
Data Source Enhancements for Integration

Third-party applications often supply customized interfaces for entering connection properties. However, some of these interfaces allow users to specify only the Data Source property; they do not allow users to enter all of the property information that is required for a connection. To resolve this conflict, the IOM and OLAP data providers support a mechanism for including all of the required connection information by using just the Data Source property.

To use the Data Source property to specify all connection-related properties, you enter the properties as one string separated by an ampersand (&). Each delimited section is a Name=Value pair. This is similar to the way ADO connection strings are formatted. For example:

cn.Properties("Data Source") = " SAS Port=5555&" & _
                               "SAS Protocol=2& User ID=myuserid& Password=********"

You also can use an abbreviated syntax in the Data Source string to specify the "SAS Protocol," "Location," and "SAS Port" properties as [protocol]://[server id]:[server port]. The prototols are: