
Creating Lognormal Probability Plots

/*          S A S   S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y                 */
/*                                                              */
/*    NAME: CAPPROB3                                            */
/*   TITLE: Creating Lognormal Probability Plots                */
/* PRODUCT: QC                                                  */
/*  SYSTEM: ALL                                                 */
/*    KEYS: Capability Analysis, Probability Plots,             */
/*   PROCS: CAPABILITY                                          */
/*    DATA:                                                     */
/*                                                              */
/* SUPPORT: saswgr                                              */
/*     REF: SAS/QC Software:  Usage and Reference, Version 6,   */
/*          First Edition, Volume 1 and Volume 2                */
/*    MISC:                                                     */
/*                                                              */
/*  Examples in the documentation were created using the        */
/*    statement:  ods listing style=statistical;                */
/*                                                              */

data Rods;
   input Diameter @@;
   label Diameter='Diameter in mm';
5.501  5.251  5.404  5.366  5.445
5.576  5.607  5.200  5.977  5.177
5.332  5.399  5.661  5.512  5.252
5.404  5.739  5.525  5.160  5.410
5.823  5.376  5.202  5.470  5.410
5.394  5.146  5.244  5.309  5.480
5.388  5.399  5.360  5.368  5.394
5.248  5.409  5.304  6.239  5.781
5.247  5.907  5.208  5.143  5.304
5.603  5.164  5.209  5.475  5.223

proc capability data=Rods noprint;
   probplot Diameter / lognormal(sigma=0.2 0.5 0.8)
                       href = 95

title 'Lognormal Probability Plot for Diameters';
proc capability data=Rods noprint;
   probplot Diameter / lognormal(sigma=est)
                       href     = 95
                       odstitle = title

title 'Lognormal Probability Plot for Diameters';
proc capability data=Rods noprint;
   probplot Diameter / lognormal(sigma=0.5 theta=est zeta=est)
                       href      = 95
                       hreflabel = '95%'
                       vref      = 5.8 to 6.0 by 0.1
                       odstitle  = title;