
Screening Design

 /*          S A S   S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y                 */
 /*                                                              */
 /*    NAME: ADXFRAC2                                            */
 /*   TITLE: Screening Design                                    */
 /* PRODUCT: QC                                                  */
 /*  SYSTEM: ALL                                                 */
 /*    KEYS: Design of Experiments,Fractional Factorial Designs  */
 /*   PROCS:                                                     */
 /*    DATA:                                                     */
 /*     REF: SAS/QC Software:  Examples                          */
 /*    MISC: ADX Macros are stored in the AUTOCALL library       */
 /*                                                              */

options ps=32;



%adxdcode(filt1, t1 watersrc <res>  <well>
                /t2 material <site> <other>
                /t3 templevl <low>  <high>
                /t4 holdtime <low>  <high>
                /t5 filtclth <new>  <old>
                /t6 sodarate <fast> <slow>
                /t7 recycle  <yes>  <no>)


proc sort;
   by watersrc material templevl;
data filt1;
   set filt1;
   input @@ time;
68.7 66.4 78.6 68.4 38.7 81 41.2 77.7

%adxcode(filt1,filt1cod,watersrc material templevl holdtime
                        filtclth sodarate recycle)
%adxalias(filt1cod,watersrc material templevl recycle sodarate
                   filtclth holdtime,7,4)

data filt2;
   set filt2;
   array t{7};
   drop i;
   do i=1 to 7;        /* Fold-over the factor levels */
      t{i} = -t{i};
%adxdcode(filt2, t1 watersrc <res>  <well>
                /t2 material <site> <other>
                /t3 templevl <low>  <high>
                /t4 holdtime <low>  <high>
                /t5 filtclth <new>  <old>
                /t6 sodarate <fast> <slow>
                /t7 recycle <yes>  <no>)

proc sort;
   by watersrc material templevl;
data filt2; set filt2;
   input @@ time;
65.0 59.0 61.9 67.6 66.7 47.8 86.4 42.6
data filt; set filt1 filt2; run;

%adxcode(filt,filtcode,watersrc material templevl recycle
                       sodarate filtclth holdtime)