
Migration: Production, Inventory, Distribution (lpsole08)

/*                                                                     */
/*                   S A S   S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y               */
/*                                                                     */
/*    NAME: lpsole08                                                     */
/*   TITLE: Migration: Production, Inventory, Distribution (lpsole08)    */
/* PRODUCT: OR                                                         */
/*  SYSTEM: ALL                                                        */
/*    KEYS: OR                                                         */
/*   PROCS: OPTMODEL                                                   */
/*    DATA:                                                            */
/*                                                                     */
/* SUPPORT:                             UPDATE:                        */
/*     REF:                                                            */
/*    MISC: Example 8 from the Linear Programming Solver               */
/*          chapter of Mathematical Programming.                       */
/*                                                                     */

title 'Minimum-Cost Flow Problem';
title2 'Production Planning/Inventory/Distribution';

data node0;
   input _node_ $ _supdem_ ;
fact1_1 1000
fact2_1 850
fact1_2 1000
fact2_2 1500
shop1_1 -900
shop2_1 -900
shop1_2 -900
shop2_2 -1450

data arc0;
   input _tail_ $ _head_ $ _cost_ _capac_ _lo_
      diagonal factory key_id $10. mth_made $ _name_&$17.;
fact1_1  f1_mar_1 127.9   500 50 19 1 production March prod f1 19 mar
fact1_1  f1_apr_1 78.6    600 50 19 1 production April prod f1 19 apl
fact1_1  f1_may_1 95.1    400 50 19 1 production May   .
f1_mar_1 f1_apr_1 15      50  .  19 1 storage    March .
f1_apr_1 f1_may_1 12      50  .  19 1 storage    April .
f1_apr_1 f1_mar_1 28      20  .  19 1 backorder  April back f1 19 apl
f1_may_1 f1_apr_1 28      20  .  19 1 backorder  May   back f1 19 may
f1_mar_1 f2_mar_1 11      .   .  19 . f1_to_2    March .
f1_apr_1 f2_apr_1 11      .   .  19 . f1_to_2    April .
f1_may_1 f2_may_1 16      .   .  19 . f1_to_2    May   .
f1_mar_1 shop1_1  -327.65 250 .  19 1 sales      March .
f1_apr_1 shop1_1  -300    250 .  19 1 sales      April .
f1_may_1 shop1_1  -285    250 .  19 1 sales      May   .
f1_mar_1 shop2_1  -362.74 250 .  19 1 sales      March .
f1_apr_1 shop2_1  -300    250 .  19 1 sales      April .
f1_may_1 shop2_1  -245    250 .  19 1 sales      May   .
fact2_1  f2_mar_1 88.0    450 35 19 2 production March prod f2 19 mar
fact2_1  f2_apr_1 62.4    480 35 19 2 production April prod f2 19 apl
fact2_1  f2_may_1 133.8   250 35 19 2 production May   .
f2_mar_1 f2_apr_1 18      30  .  19 2 storage    March .
f2_apr_1 f2_may_1 20      30  .  19 2 storage    April .
f2_apr_1 f2_mar_1 17      15  .  19 2 backorder  April back f2 19 apl
f2_may_1 f2_apr_1 25      15  .  19 2 backorder  May   back f2 19 may
f2_mar_1 f1_mar_1 10      40  .  19 . f2_to_1    March .
f2_apr_1 f1_apr_1 11      40  .  19 . f2_to_1    April .
f2_may_1 f1_may_1 13      40  .  19 . f2_to_1    May   .
f2_mar_1 shop1_1  -297.4  250 .  19 2 sales      March .
f2_apr_1 shop1_1  -290    250 .  19 2 sales      April .
f2_may_1 shop1_1  -292    250 .  19 2 sales      May   .
f2_mar_1 shop2_1  -272.7  250 .  19 2 sales      March .
f2_apr_1 shop2_1  -312    250 .  19 2 sales      April .
f2_may_1 shop2_1  -299    250 .  19 2 sales      May   .
fact1_2  f1_mar_2 217.9   400 40 25 1 production March prod f1 25 mar
fact1_2  f1_apr_2 174.5   550 50 25 1 production April prod f1 25 apl
fact1_2  f1_may_2 133.3   350 40 25 1 production May   .
f1_mar_2 f1_apr_2 20      40  .  25 1 storage    March .
f1_apr_2 f1_may_2 18      40  .  25 1 storage    April .
f1_apr_2 f1_mar_2 32      30  .  25 1 backorder  April back f1 25 apl
f1_may_2 f1_apr_2 41      15  .  25 1 backorder  May   back f1 25 may
f1_mar_2 f2_mar_2 23      .   .  25 . f1_to_2    March .
f1_apr_2 f2_apr_2 23      .   .  25 . f1_to_2    April .
f1_may_2 f2_may_2 26      .   .  25 . f1_to_2    May   .
f1_mar_2 shop1_2  -559.76 .   .  25 1 sales      March .
f1_apr_2 shop1_2  -524.28 .   .  25 1 sales      April .
f1_may_2 shop1_2  -475.02 .   .  25 1 sales      May   .
f1_mar_2 shop2_2  -623.89 .   .  25 1 sales      March .
f1_apr_2 shop2_2  -549.68 .   .  25 1 sales      April .
f1_may_2 shop2_2  -460.00 .   .  25 1 sales      May   .
fact2_2  f2_mar_2 182.0   650 35 25 2 production March prod f2 25 mar
fact2_2  f2_apr_2 196.7   680 35 25 2 production April prod f2 25 apl
fact2_2  f2_may_2 201.4   550 35 25 2 production May   .
f2_mar_2 f2_apr_2 28      50  .  25 2 storage    March .
f2_apr_2 f2_may_2 38      50  .  25 2 storage    April .
f2_apr_2 f2_mar_2 31      15  .  25 2 backorder  April back f2 25 apl
f2_may_2 f2_apr_2 54      15  .  25 2 backorder  May   back f2 25 may
f2_mar_2 f1_mar_2 20      25  .  25 . f2_to_1    March .
f2_apr_2 f1_apr_2 21      25  .  25 . f2_to_1    April .
f2_may_2 f1_may_2 43      25  .  25 . f2_to_1    May   .
f2_mar_2 shop1_2  -567.83 500 .  25 2 sales      March .
f2_apr_2 shop1_2  -542.19 500 .  25 2 sales      April .
f2_may_2 shop1_2  -461.56 500 .  25 2 sales      May   .
f2_mar_2 shop2_2  -542.83 500 .  25 2 sales      March .
f2_apr_2 shop2_2  -559.19 500 .  25 2 sales      April .
f2_may_2 shop2_2  -489.06 500 .  25 2 sales      May   .

proc optmodel;
   set <str> NODES;
   num _supdem_ {NODES} init 0;
   read data node0 into NODES=[_node_] _supdem_;

   set <str,str> ARCS;
   num _lo_ {ARCS} init 0;
   num _capac_ {ARCS} init .;
   num _cost_ {ARCS};
   num diagonal {ARCS};
   num factory {ARCS};
   str key_id {ARCS};
   str mth_made {ARCS};
   str _name_ {ARCS};
   read data arc0 nomiss into ARCS=[_tail_ _head_] _lo_ _capac_ _cost_
      diagonal factory key_id mth_made _name_;
   NODES = NODES union (union {<i,j> in ARCS} {i,j});

   var Flow {<i,j> in ARCS} >= _lo_[i,j];
   for {<i,j> in ARCS: _capac_[i,j] ne .} Flow[i,j].ub = _capac_[i,j];
   min obj = sum {<i,j> in ARCS} _cost_[i,j] * Flow[i,j];
   con balance {i in NODES}: sum {<(i),j> in ARCS} Flow[i,j]
      - sum {<j,(i)> in ARCS} Flow[j,i] = _supdem_[i];

   num infinity = constant('BIG');
   num excess = sum {i in NODES} _supdem_[i];
   if (excess > 0) then do;
      /* change equality constraint to le constraint for supply nodes */
      for {i in NODES: _supdem_[i] > 0} balance[i].lb = -infinity;
   else if (excess < 0) then do;
      /* change equality constraint to ge constraint for demand nodes */
      for {i in NODES: _supdem_[i] < 0} balance[i].ub = infinity;


   num _supply_ {<i,j> in ARCS} =
      (if _supdem_[i] ne 0 then _supdem_[i] else .);
   num _demand_ {<i,j> in ARCS} =
      (if _supdem_[j] ne 0 then -_supdem_[j] else .);
   num _fcost_ {<i,j> in ARCS} = _cost_[i,j] * Flow[i,j].sol;

   create data arc1 from [_tail_ _head_]
      _cost_ _capac_ _lo_ _name_ _supply_ _demand_ _flow_=Flow _fcost_
      _rcost_ =
         (if Flow[_tail_,_head_].rc ne 0 then Flow[_tail_,_head_].rc else .)
      _status_ = Flow.status diagonal factory key_id mth_made;
   create data node2 from [_node_]
      _supdem_ = (if _supdem_[_node_] ne 0 then _supdem_[_node_] else .)
      _dual_ = balance.dual;

options ls=80 ps=54;
proc print data=arc1 heading=h width=min;
   var _tail_ _head_ _cost_ _capac_ _lo_ _name_
   _supply_ _demand_ _flow_ _fcost_;
   sum _fcost_;
proc print data=arc1 heading=h width=min;
   var _rcost_ _status_ diagonal factory key_id mth_made;
proc print data=node2;