
Pareto Analysis Based on Cost

/*          S A S   S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y                 */
/*                                                              */
/*    NAME: PAREX8                                              */
/*   TITLE: Pareto Analysis Based on Cost                       */
/* PRODUCT: QC                                                  */
/*  SYSTEM: ALL                                                 */
/*    KEYS: Pareto Charts                                       */
/*   PROCS: PARETO                                              */
/*    DATA:                                                     */
/*                                                              */
/* SUPPORT: saswgr                                              */
/*     REF: PROC PARETO, Example 8                              */
/*    MISC:                                                     */
/*                                                              */

proc format;
   value procfmt   1   = 'Process A'
                   2   = 'Process B';
   value dayfmt    1   = 'Monday'
                   2   = 'Tuesday'
                   3   = 'Wednesday'
                   4   = 'Thursday'
                   5   = 'Friday';

data Failure5;
   length Cause $16;
   format Process procfmt. Day dayfmt.;
   label  Cause   = 'Cause of Failure'
          Process = 'Cleaning Method'
          Day     = 'Day of Manufacture';
   input  Process Day Cause $16. Counts @@;
   1   1   Contamination    15   1   1   Corrosion         2
   1   1   Doping            1   1   1   Metallization     2
   1   1   Miscellaneous     3   1   1   Oxide Defect      8
   1   1   Silicon Defect    1   1   2   Contamination    16
   1   2   Corrosion         3   1   2   Doping            1
   1   2   Metallization     3   1   2   Miscellaneous     1
   1   2   Oxide Defect      9   1   2   Silicon Defect    2
   1   3   Contamination    20   1   3   Corrosion         1
   1   3   Doping            1   1   3   Metallization     0
   1   3   Miscellaneous     3   1   3   Oxide Defect      7
   1   3   Silicon Defect    2   1   4   Contamination    12
   1   4   Corrosion         1   1   4   Doping            1
   1   4   Metallization     0   1   4   Miscellaneous     0
   1   4   Oxide Defect     10   1   4   Silicon Defect    1
   1   5   Contamination    23   1   5   Corrosion         1
   1   5   Doping            1   1   5   Metallization     0
   1   5   Miscellaneous     1   1   5   Oxide Defect      8
   1   5   Silicon Defect    2   2   1   Contamination     8
   2   1   Corrosion         2   2   1   Doping            1
   2   1   Metallization     4   2   1   Miscellaneous     2
   2   1   Oxide Defect     10   2   1   Silicon Defect    3
   2   2   Contamination     9   2   2   Corrosion         0
   2   2   Doping            1   2   2   Metallization     2
   2   2   Miscellaneous     4   2   2   Oxide Defect      9
   2   2   Silicon Defect    2   2   3   Contamination     4
   2   3   Corrosion         1   2   3   Doping            1
   2   3   Metallization     0   2   3   Miscellaneous     0
   2   3   Oxide Defect     10   2   3   Silicon Defect    1
   2   4   Contamination     2   2   4   Corrosion         2
   2   4   Doping            1   2   4   Metallization     0
   2   4   Miscellaneous     3   2   4   Oxide Defect      7
   2   4   Silicon Defect    1   2   5   Contamination     1
   2   5   Corrosion         3   2   5   Doping            1
   2   5   Metallization     0   2   5   Miscellaneous     1
   2   5   Oxide Defect      8   2   5   Silicon Defect    2

data Failure5;
   length Analysis $ 16;
   label Analysis = 'Basis for Analysis';
   set Failure5;
   Analysis = 'Cost';
      if      Cause = 'Contamination'  then Cost = 3.0;
      else if Cause = 'Metallization'  then Cost = 8.5;
      else if Cause = 'Oxide Defect'   then Cost = 9.5;
      else if Cause = 'Corrosion'      then Cost = 2.5;
      else if Cause = 'Doping'         then Cost = 3.6;
      else if Cause = 'Silicon Defect' then Cost = 3.4;
      else                                  Cost = 1.0;
   Analysis = 'Frequency';
      Cost = 1.0;

ods graphics off;
goptions vsize=4.25 in htext=2.8 pct htitle=3.2 pct;
title 'Pareto Analysis By Cost and Frequency';
proc pareto data=Failure5;
   vbar Cause / class      = ( Analysis )
                freq       = Counts
                weight     = Cost
                barlabel   = value
                out        = Summary
                intertile  = 1.0;

proc print data=Summary;