Chapter Contents




Program Abort

Default handling
Ignoring the signal
Information returned by siginfo
USS considerations
The SIGABRT signal is raised when the abort function is called or when a user ABEND occurs. SIGABRT may not be raised for an ABEND issued by the SAS/C library, depending on the severity of the problem.

Default handling

By default, SIGABRT causes abnormal program termination. If SIGABRT results from a call to abort or raise , the program is terminated with user ABEND code 1210. If SIGABRT results from a call to siggen , the ABEND code is taken from the ABRT_t structure passed to siggen .

Ignoring the signal

The SIGABRT signal cannot be ignored. Similarly, a handler for SIGABRT cannot return to the point of interrupt; an attempt to do so causes ABEND to be reissued.

Information returned by siginfo

If you call siginfo after a SIGABRT signal occurs, siginfo returns a pointer to a structure of type ABRT_t . This structure is defined as:

typedef struct {
   unsigned ABEND_code;   /* ABEND code              */
   char *ABEND_str;       /* formatted ABEND code,   */
                          /* e.g., "B14", "U0240",   */
   void *ABEND_info;      /* OS SDWA, or CMS ABWSECT */
} ABRT_t;

The ABEND_code is an integer from 0 through 4095 giving the ABEND code. The ABEND_str is a null-terminated string giving a printable form of the ABEND code.

The ABEND_info pointer addresses an ABEND status block provided by the operating system, which gives the ABEND PSW, registers, and other such information. Under OS/390, ABEND_str addresses an SDWA. Under CMS, it addresses an ABWSECT. For an ABEND issued by the SAS/C library, ABEND_info may be NULL .

USS considerations

SAS/C uses SIGABRT to signal a user ABEND, including a library ABEND. This differs from USS, which expects every ABEND to be signaled by SIGABND .

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