
Documentation Example 2 for PROC PRINQUAL

/*          S A S   S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y                 */
/*                                                              */
/*    NAME: PRQEX2                                              */
/*   TITLE: Documentation Example 2 for PROC PRINQUAL           */
/* PRODUCT: STAT                                                */
/*  SYSTEM: ALL                                                 */
/*    KEYS: psychometric analysis, principal components         */
/*   PROCS: PRINQUAL FACTOR                                     */
/*    DATA:                                                     */
/*                                                              */
/* SUPPORT: saswfk                UPDATE: July 25, 2010         */
/*     REF: PROC PRINQUAL, EXAMPLE 2                            */
/*          ANALYSIS.                                           */

*  Preseason 1985 College Basketball Rankings
*  (rankings of 35 teams by 10 news services)
*  Note:(a) Various news services rank varying numbers of teams.
*       (b) Not all 35 teams are ranked by all news services.
*       (c) Each team is ranked by at least one service.
*       (d) Rank 20 is missing for UPI.;

title1 '1985 Preseason College Basketball Rankings';

data bballm;
   input School $13. CSN DurhamSun DurhamHerald WashingtonPost
         USA_Today SportMagazine InsideSports UPI AP SportsIllustrated;
   label CSN               = 'Community Sports News (Chapel Hill, NC)'
         DurhamSun         = 'Durham Sun'
         DurhamHerald      = 'Durham Morning Herald'
         WashingtonPost    = 'Washington Post'
         USA_Today         = 'USA Today'
         SportMagazine     = 'Sport Magazine'
         InsideSports      = 'Inside Sports'
         UPI               = 'United Press International'
         AP                = 'Associated Press'
         SportsIllustrated = 'Sports Illustrated'
   format CSN--SportsIllustrated 5.1;
Louisville     1  8  1  9  8  9  6 10  9  9
Georgia Tech   2  2  4  3  1  1  1  2  1  1
Kansas         3  4  5  1  5 11  8  4  5  7
Michigan       4  5  9  4  2  5  3  1  3  2
Duke           5  6  7  5  4 10  4  5  6  5
UNC            6  1  2  2  3  4  2  3  2  3
Syracuse       7 10  6 11  6  6  5  6  4 10
Notre Dame     8 14 15 13 11 20 18 13 12  .
Kentucky       9 15 16 14 14 19 11 12 11 13
LSU           10  9 13  . 13 15 16  9 14  8
DePaul        11  . 21 15 20  . 19  .  . 19
Georgetown    12  7  8  6  9  2  9  8  8  4
Navy          13 20 23 10 18 13 15  . 20  .
Illinois      14  3  3  7  7  3 10  7  7  6
Iowa          15 16  .  . 23  .  . 14  . 20
Arkansas      16  .  .  . 25  .  .  .  . 16
Memphis State 17  . 11  . 16  8 20  . 15 12
Washington    18  .  .  .  .  .  . 17  .  .
UAB           19 13 10  . 12 17  . 16 16 15
UNLV          20 18 18 19 22  . 14 18 18  .
NC State      21 17 14 16 15  . 12 15 17 18
Maryland      22  .  .  . 19  .  .  . 19 14
Pittsburgh    23  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
Oklahoma      24 19 17 17 17 12 17  . 13 17
Indiana       25 12 20 18 21  .  .  .  .  .
Virginia      26  . 22  .  . 18  .  .  .  .
Old Dominion  27  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
Auburn        28 11 12  8 10  7  7 11 10 11
St. Johns     29  .  .  .  . 14  .  .  .  .
UCLA          30  .  .  .  .  .  . 19  .  .
St. Joseph's   .  . 19  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
Tennessee      .  . 24  .  . 16  .  .  .  .
Montana        .  .  . 20  .  .  .  .  .  .
Houston        .  .  .  . 24  .  .  .  .  .
Virginia Tech  .  .  .  .  .  . 13  .  .  .

* Find maximum rank for each news service and replace
* each missing value with the next highest rank.;

proc means data=bballm noprint;
   output out=maxrank
      max=mcsn mdurs mdurh mwas musa mspom mins mupi map mspoi;

data bball;
   set bballm;
   if _n_=1 then set maxrank;
   array services[10] CSN--SportsIllustrated;
   array maxranks[10] mcsn--mspoi;
   keep School CSN--SportsIllustrated;
   do i=1 to 10;
      if services[i]=. then services[i]=maxranks[i]+1;

* Assume that the ranks are ordinal and that unranked teams would have
* been ranked lower than ranked teams.  Monotonically transform all ranked
* teams while estimating the unranked teams.  Enforce the constraint that
* the missing ranks are estimated to be less than the observed ranks.
* Order the unranked teams optimally within this constraint.  Do this so
* as to maximize the variance accounted for by one linear combination.
* This makes the data as nearly rank one as possible, given the constraints.
* NOTE: The UNTIE transformation should be used with caution.
* It frequently produces degenerate results.;

ods graphics on;

proc prinqual data=bball out=tbball scores n=1 tstandard=z
   title2 'Optimal Monotonic Transformation of Ranked Teams';
   title3 'with Constrained Estimation of Unranked Teams';
   transform untie(CSN -- SportsIllustrated);
   id School;

* Perform the Final Principal Component Analysis;
proc factor nfactors=1 plots=scree;
   title4 'Principal Component Analysis';
   ods select factorpattern screeplot;
   var TCSN -- TSportsIllustrated;

proc sort;
   by Prin1;

* Display Scores on the First Principal Component;
proc print;
   title4 'Teams Ordered by Scores on First Principal Component';
   var School Prin1;