Toolbar for Transactions

Organize Models

Allows you to edit a model or create a new model.

Add Table Group

Opens the Add Table Group wizard.

Add Transaction Tables

Opens the Add Transaction Tables wizard.


Opens the Properties window for the selected transaction table or selected transaction table group.


Deletes the selected items.

Analysis Settings

Opens the Analysis Settings window from which you can edit a cube.

Preview Data

Opens the Preview window from which you can view the column definitions and the first 1000 records of the selected table.


Refreshes the screen to display the current table source data. When you change the underlying SAS tables, you should always refresh before you continue editing the content in SAS Profitability Management.

Audit Log

Opens the Audit Log window.

View Table

Opens a dialog that lets you specify a library and a table to view the table columns and contents.

Calculate Model

Opens the Calculate wizard to calculate a model.