Secure a Model

You can restrict access to a model by user and by user group. A user or user group can have either:

If you restrict access to a model, that access is restricted in the rich client, in the Web Reporting client, and in SAS Profitability Management automation.

To restrict access to a model:

  1. Select File Organize Models.
  2. Select a model and click Properties.

    The Properties window opens.

  1. Click the Data Location tab.
  2. Take note of the model's metadata folder. This is the folder in the SAS metadata repository where you specify which user or user groups should have access to models in that folder. You provide security to a model by providing security to the folder. This means that all models in a metadata folder share the same security. Therefore, if you want to provide security to individual models, each model must have its own metadata folder.

  1. Open SAS Management Console, connecting to the server on which the metadata folder is located.
  2. Click the Folders tab and navigate to the metadata folder.
  3. Right-click the metadata folder and select Properties.

    The Properties window opens.

  1. Click the Authorization tab.
  2. Select the user or group that you want to grant or deny permissions.

    Note: If the user or group is not listed, click Add.
  3. Grant or deny permission to the selected user or group.
  4. Click OK.

Note: The permissions that you set are inherited by the models in children metadata folders.

See also: