignored.
- name: The name of the job property.
- value: The value of the property to be specified.
The information that can be specified is DESCRIPTION, LOGPATH, LSTPATH, MANIFESTPATH,
All other values listed in the data set will be ignored. All data are case-insensitive.
If a name is listed more than once, the last value processed will be used. If a name
is omitted, the default value will be set.
- - optional - the name of the SAS data set containing the list of
paths to the SAS programs to be run specified as libref.dataset. If the parameter is
not included in the call, no tasks will be set. The data set must contain, at minimum,
the character variables listed below. Any additional variables will be ignored.
- taskPath: The path of the SAS program file.
- taskVersion: The version of the SAS program file. Blank and single asterisk values
will indicate the latest file version.
- - optional - the name of the SAS data set containing the job
parameter information specified as libref.dataset. If the parameter is not included in
the call, no parameters will be set. The data set must contain, at minimum, the
character variables listed below. Any additional variables will be ignored.
- name: The name of the parameter.
- label: The label for the parameter.
- type: The parameter type. Valid values are CHARACTER, CHARACTER_MASKED,
- defaultValue: The value to be set as the default value for the parameter.
DATE job parameter values must be one of the following formats. Date values in
formats other than the two described below will result in an execution error.
- SAS datetime18. format (e.g., 02NOV2013:09:33:22) - an offset of zero hours
from GMT will be used.
- SAS E8601DZ25. format (e.g., 2013-11-02T09:33:22-04:00).
- fileVersion: The file version to be used if the parameter is of type FILE. Blank and
single asterisk values will indicate the latest file version.
Data set rows with duplicate values for parameter name will result in a data set
validation error.
- - optional - the name of the SAS data set containing the list of job
inputs specified as libref.dataset. If the parameter is not included in the call,
no inputs will be set. The data set must contain, at minimum, the variables listed
below as the type specified. Any additional variables will be ignored.
- inputPath (character): The path of the file or container to be used as input.
- inputType (character): The type of input object. Valid values are FILE and CONTAINER.
- inputVersion (character): The version of the FILE object. Blank and single asterisk
values will indicate the latest file version. The value is ignored for inputs of
- inputIncludesSubFolders (numeric): A flag indicating whether or not the input folder
should include subfolders. The valid values are 0 and 1. The value is ignored
for inputs of type FILE.
Data set rows with duplicate values for inputPath will result in a data set
validation error.
- - optional - the name of the SAS data set containing the list of job
outputs specified as libref.dataset. If the parameter is not included in the call, no
outputs will be set. The data set must contain, at minimum, the variables listed below
as the type specified. Any additional variables will be ignored.
- outputPath (character): The path of the container to be used as output.
- outputIncludesSubFolders (numeric): A flag indicating whether or not the output
container should include subfolders. The valid values are 0 and 1.
Data set rows with duplicate values for outputPath will result in a data set
validation error.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
[ Exposure: external ]
- Deletes an analysis from the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the analysis to be deleted.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_deletegroup(lsaf_path=, lsaf_group=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Deletes a group from the specified organization, project, or analysis.
%LSAF_DELETEGROUP(LSAF_PATH=lsaf-path, LSAF_GROUP=lsaf-group-name);
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the group is defined.
- - required - the name of the group to be deleted.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
[ Exposure: external ]
- Deletes an object from the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the content object to be deleted.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.1
%lsaf_deleteprocessflow(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, lsaf_createmanifest=1, lsaf_manifest_path=, lsaf_versioning=, lsaf_versiontype=, lsaf_customversion=, lsaf_comment=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Deletes a process flow and, optionally, creates manifest file in the SAS Life Science
Analytics Framework repository. The SAS macro variable _lsafDeletedProcessFlowManifest_ is set
to the full path of the process flow manifest including the file extension. If no process
flow manifest is requested, _lsafDeletedProcessFlowManifest_ will be set to blank. If a
process flow manifest is requested but cannot be created, _lsafDeletedProcessFlowManifest_
will be set to blank and the process flow will not be deleted.
If the manifest file already exists, a new version of the file will be created. If the
existing file is not versioned, it will be overwritten by the new file.
<, LSAF_CREATEMANIFEST=lsaf-createmanifest, LSAF_MANIFESTPATH=manifest-path,
LSAF_VERSIONING=lsaf-versioning, LSAF_VERSIONTYPE=lsaf-version-type,
LSAF_CUSTOMVERSION=lsaf-custom-version, LSAF_COMMENT=lsaf-comment>);
- History:
- 2016-11-16
- initial programming
- Expected Macro Variables:
- indicates the full path of the process flow manifest.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path where the process flow exists.
- - required - the name of the process flow.
- - optional - indicates whether to create a process flow manifest
file prior to deleting the process flow. The default value is 1 indicating to
create a manifest.
- - optional - the repository location for the manifest. The location
must be a folder and must already exist in the repository. This parameter is
required when lsaf_createmanifest is set to 1. Otherwise, it will be ignored.
- - optional - indicates whether the manifest should be versioned. The
default value is 1, which will create a versioned file. A value of 0 will create
an unversioned file.
- - optional - the version type (MINOR, MAJOR, or CUSTOM) to be
created if the file is to be versioned. The default value is MAJOR. The value is
ignored for unversioned files or if lsaf_createmanifest is set to 0.
- - conditional - indicates the version number to assign to the file
being created. The value must be in the valid version label format including a
decimal point. This parameter is required when versiontype is CUSTOM and is ignored
when creating a non-versioned file or if lsaf_createmanifest is set to 0.
- - optional - The comment will display with the audit trail record for
the manifest creation.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
[ Exposure: external ]
- Deletes a project from the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the project to be deleted.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_deleterbitems(sas_dsname=, sas_result_dsname=work.lsafDeleteRBItems);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Permanently deletes items from the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework recycle bin using a
data set as input. Returns a SAS data set that contains the paths for the items that were
permanently deleted from the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework recycle bin.
The items listed in the input data set will be permanently removed from the recycle bin
provided that the user has the Permanent Delete Items role privilege at the organizational
context. No error message will be provided for objects that could not be permanently deleted.
A path created and deleted multiple times from the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework
repository will appear multiple times in the recycle bin. Therefore, the items must be
referenced by their unique identifier. The identifier can be retrieved using the
lsaf_getrbitems macro.
The output data set will contain one row for each path that was permanently deleted from the
recycle bin. If multiple items with the same path were deleted, the path will only be listed
once. The paths for each object deleted from a container (e.g. project, folder) will be listed
separately in the output data set.
%LSAF_deleterbitems(SAS_DSNAME=SAS-data-set, SAS_RESULT_DSNAME=SAS-data-set);
Example Code:
Delete everything a specific user deleted.
* start code example;
data deleterbitems;
set lsafGetRBItems;
if (deletedBy="myuserid");
%lsaf_deleterbitems(sas_dsname=deleterbitems, sas_result_dsname=deletedpaths);
* end code example;
- History:
- 2013-03-27
- initial code
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the name of a SAS data set containing the identifiers for the
items to be deleted from the recycle bin. The data set must contain, at minimum,
the variables listed below. Any additional variables will be ignored.
- identifier: The unique SAS Life Science Analytics Framework object identifier for
the item to be permanently deleted.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
deleted paths as libref.dataset. The default value is WORK.LSAFDELETEDRBITEMS. The
data set contains a row for each deleted path and columns with the following names.
The data set will be sorted by path.
- name: The name of the item.
- path: The path of the item.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%lsaf_deleterole(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Deletes a role from the specified organization, project, or analysis.
%LSAF_DELETEROLE(LSAF_PATH=lsaf-path, LSAF_ROLE=lsaf-role-name);
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the role is defined.
- - required - the name of the role to be deleted.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
[ Exposure: external ]
- Deletes a user account from the system.
Users that have logged in are not eligible for deletion and can only be deactivated.
- History:
- 2013-10-30
- initial coding
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the user ID of the account being deleted.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.3
%lsaf_disableversioning(lsaf_path=, lsaf_comment=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Disables versioning on a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository file.
- History:
- 2014-04-07
- initial coding
- 2016-10-03
- release as external
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the file within the SAS Life Science Analytics
Framework repository to be set to unversioned.
- - optional - a note associated with the action of disabling versioning.
The value is visible through the audit trail.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_downloadaszip(lsaf_path=, local_path=, lsaf_overwrite=0);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Downloads SAS Life Science Analytics Framework files or a folder along with its content
to your local machine as a zip file.
If the local directory does not exist it will be created. If the local file does not exist
it will be created. If the object being downloaded is a folder, the contents of the folder
will be downloaded with its hierarchy maintained. If the object being downloaded is a project
or an analysis, only the containers (depots, folders) with files will be downloaded.
NOTE: This macro is only supported from a PC SAS session. Using this macro within an active
SAS Life Science Analytics Framework application session will result in a failure.
%LSAF_DOWNLOADASZIP(LSAF_PATH=lsaf-path, LOCAL_PATH=local-zipfile-path
<,LSAF_OVERWRITE=lsaf-overwrite> );
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the object (file or container) to be downloaded.
- - required - the full path and name of the file to create (or overwrite,
if applicable) on the local computer.
- - optional - indicates whether or not to overwrite the existing zip
file on the local machine. The valid values are 0 and 1 to maintain or overwrite
the file respectively. The default is 0.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%lsaf_downloadfile(lsaf_path=, lsaf_version=, local_path=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Downloads a file to your local machine from the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
If the local directory does not exist it will be created. If the local file does not exist
it will be created. If the local file does exist, it will be overwritten with new content.
NOTE: This macro is only supported from a PC SAS session. Using this macro within an active
SAS Life Science Analytics Framework application session will result in a failure.
%LSAF_DOWNLOADFILE(LSAF_PATH=lsaf-path, LSAF_VERSION=lsaf- version>, LOCAL_PATH=local-path);
- History:
- 2013-10-30
- initial coding
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the file within the SAS Life Science Analytics
Framework repository to download.
- - conditional - specifies the version of the file to download if the file
is versioned. If the file is versioned and a specific version is specified the
value must be in the valid format including a decimal point such as 1.0 or 4.2.
If the file is versioned and no version is specified the latest version is
downloaded. If the file is unversioned and a specific version is specified that
will result in a failure.
- - required - the full path and name of the file to create (or overwrite,
if it exists) on the local computer.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.3
%lsaf_enableversioning(lsaf_path=, lsaf_version=, lsaf_comment=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Enables versioning on a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository file.
- History:
- 2014-04-07
- initial coding
- 2016-10-03
- release as external
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the file within the SAS Life Science Analytics
Framework repository to version.
- - optional - specifies the starting version number of the file. If not
specified, the value will default to 1.0. The value must be in the valid format
including a decimal point such as 1.0 or 4.2.
- - optional - a note associated with the action of enabling versioning.
The value is visible through the audit trail.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
[ Exposure: external ]
- Encrypts the password for a user in the system. The returned encrypted password can be used
as a valid password for login to SAS Life Science Analytics Framework. The encrypted password
is invalid for the user interface login to SAS Life Science Analytics Framework. The value of
the encrypted password is printed to the log.
- History:
- 2016-09-26
- initial coding
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the password to encrypt.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_getabsolutepath(lsaf_base_path=, lsaf_relative_path=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns an absolute path for a file relative to the given base path. Neither path is validated
for existence in SAS Life Science Analytics Framework or for valid characters. Logging in to
SAS Life Science Analytics Framework is not required to perform this operation.
The macro variable _lsafAbsolutePath_ will be set with the absolute path or blank if the
operation fails.
- History:
- 2017-01-19
- original coding
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the generated absolute path.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the base container location. The base path must be an
absolute path.
- - required - relative path of the file for absolute reference to the
base path. A value of . will return the full base path, a value of .. will return
the base path decremented one directory. For example, if the base path is
A parameter value of ./File4 returns an absolute path value of
A parameter value of ../Folder4 returns an absolute path value of
A parameter value of ../../Folder4 returns an absolute path value of
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_getacls(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetACLs, lsaf_recursive=0);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the access control list for objects in the SAS Life
Science Analytics Framework repository.
For container objects, both the DEFAULT and CURRENT access control lists are returned with
the exception of analyses. For non-container objects and Analyses, only the CURRENT access
control lists is returned.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the content object in the SAS Life Science
Analytics Framework repository. This can be either a file or a container.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the access control lists specified as libref.dataset. The default
value is WORK.LSAFGETACL. The data set contains a row for each access control
entry, sorted by path and aclType, and columns with the following names:
- name: The name of the object.
- path: The path to the object.
- objectType: Describes the type of the object (e.g. folder, data set, etc.)
- isContainer: A numeric flag that indicates whether the object is a container
object (0=no, 1=yes).
- owner: The user ID of the user who owns the object.
- aclType: Will be either DEFAULT or CURRENT. Analyses and files only have
CURRENT acls. All other containers have both DEFAULT and CURRENT acls.
- aclPrincipalName: If the aclPrincipalType is ACLOWNER this will be Owner. If
the aclPrincipalType is ACLMEMBERS this will be Members. If the
aclPrincipalType is USER this will be the user ID of the user. If the
aclPrincipalType is GROUP this will be the name of the group.
- aclPrincipalType: Specifies if the principal is a ACLOWNER, ACLMEMBERS, USER or
- grpSrcCtxt: For group principals, specifies the context path where the group
was defined.
- adminPermission: Permission to administer the object.
- readPermission: Permission to read the object.
- writePropPerm: Permission to update the object properties.
- writeContentPerm: Permission to update the object content.
- deletePermission: Permission to delete the object.
Permission values are specified as follows.
1 = Allowed
-1 = Denied
0 = Not specified (Inherited)
- - conditional - the level of recursion when the path is a container.
Valid values are 0, 1, 2, or 99 as described below. The default value is 0. For
files, the value will be ignored.
0 - Returns acls for the input container only.
1 - Returns acls for the container and all objects within the container, but not
sub containers.
2 - Returns acls for the container, all objects within the container, and one
level of sub containers.
99 - Returns acls for the container and all of the sub containers and objects
(traverses the entire tree).
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the users defined within the
- History:
- 2013-10-30
- initial coding
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- 2016-12-07
- added account license type
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that contains the metadata
for the users specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETALLUSERS. The data set contains a row for each user, sorted by user
ID, and columns with the following names:
- userId: The unique login identifier for this account.
- displayName: The display name for the account.
- firstName: The first name of the user.
- lastName: The last name of the user.
- email: The email address for this user.
- department: The business unit this user is a part of.
- phone: The phone number for this user.
- isAccountActive: A numeric flag indicating whether the account is active (0=no,
- accountLicenseType: The account license type value.
- isAccountLocked: A numeric flag indicating whether the account is locked (0=no,
- accountActivationDate: The date this account becomes active, this value is
represented in character format.
- accountDeactivationDate: The date this account becomes inactive, this value is
represented in character format.
- accountLockedBy: The user ID who locked this account.
- accountLockedDate: The date this account was locked, this value is represented
in character format.
- accountStatusBy: The user ID who changed the status of this account.
- accountStatusDate: The date the account status was last modified, this value is
represented in character format.
- accountType: The type of account, valid values are INTERACTIVE and NON_INTERACTIVE
- lastLogin: The date of the last time this account was logged onto, this value is
represented in character format.
- loginAttempts: The current number of failed login attempts associated with this
account. If the number exceeds the configured threshold, this account will
be locked. This counter gets reset when a successful login occurs.
- loginCount: The total number of successful logins for this account.
- passwordCreated: The date the current password was created, this value is
represented in character format.
- passwordExpiration: The date the current password expires, this value is
represented in character format.
- isPasswordExpired: A numeric flag indicating whether the password has expired
(0=no, 1=yes).
- dateAccountActivation: The date this account becomes active, this value is
represented in SAS DateTime format.
- dateAccountDeactivation: The date this account becomes inactive, this value is
represented in SAS DateTime format.
- dateAccountLocked: The date this account was locked, this value is represented
in SAS DateTime format.
- dateAccountStatus: The date the account status was last modified, this value is
represented in SAS DateTime format.
- dateLastLogin: The date of the last time this account was logged onto, this
value is represented in SAS DateTime format.
- datePasswordCreated: The date the current password was created, this value is
represented in SAS DateTime format.
- datePasswordExpiration: The date the current password expires, this value is
represented in SAS DateTime format.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.3
%lsaf_getassignedmembers(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetAssignedMembers);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the members assigned to the
specified organization, project, or analysis.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) containing the members.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the members specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETASSIGNEDMEMBERS. The data set contains a row for each member and
columns with the following names. The data set will be sorted by member type
and principalId.
- contextPath: The path of the context object in the repository.
- type: The member type. Valid values are USER and GROUP.
- principalId: The name of the member. The returned values will be either a group
name or a user ID.
- description: The description of the member. The returned values will be either a
group name or a user display name.
- grpSrcCtxt: The context path in which the group member was defined if the member
is a group.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_getcheckedoutfiles(lsaf_checkedoutby=%str(_LSAF_VALUE_NOT_PROVIDED_), lsaf_name=%str(_LSAF_VALUE_NOT_PROVIDED_), lsaf_location=%str(_LSAF_VALUE_NOT_PROVIDED_), sas_dsname=work.lsafGetCheckedOutFiles);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set containing the checked out file information for the specified user,
file, and/or location within the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository. This action
requires the logged on user to have the administrative privilege
- History:
- 2016-12-16
- initial coding.
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - optional - The id of the user who checked out the files to be
retrieved. If set to * (ie lsaf_checkedoutby=*) or omitted, the files checked out
by any user will be returned. In addition wildcard notation can be used, for example
lsaf_checkedoutby=ge* will return checked out by users starting with ge.
- - optional - The name of the file for which to retrieve checked out informa-
tion. If set to * (ie lsaf_name=*) or omitted, files of any name will be returned.
In addition wildcard notation can be used, for example lsaf_name=*.sas will return
all file names with a .sas extension.
- - optional - The folder path of the files for which to retrieve checked
out information. If set to * (ie lsaf_location=*) or omitted, files of from any
location will be returned. In addition wildcard notation can be used, for example
lsaf_location=/SAS/File* will return all information with a file path starting with
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
checked out files information for the specified checked out by user, name, and
location as libref.dataset. The default value is WORK.LSAFGETCHECKEDOUTFILES.
The output data set contains a single row for each checked out file and contains the
following columns:
name The name of the file
size The size of the file in bytes
formattedsize The size of the file expressed in units such as KB, MB, etc.
checkedoutby The user that has the file checked out
modifieddate The last modification date of the file
version The current version of the file that has been checked out
status The workspace status of the file - NOT_CHECKED_OUT, CHECKED_OUT,
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_getchildren(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetChildren, lsaf_recursive=0);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for objects within a container in the SAS
Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
%LSAF_GETCHILDREN(LSAF_PATH=lsaf-path <, LSAF_RECURSIVE=recursion-level,
- History:
- 2013-06-28
- version 1.2 update - path length
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2014-05-07
- updated documentation and fixed data set processing.
- 2016-08-29
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the container object in the SAS Life Science
Analytics Framework repository.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the objects specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETCHILDREN. The data set contains a row for each object in the list and
columns with the following names. The data set will be sorted by path.
- name: The name of the object.
- path: The path of the object.
- objectType: Describes the type of the object (e.g. folder, data set, etc.)
- description: The description of the object.
- isContainer: A numeric flag that indicates whether the object is a container
object (0=no, 1=yes).
- isVersioned: A numeric flag that indicates whether the object is currently
versioned (0=no, 1=yes).
- versionLabel: The label associated with this specific version.
- isCheckedOut: A numeric flag that indicates whether the object is currently
checked out (0=no, 1=yes).
- isLocked: A numeric flag that indicates whether the object is currently locked
(0=no, 1=yes).
- size: The size of the object in bytes (will be 0 for containers).
- contentType: The content or MIME type of object.
- createdBy: The user ID that created the object.
- created: The full date and time when the object was created. This value is
represented as a String.
- dateCreated: The date when the object was created as a SAS Datetime format.
- lastModifiedBy: The user ID that last modified the object.
- lastModified: The date when the object was last modified. This value is
represented as a String.
- dateLastModified: The date when the object was last modified as a SAS Datetime
- propertiesLastModifiedBy: The user ID that last modified the properties for the
- propertiesLastModified: The date when the object properties were last modified.
This value is represented as a String.
- datePropertiesLastModified: The date when the object properties were last
modified as a SAS Datetime format.
- state: This variable is for an Analysis or Project object only. It indicates
if the state is DEV, PROD, or CLOSED.
- stateComment: This variable is for Analysis or Project only and provides any
comments attached by a user when changing the state of the project or
- isSigned: Indicates if the object has electronic signatures attached to it.
- - optional - the level of recursion when the path is a container.
Valid values are 0, 1, 2, or 99 as described below. The default value is 0. For
files, the value will be ignored.
0 - Returns the container only.
1 - Returns the container and its immediate children.
2 - Returns the container, its immediate children, and all objects within one
level of the containers subfolders.
99 - Returns the container and all of the sub containers and objects
(traverses the entire tree).
- File:
- First available in version: 1.1
%lsaf_getconfiguration(sas_dsname=work.lsafGetConfiguration, sas_suppressLogList=0);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Reports the current configuration settings.
The values can be printed in the SAS log as well as being included in the data set.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2014-04-04
- changed exposure to external
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that contains the
configuration information as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETCONFIGURATION. The data set contains a row for each setting and columns
with the following names. The data set will be sorted by name.
- name: The name of the configuration item.
- value: The value of the configuration item.
- - optional - flag to suppress the print of the configuration
information to the log. The default value is 0. If the parameter is included
and the value is anything other than 0, the configuration values are not printed
to the log.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.3
%lsaf_getcontextprivileges(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetContextPrivileges);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the privileges available in the
specified organization, project, or analysis.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that contains the metadata
for the objects specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETCONTEXTPRIVILEGES. The data set contains a row for each privilege
defined at the context and columns with the following names. The data set will be
sorted by privilegeId.
- contextPath: The path of the context object in the repository.
- privilegeId: The identifier of the privilege.
- privilegeName: The name of the privilege.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns the value for the Copy to Workspace status of a file or folder in the SAS Life Science
Analytics Framework repository. The SAS macro variable _lsafCopyToWSStatus_ is set to the
status value. Values returned are:
ALLOW - Allow all
WARN - Warn (excluding published jobs)
DENY - Deny (excluding published jobs)
DENY_ALL - Deny all
- History:
- 2016-11-22
- initial code
- Expected Macro Variables:
- indicates the copy to workspace status.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the file.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the global privileges available
in the system.
- History:
- 2013-11-01
- initial coding
- 2014-04-21
- updated documentation
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that contains the metadata
for all of the global privileges specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETGLOBALPRIVILEGES. The data set contains a row for each global privilege
and columns with the following names. The data set will be sorted by privilegeId.
- privilegeId: The identifier of the privilege.
- privilegeName: The name of the privilege.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.3
%lsaf_getgroupmembers(lsaf_path=, lsaf_group=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetGroupMembers);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the members assigned to a group
within the specified organization, project, or analysis.
<, SAS_DSNAME=SAS-data-set>);
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the group is defined.
- - required - the name of the group
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that contains the metadata
for the members specified as set. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETGROUPMEMBERS. The data set contains a row for each member and columns
with the following names. The data set will be sorted by member type and
- contextPath: The full path of the context object in the repository.
- type: The member type. Valid values are USER and GROUP.
- principalId: The name of the member. Valid values are group name or user ID.
- description: The description of the member. Valid values are group name or user
display name.
- grpSrcCtxt: The context in which the of group member was defined.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_getgroups(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetGroups);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the groups defined within a
context object within the specified organization, project, or analysis.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the groups are defined.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that contains the metadata
for the groups specified as libref.dataset. The default value is WORK.LSAFGETGROUPS.
The data set contains a row for each group and columns with the following names.
The data set will be sorted by group name.
- contextPath: The path of the context object in the repository.
- name: The name of the group.
- description: The group description.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_getjobinfo(lsaf_path=, lsaf_version=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetJobInfo);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the information for a job in the SAS Life Science
Analytics Framework repository. This is the information displayed on the General tab of the
job editor, as well as the information concerning the versioning of new outputs.
%LSAF_GETJOBINFO(LSAF_PATH=lsaf-path <, LSAF_VERSION=lsaf-version, SAS_DSNAME=SAS-data-set>);
- History:
- 2014-04-08
- initial coding.
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the job in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework
- - optional - a specific version number of the job. If not specified,
the information for the latest version will be returned. Specifying a version for
a non-versioned job will cause an error.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that contains the metadata
for the job specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETJOBINFO. The data set will contain variables representing each
element of metadata for the object. The data set will be sorted by the NAME
variable. The following metadata will be represented in the data set.
- path: The path of the job.
- versionLabel: The label associated with the specified version of the job.
- name: The name of the property or attribute.
- value: The value of the property or attribute.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%lsaf_getjobinputs(lsaf_path=, lsaf_version=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetJobInputs);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set containing metadata for the inputs for the specified job in the SAS
Life Science Analytics Framework repository. The list does not include the input tasks.
- History:
- 2014-04-22
- initial coding.
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the job.
- - optional - the version of the job. If not specified, the latest version
will be used.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the inputs specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETJOBINPUTS. The data set contains a row for each job input and columns
with the following names. The data set will retain the order of the inputs.
- jobPath: The path of the job.
- jobVersion: The job version.
- inputPath: The path of the input file.
- inputType: The object type for the input. Valid values are CONTAINER and FILE.
- inputVersion: The version of the input file. An asterisk indicates the latest
version of the input file will be used by the job.
- inputIncludesSubFolders: A flag indicating whether or not the subfolders of a
container input are to be included during job execution.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%lsaf_getjoboutputs(lsaf_path=, lsaf_version=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetJobOutputs);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set containing metadata for the outputs for the specified job in the SAS
Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
- History:
- 2014-04-22
- initial coding.
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the job.
- - optional - the version of the job. If not specified, the latest version
will be used.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the outputs specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETJOBOUTPUTS. The data set contains a row for each job output and columns
with the following names. The data set will retain the order of the outputs.
- jobPath: The path of the job.
- jobVersion: The job version.
- outputPath: The path of the output location.
- outputIncludesSubFolders: A flag indicating whether or not the subfolders of an
output container are to be included during job execution.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%lsaf_getjobparameters(lsaf_path=, lsaf_version=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetJobParameters);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set containing job parameter metadata for the specified job.
- History:
- 2014-04-11
- initial coding.
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the job.
- - optional - the version of the job. If not specified, the latest version
will be used.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the parameters specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETJOBPARAMETERS. The data set contains a row for each job parameter
and columns with the following names. The data set will retain the job parameter
- jobPath: The path of the job.
- jobVersion: The job version.
- name: The name of the parameter.
- label: The parameter label.
- type: The parameter type. Values are CHARACTER, CHARACTER_MASKED, NUMERIC,
- defaultValue: the default value for the parameter. Dates are returned in SAS
datetime format.
- fileVersion: the file version to be used if the parameter is of type FILE.
A blank value means that either the file is not versioned or the file is
versioned but no version was selected.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%lsaf_getjobtasks(lsaf_path=, lsaf_version=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetJobTasks);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set containing metadata for the tasks for the specified job in the SAS
Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
- History:
- 2014-04-22
- initial coding.
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the job.
- - optional - the version of the job. If not specified, the latest version
will be used.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the tasks specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETJOBTASKS. The data set contains a row for each job task and columns
with the following names. The data set will retain the order of the tasks.
- jobPath: The path of the job.
- jobVersion: The job version.
- taskPath: The path of the task file.
- taskVersion: The version of the task file. An asterisk indicates the latest
version of the task file will be used by the job.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%lsaf_getmyprocessflows(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetMyProcessFlows, lsaf_includeChildren=1);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all the process flows defined by the
logged in user at, and optionally the child contexts of, the specified organization, project,
or analysis.
- History:
- 2016-09-16
- original creation.
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the process flows exist.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the process flows specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETMYPROCESSFLOWS. The data set contains a row for each process flow in
the context object for that user as well as columns with the following names. The
data set will be sorted by process flow name.
- path: The path of the context object.
- name: The name of the process flow.
- description: The process flow description.
- createdBy: The user ID that created the process flow.
- created: The full date and time when the process flow was created. This value
is represented as a String.
- dateCreated: The date when the process flow was created as a SAS Datetime format.
- lastModifiedBy: The user ID that last modified the process flow.
- lastModified: The date when the process flow was last modified. This value is
represented as a String.
- dateLastModified: The date when the process flow was last modified as a SAS
Datetime format.
- owner: The user ID of the owner of the process flow.
- status: The current state of the process flow. It indicates if the state is
- processDefinitionId: The ID of the process flow definition used to create the
the process flow.
- processDefinitionVersion: The version of the process flow definition used to
create the the process flow.
- - optional - indicates whether or not to include process flows
from child contexts (projects or analyses).
The valid values are 0 and 1 to exclude or include process flows for child
contexts. The default is 1.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
[ Exposure: external ]
- Reports the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework object type for the specified
repository object path.
The SAS macro variable _lsafObjectType_ is set to the object type value.
The value is set to blank if the object could not be found or an error occurred.
Possible object type values are:
- History:
- 2014-03-07
- initial coding
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the object type.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the object for which the object type
will be retrieved.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%lsaf_getowner(lsaf_path=, lsaf_aclType=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns the current owner of an object within the organization in the SAS Life Science
Analytics Framework repository.
The macro variable _lsafOwner_ will be set with the owner user ID. The value of _lsafOwner_
will be <creator> for the DEFAULT permissions on a container with no specific user designated
as the owner.
Syntax for files:
Syntax For containers:
%LSAF_GETOWNER(LSAF_PATH =lsaf-path, LSAF_ACLTYPE =lsaf-acl-type);
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the current owner of the object.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the content object in the SAS Life Science
Analytics Framework repository.
- - conditional - the type of permissions being returned. The valid values
are DEFAULT and CURRENT (case-insensitive). Files only have CURRENT permissions,
therefore, the value is not required when lsaf_path is a file. For container
objects the value must be specified. The operation will fail if DEFAULT is
requested for a file path.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_getpfjobelementinfo(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetPfJobElementInfo);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the properties for the job setup elements for the
process flow within the specified organization, project, or analysis.
<, SAS_DSNAME=SAS-data-set>);
- History:
- 2016-12-10
- original creation.
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the process flow exists.
- - required - the name of the process flow.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
properties and attributes for the process flow data specified as libref.dataset.
The default value is WORK.LSAFGETPFJOBELEMENTINFO. The data set contains a
row for each property or attribute as well as columns with the following names. The
data set is not sorted.
The following metadata will be represented in the data set.
- processFlowPath: The path of the context object.
- processFlowName: The name of the process flow.
- elementID: The id for the element applicable for the property.
- name: The name of the property.
- value: The value of the property.
- displayName: The name of the property as displayed as a label within SAS Life
Science Analytics Framework. Derived properties (e.g. name) will not have a value
for displayName.
- type: The type of the property. Values include STRING, LONG, DATE, and BOOLEAN.
- isReadonly: Flag indicating that the property cannot be modified.
- isExtended: Flag indicating whether the property is an extended attribute.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_getpfjobparameters(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetPfJobParameters);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the override parameters for the job setup elements for the
process flow within the specified organization, project, or analysis.
Job setup elements maintain a list of the parameters that are used to override the default
parameters when the job task executes. The output data set from the lsaf_getjobparameters macro
can be used to get the full list and metadata for the job.
<, SAS_DSNAME=SAS-data-set>);
- History:
- 2016-12-14
- original creation.
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the process flow exists.
- - required - the name of the process flow.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
override parameters for the process flow element specified as libref.dataset.
The default value is WORK.LSAFGETPFJOBPARAMETERS. The data set contains a
row for each override parameter as well as columns with the following names. The
data set will be sorted by element id and parameter name.
The following metadata will be represented in the data set.
- processFlowPath: The path of the context object.
- processFlowName: The name of the process flow.
- elementID: The id for the element applicable for the parameter.
- jobPath: The path for the job.
- jobVersion: The version of the job.
- name: The name of the parameter.
- type: The type of the parameter. Values are CHARACTER, CHARACTER_MASKED, NUMERIC,
- value: The value of the parameter.
- fileVersion: the file version if the parameter is of type FILE.
A blank value means that either the file is not versioned or the file is
versioned but no version was selected.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_getpfnotificationinfo(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetPfNotificationInfo);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the properties for the notification setup elements for the
process flow within the specified organization, project, or analysis.
LSAF_PROCESSFLOW=process-flow-name <, SAS_DSNAME=SAS-data-set>);
- History:
- 2016-12-08
- original creation.
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the process flow exists.
- - required - the name of the process flow.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
properties and attributes for the process flow data specified as libref.dataset.
The default value is WORK.LSAFGETPFNOTIFICATIONINFO. The data set contains a
row for each property or attribute as well as columns with the following names. The
data set is not sorted.
The following metadata will be represented in the data set.
- processFlowPath: The path of the context object.
- processFlowName: The name of the process flow.
- elementID: The id for the element applicable for the property.
- name: The name of the property.
- value: The value of the property.
- displayName: The name of the property as displayed as a label within SAS Life
Science Analytics Framework. Derived properties (e.g. name) will not have a value
for displayName.
- type: The type of the property. Values include STRING, LONG, DATE, and BOOLEAN.
- isReadonly: Flag indicating that the property cannot be modified.
- isExtended: Flag indicating whether the property is an extended attribute.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_getpfnotifrecipients(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetPfNotifRecipients);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the recipients for notification setup elements for the
process flow within the specified organization, project, or analysis.
LSAF_PROCESSFLOW=process-flow-name <, SAS_DSNAME=SAS-data-set>);
- History:
- 2016-12-13
- original creation.
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) containing the members.
- - required - the name of the process flow.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the recipients specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFPFGETNOTIFRECIPIENTS. The data set contains a row for each recipient
and columns with the following names. The data set will be sorted by element id,
recipient type, and principalId.
- processFlowPath: The path of the context object.
- processFlowName: The name of the process flow.
- elementID: The id for the element.
- type: The recipient type. Valid values are USER and GROUP.
- principalId: The name of the recipient. The returned values will be either a group
name or a user ID.
- description: The description of the recipient. The returned values will be either
a group name or a user display name.
- grpSrcCtxt: The context path in which the group recipient was defined if the
recipient is a group.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_getpfsignallocations(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetPfSignalLocations);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the locations for the signal setup elements for the
process flow within the specified organization, project, or analysis.
LSAF_PROCESSFLOW=process-flow-name <,SAS_DSNAME=SAS-data-set>);
- History:
- 2016-12-14
- original creation.
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the process flow exists.
- - required - the name of the process flow.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
locations for the process flow signal element specified as libref.dataset.
The default value is WORK.LSAFGETPFSIGNALLOCATIONS. The data set contains a
row for each signal location as well as columns with the following names. The
data set will be sorted by element id and location.
The following metadata will be represented in the data set.
- processFlowPath: The path of the context object.
- processFlowName: The name of the process flow.
- elementID: The id for the element applicable for the parameter.
- location: The path for the signal location.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_getpftimerelements(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetPfTimerElements);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the data for the timer setup elements for the
process flow within the specified organization, project, or analysis.
<, SAS_DSNAME=SAS-data-set>);
- History:
- 2016-12-10
- original creation.
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the process flow exists.
- - required - the name of the process flow.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
data for the process flow timer element specified as libref.dataset.
The default value is WORK.LSAFGETPFTIMERELEMENTS. The data set contains a
row for each timer element as well as columns with the following names. The
data set is not sorted.
The following metadata will be represented in the data set.
- processFlowPath: The path of the context object.
- processFlowName: The name of the process flow.
- elementID: The id for the element.
- name: The name of the element.
- description: The description of the timer element.
- type: The type of data the timer represents. Valid values are DATE and DURATION.
- value: The value of the timer.
- years: Years value represented by the duration timer.
- months: Months value represented by the duration timer.
- days: Days value represented by the duration timer.
- hours: Hours value represented by the duration timer.
- minutes: Minutes value represented by the duration timer.
- seconds: Seconds value represented by the duration timer.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_getpfusercandidates(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetPfUserCandidates);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the candidates for user setup elements for the
process flow within the specified organization, project, or analysis.
LSAF_PROCESSFLOW=process-flow-name <, SAS_DSNAME=SAS-data-set>);
- History:
- 2016-12-13
- original creation.
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) containing the members.
- - required - the name of the process flow.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the candidates specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETPFUSERCANDIDATES. The data set contains a row for each candidate
and columns with the following names. The data set will be sorted by element id,
candidate type, and principalId.
- processFlowPath: The path of the context object.
- processFlowName: The name of the process flow.
- elementID: The id for the element.
- type: The candidate type. Valid values are USER and GROUP.
- principalId: The name of the candidate. The returned values will be either a group
name or a user ID.
- description: The description of the candidate. The returned values will be either
a group name or a user display name.
- grpSrcCtxt: The context path in which the group candidate was defined if the
candidate is a group.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_getpfuserelementinfo(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetPfUserElementInfo);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the properties for the user setup elements for the
process flow within the specified organization, project, or analysis.
<, SAS_DSNAME=SAS-data-set>);
- History:
- 2016-12-08
- original creation.
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the process flow exists.
- - required - the name of the process flow.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
properties and attributes for the process flow data specified as libref.dataset.
The default value is WORK.LSAFGETPFUSERELEMENTINFO. The data set contains a
row for each property or attribute as well as columns with the following names. The
data set is not sorted.
The following metadata will be represented in the data set.
- processFlowPath: The path of the context object.
- processFlowName: The name of the process flow.
- elementID: The id for the element applicable for the property.
- name: The name of the property.
- value: The value of the property.
- displayName: The name of the property as displayed as a label within SAS Life
Science Analytics Framework. Derived properties (e.g. name) will not have a value
value for displayName.
- type: The type of the property. Values include STRING, LONG, DATE, and BOOLEAN.
- isReadonly: Flag indicating that the property cannot be modified.
- isExtended: Flag indicating whether the property is an extended attribute.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_getprocessdefsbytype(lsaf_type=ORGANIZATION, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetProcessDefsByType);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the process flow definitions
available at the specified context type.
- History:
- 2016-08-23
- original creation.
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - optional - the context type. Valid values are ORGANIZATION, PROJECTS, or
ANALYSES. The default value is ORGANIZATION.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the process flow definitions specified as libref.dataset. The default
value is WORK.LSAFGETPROCESSDEFSBYTYPE. The data set contains a row for each
process flow definition deployed at context level as well as columns with the
following names.
The data set will be sorted by process flow definition ID.
- contexts: A comma delimited string listing the context types the process flow
definition is deployed.
- defID: The ID of the process flow definition.
- name: The name of the process flow definition.
- description: The process flow description.
- deployedVersion: The version of the process flow definition.
- filePath: The path of the source file from which the process flow definition was
- fileVersion: The version of the source file from which process flow definition
- isAtOrganization: A numeric flag that indicates whether the process flow
definition is deployed at the organization level. (0=no, 1=yes)
- isAtProjects: A numeric flag that indicates whether the process flow
definition is deployed at the projects level. (0=no, 1=yes)
- isAtAnalyses: A numeric flag that indicates whether the process flow
definition is deployed at the analyses level. (0=no, 1=yes)
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_getprocessflowdata(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetProcessFlowData);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for the process data for the specified
process flow within the specified organization, project, or analysis.
- History:
- 2016-11-22
- original creation.
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the process flow exists.
- - required - the name of the process flow.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the process flow data specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETPROCESSFLOWDATA. The data set contains a row for each process flow data
element as well as columns with the following names. The data set is not sorted.
- processFlowPath: The path of the context object.
- processFlowName: The name of the process flow.
- dataID: The ID of the process flow data element.
- dataName: The name of the process flow data element.
- dataType: The type of the process flow data element.
- dataValue: The value of the process flow data element represented as a string.
- dataEnumValues: A comma-delimited list of the defined values for the elements of
the type ENUM displayed in the format key(value).
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_getprocessflowelements(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetProcessFlowElements);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for the flow setup elements for the
specified process flow within the specified organization, project, or analysis.
%LSAF_GETPROCESSFLOWELEMENTS(LSAF_PATH=lsaf-path, LSAF_processflow=process-flow-name
- History:
- 2016-12-07
- original creation.
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the process flow exists.
- - required - the name of the process flow.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
elements for the process flow data specified as libref.dataset.
The default value is WORK.LSAFGETPROCESSFLOWELEMENTS. The data set contains a
row for each element as well as columns with the following names. The data set is
not sorted.
The following metadata will be represented in the data set.
- processFlowPath: The path of the context object.
- processFlowName: The name of the process flow.
- elementType: The type of the element.
- elementID: The unique ID of the element.
- elementName: The name of the element.
- elementDescription: The description of the element.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_getprocessflowproperties(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetProcessFlowProperties);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the properties for the specified process flow within the
specified organization, project, or analysis.
%LSAF_GETPROCESSFLOWPROPERTIES(LSAF_PATH=lsaf-path, LSAF_processflow=process-flow-name
- History:
- 2016-12-05
- original creation.
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the process flow exists.
- - required - the name of the process flow.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
properties and attributes for the process flow data specified as libref.dataset.
The default value is WORK.LSAFGETPROCESSFLOWPROPERTIES. The data set contains a
row for each property or attribute as well as columns with the following names. The
data set is not sorted.
The following metadata will be represented in the data set.
- processFlowPath: The path of the context object.
- processFlowName: The name of the process flow.
- name: The name of the property.
- value: The value of the property.
- displayName: The name of the property displayed as a label within SAS Life
Science Analytics Framework. Derived properties (e.g. name, owner) will not
have a value for displayName.
- type: The type of the property. Values include STRING, LONG, DATE, and BOOLEAN.
- isReadonly: Flag indicating that the property cannot be modified.
- isExtended: Flag indicating whether the property is an extended attribute.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_getprocessflows(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetProcessFlows, lsaf_includeChildren=1);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the process flows defined at, and
optionally the child contexts of, the specified organization, project, or analysis.
- History:
- 2016-08-17
- original creation.
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the process flows exist.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the process flows specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETPROCESSFLOWS. The data set contains a row for each process flow in
the context object as well as columns with the following names. The data
set will be sorted by process flow name.
- path: The path of the context object.
- name: The name of the process flow.
- description: The process flow description.
- createdBy: The user ID that created the process flow.
- created: The full date and time when the process flow was created. This value
is represented as a String.
- dateCreated: The date when the process flow was created as a SAS Datetime format.
- lastModifiedBy: The user ID that last modified the process flow.
- lastModified: The date when the process flow was last modified. This value is
represented as a String.
- dateLastModified: The date when the process flow was last modified as a SAS
Datetime format.
- owner: The user ID of the owner of the process flow.
- status: The current state of the process flow. It indicates if the state is
- processDefinitionId: The ID of the process flow definition used to create the
the process flow.
- processDefinitionVersion: The version of the process flow definition used to
create the the process flow.
- - optional - indicates whether or not to include process flows
from child contexts (projects or analyses).
The valid values are 0 and 1 to exclude or include process flows for child
contexts. The default is 1.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_getproperties(lsaf_path=, lsaf_version=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetProperties);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the properties of an object in the SAS Life Science
Analytics Framework repository.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2014-04-18
- updates to surface extended attribute metadata.
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- 2017-01-10
- updates to retrieve a file by version number
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the object in the SAS Life Science Analytics
Framework repository.
- - optional - A specific file version. If omitted or set to blank, the
properties for the current file version will be returned.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that contains the metadata
for the object specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETPROPERTIES. The data set will contain variables representing each
element of metadata for the object. The data set will be sorted by the NAME
variable. The following metadata will be represented in the data set.
- path: The path of the object
- name: The name of the property.
- value: The value of the property.
- displayName: The name of the property as displayed as a label within SAS Life
Science Analytics Framework. Derived properties (e.g. name, path, type) will not
have a value for displayName.
- type: The type of the property. Values include STRING, DATE, and BOOLEAN.
Derived properties (e.g. name, path, type) will not have a value for type.
- isReadonly: Flag indicating that the property cannot be modified.
- isExtended: Flag indicating whether the property is an extended attribute.
Note: Extended attributes are included but the names represent the system identifier. The
recognizable label is shown in the display name variable.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for the items in the SAS Life Science
Analytics Framework recycle bin.
Users must have the Permanent Delete Items or Restore Items Deleted by Others role privilege
at the organization context.
- There is a limit to the number of items returned. The default limit is 5000. This limit can be configured on the server.
- History:
- 2013-03-24
- original coding.
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the items specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETRBITEMS. The data set contains a row for each item in the list and
columns with the following names. The data set will be sorted by path.
- name: The name of the item.
- path: The path of the item.
- objectType: Describes the type of the item (e.g. folder, data set, etc.)
- identifier: The unique identifier of the Repository object.
- size: The size of the object in bytes (will be 0 for containers).
- deletedBy: The user ID that deleted the object from the Repository.
- deletedOn: The full date and time when the object was deleted from the
Repository represented as a String.
- dateDeleted: The date when the object was deleted as a SAS Datetime format.
- lastModifiedBy: The user ID that last modified the object.
- lastModifiedOn: The date when the object was last modified. This value is
represented as a String.
- dateLastModified: The date when the object was last modified as a SAS Datetime
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%lsaf_getrbitemsbyquery(lsaf_path=, lsaf_name=, lsaf_userid=, lsaf_from=, lsaf_to=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetRBItemsByQuery);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for the items in the SAS Life Science
Analytics Framework recycle bin that match the given search criteria.
Users must have the Permanent Delete Items or Restore Items Deleted by Others role privilege
at the organization context.
LSAF_FROM=lsaf-from-date, LSAF_TO=lsaf-to-date, SAS_DSNAME=SAS-data-set>);
- History:
- 2017-01-24
- original coding.
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the container object in the SAS Life Science
Analytics Framework repository that is the parent of the deleted items. Items
from child paths will also be returned. For example, providing a project path will
return items that were deleted from the project and any child analyses.
- - optional - The name of the item to be returned by the search. If set to
* (ie lsaf_name=*) or omitted, items of any name will be returned.
Additionally, wildcard notation can be used, for example lsaf_name=*.sas will
return all items with a .sas extension.
- - optional - The id of the user who deleted the items to be retrieved.
If omitted or set to blank, the items deleted by the person running the program
will be returned. If set to * (ie lsaf_userid=*), the items deleted from any user
will be returned.
- - optional - The beginning of the date range for items deleted within a
specific time period. Values must be one of the formats described below. Date
values in formats other than the two described below will result in an execution
- SAS datetime18. format (e.g., 02NOV2013:09:33:22) - an offset of zero hours
from GMT will be used.
- SAS E8601DZ25. format (e.g., 2013-11-02T09:33:22-04:00).
- - optional - The end of the date range for items deleted within a
specific time period. Values must be one of the formats described below. Date
values in formats other than the two described below will result in an execution
- SAS datetime18. format (e.g., 02NOV2013:09:33:22) - an offset of zero hours
from GMT will be used.
- SAS E8601DZ25. format (e.g., 2013-11-02T09:33:22-04:00).
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the items specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETRBITEMSBYQUERY. The data set contains a row for each item in the list
and columns with the following names. The data set will be sorted by path.
- name: The name of the item.
- path: The path of the item.
- objectType: Describes the type of the item (e.g. folder, data set, etc.)
- identifier: The unique identifier of the Repository object.
- size: The size of the object in bytes (will be 0 for containers).
- deletedBy: The user ID that deleted the object from the Repository.
- deletedOn: The full date and time when the object was deleted from the
Repository represented as a String.
- dateDeleted: The date when the object was deleted as a SAS Datetime format.
- lastModifiedBy: The user ID that last modified the object.
- lastModifiedOn: The date when the object was last modified. This value is
represented as a String.
- dateLastModified: The date when the object was last modified as a SAS Datetime
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_getrelativepath(lsaf_base_path=, lsaf_absolute_path=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a relative path for a file relative to the given base path. Neither path is validated
for existence in SAS Life Science Analytics Framework or for valid characters. Logging in to
SAS Life Science Analytics Framework is not required to perform this operation.
The macro variable _lsafRelativePath_ will be set with the relative path or blank if the
operation fails.
- History:
- 2016-10-25
- original coding
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- the generated relative path.
- Parameters:
- - required - the base container location. The base path must be an
absolute path.
- - required - absolute path of the file to make relative to the base
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_getrolemembers(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=, lsaf_role_context=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetRoleMembers);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the members assigned to a role
within the specified organization, project, or analysis.
LSAF_ROLE_CONTEXT=lsaf-role-context, <, SAS_DSNAME=SAS-data-set>);
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the role is assigned.
- - required - the name of the role.
- - required - specifies the context in which the role is defined as a
path (e.g., /SAS).
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that contains the metadata
for the members specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETROLEMEMBERS. The data set contains a row for each member in the role and
columns with the following names. The data set will be sorted by member type and
- contextPath: The path of the context object.
- type: The member type. Valid values are user or group.
- principalId: The name of the member. Valid values are group name or user ID.
- descriptor: The description of the member. Valid values are group name or user
display name.
- grpSrcCtxt: The context in which the group member was defined, if the member is
a group.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_getroleprivileges(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetRolePrivileges);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the privileges assigned to a
role within the specified organization, project, or analysis.
<, SAS_DSNAME=SAS-data-set>);
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the role is defined.
- - required - the name of the role.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the privileges specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETROLEPRIVILEGES. The data set contains a row for each privilege in the
role and columns with the following names. The data set will be sorted by
- contextPath: The path of the context object.
- roleName: The name of the role.
- privilegeId: The identifier of the privilege.
- privilegeName: The name of the privilege.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_getroles(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetRoles, lsaf_getInherited=1);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the roles defined and, if
specified, inherited within the specified organization, project, or analysis.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the roles exist.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the roles specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETROLES. The data set contains a row for each role in the context object
as well as columns with the following names. The data set will be sorted by role
- path: The path of the context object.
- name: The name of the role.
- description: The role description.
- roleSrcCtxt: The context in which the of role was defined.
- isInherited: A flag indicating whether or not the role is inherited. The valid
values are 0 and 1. This variable is not included if LSAF_GETINHERITED is
not valid or set to 0.
- - optional - indicates whether or not to include inherited roles.
The valid values are 0 and 1 to exclude or include inherited roles respectively.
The default is 1.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_getsignatures(lsaf_path=, lsaf_version=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetSignatures);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the signatures of a file or a
specific version of the file.
- History:
- 2014-02-25
- initial coding.
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required -the path of the file in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework
- - optional - a specific version number of the file. If not specified,
the signatures of all versions of the file will be returned. Specifying a version
for a non-versioned job will cause an error.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the signatures specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETSIGNATURES. The data set contains a row for each signature for file
and/or version specified and columns with the following names. The data set is
sorted by descending date of signature.
- name: The name of the file.
- path: The path of the file.
- objectType: The type of file (i.e., data set, program, etc.).
- versionLabel: The label associated with this specific version.
- userId: The unique login identifier for the signer of the file.
- dateTimeStamp: The date and time of the signature represented as a string.
- dateSigned: The date and time of the signature as a SAS Datetime format.
- reason: The reason specified when the file was signed.
- role: The role specified when the file was signed.
- comment: The comment that was entered when the file was signed.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
[ Exposure: external ]
- Determines the status of a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository or workspace job
The SAS macro variable _lsafJobSubmissionStatus_ is set to the status value. The values are
If the macro runs without error, _lsafRC_ will be set to 0, the _lsafJobSubmiisionStatus_
macro variable will be set to the appropriate value, and a job submission status message will
be printed to the log. If the job completed with warnings or errors, the job submission
message will show in the log as a warning or an error, as appropriate.
- History:
- 2014-04-07
- initial code
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- 2016-11-02
- added job submission message, updated doc
- Expected Macro Variables:
- indicates the job submission status.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the submission identifier returned from the
lsaf_submitjob macro.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set containing metadata for all subscriptions for the current user.
- History:
- 2014-03-11
- initial coding
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the subscriptions specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETSUBSCRIPTIONS. The data set contains a row for each subscription
with the following names. The data set will be sorted by event, location, and
- event: The name of the event subscription.
- location: The path of the object to which a subscription applies.
- type: The subscriber type. Values are USER and GROUP.
- cascade: Indicates if the subscription is cascaded to child items. Values are
0 and 1.
- principalId: The id of the subscriber. The returned values will be either a
group name or the user ID of the current user.
- grpSrcCtxt: The context path in which the group was defined if the subscription
is a for group.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%lsaf_getsyncinfo(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetSyncInfo);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set containing synchronization information for the specified file in the
SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
- History:
- 2016-10-28
- initial coding.
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the job.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
synchronization information for the file specified as libref.dataset. The default
value is WORK.LSAFGETSYNCINFO. The data set contains a single row for each
synchronization property associated with the file. The output data set contains the
columns - name, value, and description. The NAME column contains the name of the
property, the DESCRIPTION column contains a brief explanation of the property, and
the VALUE column contains the value of the property. Listed below are the NAME and
DESCRIPTION column values:
filePath File path
fileCheckOutStatus: The file check out status. Values are
fileStatus: File status. Values are NON_EXISTENT, WORKSPACE_ONLY,
syncFileStatus: File synchronization status. Values are NOT_SYNCED,
repoFileCheckedOut: File checked out. Values are 1 for yes, and 0 for no
repoFileCheckedOutUser: The user that has the repository file checked out.
repoLastModifiedDate: Date the repository file was last modified
repoLastModifiedSASDate SAS date the repository file was last modified
repoFileVersion: File version
repoFileSize: File size
repoFileSizeFormatted: Formatted file size
syncFileVersion: The version of the repository file that was
synchronized to the Workspace
syncFileRepoSize: The file size of the repository file that was
synchronized to the workspace
syncFileRepoSizeFormatted: The formatted file size of the repository file that
was synchronized to the workspace
syncRepoLastModifiedDate: The date of the repository file version that was
synchronized to the workspace was last modified
syncRepoLastModifiedSASDate: The SAS date of the repository file version that was
synchronized to the workspace was last modified
syncDate: The file synchronization date
syncSASDate: The file synchronization SAS date
workspaceFileSize: The file size of the workspace file
workspaceFileSizeFormatted: The formatted file size of the workspace file
workspaceLastModifiedDate: Date the workspace file was last modified
workspaceLastModifiedSASDate: SAS date the workspace file was last modified
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
[ Exposure: external ]
- Determines if a file in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository is synchronized,
out of synchronization, or has never been synchronized with the workspace.
The SAS macro variable _lsafSyncStatus_ is set to the status value. The values are NOT_SYNCED,
IN_SYNC, and OUT_OF_SYNC. If the file does not exist in either the workspace or the
repository, the status is reported as NOT_SYNCED. If the object is a container, an error will
be reported.
- History:
- 2014-04-07
- initial code
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- indicates the syncronization status.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the file.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%lsaf_getusergroups(lsaf_userid=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetUserGroups);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set containing metadata for each of the groups in which the specified
user is a member.
- History:
- 2014-03-20
- initial coding
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the user ID of the user for which groups will be retrieved.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the groups specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETUSERGROUPS. The data set contains a row for each group and columns
with the following names. The data set will be sorted by group name and
group context path.
- userId: The user ID of the user.
- name: The name of the group.
- description: The description of the group.
- grpSrcCtxt: The context path where the group was defined.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%lsaf_getuserprivileges(lsaf_userid=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetUserPrivileges);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the global privileges assigned
to a user within the system.
- History:
- 2013-11-01
- initial coding
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the user to retrieve the global privileges for.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the global privileges specified as libref.dataset. The default value
is WORK.LSAFGETUSERPRIVILEGES. The data set contains a row for each global
privilege assigned to the user and the columns with the following names. The
data set will be sorted by privilegeId.
- userId: The user ID of the user.
- privilegeId: The identifier of the privilege.
- privilegeName: The name of the privilege.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.3
%lsaf_getversions(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetVersions);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the versions of a file.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2014-05-07
- updated documentation and fixed data set processing.
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required -the path of the object in the SAS Life Science Analytics
Framework repository.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the versions specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETVERSIONS. The data set contains a row for each version of the object
and columns with the following names. The most recent version will be the first
observation in the data set.
- name: The name of the object.
- path: The path of the object.
- objectType: The type of file (i.e., data set, program, etc.).
- description: The description of the object.
- versionLabel: The label associated with this specific version.
- isCheckedOut: A numeric flag that indicates whether the object is currently
checked out (0=no, 1=yes).
- isLocked: A numeric flag that indicates whether the object is currently locked
(0=no, 1=yes).
- size: The size of the object in bytes (will be 0 for containers).
- contentType: The content or MIME type of object.
- createdBy: The user ID that created the object.
- created: The full date and time the object was created represented as a string.
- dateCreated: The date the object was created as a SAS Datetime format.
- lastModifiedBy: The user ID that last modified the object.
- lastModified: The date the object was last modified represented as a string.
- dateLastModified: The date the object was last modified as a SAS Datetime format.
- propertiesLastModifiedBy: The user ID that last modified the properties for the
- propertiesLastModified: The date when the object properties were last modified.
This value is represented as a String.
- datePropertiesLastModified: The date when the object properties were last
modified as a SAS Datetime format.
- isSigned: Indicates if the object has electronic signatures attached to it.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_getworkspacechildren(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetWorkspaceChildren, lsaf_recursive=0);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for objects within a folder in the SAS
Life Science Analytics Framework workspace.
- History:
- 2016-11-09
- initial coding
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the folder object in the SAS Life Science
Analytics Framework workspace.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the objects specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETWORKSPACECHILDREN. The data set contains a row for each object in the
list and columns with the following names. The data set will be sorted by path.
- name: The name of the object.
- path: The path of the object.
- objectType: Describes the type of the object.
- isFolder: A numeric flag that indicates whether the object is a folder
object (0=no, 1=yes).
- lastModified: The date when the object was last modified. This value is
represented as a String.
- dateLastModified: The date when the object was last modified as a SAS Datetime
- - optional - the level of recursion.
Valid values are 0, 1, 2, or 99 as described below. The default value is 0.
0 - Returns the folder only.
1 - Returns the folder and its immediate children.
2 - Returns the folder, its immediate children, and all objects within one
level of the folders subfolders.
99 - Returns the folder and all of the sub folders and objects
(traverses the entire tree).
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_getworkspacejobinfo(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetWorkspaceJobInfo);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the information for a job in the SAS Life Science
Analytics Framework workspace. This is the information displayed on the General tab of the
job editor, as well as the information concerning the versioning of new outputs.
- History:
- 2016-10-04
- initial coding.
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the job in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that contains the metadata
for the job specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETWORKSPACEJOBINFO. The data set will contain variables representing each
element of metadata for the object. The data set will be sorted by the NAME
variable. The following metadata will be represented in the data set.
- path: The path of the job.
- versionLabel: Versions are not relevant in the workspace. This variable is
included for consistency with the data set returned by the repository macro
lsaf_getjobinfo. The value from this macro call is WORKSPACE.
- name: The name of the property or attribute.
- value: The value of the property or attribute.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_getworkspacejobinputs(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetWorkspaceJobInputs);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set containing metadata for the inputs for the specified job in the SAS
Life Science Analytics Framework workspace. The list does not include the input tasks.
- History:
- 2016-10-04
- initial coding.
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the job.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the inputs specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETWORKSPACEJOBINPUTS. The data set contains a row for each job input and
columns with the following names. The data set will retain the order of the inputs.
- jobPath: The path of the job.
- jobVersion: Versions are not relevant in the workspace. This variable is
included for consistency with the data set returned by the repository macro
lsaf_getjobinputs. The value from this macro call is WORKSPACE.
- inputPath: The path of the input file or container.
- inputType: The object type for the input. Valid values are CONTAINER and FILE.
- inputVersion: The version of the input file. An asterisk indicates the latest
version of the input file will be used by the job.
- inputIncludesSubFolders: A flag indicating whether or not the subfolders of a
container input are to be included during job execution.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_getworkspacejoboutputs(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetWorkspaceJobOutputs);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set containing metadata for the outputs for the specified job in the SAS
Life Science Analytics Framework workspace.
- History:
- 2016-10-04
- initial coding.
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the job.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the outputs specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETWORKSPACEJOBOUTPUTS. The data set contains a row for each job output and
columns with the following names. The data set will retain the order of the outputs.
- jobPath: The path of the job.
- jobVersion: Versions are not relevant in the workspace. This variable is
included for consistency with the data set returned by the repository macro
lsaf_getjoboutputs. The value from this macro call is WORKSPACE.
- outputPath: The path of the output location.
- outputIncludesSubFolders: A flag indicating whether or not the subfolders of an
output container are to be included during job execution.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_getworkspacejobparameters(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetWorkspaceJobParameters);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set containing job parameter metadata for the specified job in the SAS
Life Science Analytics Framework workspace. .
- History:
- 2016-10-04
- initial coding.
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the job.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the parameters specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETWORKSPACEJOBPARAMETERS. The data set contains a row for each job
parameter and columns with the following names. The data set will retain the job
parameter order.
- jobPath: The path of the job.
- jobVersion: Versions are not relevant in the workspace. This variable is
included for consistency with the data set returned by the repository macro
lsaf_getjobparameters. The value from this macro call is WORKSPACE.
- name: The name of the parameter.
- label: The parameter label.
- type: The parameter type. Values are CHARACTER, CHARACTER_MASKED, NUMERIC,
- defaultValue: the default value for the parameter. Dates are returned in SAS
datetime format.
- fileVersion: the file version to be used if the parameter is of type FILE.
A blank value means that either the file is not versioned or the file is
versioned but no version was selected.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_getworkspacejobtasks(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=work.lsafGetWorkspaceJobTasks);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Returns a SAS data set containing metadata for the tasks for the specified job in the SAS
Life Science Analytics Framework workspace.
- History:
- 2016-10-04
- initial coding.
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the job.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the tasks specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.LSAFGETWORKSPACEJOBTASKS. The data set contains a row for each job task and
columns with the following names. The data set will retain the order of the tasks.
- jobPath: The path of the job.
- jobVersion: Versions are not relevant in the workspace. This variable is
included for consistency with the data set returned by the repository macro
lsaf_getjobtasks. The value from this macro call is WORKSPACE.
- taskPath: The path of the task file.
- taskVersion: The version of the task file. An asterisk indicates the latest
version of the task file will be used by the job.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_groupexists(lsaf_path=, lsaf_group=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Determines whether a group is defined for the specified context.
The macro variable _lsafGroupExists_ will be set to 1 if the group exists, 0 if it does not.
In the event of an incorrect call to the macro which results in an error, the return value of
_sddGroupExists_ will be set to -1.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- indicates if the group exists in the context.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object.
- - required - the name of the group.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_hascontextprivilege(lsaf_path=, lsaf_privilege=, lsaf_member=, lsaf_type=USER, lsaf_group_context=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Determines whether a user or group has a specific role privilege in the specified
organization, project, or analysis.
The SAS macro variable _lsafHasContextPrivilege_ is set to a value of 1 when the specified
user or group has the privilege, 0 if it does not. In the event of an incorrect call to the
macro which results in an error, the return value of _lsafHasContextPrivilege_ will be set to
LSAF_MEMBER=lsaf-member-identifier <, LSAF_TYPE=lsaf-type,
- History:
- 2016-08-19
- original code
- Expected Macro Variables:
- indicates if the user or group has the privilege in the
specified organization, project, or analysis.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the role is assigned.
- - required - the identifier of the privilege to check.
- - required - the user ID or group name of the member.
- - conditional - indicates the type of member. Valid values are USER and GROUP
(case-insensitive). The default value is USER.
- - conditional - specifies the context in which the member group is
defined as a path (e.g., /SAS). The parameter is required if LSAF_TYPE=GROUP.
Otherwise, it will be ignored.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
[ Exposure: external ]
- Determines whether a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository file has been checked out.
The SAS macro variable _lsafIsCheckedOut_ is set to a value of 1 when the object is checked out,
0 if it is not. In the event of an incorrect call to the macro which results in an error, the return
value of _lsafIsCheckedOut_ will be set to -1.
- History:
- 2016-10-04
- Initial coding
- Expected Macro Variables:
- indicates if the object is checked out or not.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the file.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
[ Exposure: external ]
- Determines whether a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository object is of type container.
The SAS macro variable _lsafIsContainer_ is set to a value of 1 if the specified object is a
container object, 0 if it is not. In the event of an incorrect call to the macro which results in
an error, the return value of _lsafIsContainer_ will be set to -1.
Container objects include folders, projects, analyses, and the organization.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- indicates if the object is a container.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the object in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_isgroupmember(lsaf_path=, lsaf_group=, lsaf_member=, lsaf_type=USER, lsaf_group_context=, lsaf_includeImplicit=0);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Determines whether a user or group is an explicit member of the group in the specified organization,
project, or analysis.
The SAS macro variable _lsafIsGroupMember_ is set to a value of 1 when the specified user or
group is a member of the group, 0 if it is not. In the event of an incorrect call to the
macro which results in an error, the return value of _lsafIsGroupMember_ will be set to -1.
%LSAF_ISGROUPMEMBER(LSAF_PATH=lsaf-path, LSAF_GROUP=lsaf-group-name,
LSAF_MEMBER=lsaf-member-identifier, <, LSAF_TYPE=lsaf-type, LSAF_GROUP_CONTEXT=lsaf-group-context,
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-01-18
- added includeImplicit flag.
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- indicates if the user or group is a member of the specified group.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or analysis)
where the group is assigned.
- - required - the name of the group.
- - required - the user ID or group name of the member.
- - optional - indicates the type of member. Valid values are USER and GROUP
(case-insensitive). The default value is USER.
- - conditional - specifies the context in which the member group is
defined as a path (e.g., /SAS). The parameter is required if LSAF_TYPE=GROUP.
Otherwise, it will be ignored.
- - optional - indicates whether or not to include implied members, i.e.,
members of groups within groups. The valid values are 0 and 1 to exclude or include
implied memberships respectively. The default is 0.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_ismember(lsaf_path=, lsaf_member=, lsaf_type=USER, lsaf_group_context=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Determines whether a user or group is a member in the specified organization, project,
or analysis.
The SAS macro variable _lsafIsMember_ is set to a value of 1 when the specified user or group
is a member of the context, 0 if it is not. In the event of an incorrect call to the macro
which results in an error, the return value of _lsafIsMember_ will be set to -1.
Groups defined at the context level will not be considered as members of that context.
%LSAF_ISMEMBER(LSAF_PATH=lsaf-path, LSAF_MEMBER=lsaf-member-identifier <, LSAF_TYPE=lsaf-type,
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- indicates if the user or group is a member of the specified
organization, project, or analysis.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path (starting at the root) context object (organization,
project, or analysis).
- - required - the user ID or group name of the member.
- - conditional - indicates the type of member. Valid values are USER and GROUP
(case-insensitive). The default value is USER.
- - conditional - specifies the context in which the member group is
defined as a path (e.g., /SAS). The parameter is required if LSAF_TYPE=GROUP.
Otherwise, it will be ignored.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_isrolemember(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=, lsaf_role_context=, lsaf_member=, lsaf_type=USER, lsaf_group_context=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Determines whether a user or group is a member of a role in the specified organization,
project, or analysis.
The SAS macro variable _lsafIsRoleMember_ is set to a value of 1 when the specified user or
group is a member of the role, 0 if it is not. In the event of an incorrect call to the macro
which results in an error, the return value of _lsafIsRoleMember_ will be set to -1.
%LSAF_ISROLEMEMBER(LSAF_PATH=lsaf-path, LSAF_ROLE=lsaf-role-name,
LSAF_ROLE_CONTEXT=lsaf-role-context, LSAF_MEMBER=lsaf-member-identifier <, LSAF_TYPE=lsaf-type,
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- indicates if the user or group is a member of the role in the
specified organization, project, or analysis.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the role is assigned.
- - required - the name of the role.
- - required - the context in which the role is defined as a path
(e.g., /SAS).
- - required - the user ID or group name of the member.
- - conditional - indicates the type of member. Valid values are USER and GROUP
(caes-insensitive). The default value is USER.
- - conditional - specifies the context in which the member group is
defined as a path (e.g., /SAS). The parameter is required if LSAF_TYPE=GROUP.
Otherwise, it will be ignored.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_isroleprivilege(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=, lsaf_privilege=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Determines whether a privilege is assigned to a role in the specified organization,
project, or analysis. Works only for defined roles, not inherited roles, in the specified
organization, project, or analysis.
The SAS macro variable _lsafIsRolePrivilege_ is set to a value of 1 when the privilege is
assigned, 0 if it is not. In the event of an incorrect call to the macro which results in an
error, the return value of _lsafIsRolePrivilege_ will be set to -1.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- indicates if the privilege is assigned to the role in the
specified organization, project, or analysis.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the role is assigned.
- - required - the name of the role.
- - required - the identifier of the privilege to check.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_isuserprivilege(lsaf_userid=, lsaf_privilege=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Determines whether a global privilege is assigned to a user.
The SAS macro variable _lsafIsUserPrivilege_ is set to a value of 1 when the privilege is
assigned, 0 if it is not. In the event of an incorrect call to the macro which results in
an error, the return value of _lsafIsUserPrivilege_ will be set to -1.
- History:
- 2013-11-01
- initial coding
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- indicates if the privilege is assigned to the user.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the user ID to check.
- - required - the identifier of the global privilege to check.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.3
[ Exposure: external ]
- Determines whether a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository object has versioning enabled.
The SAS macro variable _lsafIsVersioned_ is set to a value of 1 when the object is versioned,
0 if it is not. In the event of an incorrect call to the macro which results in an error,
the return value of _lsafIsVersioned_ will be set to -1.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- indicates if the object is versioned or not.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the file.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.1
[ Exposure: external ]
- Locks a user account.
The person running the macro must have the user privilege to manage user accounts.
- History:
- 2014-3-19
- initial coding
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the user ID of the user account to lock.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%lsaf_login(lsaf_url=, lsaf_userid=, lsaf_password=, proxy_host=, proxy_port=, proxy_userid=, proxy_password=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Creates a connection to the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework instance.
This macro is only required when running the macros from a PC SAS session. It must be called
before any other SAS Life Science Analytics Framework macro in order to establish your session.
NOTE: This macro is only supported from a PC SAS session. Using this macro within an active
SAS Life Science Analytics Framework application session will result in a failure.
<, PROXY_HOST=proxy-host, PROXY_USERID=proxy-userid, PROXY_PASSWORD=proxy-pw );
Example Code:
1. The parameters passed to the login macro are often strings containing special characters
which may cause problems when resolved by SAS. You will probably want to wrap each of the
parameters in a SAS function call to prevent any issues:
%lsaf_login(lsaf_url=%str(https://lsafinstance), lsaf_userid=%str(lsaf-user-id),
lsaf_password=%str (lsafpassword ));
2. Certain special characters common in passwords (e.g. ampersands, percent signs) may
may require quoting.
%lsaf_login(lsaf_url=%str(https://lsafinstance), lsaf_userid=%str(lsaf-user-id),
lsaf_password=%nrbquote(lsafpassword ));
- History:
- 2013-06-26
- version 1.2 update - trusted session
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2014-03-04
- updates for proxy
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the URL of the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework instance to use
in the form or
- - required - the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework ID for the user account.
- - required - the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework password for the user account.
- - conditional - the name of the host machine when the SAS Life Science Analytics
Framework system is accessed through a proxy server.
- - conditional - the port number required for the proxy host machine.
Required when a proxy_host is designated.
- - conditional - the userid when the proxy machine requires authentication.
- - conditional - the password when the proxy machine required
- File:
- First available in version: 1.1
[ Exposure: external ]
- Closes an open connection to SAS Life Science Analytics Framework.
This macro is only used when running the macros from a PC SAS session. This should be the
last macro you call in any program. If the logout operation is successful, all LSAF SAS
macro related variables will be deleted (e.g., _lsafRC_).
NOTE: This macro is only supported from a PC SAS session. Using this macro within an active
SAS Life Science Analytics Framework application session will result in a failure.
- History:
- 2013-06-26
- version 1.2 update - trusted session
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.1
%lsaf_markforaddandcheckin(lsaf_path=, lsaf_versionfile=1, lsaf_comment=, lsaf_versiontype=MAJOR, lsaf_customversion=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Marks for add and checks in a workspace file to the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework
- History:
- 2016-11-28
- initial code
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the file.
- - optional - A boolean value representing whether or not to version
the file. Values are 1 for yes and 0 for no. The default is 1 (Yes).
- - optional - A comment when versioning a file
- - optional - What level to version the file, valid values are MAJOR,
MINOR, and CUSTOM. MAJOR for whole number updates (ie 3.0 to 4.0), MINOR for
incremental updates (ie 3.0 to 3.1), and CUSTOM for user specifed versioning
(ie 6.1). The default is MAJOR.
- - conditional - A numeric value for a custom version (ie 6.1) when
lsaf_versiontype=CUSTOM, otherwise this parameter is ignored.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_move(lsaf_source=, lsaf_target=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Moves a file or folder to the specified target location.
The item being moved must not already exist in the target location.
The children of a moved folder will also be moved to the target location,
keeping their directory structure and version history (if any) intact.
%LSAF_MOVE(LSAF_SOURCE=lsaf-source-path, LSAF_TARGET=lsaf-target-path);
- History:
- 2014-03-03
- initial coding
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the object to be moved.
- - required - the path of the folder into which the object is to be
moved. The target folder must already exist. Path cannot end with a slash (/).
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
[ Exposure: external ]
- Determines whether a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository object exists.
The SAS macro variable _lsafObjectExists_ is set to a value of 1 when the object exits,
it does not. In the event of an incorrect call to the macro which results in an error,
the return value of _lsafObjectExists_ will be set to -1.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- indicates if the object exists.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the object.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.1
%lsaf_processflowexists(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Determines whether a process flow is defined for the specified context.
The macro variable _lsafProcessFlowExists_ will be set to 1 if the process flow exists,
0 if it is not. In the event of an incorrect call to the macro which results in an error,
the return value of _lsafProcessFlowExists_ will be set to -1.
- History:
- 2016-08-17
- initial development
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- indicates if the process flow exists in the context.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object.
- Parameter description not provided
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_removegroupmember(lsaf_path=, lsaf_group=, lsaf_member=, lsaf_type=USER, lsaf_group_context=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Removes a user or a group as a member of a group in the specified organization, project, or
LSAF_MEMBER=lsaf-member-identifier <, LSAF_TYPE=lsaf-type, LSAF_GROUP_CONTEXT=lsaf-group-context>);
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the group is defined.
- - required - the name of the group that the member is to be removed from.
- - required - the id of the user or the name of the group being removed.
- - conditional - indicates the type of member. Valid values are USER and GROUP
(case-insensitive). The default value is USER.
- - conditional - specifies the context in which the group being
removed is defined as a path (e.g., /SAS). This parameter is required if
LSAF_TYPE=GROUP. Otherwise, it will be ignored.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_removemember(lsaf_path=, lsaf_member=, lsaf_type=USER, lsaf_group_context=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Removes a user or a group as a member of the specified organization, project, or analysis.
%LSAF_REMOVEMEMBER(LSAF_PATH=lsaf-path, LSAF_MEMBER=lsaf-member-identifier
<, LSAF_TYPE=lsaf-type, LSAF_GROUP_CONTEXT=lsaf-group-context>);
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-29
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) to remove the member from.
- - required - the id of the user or the name of the group being removed.
- - conditional - indicates the type of member. Valid values are USER and GROUP
(case-insensitive). The default value is USER.
- - conditional - specifies the context in which the group being
removed is defined as a path (e.g., /SAS). This parameter is required if
LSAF_TYPE=GROUP. Otherwise, it will be ignored.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_removerolemember(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=, lsaf_role_context=, lsaf_member=, lsaf_type=USER, lsaf_group_context=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Removes a user or a group as a member of a role in the specified organization, project, or
LSAF_ROLE_CONTEXT=lsaf-role-context, LSAF_MEMBER=lsaf-member-identifier <, LSAF_TYPE=lsaf-type,
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-29
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the role is assigned.
- - required - the name of the role that the member is to be removed from.
- - required - specifies the context in which the role is defined as a
path (e.g., /SAS).
- - required - the ID of the user or the name of the group being removed.
- - conditional - indicates the type of member. Valid values are USER and GROUP
(case-insensitive). The default value is USER.
- - conditional - specifies the context in which the group being
removed is defined as a path (e.g., /SAS). This parameter is required if
LSAF_TYPE=GROUP. Otherwise, it will be ignored.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_removeroleprivilege(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=, lsaf_privilege=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Removes a privilege from a role in the specified organization, project, or analysis.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the role is defined.
- - required - the name of the role that the privilege is to be removed from.
- - required - the identifier of the privilege to remove.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_removeuserprivilege(lsaf_userid=, lsaf_privilege=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Remove a global privilege from a user in the system.
- History:
- 2013-11-01
- initial coding
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the user to remove the global privilege from.
- - required - the identifier of the global privilege to remove.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.3
%lsaf_renameanalysis(lsaf_source=, lsaf_newname=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Renames an analysis.
Another analysis with the new name must not already exist in the parent project.
%LSAF_RENAMEANALYSIS(LSAF_SOURCE=lsaf-source-path, LSAF_NEWNAME=lsaf-new-name);
- History:
- 2014-03-04
- initial coding
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path, including the name, of the analysis to be renamed.
- - required - the new name of the analysis.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%lsaf_renameobject(lsaf_source=, lsaf_newname=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Renames a file or folder.
An object with the new name must not already exist in the current location.
%LSAF_RENAMEOBJECT(LSAF_SOURCE=lsaf-source-path, LSAF_NEWNAME=lsaf-new-name);
- History:
- 2014-03-03
- initial coding
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path, including the name, of the object to be renamed.
- - required - the new name of the object.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%lsaf_renameproject(lsaf_source=, lsaf_newname=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Renames a project.
Another project with the new name must not already exist in the organization.
%LSAF_RENAMEPROJECT(LSAF_SOURCE=lsaf-source-path, LSAF_NEWNAME=lsaf-new-name);
- History:
- 2014-03-04
- initial coding
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path, including the name, of the project to be renamed.
- - required - the new name of the project.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%lsaf_resetpassword(lsaf_userid=, lsaf_newpassword=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Reset the password for a user in the system. This action requires the logged on user to have
the administrative privilege PRIVILEGE_MANAGE_USER_ACCOUNTS. Once the password has been
successfully reset, the user can immediately log on with the new password, but they will be
forced to change their password immediately so the password remains unique to the user.
- History:
- 2013-11-04
- initial coding
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the user ID of the account to reset.
- - required - the new temporary password.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.3
%lsaf_roleexists(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Determines whether a a role is defined in the specified organization, project, or analysis.
The SAS macro variable _lsafRoleExists_ is set to a value of 1 when the role exists, 0 if it
is not. In the event of an incorrect call to the macro which results in an error, the return
value of _lsafRoleExists_ will be set to -1.
%LSAF_ROLEEXISTS(LSAF_PATH=lsaf-path, LSAF_ROLE=lsaf-role-name);
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- indicates if the role exists in the context.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
- - required - the name of the role.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_submitandpopulatewsjob(lsaf_path=, lsaf_userelativepaths=0, sas_dsname=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Submits a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework workspace job for immediate execution and updates
the input and output specifications in the job based on inputs and outputs accessed during the
job run. The SAS macro variable _lsafPopulateWsJobSummissionId_ is set to the identifier for the
job submission. If the job cannot be submitted, _lsafPopulateWsJobSummissionId_ will be set to
If the job runs with SAS errors, the job will not be updated. If it runs successfully or with SAS
warnings, it will be updated, replacing any existing input and output definitions in the job.
A data set representing the job parameters whose values are to be overridden for the current
job submission can be sent into the call of lsaf_submitandpopulatewsjob. If no job parameters
data set is sent in, the default values for all job parameters will be used.
The output data sets from either the lsaf_getjobparameters or lsaf_getworkspacejobparameters
contains all the data relevant to the parameters for a specific job and can be used as a source
for the input parameters data set for the lsaf_submitandpopulatewsjob macro. Modify the data set
with any desired changes prior to calling lsaf_submitandpopulatewsjob.
- Rename the defaultValue variable to "value" or add a variable with the name "value" to
indicate the values to use for the current submission.
- Default job parameter values will be used for missing parameters (deleted rows)
- Indicating an empty string for a parameter value will result in using a blank as the
parameter value for the current submission.
- Added parameters will be ignored.
- The parameters in the input data set are matched with the job parameters by name and type.
If no match is found for a parameter, its default value will be used.
- Data set rows with duplicate values for parameter name will cause an execution error.
- DATE job parameter values must be in SAS datetime18. format (e.g., 02NOV2013:09:33:22), or
in SAS E8601DZ25. format (e.g., 2013-11-02T09:33:22-04:00). For SAS datetime18. format, an
offset of zero hours from GMT will be used. To specify an offset from GMT, use the
E8601DZ25. format. Date values in formats other than the two described above will result
in an execution error.
- History:
- 2016-10-20
- initial coding
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- indicates the job submission identifier.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required -the path of the job in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework
- - optional - indicates whether or not to create generated inputs
and outputs as absolute or relative paths. The valid values are 0 and 1 to generate
absolute or relative paths respectively. The default is 0.
- - optional - the name of the SAS data set containing the job parameter
information specified as libref.dataset. If not specified, the default job
parameters values will be used. The data set must contain, at minimum, the
character variables listed below. Any additional variables will be ignored.
- name: The name of the parameter.
- type: The parameter type. Valid values are CHARACTER, CHARACTER_MASKED,
- value: The value of the parameter to be used in the current job submission.
- fileVersion: The file version to be used if the parameter is of type FILE.
For versioned files, a blank value will result in the latest file version
used. For nonversioned files, the value is ignored.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_submitjob(lsaf_path=, lsaf_version=, sas_dsname=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Submits a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository job for immediate execution and sets
the SAS macro variable _lsafJobSubmissionId_ to the identifier for the job submission. If the
job cannot be submitted, _lsafJobSubmissionId_ will be set to blank.
A data set representing the job parameters whose values are to be overridden for the current
job submission can be sent into the call of lsaf_submitjob. If no job parameters data
set is sent in, the default values for all job parameters will be used.
The output data set from the macro lsaf_getjobparameters contains all the data relevant
to the parameters for a specific job and can be used as a source for the input parameters data
set for the lsaf_submitjob macro. Modify the data set with any desired changes prior to
calling lsaf_submitjob.
- Rename the defaultValue variable to "value" or add a variable with the name "value" to
indicate the values to use for the current submission.
- Default job parameter values will be used for missing parameters (deleted rows)
- Indicating an empty string for a parameter value will result in using a blank as the
parameter value for the current submission.
- Added parameters will be ignored.
- The parameters in the input data set are matched with the job parameters by name and type.
If no match is found for a parameter, its default value will be used.
- Data set rows with duplicate values for parameter name will cause an execution error.
- DATE job parameter values must be in SAS datetime18. format (e.g., 02NOV2013:09:33:22), or
in SAS E8601DZ25. format (e.g., 2013-11-02T09:33:22-04:00). For SAS datetime18. format, an
offset of zero hours from GMT will be used. To specify an offset from GMT, use the
E8601DZ25. format. Date values in formats other than the two described above will result
in an execution error.
%LSAF_SUBMITJOB(LSAF_PATH=lsaf-path <, LSAF_VERSION=lsaf-version,
- History:
- 2014-04-09
- initial coding
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- indicates the job submission identifier.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required -the path of the job in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework
- - optional - a specific version number of the job. If not specified,
the latest version of the job will be submitted. Specifying a version for a
non-versioned file will cause an error.
- - optional - the name of the SAS data set containing the job parameter
information specified as libref.dataset. If not specified, the default job
parameters values will be used. The data set must contain, at minimum, the
character variables listed below. Any additional variables will be ignored.
- name: The name of the parameter.
- type: The parameter type. Valid values are CHARACTER, CHARACTER_MASKED,
- value: The value of the parameter to be used in the current job submission.
- fileVersion: The file version to be used if the parameter is of type FILE.
For versioned files, a blank value will result in the latest file version
used. For nonversioned files, the value is ignored.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%lsaf_submitworkspacejob(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Submits a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework workspace job for immediate execution and sets
the SAS macro variable _lsafWorkspaceJobSubmissionId_ to the identifier for the job submission.
If the job cannot be submitted, _lsafWorkspaceJobSubmissionId_ will be set to blank.
A data set representing the job parameters whose values are to be overridden for the current
job submission can be sent into the call of lsaf_submitworkspacejob. If no job parameters data
set is sent in, the default values for all job parameters will be used.
The output data sets from either the lsaf_getjobparameters or lsaf_getworkspacejobparameters
contains all the data relevant to the parameters for a specific job and can be used as a source
for the input parameters data set for the lsaf_submitworkspacejob macro. Modify the data set with
any desired changes prior to calling lsaf_submitworkspacejob.
- Rename the defaultValue variable to "value" or add a variable with the name "value" to
indicate the values to use for the current submission.
- Default job parameter values will be used for missing parameters (deleted rows)
- Indicating an empty string for a parameter value will result in using a blank as the
parameter value for the current submission.
- Added parameters will be ignored.
- The parameters in the input data set are matched with the job parameters by name and type.
If no match is found for a parameter, its default value will be used.
- Data set rows with duplicate values for parameter name will cause an execution error.
- DATE job parameter values must be in SAS datetime18. format (e.g., 02NOV2013:09:33:22), or
in SAS E8601DZ25. format (e.g., 2013-11-02T09:33:22-04:00). For SAS datetime18. format, an
offset of zero hours from GMT will be used. To specify an offset from GMT, use the
E8601DZ25. format. Date values in formats other than the two described above will result
in an execution error.
- History:
- 2016-10-20
- initial coding
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- indicates the job submission identifier.
- Parameters:
- - required -the path of the job in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework
- - optional - the name of the SAS data set containing the job parameter
information specified as libref.dataset. If not specified, the default job
parameters values will be used. The data set must contain, at minimum, the
character variables listed below. Any additional variables will be ignored.
- name: The name of the parameter.
- type: The parameter type. Valid values are CHARACTER, CHARACTER_MASKED,
- value: The value of the parameter to be used in the current job submission.
- fileVersion: The file version to be used if the parameter is of type FILE.
For versioned files, a blank value will result in the latest file version
used. For nonversioned files, the value is ignored.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_syncfiletoworkspace(lsaf_path=, lsaf_version=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Gets the version of the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework from the repository file to
the workspace.
- History:
- 2014-04-07
- initial coding
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the file within the SAS Life Science Analytics
Framework repository to download.
- - conditional - specifies the version of the file to be synchronized if
the file is versioned. If the file is versioned and a version is specified the
value must be in the valid format including a decimal point such as 1.0 or 4.2.
If the file is versioned and no version is specified the latest version is
downloaded. If the file is unversioned and a version is specified, the value will
be ignored.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%lsaf_unassignrole(lsaf_path=, lsaf_role=, lsaf_role_context=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Unassigns a role from the specified organization, project, or analysis.
%LSAF_UNASSIGNROLE(LSAF_PATH=lsaf-path, LSAF_ROLE=lsaf-role-name,
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) from which to unassign the role.
- - required - the name of the role being unassigned.
- - required - specifies the context in which the role is defined as a
path (e.g., /SAS).
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
[ Exposure: external ]
- Unlocks a user account.
The person running the macro must have the user privilege to manage user accounts.
- History:
- 2014-3-19
- initial coding
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the user ID of the user account to unlock.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
[ Exposure: external ]
- Sets permissions on SAS Life Science Analytics Framework objects using a data set as input.
This macro sets access permissions on repository objects using a SAS data set as input. The
permission lists (known as Access Control Lists or ACLs) for multiple objects can be modified
using a single data set. Access permissions are applied only to objects in the repository
within the organization. There are two types of access permission lists: Current and Default.
The Current access permissions are applied to an individual object. The Default access
permissions apply only to container objects (e.g. folders, projects) and define the
permissions that will be inherited by any new objects added to the container. In the context
of this macro the access permission type is referred to as aclType. All records in the input
data set that pertain to the same repository object and aclType will be processed together as
a single ACL.
A set of permissions for a specific repository object for an individual principal within an
access permission type are referred to as an Access Control Entry (ACE). An ACE is
represented as a single row in the input data set. An ACE is defined by the following
- path: Full path of the repository object (file or container) to which the permissions are
being assigned.
- acl type: The access permission type is being assigned (DEFAULT or CURRENT)
- acl principal type: Identifies the type of the principal. The principal type can be Owner,
Members, User, or Group.
- acl principal name: The name of the user or group to assign the permission to.
- set of permissions: The specific permissions being assigned (e.g. administration, read,
properties write, content write, delete).
The output data set from the lsaf_getacls macro contains all the necessary variables
and data needed as the input data set for the lsaf_updateACLs macro. Modify the data
set with any changes prior to calling lsaf_updateacls.
- To add a principal with specific access permissions to a repository object, add a new row
to the data set for that principal.
- To modify the access permissions for a principal already associated with a repository
object, edit the appropriate row in the data set.
- To remove a principal with specific access permissions to a repository object, delete the
appropriate row from the data set. Note that the Owner and Members access control entries
cannot be removed from the object. Removing them from the data set will cause a failure.
- To maintain the existing permissions for a principal already associated with a repository
object, leave the record as it is in the data set. The record must remain otherwise the
access permissions for this principal will be removed.
Failure and Message Handling:
The macro performs a series of validation procedures to determine that the input data set has
the necessary structure for processing. If any of these validation procedures fail, an
appropriate failure message is printed to the log and the macro stops additional processing.
In addition to other modifications, the macro sorts the input data set and stores the modified
data in a temporary data set called WORK.__SASMACRO_ACLTEMP__. In the event that a failure
occurs during processing this temporary data set is retained as a reference. If all updates
are performed successfully, this data set will be deleted from the work library. A message
will be printed to the log reporting whether the data set was retained or not. Regardless of
success or failure of previous runs, this data set will be deleted at the beginning of each
new run of the macro. The data values and sort order of the original input data set are
All records pertaining to the same repository object and aclType are processed as a single
access control list by the macro. Messages will be printed to the log as each ACL is
processed. If the update of an ACL fails, the macro will stop processing.
If a failure occurs while processing a specific access control entry (i.e. a principal), the
macro will stop processing and a failure message will be written to the log.
Successful updates to ACLs made prior to the observation containing the failure will be
maintained in SAS Life Science Analytics Framework. Changes made to access permissions for
entries that are part of the same ACL that contained the observation with the failure will be
Valid values for permissions are as follows. All values must be of type numeric.
1 for GRANT
-1 for DENY
0 for inherited.
Example Code:
Get permissions for a folder:
* start code example;
%lsaf_getacls(lsaf_path=%str(/SAS/Study1/Files/folder1), lsaf_recursive=0);
data UpdateACLS;
set lsafGetACLS end=eof;
if eof then do;
* Adding user permission under DEFAULT;
aclType = "DEFAULT";
aclPrincipalType = "USER";
aclPrincipalName = "user1";
grpSrcCtxt = "";
adminPermission = 0;
readPermission = 1;
writePropPerm = 1;
writeContentPerm = 1;
deletePermission = 1;
* Adding group permission under CURRENT;
aclType = "CURRENT";
aclPrincipalType = "GROUP";
aclPrincipalName = "group1";
grpSrcCtxt = "/SAS";
adminPermission = 0;
readPermission = 1;
writePropPerm = 1;
writeContentPerm = 1;
deletePermission = 1;
* end code example;
Note: Access Control Entries (ACEs) with values of 0 for all permission variables will be
removed from or will not be added to the ACL.
Note: Users and groups being added as access control entries must be members in the context
(organization, project, analysis) containing the object being updated.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-02-09
- updates for path sorting, notes to log, stop after first failure.
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the name of a SAS data set containing the permission
information for all the objects to be modified specified as libref.dataset. The
data set must contain, at minimum, the variables listed below. Any additional
variables will be ignored.
- path: The case-sensitive path of the object including object name.
- aclType: Indicates which ACL to modify for the object. For Analysis and file
objects, the variable must be present but the value will be ignored. For
container objects, the value must be either DEFAULT or CURRENT
- aclPrincipalType: Indicates the type of ACE being updated.
Values: ACLOWNER | ACLMEMBERS | USER | GROUP (case-insensitive)
Default: None
- aclPrincipalName: The name of the principal ACE being updated or added.
For aclPrincipalType ACLOWNER, this must have the value OWNER.
For aclPrincipalType ACLMEMBERS, this must have the value MEMBERS.
For aclPrincipalType USER, this must be a valid userid (case-sensitive).
For aclPrincipalType GROUP, this must be a valid group name (case-sensitive).
- grpSrcCtxt: The case-sensitive path of the context (organization, project, or
analysis) where the group is defined if aclPrincipalType is GROUP. For
aclPrincipalType GROUP, this value is required, otherwise the variable must
be present but the value will be ignored.
- adminPermission: The permission to administer the object.
- readPermission: The permission to view the object.
- writePropPerm: The permission to update the properties of the object.
- writeContentPerm: The permission to write to the content of the object.
- deletePermission: The permission to the delete the object.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%lsaf_updateanalysislead(lsaf_path=, lsaf_userid=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Updates the current lead of an analysis in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework
Syntax for files:
- History:
- 2014-05-01
- initial coding.
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the analysis in the SAS Life Science Analytics
Framework repository.
- - required - the user ID for the account that will be the new lead.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%lsaf_updateanalysisstate(lsaf_path=, lsaf_state=, lsaf_comment=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Update the state of an analysis in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
< LSAF_COMMENT=lsaf-comment >);
- History:
- 2014-05-01
- initial coding
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- 2016-11-08
- updated messaging
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the analysis to be updated.
- - required - the state to set on the analysis.
- - optional - the reason for the state change.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%lsaf_updatecopytoworkspacestatus(lsaf_path=, lsaf_status=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Updates the value for the Copy To Workspace status of a file or folder in the SAS Life Science
Analytics Framework repository. The following values are valid for the copy to workspace
properties status.
ALLOW - Allow all
WARN - Warn (excluding published jobs)
DENY - Deny (excluding published jobs)
DENY_ALL - Deny all
- History:
- 2016-11-22
- initial code
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the file.
- - required - the copy to workspace status to set.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_updatefile(local_path=, lsaf_path=, lsaf_comment=, lsaf_version=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Updates the contents of an existing file in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
If the file is versioned a new version will be created. If the file is not versioned, the
existing contents will be overwritten.
NOTE: This macro is only supported from a PC SAS session. Using this macro within an active
SAS Life Science Analytics Framework application session will result in a failure.
%LSAF_UPDATEFILE(LOCAL_PATH=local-path, LSAF_PATH=lsaf-path <, LSAF_COMMENT=lsaf-comment>,
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the absolute path of the file on the local computer.
- - required - the path of the content object in the SAS Life Science Analytics
Framework repository to update. The object must already exist and may not be a container.
- - conditional - the comment for a versioned file in the repository. This
value is ignored for non-versioned objects.
- - conditional - the type of version to be created if the file to be
updated is versioned. Valid values are MAJOR or MINOR. The default is MINOR. This
value is ignored for non-versioned objects.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.1
%lsaf_updateorglead(lsaf_path=, lsaf_userid=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Updates the current lead of an organization in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework
Syntax for files:
- History:
- 2014-05-01
- initial coding.
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the organization object in the SAS Life Science
Analytics Framework repository.
- - required - the user ID for the account that will be the new lead.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%lsaf_updateowner(lsaf_path=, lsaf_aclType=, lsaf_userid=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Updates the current owner of an object within the organization in the SAS Life Science
Analytics Framework repository.
Syntax for files:
Syntax for containers:
%LSAF_UPDATEOWNER(LSAF_PATH=lsaf-path, LSAF_USERID=lsaf-userid, LSAF_ACLTYPE=lsaf-acl-type);
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the content object in the SAS Life Science
Analytics Framework repository.
- - conditional - the type of permission owner being set. The valid values
are DEFAULT and CURRENT (case-insensitive). Files only have CURRENT permissions,
therefore, the value is not required when the lsaf_path is a file. For container
objects the value must be specified. The operation will fail if DEFAULT is
requested for a file path.
- - required - the user ID for the account that will be the new owner. To
set the owner for the DEFAULT permissions to be the creator of the objects,
specify the value <creator> as the value for lsaf-userid.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
[ Exposure: external ]
- Updates the properties for process flow job elements using a data set as input.
Properties for multiple job elements can be modified using a single data set. Each property
is represented as a single row in the input data set.
The output data set from the lsaf_getpfjobelementinfo macro can be used to determine the name
and current values of the job element properties. Rows where name matches an existing job
element property will be used to attempt to update the property. If the specified value is
invalid for the property type, the update will be aborted and the appropriate error message
will be printed to the log.
Failure and Message Handling:
The macro performs a series of validation procedures to determine that the input data set has
the necessary structure for processing. If any of these validation procedures fail, an
appropriate failure message is printed to the log and the macro stops additional processing.
In addition to other modifications, the macro sorts the input data set and stores the modified
data in a temporary data set called WORK.__SASMACRO_JOBELEMENTSTEMP__. In the event that a
failure occurs during processing this temporary data set is retained as a reference. If all
updates are performed successfully, this data set will be deleted from the work library. A
message will be printed to the log reporting whether the data set was retained or not.
Regardless of success or failure of previous runs, this data set will be deleted at the
beginning of each new run of the macro. The data values and sort order of the original input
data set are maintained.
All records pertaining to the same job element are processed as a single transaction by the
macro. Messages will be printed to the log as each job element is processed. If the update of
a job element fails, the macro will stop processing and a failure message will be written to
the log. Successful updates to job elements made prior to the observation containing the
failure will be maintained in SAS Life Science Analytics Framework.
- History:
- 2017-01-09
- original coding
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the name of a SAS data set containing the properties
information for all the job element properties to be modified specified as
libref.dataset. The data set must contain, at minimum, the variables listed below.
Any additional variables will be ignored.
- processFlowPath: The path of the context object where the process flow is defined.
- processFlowName: The name of the process flow.
- elementID: The id for the element applicable for the property.
- name: The name of the property.
- value: The value of the property.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
[ Exposure: external ]
- Updates the job parameter overrides for process flow job elements using a data set as input.
The override parameters for multiple job elements can be modified using a single data set.
Each parameter is represented as a single row in the input data set.
The job element stores only the values to use as overrides at the time the job is run.
The output data set from the lsaf_getjobparameters macro can be used to determine the name and
default values of all of the parameters for the job associated with the process flow element.
The output data set from the lsaf_getpfjobparameters macro can be used to determine the
name and value for the overrides currently set on the job element.
The output data set from the lsaf_getpfjobelementinfo can be used to determine the job
elements for a process flow and the job associated with the elements. Parameter overrides
cannot be set if the job path has not be set on the job element.
The job parameter overrides represented in the input data set will replace the list of
parameter overrides currently saved on the job element. A single row where both NAME and TYPE
are blank will result in clearing all job parameter overrides for the specified element.
If an invalid value is specified for a parameter, the updates will be aborted and the
appropriate error message will be printed to the log.
If duplicate valid parameters are provided for the same element, only the first value will
be maintained.
Failure and Message Handling:
The macro performs a series of validation procedures to determine that the input data set has
the necessary structure for processing. If any of these validation procedures fail, an
appropriate failure message is printed to the log and the macro stops additional processing.
In addition to other modifications, the macro sorts the input data set and stores the modified
data in a temporary data set called WORK.__SASMACRO_JOBELEMENTPARMSTEMP__. In the event
that a failure occurs during processing this temporary data set is retained as a reference.
If all updates are performed successfully, this data set will be deleted from the work library.
A message will be printed to the log reporting whether the data set was retained or not.
Regardless of success or failure of previous runs, this data set will be deleted at the
beginning of each new run of the macro. The data values and sort order of the original input
data set are maintained.
All records pertaining to the same job element are processed as a single transaction by the
macro. Messages will be printed to the log as each job element is processed. If the update of
a job element fails, the macro will stop processing and a failure message will be written to
the log. Successful updates to job elements made prior to the observation containing the
failure will be maintained in SAS Life Science Analytics Framework.
- History:
- 2017-01-09
- original coding
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the name of a SAS data set containing the override parameters
for the job elements to be modified specified as libref.dataset. The data set must
contain, at minimum, the variables listed below.
Any additional variables will be ignored.
- processFlowPath: The path of the context object where the process flow is defined.
- processFlowName: The name of the process flow.
- elementID: The id for the element applicable for the property.
- name: The name of the job parameter.
- type: The type of the override property. Values are CHARACTER, CHARACTER_MASKED,
- value: The override value of the property.
- fileVersion: the file version if the parameter is of type FILE. A blank value
indicates to use the latest version of the file.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
[ Exposure: external ]
- Updates the properties for process flow notification elements using a data set as input.
Properties for multiple notification elements can be modified using a single data set. Each
property is represented as a single row in the input data set.
The output data set from the lsaf_getpfnotificationinfo macro can be used to determine the
name and current values of the notification element properties. Rows where name matches an
existing notification element property will be used to attempt to update the property. If the
specified value is invalid for the property type, the update will be aborted and the
appropriate error message will be printed to the log.
Failure and Message Handling:
The macro performs a series of validation procedures to determine that the input data set has
the necessary structure for processing. If any of these validation procedures fail, an
appropriate failure message is printed to the log and the macro stops additional processing.
In addition to other modifications, the macro sorts the input data set and stores the modified
data in a temporary data set called WORK.__SASMACRO_NOTIFICATIONSTEMP__. In the event that a
failure occurs during processing this temporary data set is retained as a reference. If all
updates are performed successfully, this data set will be deleted from the work library. A
message will be printed to the log reporting whether the data set was retained or not.
Regardless of success or failure of previous runs, this data set will be deleted at the
beginning of each new run of the macro. The data values and sort order of the original input
data set are maintained.
All records pertaining to the same notification element are processed as a single transaction
by the macro. Messages will be printed to the log as each notification element is processed.
If the update of a notification element fails, the macro will stop processing and a failure
message will be written to the log. Successful updates to notification elements made prior to
the observation containing the failure will be maintained in SAS Life Science Analytics
- History:
- 2017-01-19
- original coding
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the name of a SAS data set containing the properties
information for all the notification element properties to be modified specified as
libref.dataset. The data set must contain, at minimum, the variables listed below.
Any additional variables will be ignored.
- processFlowPath: The path of the context object where the process flow is defined.
- processFlowName: The name of the process flow.
- elementID: The id for the element applicable for the property.
- name: The name of the property.
- value: The value of the property.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
[ Exposure: external ]
- Updates the recipients for process flow notification elements using a data set as input.
The recipients for multiple notification elements can be modified using a single data set.
Each recipient is represented as a single row in the input data set.
The output data set from the lsaf_getpfnotificationrecipients macro can be used to determine
the recipients currently set on the notification element.
The output data set from the lsaf_getassignedmembers macro can be used to determine the
principals (users and groups) available at the context level eligible to be recipients.
The output data set from the lsaf_getprocessflowelements can be used to determine the ids for
all notification elements for a process flow.
The notification recipients represented in the input data set will replace the list of
recipients currently saved on the notification element. A single row where TYPE and PRINCIPALID
are blank will result in clearing all notification recipients for the specified element.
Failure and Message Handling:
The macro performs a series of validation procedures to determine that the input data set has
the necessary structure for processing. If any of these validation procedures fail, an
appropriate failure message is printed to the log and the macro stops additional processing.
In addition to other modifications, the macro sorts the input data set and stores the modified
data in a temporary data set called WORK._SASMACRO_NOTIRECIPIENTSTEMP__. In the event that a
failure occurs during processing this temporary data set is retained as a reference.
If all updates are performed successfully, this data set will be deleted from the work library.
A message will be printed to the log reporting whether the data set was retained or not.
Regardless of success or failure of previous runs, this data set will be deleted at the
beginning of each new run of the macro. The data values and sort order of the original input
data set are maintained.
All records pertaining to the same notification element are processed as a single transaction
by the macro. Messages will be printed to the log as each notification element is processed.
If the update of a notification element fails, the macro will stop processing and a failure
message will be written to the log. Successful updates to notification elements made prior to
the observation containing the failure will be maintained in SAS Life Science Analytics
If duplicate valid recipients are provided for the same element, only one of the values will
be maintained.
- History:
- 2017-01-16
- original coding
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the name of a SAS data set containing the recipients for the
notification elements to be modified specified as libref.dataset. The data set must
contain, at minimum, the variables listed below.
Any additional variables will be ignored.
- processFlowPath: The path of the context object where the process flow is defined.
- processFlowName: The name of the process flow.
- elementID: The id for the element applicable for the property.
- type: The recipient type. Valid values are USER and GROUP.
- principalId: The name of the recipient. The value is either a group name or a
user ID.
- grpSrcCtxt: The context path in which a group recipient is defined. The value
will be ignored if the recipient is of type user.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
[ Exposure: external ]
- Updates the locations for process flow signal elements using a data set as input.
The locations for multiple signal elements can be modified using a single data set.
Each location is represented as a single row in the input data set.
The output data set from the lsaf_getpfsignallocations macro can be used to determine
locations currently set on the signal element.
The output data set from the lsaf_getprocessflowelements can be used to determine the signal
elements for a process flow.
The signal locations represented in the input data set will replace the list of locations
currently saved on the signal element. A single row where LOCATION is blank will result in
clearing all signal locations for the specified element.
Failure and Message Handling:
The macro performs a series of validation procedures to determine that the input data set has
the necessary structure for processing. If any of these validation procedures fail, an
appropriate failure message is printed to the log and the macro stops additional processing.
Signal locations must adhere to the valid format of a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework
repository object with the exception of container paths that must end in slash star "/*".
If an invalid value is specified for a location, the updates will be aborted and the
appropriate error message will be printed to the log.
In addition to other modifications, the macro sorts the input data set and stores the modified
data in a temporary data set called WORK.__SASMACRO_SIGNALLOCATIONSTEMP__. In the event
that a failure occurs during processing this temporary data set is retained as a reference.
If all updates are performed successfully, this data set will be deleted from the work library.
A message will be printed to the log reporting whether the data set was retained or not.
Regardless of success or failure of previous runs, this data set will be deleted at the
beginning of each new run of the macro. The data values and sort order of the original input
data set are maintained.
All records pertaining to the same signal element are processed as a single transaction by the
macro. Messages will be printed to the log as each signal element is processed. If the update
of a signal element fails, the macro will stop processing and a failure message will be
written to the log. Successful updates to signal elements made prior to the observation
containing the failure will be maintained in SAS Life Science Analytics Framework.
If duplicate valid locations are provided for the same element, only the first value will
be maintained.
- History:
- 2017-01-13
- original coding
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the name of a SAS data set containing the locations for the
signal elements to be modified specified as libref.dataset. The data set must
contain, at minimum, the variables listed below.
Any additional variables will be ignored.
- processFlowPath: The path of the context object where the process flow is defined.
- processFlowName: The name of the process flow.
- elementID: The id for the element applicable for the property.
- location: The path for the signal location.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
[ Exposure: external ]
- Updates the values of process flow timer elements using a data set as input. Each row of the
data set represents a timer element.
The output data set from the lsaf_getpftimerelements macro can be used to determine the id
and current values of the process flow timer elements. Rows where id matches an existing
process flow timer element will be used to attempt to update the element. If the specified
value is invalid for the element type, the update will be aborted and the appropriate error
message will be printed to the log.
Values of type DATE must be one of the following formats. Date values in formats other than
the two described below will result in an execution error.
- SAS datetime18. format (e.g., 02NOV2013:09:33:22) - an offset of zero hours from GMT will
be used.
- SAS E8601DZ25. format (e.g., 2013-11-02T09:33:22-04:00).
Failure and Message Handling:
The macro performs a series of validation procedures to determine that the input data set has
the necessary structure for processing. If any of these validation procedures fail, an
appropriate failure message is printed to the log and the macro stops additional processing.
If a failure occurs while processing a specific timer element, the macro will stop processing
and a failure message will be written to the log. Successful updates made to elements prior
to the element containing the failure will be maintained in SAS Life Science Analytics
- History:
- 2017-01-03
- original code
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the name of a SAS data set containing the process flow data
values to be set on the process flow specified as libref.dataset.
The data set must contain, at minimum, the variables listed below. Any
additional variables will be ignored.
- processFlowPath: The path of the context object.
- processFlowName: The name of the process flow.
- elementID: The id for the element.
- value: The value of a date timer. This is ignored when timer type is DURATION.
- years: Years value for duration timer. This is ignored when timer type is DATE.
- months: Months value for duration timer. This is ignored when timer type is DATE.
- days: Days value duration timer. This is ignored when timer type is DATE.
- hours: Hours value for duration timer. This is ignored when timer type is DATE.
- minutes: Minutes value for duration timer. This is ignored when timer type is
- seconds: Seconds value for duration timer. This is ignored when timer type is
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
[ Exposure: external ]
- Updates the candidates for process flow user task elements using a data set as input.
The candidates for multiple user task elements can be modified using a single data set.
Each candidate is represented as a single row in the input data set.
The output data set from the lsaf_getpfusercandidates macro can be used to determine the
candidates currently set on the user task element.
The output data set from the lsaf_getassignedmembers macro can be used to determine the
principals (users and groups) available at the context level eligible to be candidates.
The output data set from the lsaf_getprocessflowelements can be used to determent the ids for
all user elements for a process flow.
The user task candidates represented in the input data set will replace the list of candidates
currently saved on the user task element. A single row where TYPE and PRINCIPALID are blank
will result in clearing all user task candidates for the specified element.
Failure and Message Handling:
The macro performs a series of validation procedures to determine that the input data set has
the necessary structure for processing. If any of these validation procedures fail, an
appropriate failure message is printed to the log and the macro stops additional processing.
In addition to other modifications, the macro sorts the input data set and stores the modified
data in a temporary data set called WORK.__SASMACRO_USERCANDIDATESTEMP__. In the event
that a failure occurs during processing this temporary data set is retained as a reference.
If all updates are performed successfully, this data set will be deleted from the work library.
A message will be printed to the log reporting whether the data set was retained or not.
Regardless of success or failure of previous runs, this data set will be deleted at the
beginning of each new run of the macro. The data values and sort order of the original input
data set are maintained.
All records pertaining to the same user task element are processed as a single transaction by
the macro. Messages will be printed to the log as each user task element is processed. If the
update of a user task element fails, the macro will stop processing and a failure message will
be written to the log. Successful updates to user task elements made prior to the observation
containing the failure will be maintained in SAS Life Science Analytics Framework.
If duplicate valid candidates are provided for the same element, only one of the values will
be maintained.
- History:
- 2017-01-16
- original coding
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the name of a SAS data set containing the candidates for the
user task elements to be modified specified as libref.dataset. The data set must
contain, at minimum, the variables listed below.
Any additional variables will be ignored.
- processFlowPath: The path of the context object where the process flow is defined.
- processFlowName: The name of the process flow.
- elementID: The id for the element applicable for the property.
- type: The candidate type. Valid values are USER and GROUP.
- principalId: The name of the candidate. The value is either a group name or a
user ID.
- grpSrcCtxt: The context path in which a group candidate is defined. The value
will be ignored if the candidate is of type user.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
[ Exposure: external ]
- Updates the properties for process flow user elements using a data set as input.
Properties for multiple user elements can be modified using a single data set. Each property
is represented as a single row in the input data set.
The output data set from the lsaf_getpfuserelementinfo macro can be used to determine the name
and current values of the user element properties. Rows where name matches an existing user
element property will be used to attempt to update the property. If the specified value is
invalid for the property type, the update will be aborted and the appropriate error message
will be printed to the log.
Failure and Message Handling:
The macro performs a series of validation procedures to determine that the input data set has
the necessary structure for processing. If any of these validation procedures fail, an
appropriate failure message is printed to the log and the macro stops additional processing.
In addition to other modifications, the macro sorts the input data set and stores the modified
data in a temporary data set called WORK.__SASMACRO_USERELEMENTSTEMP__. In the event that a
failure occurs during processing this temporary data set is retained as a reference. If all
updates are performed successfully, this data set will be deleted from the work library. A
message will be printed to the log reporting whether the data set was retained or not.
Regardless of success or failure of previous runs, this data set will be deleted at the
beginning of each new run of the macro. The data values and sort order of the original input
data set are maintained.
All records pertaining to the same user element are processed as a single transaction by the
macro. Messages will be printed to the log as each user element is processed. If the update of
a user element fails, the macro will stop processing and a failure message will be written to
the log. Successful updates to user elements made prior to the observation containing the
failure will be maintained in SAS Life Science Analytics Framework.
- History:
- 2017-01-18
- original coding
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the name of a SAS data set containing the properties
information for all the user element properties to be modified specified as
libref.dataset. The data set must contain, at minimum, the variables listed below.
Any additional variables will be ignored.
- processFlowPath: The path of the context object where the process flow is defined.
- processFlowName: The name of the process flow.
- elementID: The id for the element applicable for the property.
- name: The name of the property.
- value: The value of the property.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_updateprocessflowdata(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, sas_dsname=_lsaf_updatepf_donotupdate_);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Updates the metatdata for the process flow data for the specified process flow in the SAS
Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
%LSAF_UPDATEPROCESSFLOWDATA(LSAF_PATH=lsaf-path, LSAF_processflow=process-flow-name,
- History:
- 2016-12-06
- initial programming
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the process flow being updated.
- - required - the name of the process flow being updated.
- - required - the name of a SAS data set containing the process flow data
values to be set on the process flow specified as libref.dataset.
The data set must contain, at minimum, the variables listed below. Any
additional variables will be ignored.
- dataID: The id for the data element property.
- dataValue: The new value to be set on the property.
The output data set from the lsaf_getprocessflowdata macro can be used to
determine the id and current values of the process flow data.
Rows where id matches an existing process flow data element will be used to
attempt to update the element. If the specified value is invalid for the element
type, the update will be aborted and the appropriate error message will be printed
to the log.
Values of type DATE must be one of the following formats. Date values in formats
other than the two described below will result in an execution error.
- SAS datetime18. format (e.g., 02NOV2013:09:33:22) - an offset of zero hours
from GMT will be used.
- SAS E8601DZ25. format (e.g., 2013-11-02T09:33:22-04:00).
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_updateprocessflowproperties(lsaf_path=, lsaf_processflow=, sas_dsname=_lsaf_updatepf_donotupdate_);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Updates a process flow in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
- History:
- 2016-12-06
- initial programming
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the process flow being updated.
- - required - the name of the process flow being updated.
- - required - the name of a SAS data set containing the property
values to be set on the process flow specified as libref.dataset.
The data set must contain, at minimum, the variables listed below. Any
additional variables will be ignored.
- name: the name of the property to be updated.
- value: the value to set on the property.
The output data set from the lsaf_getprocessflowproperties macro can be used to
determine the name and current values of the process flow properties.
Rows where name matches an existing process flow property will be used to
attempt to update the property. If the specified value is invalid for the property
type, the update will be aborted and the appropriate error message will be printed
to the log.
Values of type DATE must be one of the following formats. Date values in formats
other than the two described below will result in an execution error.
- SAS datetime18. format (e.g., 02NOV2013:09:33:22) - an offset of zero hours
from GMT will be used.
- SAS E8601DZ25. format (e.g., 2013-11-02T09:33:22-04:00).
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_updateprojectlead(lsaf_path=, lsaf_userid=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Updates the current lead of a project in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
Syntax for files:
- History:
- 2014-05-01
- initial coding.
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the project in the SAS Life Science Analytics
Framework repository.
- - required - the user ID for the account that will be the new lead.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%lsaf_updateprojectstate(lsaf_path=, lsaf_state=, lsaf_comment=, lsaf_include_analyses=1);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Update the state of a project in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
< LSAF_COMMENT=lsaf-comment, LSAF_INCLUDE_ANALYSES=lsaf-include-analyses >);
- History:
- 2014-05-01
- initial coding
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- 2016-11-08
- updated messaging
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the project to be updated.
- - required - the state to set on the project.
- - optional - the reason for the state change.
- - optional - whether project child analyses, if any exist, should
have their state updated as well.
Values: 0 | 1
If no value is supplied, the child analysis states will be updated to the same
state value as supplied for the project.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%lsaf_updateproperties(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Updates the editable properties of SAS Life Science Analytics Framework repository
object using a SAS data set as input.
The output data set from the lsaf_getproperties macro contains the necessary variables
and data needed as the input data set for the lsaf_updateproperties macro. The column
isReadonly flags if the field can be updated, 0 allows updates, 1 does not. Modify the
data set with any changes prior to calling lsaf_updateproperties.
- Data in the input data set that do not correspond to a property of the object being
updated will be ignored.
- Values specified for properties that are not editable will be ignored.
- An input data value that is the same as the current property value will be ignored
and will not result in a property update. No audit record will be created for the
Organization, project, and analysis leads cannot be updated via the
lsaf_updateproperties macro. Use the lsaf_updateorglead,
lsaf_updateprojectlead, lsaf_updateanalysislead macros, to update organization,
project, and analysis leads, respectively.
Project and analysis state and state comment cannot be updated via the
lsaf_updateproperties macro. Use the lsaf_updateprojectstate and
lsaf_updateanalysis state macros for this purpose.
- History:
- 2014-04-24
- initial coding
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the object in the SAS Life Science Analytics
Framework repository.
- - required - the name of a SAS data set containing the property
values to be set on the repository object specified as libref.dataset.
The data set must contain, at minimum, the variables listed below. Any
additional variables will be ignored.
- name: the name of the property to be updated.
- value: the value to set on the property.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%lsaf_updateuserinfo(lsaf_userid=, lsaf_displayname=_lsaf_updateuser_donotupdate_, lsaf_email=_lsaf_updateuser_donotupdate_, lsaf_accounttype=_lsaf_updateuser_donotupdate_, lsaf_firstname=_lsaf_updateuser_donotupdate_, lsaf_lastname=_lsaf_updateuser_donotupdate_, lsaf_department=_lsaf_updateuser_donotupdate_, lsaf_phone=_lsaf_updateuser_donotupdate_);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Update general user account information.
LSAF_EMAIL=lsaf-email, LSAF_ACCOUNTTYPE=lsaf-accounttype, LSAF_FIRSTNAME=lsaf-firstname,
LSAF_LASTNAME=lsaf-lastname, LSAF_DEPARTMENT=lsaf-department, LSAF_PHONE=lsaf-phone >);
You must have either the Manage User Account General Information or the Manage Users global
privilege in order to update user information.
If an optional parameter is not passed in, no change to the existing user attribute value
will be made. If the parameter is pased in, the specified value will be set on the user
attribute. Parameter values must conform to LSAF validation rules.
- History:
- 2014-03-27
- initial coding
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the user ID of the account being updated.
- - optional - the user display name to be set.
- - optional - the user email address.
- - optional - the user account type.
- - optional - the user first name.
- - optional - the last name of the user.
- - optional - the business unit of the user.
- - optional - the phone number of the user.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%lsaf_updateworkspacejob(lsaf_path=, sas_dsname_info=%str(_lsaf_updateworkspacejob_ds_notprovided_), sas_dsname_tasks=%str(_lsaf_updateworkspacejob_ds_notprovided_), sas_dsname_parameters=%str(_lsaf_updateworkspacejob_ds_notprovided_), sas_dsname_inputs=%str(_lsaf_updateworkspacejob_ds_notprovided_), sas_dsname_outputs=%str(_lsaf_updateworkspacejob_ds_notprovided_));
[ Exposure: external ]
- Updates an existing job in the SAS Life Science Analytics Framework workspace.
Data sets representing the job data to be updated must be sent into the call to
lsaf_updateworkspacejob. The information in the data sets will replace the data of the existing
job. The output data sets from the following macros contain all the data relevant to the job
properties that can be updated. See the macro documentation for more details.
- lsaf_getjobinfo or lsaf_getworkspacejobinfo
- lsaf_getjobtasks or lsaf_getworkspacejobtasks
- lsaf_getjobparameters or lsaf_getworkspacejobparameters
- lsaf_getjobinputs or lsaf_getworkspacejobinputs
- lsaf_getjoboutputs or lsaf_getworkspacejoboutputs
SAS_DSNAME_TASKS=SAS-data-set-jobtasks, SAS_DSNAME_PARAMETERS=SAS-data-set-parameters,
SAS_DSNAME_INPUTS=SAS-data-set-inputs, SAS_DSNAME_OUTPUTS=SAS-data-set-outputs>);
- History:
- 2016-09-23
- initial coding
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required -the path for the job to be updated in the SAS Life Science Analytics
Framework workspace.
- - optional - the name of the SAS data set containing the job
information specified as libref.dataset. The data set must contain, at minimum, the
character variables listed below. Any additional variables will be ignored.
- name: The name of the job property.
- value: The value of the property to be specified.
The information that can be specified is DESCRIPTION, LOGPATH, LSTPATH, MANIFESTPATH,
All other values listed in the data set will be ignored. All data are case-insensitive.
If a name is listed more than once, the last value processed will be used. If a name
is omitted, the value in the job will not be updated.
- - optional - the name of the SAS data set containing the list of
paths to the SAS programs to be run specified as libref.dataset. If the data set is
empty, all tasks will be removed from the job. The data set must contain, at minimum,
the character variables listed below. Any additional variables will be ignored.
- taskPath: The path of the SAS program file.
- taskVersion: The version of the SAS program file. Blank and single asterisk values
will indicate the latest file version.
- - optional - the name of the SAS data set containing the job
parameter information specified as libref.dataset. If the data set is empty, all job
parameters will be removed from the job. The data set must contain, at minimum, the
character variables listed below. Any additional variables will be ignored.
- name: The name of the parameter.
- label: The label for the parameter.
- type: The parameter type. Valid values are CHARACTER, CHARACTER_MASKED,
- defaultValue: The value to be set as the default value for the parameter.
DATE job parameter values must be one of the following formats. Date values in
formats other than the two described below will result in an execution error.
- SAS datetime18. format (e.g., 02NOV2013:09:33:22) - an offset of zero hours
from GMT will be used.
- SAS E8601DZ25. format (e.g., 2013-11-02T09:33:22-04:00).
- fileVersion: The file version to be used if the parameter is of type FILE. Blank and
single asterisk values will indicate the latest file version.
Data set rows with duplicate values for parameter name will result in a data set
validation error.
- - optional - the name of the SAS data set containing the list of job
inputs specified as libref.dataset. If the data set is empty, all job inputs will be
removed from the job. The data set must contain, at minimum, the variables listed
below as the type specified. Any additional variables will be ignored.
- inputPath (character): The path of the file or container to be used as input.
- inputType (character): The type of input object. Valid values are FILE and CONTAINER.
- inputVersion (character): The version of the FILE object. Blank and single asterisk
values will indicate the latest file version. The value is ignored for inputs of
- inputIncludesSubFolders (numeric): A flag indicating whether or not the input folder
should include subfolders. The valid values are 0 and 1. The value is ignored
for inputs of type FILE.
Data set rows with duplicate values for inputPath will result in a data set
validation error.
- - optional - the name of the SAS data set containing the list of job
outputs specified as libref.dataset. If the data set is empty, all job outputs will be
removed from the job. The data set must contain, at minimum, the variables listed
below as the type specified. Any additional variables will be ignored.
- outputPath (character): The path of the container to be used as output.
- outputIncludesSubFolders (numeric): A flag indicating whether or not the output
container should include subfolders. The valid values are 0 and 1.
Data set rows with duplicate values for outputPath will result in a data set
validation error.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%lsaf_uploadandexpand(local_path=, lsaf_path=, lsaf_versioning=, lsaf_version=, lsaf_comment=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Uploads and expands the contents of a zip file into the specified folder location in the SAS
Life Science Analytics Framework repository.
NOTE: This macro is only supported from a PC SAS session. Using this macro within an active
SAS Life Science Analytics Framework application session will result in a failure.
Failure and Message Handling:
The action status for each file that is being uploaded and each folder that is being created
will be printed in the log.
%LSAF_UPLOADANDEXPAND(LOCAL_PATH=local-zipfile-path, LSAF_PATH=lsaf-path
<, LSAF_VERSIONING=lsaf-versioning, LSAF_VERSION=lsaf-version, LSAF_COMMENT=lsaf_comment>);
- History:
- 2013-03-18
- initial code
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the absolute path and name of the zip file on the local
- - required - the path of the target folder.
- - optional - indicates whether the new files being created should be
versioned. The default value is 0, which will create a non-versioned file. A
value of 1 will create a versioned file. The versioning status of existing
files will not be changed.
Values: 0 | 1
Default: 0
- - optional - the type of version to be created if the new files are to be
versioned. Valid values are MAJOR or MINOR. The default is MINOR. This value is
ignored for non-versioned objects.
- - conditional - the comment for the versioned file being created. This
option is ignored when creating non-versioned files.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
[ Exposure: external ]
- Determines whether a user exists within the system.
The macro variable _lsafUserExists_ will be set to 1 if the user exists, 0 if it does not.
In the event of an incorrect call to the macro which results in an error, the return value
of _lsafUserExists_ will be set to -1.
- History:
- 2013-10-30
- initial coding
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- indicates if the user exists.
- Parameters:
- - required - the user ID of the user account to check.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.3
[ Exposure: external ]
- Determines whether a SAS Life Science Analytics Framework workspace object exists.
The SAS macro variable _lsafWorkspaceObjectExists_ is set to a value of 1 when the
object exists in the workspace, 0 if it does not. In the event of an incorrect call to
the macro which results in an error, the return value of _lsafWorkspaceObjectExists_
will be set to -1.
- History:
- 2016-09-23
- original coding
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- indicates if the object exists.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the object.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%sasdrugdev_addgroupmember(sdd_path=, sdd_group=, sdd_type=USER, sdd_member=, sdd_group_context=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_addgroupmember, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Adds a user or group as a member of a group in the specified organization, project, or
SDD_MEMBER=sdd-member-identifier <, SDD_TYPE=sdd-member-type,
Example Code
Context paths used in examples:
- Organization: /SAS
- Project: /SAS/Project1
- Analysis: /SAS/Project1/Analysis1
1. Add User as a Group member at the Project level:
%sasdrugdev_addgroupmember(sdd_path=%str(/SAS/Project1), sdd_group=%str(PrjGrp1),
sdd_member=%str(User1), sdd_type=%str(USER));
2. Add Group as a Group member at the Project level:
%sasdrugdev_addgroupmember(sdd_path=%str(/SAS/Project1), sdd_group=%str(PrjGrp1),
sdd_member=%str(OrgGrp1), sdd_type=%str(GROUP), sdd_group_context=%str(/SAS));
3. Add User as a Group member at the Analysis level:
sdd_group=%str(AnaGrp1), sdd_member=%str(User1), sdd_type=%str(USER));
4. Add Project Group as a Group member at the Analysis level:
sdd_group=%str(AnaGrp1), sdd_member=%str(PrjGrp1), sdd_type=%str(GROUP),
5. Add Organization Group as a Group member at the Analysis level:
sdd_group=%str(AnaGrp1), sdd_member=%str(OrgGrp1), sdd_type=%str(GROUP),
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the group is defined.
- - required - the name of the group to add the member.
- - conditional - the type of member being added.
Values: USER | GROUP (case-insensitive)
Default: USER
- - required - the user ID of the user or the name of the group being added.
- - conditional - specifies the context in which the group is defined
as a path (e.g., /SAS). This parameter is required if SDD_TYPE=GROUP. Otherwise,
it will be ignored.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_addmember(sdd_path=, sdd_member=, sdd_type=USER, sdd_group_context=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_addmember, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Adds a user or a group as a member of the specified organization, project, or analysis.
%SASDRUGDEV_ADDMEMBER(SDD_PATH=sdd-path, SDD_MEMBER=sdd-member-identifier,
<SDD_TYPE=sdd-member-type, SDD_GROUP_CONTEXT=sdd-group-context>);
Example Code
Context paths used in examples:
- Organization: /SAS
- Project: /SAS/Project1
- Analysis: /SAS/Project1/Analysis1
1. Add User as a Member at the Project level:
%sasdrugdev_addmember(SDD_PATH=%str(/SAS/Project1), SDD_MEMBER=%str(User1));
2. Add Group as a Member at the Project level:
%sasdrugdev_addmember(sdd_path=%str(/SAS/Project1), sdd_member=%str(OrgGrp1),
sdd_type=%str(GROUP), sdd_group_context=%str(/SAS));
3. Add User as a Member at the Analysis level:
%sasdrugdev_addmember(SDD_PATH=%str(/SAS/Project1/Analysis1), SDD_MEMBER=%str(User1));
4. Add Group defined at Organization level as a Member at the Analysis level:
%sasdrugdev_addmember(sdd_path=%str(/SAS/Project1/Analysis1), sdd_member=%str(OrgGrp1),
sdd_type=%str(GROUP), sdd_group_context=%str(/SAS));
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the member is being added.
- required - the user ID of the user or the name of the group being added.
- conditional - the type of member being added.
Values: USER | GROUP (case-insensitive)
Default: USER
- - conditional - specifies the context in which the group is defined
as a path (e.g., /SAS). This parameter is required if SDD_TYPE=GROUP. Otherwise,
it will be ignored.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_addrolemember(sdd_path=, sdd_role=, sdd_role_context=, sdd_member=, sdd_type=USER, sdd_group_context=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_addrolemember, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Adds a user or group as a member of a role in the specified organization, project, or
SDD_ROLE_CONTEXT=sdd-role-context, SDD_MEMBER=sdd-member-identifier
<, SDD_TYPE=sdd-member-type, SDD_GROUP_CONTEXT=sdd-group-context>);
Example Code
Context paths used in examples:
- Organization: /SAS
- Project: /SAS/Project1
- Analysis: /SAS/Project1/Analysis1
1. Add User to Role defined at Project:
%sasdrugdev_addrolemember(sdd_path=%str(/SAS/Project1), sdd_role=%str(PrjRole1),
sdd_role_context=%str(/SAS/Project1),sdd_member=%str(User1), sdd_type=%str(USER));
2. Add Group defined at Organization to Role defined at Project:
%sasdrugdev_addrolemember(sdd_path=%str(/SAS/Project1), sdd_role=%str(PrjRole1),
sdd_role_context=%str(/SAS/Project1),sdd_member=%str(OrgGrp1), sdd_type=%str(GROUP),
3. Add User to Role assigned at Project:
%sasdrugdev_addrolemember(sdd_path=%str(/SAS/Project1), sdd_role=%str(OrgRole1),
sdd_role_context=%str(/SAS),sdd_member=%str(User1), sdd_type=%str(USER));
4. Add Group defined at Organization to Role assigned at Project:
%sasdrugdev_addrolemember(sdd_path=%str(/SAS/Project1), sdd_role=%str(OrgRole1),
sdd_role_context=%str(/SAS),sdd_member=%str(OrgGrp1), sdd_type=%str(GROUP),
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the role is assigned.
- - required - the name of the role to add the member.
- - required - specifies the context in which the role is defined as a
path (e.g., /SAS).
- required - the user ID of the user or the name of the group being added.
- conditional - the type of member being added.
Values: USER | GROUP (case-insensitive)
Default: USER
- - conditional - specifies the context in which the group is defined
as a path (e.g., /SAS). This parameter is required if SDD_TYPE=GROUP. Otherwise,
it will be ignored.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_addroleprivilege(sdd_path=, sdd_role=, sdd_privilege=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_addroleprivilege, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Adds a privilege to a role in the specified organization, project, or analysis.
Example Code:
Use %sasdrugdev_getcontextprivileges to fetch the list of available privileges at a specified
context. The macro returns a SAS data set containing the list of privileges (the default
name of the data set is work.sddgetcontextprivileges). Use one of the privilegeId values to
add that privilege to a Role.
1. Retrieve the available privileges at a Project:
2. Add a privilege to a Role:
%sasdrugdev_addroleprivilege(sdd_path=%str(/SAS/Project1), sdd_role=%str(PrjRole1),
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the role is defined.
- - required - the name of the role to add the privilege.
- - required - the identifier of the privilege being added.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_adduserprivilege(sdd_userid=, sdd_privilege=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_adduserprivilege, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Assign a global privilege to a user in the system.
Example Code:
Use %sasdrugdev_getglobalprivileges to fetch the list of available global privileges. The
macro returns a SAS data set containing the list of privileges (the default name of the
data set is work.sddgetglobalprivileges). Use one of the privilegeId values to assign that
global privilege to a User.
1. Retrieve the available global privileges:
2. Assign a privilege to a User:
- History:
- 2013-11-01
- initial coding
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the user to assign the global privilege.
- - required - the identifier of the global privilege to assign.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.3
%sasdrugdev_assignedroleexists(sdd_path=, sdd_role=, sdd_role_context=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_assignedroleexists, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Determine if a role exists (as defined or inherited) in an organization, project, or analysis.
The SAS macro variable _sddAssignedRoleExists_ is set to a value of 1 if the role exists, 0
if it does not. In the event of an incorrect call to the macro which results in an error, the
return value of _sddAssignedRoleExists_ will be set to -1.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- indicates the existence of the assigned role in the context.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
- - required - the name of the role to check for existence.
- - required - specifies the context in which the role is defined as a
path (e.g., /SAS).
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_assignrole(sdd_path=, sdd_role=, sdd_role_context=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_assignrole, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Assigns a role to the specified organization, project, or analysis as an inherited role.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) to assign the role to.
- - required - the name of the role being assigned.
- - required - specifies the context in which the role is defined as a
path (e.g., /SAS).
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_copy(sdd_source=, sdd_target=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_copy, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Copies a file or folder to the specified target location.
The copy of a versioned file will not be versioned. The children of a copied folder will
also be copied to the new location in their original directory structure.
%SASDRUGDEV_COPY(SDD_SOURCE=sdd-source-path, SDD_TARGET=sdd-target-path);
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the object to be copied.
- - required - the path (including the new name) where the object is to be
copied. The target folder must already exist.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.1
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_createanalysis, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Creates an analysis in the SAS Drug Development repository.
The parent project must already exist.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the analysis being created.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_createfile(local_path=, sdd_path=, sdd_versioning=, sdd_version=, sdd_comment=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_createfile, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Uploads a file from the local machine to the SAS Drug Development repository.
All parent folders that do not already exist will be created as well.
NOTE: This macro is only supported from a PC SAS session. Using this macro within an active
SAS Drug Development application session will result in a failure.
<, SDD_VERSIONING=sdd-versioning, SDD_VERSION=sdd-version, SDD_COMMENT=sdd_comment>);
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-26
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the absolute path and name of the file on the local computer.
- - required - the path of the file to be created. Files can only be created in
SAS Drug Development in areas that support folder and file creation. They cannot
be created at the organization, project, or analysis levels.
- - optional - indicates whether the file being created should be
versioned. The default value is 0, which will create a non-versioned file. A
value of 1 will create a versioned file.
Values: 0 | 1
Default: 0
- - conditional - indicates the version number to assign to the file being
created. The value must be in the valid version label format including a decimal
point. This option is ignored when creating non-versioned file.
- - conditional - the comment for the versioned file being created. This
option is ignored when creating a non-versioned file.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.1
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_createfolder, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Creates a folder in the SAS Drug Development repository.
All parent folders that do not already exist will be created as well. Folders can only be
created under \Files or an existing folder, not directly under the organization, project,
or analysis.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-30
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the folder to be created.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.1
%sasdrugdev_creategroup(sdd_path=, sdd_group=, sdd_description=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_creatgroup, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Creates a group in the specified organization, project, or analysis.
<, SDD_DESCRIPTION=sdd-description>);
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-30
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the group is to be created.
- - required - the name of the group to create.
- - optional- the description for the group being created.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_createproject, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Creates a project in the SAS Drug Development repository.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-30
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the project being created.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_createrole(sdd_path=, sdd_role=, sdd_description=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_createrole, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Creates a role in the specified organization, project, or analysis.
<, SDD_DESCRIPTION=sdd-description>);
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-30
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the role will be defined.
- - required - the name of the role being created.
- - optional - the description for the role being created.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_createuser(sdd_userid=, sdd_displayname=, sdd_email=, sdd_accounttype=, sdd_password=, sdd_firstname=, sdd_lastname=, sdd_department=, sdd_phone=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_createuser, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Creates a user account within the system.
SDD_EMAIL=sdd-email, SDD_ACCOUNTTYPE=sdd-accounttype, SDD_PASSWORD=sdd-password,
<, SDD_FIRSTNAME=sdd-firstname, SDD_LASTNAME=sdd-lastname, SDD_DEPARTMENT=sdd-department,
- History:
- 2013-10-30
- initial coding
- 2016-08-30
- initial coding
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the user ID of the account to create.
- - required - the display name of the account to create.
- - required - the email address of the account to create.
- - required - the account type of the account to create.
Default: None
- - required - the password for the account to create.
- - optional - the first name of the user associated with this account.
- - optional - the last name of the user associated with this account.
- - optional - the business unit of the user associated with this account.
- - optional - the phone number of the user associated with this account.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.3
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_deleteanalysis, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Deletes an analysis from the SAS Drug Development repository.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-30
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the analysis to be deleted.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_deletegroup(sdd_path=, sdd_group=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_deletegroup, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Deletes a group from the specified organization, project, or analysis.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-30
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the group is defined.
- - required - the name of the group to be deleted.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_deleteobject, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Deletes an object from the SAS Drug Development repository.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-30
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the content object to be deleted.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.1
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_deleteproject, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Deletes a project from the SAS Drug Development repository.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-30
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the project to be deleted.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_deleterbitems(sas_dsname=, sas_result_dsname=work.sddDeleteRBItems);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_deleterbitems, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Permanently deletes items from the SAS Drug Development recycle bin using a data set as
input. Returns a SAS data set that contains the paths for the items that were permanently
deleted from the SAS Drug Development recycle bin.
The items listed in the input data set will be permanently removed from the recycle bin
provided that the user has the Permanent Delete Items role privilege at the organizational
context. No error message will be provided for objects that could not be permanently deleted.
A path created and deleted multiple times from the SAS Drug Development repository will appear
multiple times in the recycle bin. Therefore, the items must be referenced by their unique
identifier. The identifier can be retrieved using the sasdrugdev_getrbitems macro.
The output data set will contain one row for each path that was permanently deleted from the
recycle bin. If multiple items with the same path were deleted, the path will only be listed
once. The paths for each object deleted from a container (e.g. project, folder) will be listed
separately in the output data set.
%SASDRUGDEV_deleterbitems(SAS_DSNAME=SAS-data-set, SAS_RESULT_DSNAME=SAS-data-set);
Example Code:
Delete everything a specific user deleted.
* start code example;
data deleterbitems;
set sddGetRBItems;
if (deletedBy="myuserid");
%sasdrugdev_deleterbitems(sas_dsname=deleterbitems, sas_result_dsname=deletedpaths);
* end code example;
- History:
- 2013-03-27
- initial code
- 2016-08-30
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the name of a SAS data set containing the identifiers for the
items to be deleted from the recycle bin. The data set must contain, at minimum,
the variables listed below. Any additional variables will be ignored.
- identifier: The unique SAS Drug Development object identifier for the item to be
permanently deleted.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
deleted paths as libref.dataset. The default value is WORK.SDDDELETEDRBITEMS. The
data set contains a row for each deleted path and columns with the following names.
The data set will be sorted by path.
- name: The name of the item.
- path: The path of the item.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%sasdrugdev_deleterole(sdd_path=, sdd_role=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_deleterole, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Deletes a role from the specified organization, project, or analysis.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-30
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the role is defined.
- - required - the name of the role to be deleted.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_deleteuser, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Deletes a user account from the system.
Users that have logged in are not eligible for deletion and can only be deactivated.
- History:
- 2013-10-30
- initial coding
- 2016-08-30
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the user ID of the account being deleted.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.3
%sasdrugdev_disableversioning(sdd_path=, sdd_comment=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Disables versioning on a SAS Drug Development repository file.
- History:
- 2014-04-07
- initial coding
- 2016-10-03
- Make external and rebrand to LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the file within the SAS Drug Development repository
to be set to unversioned.
- - optional - a note associated with the action of disabling versioning.
The value is visible through the Audit Trail.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%sasdrugdev_downloadaszip(sdd_path=, local_path=, sdd_overwrite=0);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_downloadaszip, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Downloads SAS Drug Development files or a folder along with its content to your local machine
as a zip file.
If the local directory does not exist it will be created. If the local file does not exist
it will be created. If the object being downloaded is a folder, the contents of the folder
will be downloaded with its hierarchy maintained. If the object being downloaded is a project
or an analysis, only the containers (depots, folders) with files will be downloaded.
NOTE: This macro is only supported from a PC SAS session. Using this macro within an active
SAS Drug Development application session will result in a failure.
<,SDD_OVERWRITE=sdd-overwrite> );
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-30
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the object (file or container) to be downloaded.
- - required - the full path and name of the file to create (or overwrite,
if applicable) on the local computer.
- - optional - indicates whether or not to overwrite the existing zip
file on the local machine. The valid values are 0 and 1 to maintain or overwrite
the file respectively. The default is 0.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%sasdrugdev_downloadfile(sdd_path=, sdd_version=, local_path=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_downloadfile, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Downloads a file to your local machine from the SAS Drug Development repository.
If the local directory does not exist it will be created. If the local file does not exist
it will be created. If the local file does exist, it will be overwritten with new content.
NOTE: This macro is only supported from a PC SAS session. Using this macro within an active
SAS Drug Development application session will result in a failure.
- History:
- 2013-10-30
- initial coding
- 2016-08-30
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the file within the SAS Drug Development repository
to download.
- - conditional - specifies the version of the file to download if the file
is versioned. If the file is versioned and a specific version is specified the
value must be in the valid format including a decimal point such as 1.0 or 4.2.
If the file is versioned and no version is specified the latest version is
downloaded. If the file is unversioned and a specific version is specified that
will result in a failure.
- - required - the full path and name of the file to create (or overwrite,
if it exists) on the local computer.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.3
%sasdrugdev_enableversioning(sdd_path=, sdd_version=, sdd_comment=);
[ Exposure: external ]
- Enables versioning on a SAS Drug Development repository file.
- History:
- 2016-04-07
- initial coding
- 2016-10-03
- Make external and rebrand to LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the file within the SAS Drug Development repository
to version.
- - optional - specifies the starting version number of the file. If not
specified, the value will default to 1.0. The value must be in the valid format
including a decimal point such as 1.0 or 4.2.
- - optional - a note associated with the action of enabling versioning.
The value is visible through the Audit Trail.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.5
%sasdrugdev_getacls(sdd_path=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetACLs, sdd_recursive=0);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getacls, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the access control list for objects in the SAS Drug
Development repository.
For container objects, both the DEFAULT and CURRENT access control lists are returned with
the exception of analyses. For non-container objects and Analyses, only the CURRENT access
control lists is returned.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-30
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the content object in the SAS Drug Development
repository. This can be either a file or a container.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the access control lists specified as libref.dataset. The default
value is WORK.SDDGETACL. The data set contains a row for each access control
entry, sorted by path and aclType, and columns with the following names:
- name: The name of the object.
- path: The path to the object.
- objectType: Describes the type of the object (e.g. folder, data set, etc.)
- isContainer: A numeric flag that indicates whether the object is a container
object (0=no, 1=yes).
- owner: The user ID of the user who owns the object.
- aclType: Will be either DEFAULT or CURRENT. Analyses and files only have
CURRENT acls. All other containers have both DEFAULT and CURRENT acls.
- aclPrincipalName: If the aclPrincipalType is ACLOWNER this will be Owner. If
the aclPrincipalType is ACLMEMBERS this will be Members. If the
aclPrincipalType is USER this will be the user ID of the user. If the
aclPrincipalType is GROUP this will be the name of the group.
- aclPrincipalType: Specifies if the principal is a ACLOWNER, ACLMEMBERS, USER or
- grpSrcCtxt: For group principals, specifies the context path where the group
was defined.
- adminPermission: Permission to administer the object.
- readPermission: Permission to read the object.
- writePropPerm: Permission to update the object properties.
- writeContentPerm: Permission to update the object content.
- deletePermission: Permission to delete the object.
Permission values are specified as follows.
1 = Allowed
-1 = Denied
0 = Not specified (Inherited)
- - conditional - the level of recursion when the path is a container.
Valid values are 0, 1, 2, or 99 as described below. The default value is 0. For
files, the value will be ignored.
0 - Returns acls for the input container only.
1 - Returns acls for the container and all objects within the container, but not
sub containers.
2 - Returns acls for the container, all objects within the container, and one
level of sub containers.
99 - Returns acls for the container and all of the sub containers and objects
(traverses the entire tree).
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getallusers, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the users defined within the
- History:
- 2013-10-30
- initial coding
- 2016-08-30
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that contains the metadata
for the users specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.SDDGETALLUSERS. The data set contains a row for each user, sorted by user
ID, and columns with the following names:
- userId: The unique login identifier for this account.
- displayName: The display name for the account.
- firstName: The first name of the user.
- lastName: The last name of the user.
- email: The email address for this user.
- department: The business unit this user is a part of.
- phone: The phone number for this user.
- isAccountActive: A numeric flag indicating whether the account is active (0=no,
- isAccountLocked: A numeric flag indicating whether the account is locked (0=no,
- accountActivationDate: The date this account becomes active, this value is
represented in character format.
- accountDeactivationDate: The date this account becomes inactive, this value is
represented in character format.
- accountLockedBy: The user ID who locked this account.
- accountLockedDate: The date this account was locked, this value is represented
in character format.
- accountStatusBy: The user ID who changed the status of this account.
- accountStatusDate: The date the account status was last modified, this value is
represented in character format.
- accountType: The type of account, valid values are INTERACTIVE and NON_INTERACTIVE
- lastLogin: The date of the last time this account was logged onto, this value is
represented in character format.
- loginAttempts: The current number of failed login attempts associated with this
account. If the number exceeds the configured threshold, this account will
be locked. This counter gets reset when a successful login occurs.
- loginCount: The total number of successful logins for this account.
- passwordCreated: The date the current password was created, this value is
represented in character format.
- passwordExpiration: The date the current password expires, this value is
represented in character format.
- isPasswordExpired: A numeric flag indicating whether the password has expired
(0=no, 1=yes).
- dateAccountActivation: The date this account becomes active, this value is
represented in SAS DateTime format.
- dateAccountDeactivation: The date this account becomes inactive, this value is
represented in SAS DateTime format.
- dateAccountLocked: The date this account was locked, this value is represented
in SAS DateTime format.
- dateAccountStatus: The date the account status was last modified, this value is
represented in SAS DateTime format.
- dateLastLogin: The date of the last time this account was logged onto, this
value is represented in SAS DateTime format.
- datePasswordCreated: The date the current password was created, this value is
represented in SAS DateTime format.
- datePasswordExpiration: The date the current password expires, this value is
represented in SAS DateTime format.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.3
%sasdrugdev_getassignedmembers(sdd_path=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetAssignedMembers);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getassignedmembers, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the members assigned to the
specified organization, project, or analysis.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-30
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) containing the members.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the members specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.SDDGETASSIGNEDMEMBERS. The data set contains a row for each member and
columns with the following names. The data set will be sorted by member type
and principalId.
- contextPath: The path of the context object in the repository.
- type: The member type. Valid values are USER and GROUP.
- principalId: The name of the member. The returned values will be either a group
name or a user ID.
- description: The description of the member. The returned values will be either a
group name or a user display name.
- grpSrcCtxt: The context path in which the group member was defined if the member
is a group.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_getchildren(sdd_path=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetChildren, sdd_recursive=0);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getchildren, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for objects within a container in the SAS
Drug Development repository.
- History:
- 2013-06-28
- version 1.2 update - path length
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2014-05-07
- updated documentation and fixed data set processing.
- 2016-08-30
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the container object in the SAS Drug Development
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the objects specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.SDDGETCHILDREN. The data set contains a row for each object in the list and
columns with the following names. The data set will be sorted by path.
- name: The name of the object.
- path: The path of the object.
- objectType: Describes the type of the object (e.g. folder, data set, etc.)
- description: The description of the object.
- isContainer: A numeric flag that indicates whether the object is a container
object (0=no, 1=yes).
- isVersioned: A numeric flag that indicates whether the object is currently
versioned (0=no, 1=yes).
- versionLabel: The label associated with this specific version.
- isCheckedOut: A numeric flag that indicates whether the object is currently
checked out (0=no, 1=yes).
- isLocked: A numeric flag that indicates whether the object is currently locked
(0=no, 1=yes).
- size: The size of the object in bytes (will be 0 for containers).
- contentType: The content or MIME type of object.
- createdBy: The user ID that created the object.
- created: The full date and time when the object was created. This value is
represented as a String.
- dateCreated: The date when the object was created as a SAS Datetime format.
- lastModifiedBy: The user ID that last modified the object.
- lastModified: The date when the object was last modified. This value is
represented as a String.
- dateLastModified: The date when the object was last modified as a SAS Datetime
- propertiesLastModifiedBy: The user ID that last modified the properties for the
- propertiesLastModified: The date when the object properties were last modified.
This value is represented as a String.
- datePropertiesLastModified: The date when the object properties were last
modified as a SAS Datetime format.
- state: This variable is for an Analysis or Project object only. It indicates
if the state is DEV, PROD, or CLOSED.
- stateComment: This variable is for Analysis or Project only and provides any
comments attached by a user when changing the state of the project or
- isSigned: Indicates if the object has electronic signatures attached to it.
- - optional - the level of recursion when the path is a container.
Valid values are 0, 1, 2, or 99 as described below. The default value is 0. For
files, the value will be ignored.
0 - Returns the container only.
1 - Returns the container and its immediate children.
2 - Returns the container, its immediate children, and all objects within one
level of the containers subfolders.
99 - Returns the container and all of the sub containers and objects
(traverses the entire tree).
- File:
- First available in version: 1.1
%sasdrugdev_getconfiguration(sas_dsname=work.sddGetConfiguration, sas_suppressLogList=0);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getconfiguration, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Reports the current configuration settings.
The values can be printed in the SAS log as well as being included in the data set.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2014-04-04
- changed exposure to external
- 2016-08-30
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that contains the
configuration information as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.SDDGETCONFIGURATION. The data set contains a row for each setting and columns
with the following names. The data set will be sorted by name.
- name: The name of the configuration item.
- value: The value of the configuration item.
- - optional - flag to suppress the print of the configuration
information to the log. The default value is 0. If the parameter is included
and the value is anything other than 0, the configuration values are not printed
to the log.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.3
%sasdrugdev_getcontextprivileges(sdd_path=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetContextPrivileges);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getcontextprivileges, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the privileges available in the
specified organization, project, or analysis.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-30
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that contains the metadata
for the objects specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.SDDGETCONTEXTPRIVILEGES. The data set contains a row for each privilege
defined at the context and columns with the following names. The data set will be
sorted by privilegeId.
- contextPath: The path of the context object in the repository.
- privilegeId: The identifier of the privilege.
- privilegeName: The name of the privilege.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getglobalprivileges, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the global privileges available
in the system.
- History:
- 2013-11-01
- initial coding
- 2014-04-21
- updated documentation
- 2016-08-30
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that contains the metadata
for all of the global privileges specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.SDDGETGLOBALPRIVILEGES. The data set contains a row for each global privilege
and columns with the following names. The data set will be sorted by privilegeId.
- privilegeId: The identifier of the privilege.
- privilegeName: The name of the privilege.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.3
%sasdrugdev_getgroupmembers(sdd_path=, sdd_group=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetGroupMembers);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getgroupmembers, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the members assigned to a group
within the specified organization, project, or analysis.
<, SAS_DSNAME=SAS-data-set>);
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-30
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the group is defined.
- - required - the name of the group
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that contains the metadata
for the members specified as set. The default value is
WORK.SDDGETGROUPMEMBERS. The data set contains a row for each member and columns
with the following names. The data set will be sorted by member type and
- contextPath: The full path of the context object in the repository.
- type: The member type. Valid values are USER and GROUP.
- principalId: The name of the member. Valid values are group name or user ID.
- description: The description of the member. Valid values are group name or user
display name.
- grpSrcCtxt: The context in which the of group member was defined.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_getgroups(sdd_path=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetGroups);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getgroups, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the groups defined within a
context object within the specified organization, project, or analysis.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-30
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the groups are defined.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that contains the metadata
for the groups specified as libref.dataset. The default value is WORK.SDDGETGROUPS.
The data set contains a row for each group and columns with the following names.
The data set will be sorted by group name.
- contextPath: The path of the context object in the repository.
- name: The name of the group.
- description: The group description.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_getjobinfo(sdd_path=, sdd_version=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetJobInfo);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getjobinfo, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the information for a job in the SAS Drug Development
repository. This is the information displayed on the General tab of the job editor, as well as
the information concerning the versioning of new outputs.
- History:
- 2014-04-08
- initial coding.
- 2016-08-30
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the job in the SAS Drug Development repository.
- - optional - a specific version number of the job. If not specified,
the information for the latest version will be returned. Specifying a version for
a non-versioned job will cause an error.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that contains the metadata
for the job specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.SDDGETJOBINFO. The data set will contain variables representing each
element of metadata for the object. The data set will be sorted by the NAME
variable. The following metadata will be represented in the data set.
- path: The path of the job.
- versionLabel: The label associated with the specified version of the job.
- name: The name of the property or attribute.
- value: The value of the property or attribute.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%sasdrugdev_getjobinputs(sdd_path=, sdd_version=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetJobInputs);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getjobinputs, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Returns a SAS data set containing metadata for the inputs for the specified job in the SAS
Drug Development repository. The list does not include the input tasks.
- History:
- 2014-04-22
- initial coding.
- 2016-08-30
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the job.
- - optional - the version of the job. If not specified, the latest version
will be used.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the inputs specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.SDDGETJOBINPUTS. The data set contains a row for each job input and columns
with the following names. The data set will retain the order of the inputs.
- jobPath: The path of the job.
- jobVersion: The job version.
- inputPath: The path of the input file.
- inputType: The object type for the input. Valid values are CONTAINER and FILE.
- inputVersion: The version of the input file. An asterisk indicates the latest
version of the input file will be used by the job.
- inputIncludesSubFolders: A flag indicating whether or not the subfolders of a
container input are to be included during job execution.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%sasdrugdev_getjoboutputs(sdd_path=, sdd_version=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetJobOutputs);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getjoboutputs, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Returns a SAS data set containing metadata for the outputs for the specified job in the SAS
Drug Development repository.
- History:
- 2014-04-22
- initial coding.
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the job.
- - optional - the version of the job. If not specified, the latest version
will be used.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the outputs specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.SDDGETJOBOUTPUTS. The data set contains a row for each job output and columns
with the following names. The data set will retain the order of the outputs.
- jobPath: The path of the job.
- jobVersion: The job version.
- outputPath: The path of the output location.
- outputIncludesSubFolders: A flag indicating whether or not the subfolders of an
output container are to be included during job execution.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%sasdrugdev_getjobparameters(sdd_path=, sdd_version=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetJobParameters);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getjobparameters, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Returns a SAS data set containing job parameter metadata for the specified job.
- History:
- 2014-04-11
- initial coding.
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the job.
- - optional - the version of the job. If not specified, the latest version
will be used.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the parameters specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.SDDGETJOBPARAMETERS. The data set contains a row for each job parameter
and columns with the following names. The data set will retain the job parameter
- jobPath: The path of the job.
- jobVersion: The job version.
- name: The name of the parameter.
- label: The parameter label.
- type: The parameter type. Values are CHARACTER, CHARACTER_MASKED, NUMERIC,
- defaultValue: the default value for the parameter. Dates are returned in SAS
datetime format.
- fileVersion: the file version to be used if the parameter is of type FILE.
A blank value means that either the file is not versioned or the file is
versioned but no version was selected.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%sasdrugdev_getjobtasks(sdd_path=, sdd_version=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetJobTasks);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getjobtasks, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Returns a SAS data set containing metadata for the tasks for the specified job in the SAS
Drug Development repository.
- History:
- 2014-04-22
- initial coding.
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the job.
- - optional - the version of the job. If not specified, the latest version
will be used.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the tasks specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.SDDGETJOBTASKS. The data set contains a row for each job task and columns
with the following names. The data set will retain the order of the tasks.
- jobPath: The path of the job.
- jobVersion: The job version.
- taskPath: The path of the task file.
- taskVersion: The version of the task file. An asterisk indicates the latest
version of the task file will be used by the job.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getobjecttype, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Reports the SAS Drug Development object type for the specified
repository object path
The SAS macro variable _sddObjectType_ is set to the object type value.
The value is set to blank if the object could not be found or an error occurred.
Possible object type values are:
- History:
- 2014-03-07
- initial coding
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the object type.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the object for which the object type
will be retrieved.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%sasdrugdev_getowner(sdd_path=, sdd_aclType=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getowner, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Returns the current owner of an object within the organization in the SAS Drug Development
The macro variable _sddOwner_ will be set with the owner user ID. The value of _sddOwner_
will be <creator> for the DEFAULT permissions on a container with no specific user designated
as the owner.
Syntax for files:
Syntax For containers:
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the current owner of the object.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the content object in the SAS Drug Development
- - conditional - the type of permissions being returned. The valid values
are DEFAULT and CURRENT (case-insensitive). Files only have CURRENT permissions,
therefore, the value is not required when sdd_path is a file. For container
objects the value must be specified. The operation will fail if DEFAULT is
requested for a file path.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_getproperties(sdd_path=, sdd_version=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetProperties);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getproperties, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the properties of an object in the SAS Drug Development
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2014-04-18
- updates to surface extended attribute metadata.
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- 2017-01-18
- added sdd_version parameter
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the object in the SAS Drug Development repository.
- - optional - A specific file version. If omitted or set to blank, the
properties for the current file version will be returned.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that contains the metadata
for the object specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.SDDGETPROPERTIES. The data set will contain variables representing each
element of metadata for the object. The data set will be sorted by the NAME
variable. The following metadata will be represented in the data set.
- path: The path of the object
- name: The name of the property.
- value: The value of the property.
- displayName: The name of the property as displayed as a label within SAS Drug
Development. Derived properties (e.g. name, path, type) will not have a value
for displayName.
- type: The type of the property. Values include STRING, DATE, and BOOLEAN.
Derived properties (e.g. name, path, type) will not have a value for type.
- isReadonly: Flag indicating that the property cannot be modified.
- isExtended: Flag indicating whether the property is an extended attribute.
Note: Extended attributes are included but the names represent the system identifier. The
recognizable label is shown in the display name variable.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getrbitems, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for the items in the SAS Drug Development
recycle bin.
Users must have the Permanent Delete Items or Restore Items Deleted by Others role privilege
at the organization context.
- History:
- 2013-03-24
- original coding.
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the items specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.SDDGETRBITEMS. The data set contains a row for each item in the list and
columns with the following names. The data set will be sorted by path.
- name: The name of the item.
- path: The path of the item.
- objectType: Describes the type of the item (e.g. folder, data set, etc.)
- identifier: The unique identifier of the Repository object.
- size: The size of the object in bytes (will be 0 for containers).
- deletedBy: The user ID that deleted the object from the Repository.
- deletedOn: The full date and time when the object was deleted from the Repository
represented as a String.
- dateDeleted: The date when the object was deleted as a SAS Datetime format.
- lastModifiedBy: The user ID that last modified the object.
- lastModifiedOn: The date when the object was last modified. This value is
represented as a String.
- dateLastModified: The date when the object was last modified as a SAS Datetime
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%sasdrugdev_getrolemembers(sdd_path=, sdd_role=, sdd_role_context=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetRoleMembers);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getrolemembers, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the members assigned to a role
within the specified organization, project, or analysis.
SDD_ROLE_CONTEXT=sdd-role-context, <, SAS_DSNAME=SAS-data-set>);
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the role is assigned.
- - required - the name of the role.
- - required - specifies the context in which the role is defined as a
path (e.g., /SAS).
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that contains the metadata
for the members specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.SDDGETROLEMEMBERS. The data set contains a row for each member in the role and
columns with the following names. The data set will be sorted by member type and
- contextPath: The path of the context object.
- type: The member type. Valid values are user or group.
- principalId: The name of the member. Valid values are group name or user ID.
- descriptor: The description of the member. Valid values are group name or user
display name.
- grpSrcCtxt: The context in which the group member was defined, if the member is
a group.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_getroleprivileges(sdd_path=, sdd_role=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetRolePrivileges);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getroleprivileges, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the privileges assigned to a
role within the specified organization, project, or analysis.
<, SAS_DSNAME=SAS-data-set>);
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the role is defined.
- - required - the name of the role.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the privileges specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.SDDGETROLEPRIVILEGES. The data set contains a row for each privilege in the
role and columns with the following names. The data set will be sorted by
- contextPath: The path of the context object.
- roleName: The name of the role.
- privilegeId: The identifier of the privilege.
- privilegeName: The name of the privilege.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_getroles(sdd_path=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetRoles, sdd_getInherited=1);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getroles, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the roles defined and, if
specified, inherited within the specified organization, project, or analysis.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the roles exist.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the roles specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.SDDGETROLES. The data set contains a row for each role in the context object
as well as columns with the following names. The data set will be sorted by role
- path: The path of the context object.
- name: The name of the role.
- description: The role description.
- roleSrcCtxt: The context in which the of role was defined.
- isInherited: A flag indicating whether or not the role is inherited. The valid
values are 0 and 1. This variable is not included if SDD_GETINHERITED is
not valid or set to 0.
- - optional - indicates whether or not to include inherited roles.
The valid values are 0 and 1 to exclude or include inherited roles respectively.
The default is 1.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_getsignatures(sdd_path=, sdd_version=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetSignatures);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getsignatures, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the signatures of a file or a
specific version of the file.
- History:
- 2014-02-25
- initial coding.
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required -the path of the file in the SAS Drug Development repository.
- - optional - a specific version number of the file. If not specified,
the signatures of all versions of the file will be returned. Specifying a version
for a non-versioned job will cause an error.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the signatures specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.SDDGETSIGNATURES. The data set contains a row for each signature for file
and/or version specified and columns with the following names. The data set is
sorted by descending date of signature.
- name: The name of the file.
- path: The path of the file.
- objectType: The type of file (i.e., data set, program, etc.).
- versionLabel: The label associated with this specific version.
- userId: The unique login identifier for the signer of the file.
- dateTimeStamp: The date and time of the signature represented as a string.
- dateSigned: The date and time of the signature as a SAS Datetime format.
- reason: The reason specified when the file was signed.
- role: The role specified when the file was signed.
- comment: The comment that was entered when the file was signed.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getsubmissionstatus, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Determines the status of a SAS Drug Development repository or workspace job submission.
The SAS macro variable _sddJobSubmissionStatus_ is set to the status value. The values are
<, SDD_VERSION=sdd-version> );
- History:
- 2014-04-07
- initial code
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- indicates the job submission status.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the submission identifier returned from the
sasdrugdev_submitjob macro.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getsubscriptions, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Returns a SAS data set containing metadata for all subscriptions for the current user.
- History:
- 2014-03-11
- initial coding
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the subscriptions specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.SDDGETSUBSCRIPTIONS. The data set contains a row for each subscription
with the following names. The data set will be sorted by event, location, and
- event: The name of the event subscription.
- location: The path of the object to which a subscription applies.
- type: The subscriber type. Values are USER and GROUP.
- cascade: Indicates if the subscription is cascaded to child items. Values are
0 and 1.
- principalId: The id of the subscriber. The returned values will be either a
group name or the user ID of the current user.
- grpSrcCtxt: The context path in which the group was defined if the subscription
is a for group.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getsyncstatus, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Determines if a file in the SAS Drug Development repository is synchronized, out of
synchronization, or has never been synchronized with the workspace.
The SAS macro variable _sddSyncStatus_ is set to the status value. The values are NOT_SYNCED,
IN_SYNC, and OUT_OF_SYNC. If the file does not exist in either the workspace or the
repository, the status is reported as NOT_SYNCED. If the object is a container, an error will
be reported.
- History:
- 2014-04-07
- initial code
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- indicates the syncronization status.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the file.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%sasdrugdev_getusergroups(sdd_userid=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetUserGroups);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getusergroups, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Returns a SAS data set containing metadata for each of the groups in which the specified
user is a member.
- History:
- 2014-03-20
- initial coding
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the user ID of the user for which groups will be retrieved.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the groups specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.SDDGETUSERGROUPS. The data set contains a row for each group and columns
with the following names. The data set will be sorted by group name and
group context path.
- userId: The user ID of the user.
- name: The name of the group.
- description: The description of the group.
- grpSrcCtxt: The context path where the group was defined.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%sasdrugdev_getuserprivileges(sdd_userid=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetUserPrivileges);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getuserprivileges, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the global privileges assigned
to a user within the system.
- History:
- 2013-11-01
- initial coding
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the user to retrieve the global privileges for.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the global privileges specified as libref.dataset. The default value
is WORK.SDDGETUSERPRIVILEGES. The data set contains a row for each global privilege
assigned to the user and the columns with the following names. The data set will
be sorted by privilegeId.
- userId: The user ID of the user.
- privilegeId: The identifier of the privilege.
- privilegeName: The name of the privilege.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.3
%sasdrugdev_getversions(sdd_path=, sas_dsname=work.sddGetVersions);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_getversions, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Returns a SAS data set that contains the metadata for all of the versions of a file.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2014-05-07
- updated documentation and fixed data set processing.
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required -the path of the object in the SAS Drug Development repository.
- - optional - the name of the output SAS data set that will contain the
metadata for the versions specified as libref.dataset. The default value is
WORK.SDDGETVERSIONS. The data set contains a row for each version of the object
and columns with the following names. The most recent version will be the first
observation in the data set.
- name: The name of the object.
- path: The path of the object.
- objectType: The type of file (i.e., data set, program, etc.).
- description: The description of the object.
- versionLabel: The label associated with this specific version.
- isCheckedOut: A numeric flag that indicates whether the object is currently
checked out (0=no, 1=yes).
- isLocked: A numeric flag that indicates whether the object is currently locked
(0=no, 1=yes).
- size: The size of the object in bytes (will be 0 for containers).
- contentType: The content or MIME type of object.
- createdBy: The user ID that created the object.
- created: The full date and time the object was created represented as a string.
- dateCreated: The date the object was created as a SAS Datetime format.
- lastModifiedBy: The user ID that last modified the object.
- lastModified: The date the object was last modified represented as a string.
- dateLastModified: The date the object was last modified as a SAS Datetime format.
- propertiesLastModifiedBy: The user ID that last modified the properties for the
- propertiesLastModified: The date when the object properties were last modified.
This value is represented as a String.
- datePropertiesLastModified: The date when the object properties were last
modified as a SAS Datetime format.
- isSigned: Indicates if the object has electronic signatures attached to it.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_groupexists(sdd_path=, sdd_group=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_groupexists, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Determines whether a group is defined for the specified context.
The macro variable _sddGroupExists_ will be set to 1 if the group exists, 0 if it does not.
In the event of an incorrect call to the macro which results in an error, the return value
of _sddGroupExists_ will be set to -1.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- indicates if the group exists in the context.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object.
- - required - the name of the group.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_iscontainer, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Determines whether a SAS Drug Development repository object is of type container.
The SAS macro variable _sddIsContainer_ is set to a value of 1 if the specified object is a
container object, 0 if it is not. In the event of an incorrect call to the macro which
results in an error, the return value of _sddIsContainer_ will be set to -1.
Container objects include folders, projects, analyses, and the organization.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- indicates if the object is a container.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the object in the SAS Drug Development repository.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_isgroupmember(sdd_path=, sdd_group=, sdd_member=, sdd_type=USER, sdd_group_context=, sdd_includeImplicit=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_isgroupmember, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Determines whether a user or group is a member of the group in the specified organization,
project, or analysis.
The SAS macro variable _sddIsGroupMember_ is set to a value of 1 when the specified user or
group is a member of the group, 0 if it is not. In the event of an incorrect call to the
macro which results in an error, the return value of _sddIsGroupMember_ will be set to -1.
SDD_MEMBER=sdd-member-identifier, <, SDD_TYPE=sdd-type, SDD_GROUP_CONTEXT=sdd-group-context>);
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-01-18
- added includeImplicit flag.
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- indicates if the user or group is a member of the specified group.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the group is assigned.
- - required - the name of the group.
- - required - the user ID or group name of the member.
- - conditional - indicates the type of member. Valid values are USER and GROUP
(case-insensitive). The default value is USER.
- - conditional - specifies the context in which the member group is
defined as a path (e.g., /SAS). The parameter is required if SDD_TYPE=GROUP.
Otherwise, it will be ignored.
- - optional - indicates whether or not to include implied members,
i.e., members of groups within groups. The valid values are 0 and 1 to exclude or
includeimplied memberships respectively. The default is 0.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_ismember(sdd_path=, sdd_member=, sdd_type=USER, sdd_group_context=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_ismember, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Determines whether a user or group is a member in the specified organization, project,
or analysis.
The SAS macro variable _sddIsMember_ is set to a value of 1 when the specified user or group
is a member of the context, 0 if it is not. In the event of an incorrect call to the macro
which results in an error, the return value of _sddIsMember_ will be set to -1.
Groups defined at the context level will not be considered as members of that context.
%SASDRUGDEV_ISMEMBER(SDD_PATH=sdd-path, SDD_MEMBER=sdd-member-identifier <, SDD_TYPE=sdd-type,
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- indicates if the user or group is a member of the specified
organization, project, or analysis.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path (starting at the root) context object (organization,
project, or analysis).
- - required - the user ID or group name of the member.
- - conditional - indicates the type of member. Valid values are USER and GROUP
(case-insensitive). The default value is USER.
- - conditional - specifies the context in which the member group is
defined as a path (e.g., /SAS). The parameter is required if SDD_TYPE=GROUP.
Otherwise, it will be ignored.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_isrolemember(sdd_path=, sdd_role=, sdd_role_context=, sdd_member=, sdd_type=USER, sdd_group_context=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_isrolemember, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Determines whether a user or group is a member of a role in the specified organization,
project, or analysis.
The SAS macro variable _sddIsRoleMember_ is set to a value of 1 when the specified user or
group is a member of the role, 0 if it is not. In the event of an incorrect call to the macro
which results in an error, the return value of _sddIsRoleMember_ will be set to -1.
SDD_ROLE_CONTEXT=sdd-role-context, SDD_MEMBER=sdd-member-identifier <, SDD_TYPE=sdd-type,
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- indicates if the user or group is a member of the role in the
specified organization, project, or analysis.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the role is assigned.
- - required - the name of the role.
- - required - the context in which the role is defined as a path
(e.g., /SAS).
- - required - the user ID or group name of the member.
- - conditional - indicates the type of member. Valid values are USER and GROUP
(caes-insensitive). The default value is USER.
- - conditional - specifies the context in which the member group is
defined as a path (e.g., /SAS). The parameter is required if SDD_TYPE=GROUP.
Otherwise, it will be ignored.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_isroleprivilege(sdd_path=, sdd_role=, sdd_privilege=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_isroleprivilege, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Determines whether a privilege is assigned to a role in the specified organization,
project, or analysis. Works only for defined roles, not inherited roles, in the specified
organization, project, or analysis.
The SAS macro variable _sddIsRolePrivilege_ is set to a value of 1 when the privilege is
assigned, 0 if it is not. In the event of an incorrect call to the macro which results in an
error, the return value of _sddIsRolePrivilege_ will be set to -1.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- indicates if the privilege is assigned to the role in the
specified organization, project, or analysis.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the role is assigned.
- - required - the name of the role.
- - required - the identifier of the privilege to check.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_isuserprivilege(sdd_userid=, sdd_privilege=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_isuserprivilege, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Determines whether a global privilege is assigned to a user.
The SAS macro variable _sddIsUserPrivilege_ is set to a value of 1 when the privilege is
assigned, 0 if it is not. In the event of an incorrect call to the macro which results in an
error, the return value of _sddIsUserPrivilege_ will be set to -1.
- History:
- 2013-11-01
- initial coding
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- indicates if the privilege is assigned to the user.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the user ID to check.
- - required - the identifier of the global privilege to check.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.3
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_isversioned, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Determines whether a SAS Drug Development repository object has versioning enabled.
The SAS macro variable _sddIsVersioned_ is set to a value of 1 when the object is versioned,
0 if it is not. In the event of an incorrect call to the macro which results in an error,
the return value of _sddIsVersioned_ will be set to -1.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- indicates if the object is versioned or not.
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the file.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.1
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_lockuser, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Locks a user account.
The person running the macro must have the user privilege to manage user accounts.
- History:
- 2014-03-19
- initial coding
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the user ID of the user account to lock.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%sasdrugdev_login(sdd_url=, sdd_userid=, sdd_password=, proxy_host=, proxy_port=, proxy_userid=, proxy_password=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_login, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Creates a connection to the SAS Drug Development instance.
This macro is only required when running the macros from a PC SAS session. It must be called
before any other SAS Drug Development macro in order to establish your session.
NOTE: This macro is only supported from a PC SAS session. Using this macro within an active
SAS Drug Development application session will result in a failure.
<, PROXY_HOST=proxy-host, PROXY_USERID=proxy-userid, PROXY_PASSWORD=proxy-pw );
Example Code:
1. The parameters passed to the login macro are often strings containing special characters
which may cause problems when resolved by SAS. You will probably want to wrap each of the
parameters in a SAS function call to prevent any issues:
%sasdrugdev_login(sdd_url=%str(https://sddinstance), sdd_userid=%str(sdd-user-id),
sdd_password=%str (sddpassword ));
2. Certain special characters common in passwords (e.g. ampersands, percent signs) may
may require quoting.
%sasdrugdev_login(sdd_url=%str(https://sddinstance), sdd_userid=%str(sdd-user-id),
sdd_password=%nrbquote(sddpassword ));
- History:
- 2013-06-26
- version 1.2 update - trusted session
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2014-03-04
- updates for proxy
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the URL of the SAS Drug Development instance to use in the form or
- - required - the SAS Drug Development ID for the user account.
- - required - the SAS Drug Development password for the user account.
- - conditional - the name of the host machine when the SAS Drug Development
system is accessed through a proxy server.
- - conditional - the port number required for the proxy host machine.
Required when a proxy_host is designated.
- - conditional - the userid when the proxy machine requires authentication.
- - conditional - the password when the proxy machine required
- File:
- First available in version: 1.1
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_logout, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Closes an open connection to SAS Drug Development.
This macro is only used when running the macros from a PC SAS session. This should be the
last macro you call in any program.
NOTE: This macro is only supported from a PC SAS session. Using this macro within an active
SAS Drug Development application session will result in a failure.
- History:
- 2013-06-26
- version 1.2 update - trusted session
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand as LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.1
%sasdrugdev_move(sdd_source=, sdd_target=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_move, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Moves a file or folder to the specified target location.
The item being moved must not already exist in the target location.
The children of a moved folder will also be moved to the target location,
keeping their directory structure and version history (if any) intact.
%SASDRUGDEV_MOVE(SDD_SOURCE=sdd-source-path, SDD_TARGET=sdd-target-path);
- History:
- 2014-03-03
- initial coding
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the object to be moved.
- - required - the path of the folder into which the object is to be
moved. The target folder must already exist. Path cannot end with a slash (/).
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_objectexists, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Determines whether a SAS Drug Development repository object exists.
The SAS macro variable _sddObjectExists_ is set to a value of 1 when the object exits, 0 if
it does not. In the event of an incorrect call to the macro which results in an error, the
return value of _sddObjectExists_ will be set to -1.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-30
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- indicates if the object exists.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the object.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.1
%sasdrugdev_removegroupmember(sdd_path=, sdd_group=, sdd_member=, sdd_type=USER, sdd_group_context=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_removegroupmember, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Removes a user or a group as a member of a group in the specified organization, project, or
SDD_MEMBER=sdd-member-identifier <, SDD_TYPE=sdd-type, SDD_GROUP_CONTEXT=sdd-group-context>);
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the group is defined.
- - required - the name of the group that the member is to be removed from.
- - required - the id of the user or the name of the group being removed.
- - conditional - indicates the type of member. Valid values are USER and GROUP
(case-insensitive). The default value is USER.
- - conditional - specifies the context in which the group being
removed is defined as a path (e.g., /SAS). This parameter is required if
SDD_TYPE=GROUP. Otherwise, it will be ignored.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_removemember(sdd_path=, sdd_member=, sdd_type=USER, sdd_group_context=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_removemember, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Removes a user or a group as a member of the specified organization, project, or analysis.
%SASDRUGDEV_REMOVEMEMBER(SDD_PATH=sdd-path, SDD_MEMBER=sdd-member-identifier
<, SDD_TYPE=sdd-type, SDD_GROUP_CONTEXT=sdd-group-context>);
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) to remove the member from.
- - required - the id of the user or the name of the group being removed.
- - conditional - indicates the type of member. Valid values are USER and GROUP
(case-insensitive). The default value is USER.
- - conditional - specifies the context in which the group being
removed is defined as a path (e.g., /SAS). This parameter is required if
SDD_TYPE=GROUP. Otherwise, it will be ignored.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_removerolemember(sdd_path=, sdd_role=, sdd_role_context=, sdd_member=, sdd_type=USER, sdd_group_context=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_removerolemember, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Removes a user or a group as a member of a role in the specified organization, project, or
SDD_ROLE_CONTEXT=sdd-role-context, SDD_MEMBER=sdd-member-identifier <, SDD_TYPE=sdd-type,
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the role is assigned.
- - required - the name of the role that the member is to be removed from.
- - required - specifies the context in which the role is defined as a
path (e.g., /SAS).
- - required - the ID of the user or the name of the group being removed.
- - conditional - indicates the type of member. Valid values are USER and GROUP
(case-insensitive). The default value is USER.
- - conditional - specifies the context in which the group being
removed is defined as a path (e.g., /SAS). This parameter is required if
SDD_TYPE=GROUP. Otherwise, it will be ignored.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_removeroleprivilege(sdd_path=, sdd_role=, sdd_privilege=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_removeroleprivilege, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Removes a privilege from a role in the specified organization, project, or analysis.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) where the role is defined.
- - required - the name of the role that the privilege is to be removed from.
- - required - the identifier of the privilege to remove.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_removeuserprivilege(sdd_userid=, sdd_privilege=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_removeuserprivilege, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Remove a global privilege from a user in the system.
- History:
- 2013-11-01
- initial coding
- 2018-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the user to remove the global privilege from.
- - required - the identifier of the global privilege to remove.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.3
%sasdrugdev_renameanalysis(sdd_source=, sdd_newname=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_renameanalysis, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Renames an analysis.
Another analysis with the new name must not already exist in the parent project.
- History:
- 2014-03-04
- initial coding
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path, including the name, of the analysis to be renamed.
- - required - the new name of the analysis.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%sasdrugdev_renameobject(sdd_source=, sdd_newname=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_renameobject, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Renames a file or folder.
An object with the new name must not already exist in the current location.
- History:
- 2014-03-03
- initial coding
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path, including the name, of the object to be renamed.
- - required - the new name of the object.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%sasdrugdev_renameproject(sdd_source=, sdd_newname=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_renameproject, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Renames a project.
Another project with the new name must not already exist in the organization.
- History:
- 2014-03-04
- initial coding
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path, including the name, of the project to be renamed.
- - required - the new name of the project.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%sasdrugdev_resetpassword(sdd_userid=, sdd_newpassword=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_resetpassword, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Reset the password for a user in the system. This action requires the logged on user to have
the administrative privilege PRIVILEGE_MANAGE_USER_ACCOUNTS. Once the password has been
successfully reset, the user can immediately log on with the new password, but they will be
forced to change their password immediately so the password remains unique to the user.
- History:
- 2013-11-04
- initial coding
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the user ID of the account to reset.
- - required - the new temporary password.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.3
%sasdrugdev_roleexists(sdd_path=, sdd_role=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_roleexists, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Determines whether a a role is defined in the specified organization, project, or analysis.
The SAS macro variable _sddRoleExists_ is set to a value of 1 when the role exists, 0 if it
is not. In the event of an incorrect call to the macro which results in an error, the return
value of _sddRoleExists_ will be set to -1.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- indicates if the role exists in the context.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
- - required - the name of the role.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_submitjob(sdd_path=, sdd_version=, sas_dsname=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_submitjob, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Submits a SAS Drug Development repository job for immediate execution and sets the SAS macro
variable _sddJobSubmissionId_ to the identifier for the job submission. If the job cannot
be submitted, _sddJobSubmissionId_ will be set to blank.
A data set representing the job parameters whose values are to be overridden for the current
job submission can be sent into the call of sasdrugdev_submitjob. If no job parameters data
set is sent in, the default values for all job parameters will be used.
The output data set from the macro sasdrugdev_getjobparameters contains all the data relevant
to the parameters for a specific job and can be used as a source for the input parameters data
set for the sasdrugdev_submitjob macro. Modify the data set with any desired changes prior to
calling sasdrugdev_submitjob.
- Rename the defaultValue variable to "value" or add a variable with the name "value" to
indicate the values to use for the current submission.
- Default job parameter values will be used for missing parameters (deleted rows)
- Indicating an empty string for a parameter value will result in using a blank as the
parameter value for the current submission.
- Added parameters will be ignored.
- The parameters in the input data set are matched with the job parameters by name and type.
If no match is found for a parameter, its default value will be used.
- Data set rows with duplicate values for parameter name will cause an execution error.
- DATE job parameter values must be in SAS datetime18. format (e.g., 02NOV2013:09:33:22), or
in SAS E8601DZ25. format (e.g., 2013-11-02T09:33:22-04:00). For SAS datetime18. format, an
offset of zero hours from GMT will be used. To specify an offset from GMT, use the
E8601DZ25. format. Date values in formats other than the two described above will result
in an execution error.
- History:
- 2014-04-09
- initial coding
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required -the path of the job in the SAS Drug Development repository.
- - optional - a specific version number of the job. If not specified,
the latest version of the job will be submitted. Specifying a version for a
non-versioned file will cause an error.
- - optional - the name of the SAS data set containing the job parameter
information specified as libref.dataset. If not specified, the default job
parameters values will be used. The data set must contain, at minimum, the
character variables listed below. Any additional variables will be ignored.
- name: The name of the parameter.
- type: The parameter type. Valid values are CHARACTER, CHARACTER_MASKED,
- value: The value of the parameter to be used in the current job submission.
- fileVersion: The file version to be used if the parameter is of type FILE.
For versioned files, a blank value will result in the latest file version
used. For nonversioned files, the value is ignored.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%sasdrugdev_syncfiletoworkspace(sdd_path=, sdd_version=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_syncfiletoworkspace, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Gets the version of the SAS Drug Development from the repository file to the workspace.
- History:
- 2014-04-07
- initial coding
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the file within the SAS Drug Development repository
to download.
- - conditional - specifies the version of the file to be synchronized if
the file is versioned. If the file is versioned and a version is specified the
value must be in the valid format including a decimal point such as 1.0 or 4.2.
If the file is versioned and no version is specified the latest version is
downloaded. If the file is unversioned and a version is specified, the value will
be ignored.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%sasdrugdev_unassignrole(sdd_path=, sdd_role=, sdd_role_context=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_unassignrole, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Unassigns a role from the specified organization, project, or analysis.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the context object (organization, project, or
analysis) from which to unassign the role.
- - required - the name of the role being unassigned.
- - required - specifies the context in which the role is defined as a
path (e.g., /SAS).
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_unlockuser, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Unlocks a user account.
The person running the macro must have the user privilege to manage user accounts.
- History:
- 2014-03-19
- initial coding
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the user ID of the user account to unlock.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_updateacls, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Sets permissions on SAS Drug Development objects using a data set as input.
This macro sets access permissions on repository objects using a SAS data set as input. The
permission lists (known as Access Control Lists or ACLs) for multiple objects can be modified
using a single data set. Access permissions are applied only to objects in the repository
within the organization. There are two types of access permission lists: Current and Default.
The Current access permissions are applied to an individual object. The Default access
permissions apply only to container objects (e.g. folders, projects) and define the
permissions that will be inherited by any new objects added to the container. In the context
of this macro the access permission type is referred to as aclType. All records in the input
data set that pertain to the same repository object and aclType will be processed together as
a single ACL.
A set of permissions for a specific repository object for an individual principal within an
access permission type are referred to as an Access Control Entry (ACE). An ACE is
represented as a single row in the input data set. An ACE is defined by the following
- path: Full path of the repository object (file or container) to which the permissions are
being assigned.
- acl type: The access permission type is being assigned (DEFAULT or CURRENT)
- acl principal type: Identifies the type of the principal. The principal type can be Owner,
Members, User, or Group.
- acl principal name: The name of the user or group to assign the permission to.
- set of permissions: The specific permissions being assigned (e.g. administration, read,
properties write, content write, delete).
The output data set from the sasdrugdev_getacls macro contains all the necessary variables
and data needed as the input data set for the sasdrugdev_updateACLs macro. Modify the data
set with any changes prior to calling sasdrugdev_updateacls.
- To add a principal with specific access permissions to a repository object, add a new row
to the data set for that principal.
- To modify the access permissions for a principal already associated with a repository
object, edit the appropriate row in the data set.
- To remove a principal with specific access permissions to a repository object, delete the
appropriate row from the data set. Note that the Owner and Members access control entries
cannot be removed from the object. Removing them from the data set will cause a failure.
- To maintain the existing permissions for a principal already associated with a repository
object, leave the record as it is in the data set. The record must remain otherwise the
access permissions for this principal will be removed.
Failure and Message Handling:
The macro performs a series of validation procedures to determine that the input data set has
the necessary structure for processing. If any of these validation procedures fail, an
appropriate failure message is printed to the log and the macro stops additional processing.
In addition to other modifications, the macro sorts the input data set and stores the modified
data in a temporary data set called WORK.__SASMACRO_ACLTEMP__. In the event that a failure
occurs during processing this temporary data set is retained as a reference. If all updates
are performed successfully, this data set will be deleted from the work library. A message
will be printed to the log reporting whether the data set was retained or not. Regardless of
success or failure of previous runs, this data set will be deleted at the beginning of each
new run of the macro. The data values and sort order of the original input data set are
All records pertaining to the same repository object and aclType are processed as a single
access control list by the macro. Messages will be printed to the log as each ACL is
processed. If the update of an ACL fails, the macro will stop processing.
If a failure occurs while processing a specific access control entry (i.e. a principal), the
macro will stop processing and a failure message will be written to the log including the
observation number for the entry that failed. The observation number refers to the
observation in the interim data set (WORK.__SASMACRO_ACLTEMP__) created by the macro.
Successful updates to ACLs made prior to the observation containing the failure will be
maintained in SAS Drug Development. Changes made to access permissions for entries that are
part of the same ACL that contained the observation with the failure will be lost.
Valid values for permissions are as follows. All values must be of type numeric.
1 for GRANT
-1 for DENY
0 for inherited.
Example Code:
Get permissions for a folder:
* start code example;
%sasdrugdev_getacls(sdd_path=%str(/SAS/Study1/Files/folder1), sdd_recursive=0);
data UpdateACLS;
set sddGetACLS end=eof;
if eof then do;
* Adding user permission under DEFAULT;
aclType = "DEFAULT";
aclPrincipalType = "USER";
aclPrincipalName = "user1";
grpSrcCtxt = "";
adminPermission = 0;
readPermission = 1;
writePropPerm = 1;
writeContentPerm = 1;
deletePermission = 1;
* Adding group permission under CURRENT;
aclType = "CURRENT";
aclPrincipalType = "GROUP";
aclPrincipalName = "group1";
grpSrcCtxt = "/SAS";
adminPermission = 0;
readPermission = 1;
writePropPerm = 1;
writeContentPerm = 1;
deletePermission = 1;
* end code example;
Note: Access Control Entries (ACEs) with values of 0 for all permission variables will be
removed from or will not be added to the ACL.
Note: Users and groups being added as access control entries must be members in the context
(organization, project, analysis) containing the object being updated.
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the name of a SAS data set containing the permission
information for all the objects to be modified specified as libref.dataset. The
data set must contain, at minimum, the variables listed below. Any additional
variables will be ignored.
- path: The case-sensitive path of the object including object name.
- aclType: Indicates which ACL to modify for the object. For Analysis and file
objects, the variable must be present but the value will be ignored. For
container objects, the value must be either DEFAULT or CURRENT
- aclPrincipalType: Indicates the type of ACE being updated.
Values: ACLOWNER | ACLMEMBERS | USER | GROUP (case-insensitive)
Default: None
- aclPrincipalName: The name of the principal ACE being updated or added.
For aclPrincipalType ACLOWNER, this must have the value OWNER.
For aclPrincipalType ACLMEMBERS, this must have the value MEMBERS.
For aclPrincipalType USER, this must be a valid userid (case-sensitive).
For aclPrincipalType GROUP, this must be a valid group name (case-sensitive).
- grpSrcCtxt: The case-sensitive path of the context (organization, project, or
analysis) where the group is defined if aclPrincipalType is GROUP. For
aclPrincipalType GROUP, this value is required, otherwise the variable must
be present but the value will be ignored.
- adminPermission: The permission to administer the object.
- readPermission: The permission to view the object.
- writePropPerm: The permission to update the properties of the object.
- writeContentPerm: The permission to write to the content of the object.
- deletePermission: The permission to the delete the object.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_updateanalysislead(sdd_path=, sdd_userid=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_updateanalysislead, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Updates the current lead of an analysis in the SAS Drug Development repository.
Syntax for files:
- History:
- 2014-05-01
- initial coding.
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the analysis in the SAS Drug Development repository.
- - required - the user ID for the account that will be the new lead.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%sasdrugdev_updateanalysisstate(sdd_path=, sdd_state=, sdd_comment=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_updateanalysisstate, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Update the state of an analysis in the SAS Drug Development repository
< SDD_COMMENT=sdd-comment >);
- History:
- 2014-05-01
- initial coding
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the analysis to be updated.
- - required - the state to set on the analysis.
- - optional - the reason for the state change.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%sasdrugdev_updatefile(local_path=, sdd_path=, sdd_comment=, sdd_version=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_updatefile, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Updates the contents of an existing file in the SAS Drug Development repository.
If the file is versioned a new version will be created. If the file is not versioned, the
existing contents will be overwritten.
NOTE: This macro is only supported from a PC SAS session. Using this macro within an active
SAS Drug Development application session will result in a failure.
%SASDRUGDEV_UPDATEFILE(LOCAL_PATH=local-path, SDD_PATH=sdd-path <, SDD_COMMENT=sdd-comment>,
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the absolute path of the file on the local computer.
- - required - the path of the content object in the SAS Drug Development
repository to update. The object must already exist and may not be a container.
- - conditional - the comment for a versioned file in the repository. This
value is ignored for non-versioned objects.
- - conditional - the type of version to be created if the file to be
updated is versioned. Valid values are MAJOR or MINOR. The default is MINOR. This
value is ignored for non-versioned objects.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.1
%sasdrugdev_updateorglead(sdd_path=, sdd_userid=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_updateorglead, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Updates the current lead of an organization in the SAS Drug Development repository.
Syntax for files:
- History:
- 2014-05-01
- initial coding.
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the organization object in the SAS Drug Development
- - required - the user ID for the account that will be the new lead.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%sasdrugdev_updateowner(sdd_path=, sdd_aclType=, sdd_userid=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_updateowner, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Updates the current owner of an object within the organization in the SAS Drug Development
Syntax for files:
Syntax for containers:
- History:
- 2013-08-30
- updates for standardization and coding conventions
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the content object in the SAS Drug Development
- - conditional - the type of permission owner being set. The valid values
are DEFAULT and CURRENT (case-insensitive). Files only have CURRENT permissions,
therefore, the value is not required when the sdd_path is a file. For container
objects the value must be specified. The operation will fail if DEFAULT is
requested for a file path.
- - required - the user ID for the account that will be the new owner. To set
the owner for the DEFAULT permissions to be the creator of the objects, specify
the value <creator> as the value for sdd-userid.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.2
%sasdrugdev_updateprojectlead(sdd_path=, sdd_userid=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_updateprojectlead, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Updates the current lead of a project in the SAS Drug Development repository.
Syntax for files:
- History:
- 2014-05-01
- initial coding.
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the project in the SAS Drug Development repository.
- - required - the user ID for the account that will be the new lead.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%sasdrugdev_updateprojectstate(sdd_path=, sdd_state=, sdd_comment=, sdd_include_analyses=1);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_updateprojectstate, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Update the state of a project in the SAS Drug Development repository
< SDD_COMMENT=sdd-comment, SDD_INCLUDE_ANALYSES=sdd-include-analyses >);
- History:
- 2014-05-01
- initial coding
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the project to be updated.
- - required - the state to set on the project.
- - optional - the reason for the state change.
- - optional - whether project child analyses, if any exist, should
have their state updated as well.
Values: 0 | 1
If no value is supplied, the child analysis states will be updated to the same
state value as supplied for the project.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%sasdrugdev_updateproperties(sdd_path=, sas_dsname=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_updateproperties, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Updates the editable properties of SAS Drug Development repository object using a SAS data
set as input.
The output data set from the sasdrugdev_getproperties macro contains the necessary variables
and data needed as the input data set for the sasdrugdev_updateproperties macro. The column
isReadonly flags if the field can be updated, 0 allows updates, 1 does not. Modify the
data set with any changes prior to calling sasdrugdev_updateproperties.
- Data in the input data set that do not correspond to a property of the object being updated
will be ignored.
- Values specified for properties that are not editable will be ignored.
- An input data value that is the same as the current property value will be ignored and will
not result in a property update. No audit record will be created for the property.
Organization, project, and analysis leads cannot be updated via the
sasdrugdev_updateproperties macro. Use the sasdrugdev_updateorglead,
sasdrugdev_updateprojectlead, sasdrugdev_updateanalysislead macros, to update organization,
project, and analysis leads, respectively.
Project and analysis state and state comment cannot be updated via the
sasdrugdev_updateproperties macro. Use the sasdrugdev_updateprojectstate and
sasdrugdev_updateanalysis state macros for this purpose.
- History:
- 2014-04-24
- initial coding
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the path of the object in the SAS Drug Development repository.
- - required - the name of a SAS data set containing the property values
to be set on the repository object specified as libref.dataset. The data set must
contain, at minimum, the variables listed below. Any additional variables will
be ignored.
- name: the name of the property to be updated.
- value: the value to set on the property.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%sasdrugdev_updateuserinfo(sdd_userid=, sdd_displayname=_sdd_updateuser_donotupdate_, sdd_email=_sdd_updateuser_donotupdate_, sdd_accounttype=_sdd_updateuser_donotupdate_, sdd_firstname=_sdd_updateuser_donotupdate_, sdd_lastname=_sdd_updateuser_donotupdate_, sdd_department=_sdd_updateuser_donotupdate_, sdd_phone=_sdd_updateuser_donotupdate_);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_updateuserinfo, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Update general user account information
SDD_EMAIL=sdd-email, SDD_ACCOUNTTYPE=sdd-accounttype, SDD_FIRSTNAME=sdd-firstname,
SDD_LASTNAME=sdd-lastname, SDD_DEPARTMENT=sdd-department, SDD_PHONE=sdd-phone >);
You must have either the Manage User Account General Information or the Manage Users global
privilege in order to update user information.
If an optional parameter is not passed in, no change to the existing user attribute value
will be made. If the parameter is pased in, the specified value will be set on the user
attribute. Parameter values must conform to SDD validation rules.
- History:
- 2014-03-27
- initial coding
- 2016-08-30
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the user ID of the account being updated.
- - optional - the user display name to be set.
- - optional - the user email address.
- - optional - the user account type.
- - optional - the user first name.
- - optional - the last name of the user.
- - optional - the business unit of the user.
- - optional - the phone number of the user.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
%sasdrugdev_uploadandexpand(local_path=, sdd_path=, sdd_versioning=, sdd_version=, sdd_comment=);
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_uploadandexpand, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Uploads and expands the contents of a zip file into the specified folder location in the SAS
Drug Development repository.
NOTE: This macro is only supported from a PC SAS session. Using this macro within an active
SAS Drug Development application session will result in a failure.
Failure and Message Handling:
The action status for each file that is being uploaded and each folder that is being created
will be printed in the log.
<, SDD_VERSIONING=sdd-versioning, SDD_VERSION=sdd-version, SDD_COMMENT=sdd_comment>);
- History:
- 2013-03-18
- initial code
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- Parameters:
- - required - the absolute path and name of the zip file on the local
- - required - the path of the target folder.
- - optional - indicates whether the new files being created should be
versioned. The default value is 0, which will create a non-versioned file. A
value of 1 will create a versioned file. The versioning status of existing
files will not be changed.
Values: 0 | 1
Default: 0
- - optional - the type of version to be created if the new files are to be
versioned. Valid values are MAJOR or MINOR. The default is MINOR. This value is
ignored for non-versioned objects.
- - conditional - the comment for the versioned file being created. This
option is ignored when creating non-versioned files.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.4
[ Exposure: external ]
Deprecated. Replaced by lsaf_userexists, effective with SAS LSAF Macro 1.5
- Determines whether a user exists within the system.
The macro variable _sddUserExists_ will be set to 1 if the user exists, 0 if it does not.
In the event of an incorrect call to the macro which results in an error, the return value
of _sddUserExists_ will be set to -1.
- History:
- 2013-10-30
- initial coding
- 2016-08-31
- rebrand for LSAF
- Expected Macro Variables:
- the return message.
- the return code.
- indicates if the user exists.
- Parameters:
- - required - the user ID of the user account to check.
- File:
- First available in version: 1.3
Operating System and Release Information
SAS System | SAS Life Science Analytics Framework | Microsoft Windows 10 | 4.7.1 | | 9.4 TS1M3 | |
Windows 7 Enterprise x64 | 4.7.1 | | 9.4 TS1M3 | |
Linux for x64 | 4.7.1 | | 9.4 TS1M3 | |
For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed
Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be