
Car Rental 1 (mpex25)

/*                                                             */
/*          S A S   S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y                */
/*                                                             */
/*    NAME: mpex25                                             */
/*   TITLE: Car Rental 1 (mpex25)                              */
/* PRODUCT: OR                                                 */
/*  SYSTEM: ALL                                                */
/*    KEYS: OR                                                 */
/*   PROCS: OPTMODEL                                           */
/*    DATA:                                                    */
/*                                                             */
/* SUPPORT:                             UPDATE:                */
/*     REF:                                                    */
/*    MISC: Example 25 from the Mathematical Programming       */
/*          Examples book.                                     */
/*                                                             */

data depot_data;
   input depot $10.;

data demand_data;
   input day $10. Glasgow Manchester Birmingham Plymouth;
Monday    100 250  95 160
Tuesday   150 143 195  99
Wednesday 135  80 242  55
Thursday   83 225 111  96
Friday    120 210  70 115
Saturday  230  98 124  80

data length_data;
   input length prob cost price_same price_diff;
1 0.55 20  50  70
2 0.20 25  70 100
3 0.25 30 120 150

data transition_prob_data;
   input i $10. Glasgow Manchester Birmingham Plymouth;
Glasgow    60 20 10 10
Manchester 15 55 25  5
Birmingham 15 20 54 11
Plymouth    8 12 27 53

data transfer_cost_data;
   input i $10. Glasgow Manchester Birmingham Plymouth;
Glasgow     . 20 30 50
Manchester 20  . 15 35
Birmingham 30 15  . 25
Plymouth   50 35 25  .

data repair_data;
   input depot $10. repair_capacity;
Manchester 12
Birmingham 20

%let opportunity_cost_per_week = 15;
%let transfer_length = 1;
%let repair_length = 1;
%let damage_prob = 0.10;
%let damage_charge = 100;
%let saturday_discount = 20;

proc optmodel;
   set <str> DEPOTS;
   read data depot_data into DEPOTS=[depot];

   set DAYS;
   str day_name {DAYS};
   num demand {DEPOTS, DAYS};
   read data demand_data into DAYS=[_N_];
   num num_days = card(DAYS);
   DAYS = 0..num_days-1;
   read data demand_data into [_N_]
      {depot in DEPOTS} <demand[depot,_N_-1]=col(depot)>;

   set LENGTHS;
   num length_prob {LENGTHS};
   num cost {LENGTHS};
   num price_same {LENGTHS};
   num price_diff {LENGTHS};
   read data length_data into LENGTHS=[length]
      length_prob=prob cost price_same price_diff;

   num transition_prob {DEPOTS, DEPOTS};
   read data transition_prob_data into [i]
      {j in DEPOTS} <transition_prob[i,j]=col(j)>;
   for {i in DEPOTS, j in DEPOTS}
      transition_prob[i,j] = transition_prob[i,j] / 100;

   num transfer_cost {DEPOTS, DEPOTS} init 0;
   read data transfer_cost_data nomiss into [i]
      {j in DEPOTS} <transfer_cost[i,j]=col(j)>;

   num repair_capacity {DEPOTS} init 0;
   read data repair_data into [depot] repair_capacity;

   num rental_price {i in DEPOTS, j in DEPOTS, day in DAYS, length in LENGTHS} =
      (if i = j then price_same[length] else price_diff[length])
    - (if day = 5 and length = 1 then &saturday_discount);

   num max_length = max {length in LENGTHS} length;
   num mod {s in -max_length..num_days+max_length} = mod(s+num_days,num_days);

   var NumCars >= 0;

   var NumUndamagedCarsStart {DEPOTS, DAYS} >= 0;
   var NumDamagedCarsStart {DEPOTS, DAYS} >= 0;

   var NumCarsRented_i_day {i in DEPOTS, day in DAYS} >= 0 <= demand[i,day];
   impvar NumCarsRented
      {i in DEPOTS, j in DEPOTS, day in DAYS, length in LENGTHS} =
      transition_prob[i,j] * length_prob[length] * NumCarsRented_i_day[i,day];

   var NumUndamagedCarsIdle {DEPOTS, DAYS} >= 0;
   var NumDamagedCarsIdle {DEPOTS, DAYS} >= 0;

   var NumUndamagedCarsTransferred {i in DEPOTS, DEPOTS diff {i}, DAYS} >= 0;
   var NumDamagedCarsTransferred {i in DEPOTS, DEPOTS diff {i}, DAYS} >= 0;
   impvar NumCarsTransferred {i in DEPOTS, j in DEPOTS diff {i}, day in DAYS} =
    + NumDamagedCarsTransferred[i,j,day];

   var NumDamagedCarsRepaired {i in DEPOTS, DAYS} >= 0 <= repair_capacity[i];

   max Profit =
      sum {i in DEPOTS, j in DEPOTS, day in DAYS, length in LENGTHS}
         (rental_price[i,j,day,length] - cost[length])
       * NumCarsRented[i,j,day,length]
    + sum {i in DEPOTS, day in DAYS}
         &damage_prob * &damage_charge * NumCarsRented_i_day[i,day]
    - sum {i in DEPOTS, j in DEPOTS diff {i}, day in DAYS}
         transfer_cost[i,j] * NumCarsTransferred[i,j,day]
    - &opportunity_cost_per_week * NumCars;

   con Undamaged_Inflow_con {i in DEPOTS, day in DAYS}:
    = (1 - &damage_prob) * sum {j in DEPOTS, length in LENGTHS}
    + sum {j in DEPOTS diff {i}}
    + NumDamagedCarsRepaired[i,mod[day-&repair_length]]
    + NumUndamagedCarsIdle[i,mod[day-1]];

   con Damaged_Inflow_con {i in DEPOTS, day in DAYS}:
    = &damage_prob * sum {j in DEPOTS, length in LENGTHS}
    + sum {j in DEPOTS diff {i}}
    + NumDamagedCarsIdle[i,mod[day-1]];

   con Undamaged_Outflow_con {i in DEPOTS, day in DAYS}:
    = NumCarsRented_i_day[i,day]
    + sum {j in DEPOTS diff {i}} NumUndamagedCarsTransferred[i,j,day]
    + NumUndamagedCarsIdle[i,day];

   con Damaged_Outflow_con {i in DEPOTS, day in DAYS}:
    = NumDamagedCarsRepaired[i,day]
    + sum {j in DEPOTS diff {i}} NumDamagedCarsTransferred[i,j,day]
    + NumDamagedCarsIdle[i,day];

   con NumCars_con:
      NumCars = sum {i in DEPOTS} (
         length_prob[3] * NumCarsRented_i_day[i,0]
       + sum {length in 2..3} length_prob[length] * NumCarsRented_i_day[i,1]
       + NumUndamagedCarsStart[i,2]
       + NumDamagedCarsStart[i,2]);

   for {j in 1.._NVAR_} _VAR_[j] = round(_VAR_[j].sol);

   print NumCars;
   print NumUndamagedCarsStart;
   print NumDamagedCarsStart;
   print NumCarsRented_i_day;
   print {i in DEPOTS, j in DEPOTS diff {i}, day in DAYS:
      NumDamagedCarsTransferred[i,j,day].sol > 0} NumDamagedCarsTransferred;
   print NumDamagedCarsRepaired.dual;