Scheduling a Major Basketball Conference (clp12)
/* */
/* S A S S A M P L E L I B R A R Y */
/* */
/* NAME: clp12 */
/* TITLE: Scheduling a Major Basketball Conference (clp12) */
/* KEYS: OR */
/* DATA: */
/* */
/* REF: */
/* MISC: Example 12 from the CLP Procedure chapter of the */
/* Constraint Programming book. */
/* */
/* First, find all possible patterns. Consider only time */
/* constraints at this point. A pattern should be suitable */
/* for any team. Do not consider individual teams yet. */
%macro patterns();
proc clp out=all_patterns findall;
/* For date 1 to 18. */
%do j = 1 %to 18;
var h&j = [0, 1]; /* home */
var a&j = [0, 1]; /* away */
var b&j = [0, 1]; /* bye */
/* A team is either home, away, or bye. */
lincon h&j + a&j + b&j=1;
/* Criterion 1 - Mirroring Scheme */
/* The dates are grouped into pairs (j, j1), such that each */
/* team plays the same opponent on dates j and j1. */
/* A home game on date j will be an away game on date j1 */
%do j = 1 %to 18;
%do j1 = %eval(&j+1) %to 18;
%if ( &j=1 and &j1=8 ) or ( &j=2 and &j1=9 ) or
( &j=3 and &j1=12 ) or ( &j=4 and &j1=13 ) or
( &j=5 and &j1=14 ) or ( &j=6 and &j1=15 ) or
( &j=7 and &j1=16 ) or ( &j=10 and &j1=17 ) or
( &j=11 and &j1=18 ) %then
lincon h&j = a&j1, a&j = h&j1, b&j = b&j1;;
/* Criterion 2 - Initial and Final Home and Away Games */
/* Every team must play home on at least one of the first three dates. */
lincon h1 + h2 + h3 >= 1;
/* Every team must play home on at least one of the last three dates. */
lincon h16 + h17 + h18 >= 1;
/* No team can play away on both last two dates. */
lincon a17 + a18 < 2;
/* Criterion 3 - Home/Away/Bye Pattern */
%do j = 1 %to 16;
/* No team can have more than two away matches in a row.*/
lincon a&j + a%eval(&j+1) + a%eval(&j+2) < 3;
/* No team can have more than two home matches in a row.*/
lincon h&j + h%eval(&j+1) + h%eval(&j+2) < 3;
/* No team can have more than three away matches or byes in a row.*/
%do j = 1 %to 15;
lincon a&j + b&j + a%eval(&j+1) + b%eval(&j+1) + a%eval(&j+2)
+ b%eval(&j+2) + a%eval(&j+3) + b%eval(&j+3) < 4;
/* No team can have more than four home matches or byes in a row.*/
%do j = 1 %to 14;
lincon h&j + b&j + h%eval(&j+1) + b%eval(&j+1) + h%eval(&j+2)
+ b%eval(&j+2) + h%eval(&j+3) + b%eval(&j+3) + h%eval(&j+4)
+ b%eval(&j+4) < 5;
/* Criterion 4 - Weekend Pattern */
/* Each team plays four weekends at home. */
lincon 0 %do j = 2 %to 18 %by 2; +h&j %end; =4;
/* Each team plays four weekends away. */
lincon 0 %do j = 2 %to 18 %by 2; +a&j %end; =4;
/* Each team has 1 weekend with a bye */
lincon 0 %do j = 2 %to 18 %by 2; +b&j %end; =1;
/* Criterion 5 - First Weekends */
/* Each team must have home games or byes on at least two */
/* of the first five weekends. */
lincon 0 %do j = 2 %to 10 %by 2; + h&j + b&j %end; >=2;
/* Criterion 9 - (Partial) */
/* The team with a bye in date 1 does not play away on the */
/* last date or home in date 17 (Wake) */
/* The team with a bye in date 16 does not play away in */
/* date 18 (Duke) */
lincon b1 + a18 < 2, b1 + h17 < 2, b16 + a18 < 2;
/* Determine all possible "pattern sets" considering only time */
/* constraints. */
/* Individual teams are not considered at this stage. */
/* xi - binary variable indicates pattern i is in pattern set */
%macro pattern_sets();
data _null_;
set all_patterns;
%do i=1 %to 38;
if _n_=&i then do;
%do j=1 %to 18;
call symput("h&i._&j", put(h&j,best.));
call symput("a&i._&j", put(a&j,best.));
call symput("b&i._&j", put(b&j,best.));
proc clp out=pattern_sets findall;
/* xi=1 if pattern i belongs to pattern set */
var (x1-x38)= [0, 1];
/* Exactly nine patterns per patterns set */
lincon 0 %do i = 1 %to 38; + x&i %end;=9;
/* time slot constraints */
%do j = 1 %to 18;
/* Four home games per time slot */
lincon 0 %do i = 1 %to 38; + &&h&i._&j*x&i %end; =4;
/* Four away games per time slot */
lincon 0 %do i = 1 %to 38; + &&a&i._&j*x&i %end; =4;
/* One bye per time slot */
lincon 0 %do i = 1 %to 38; + &&b&i._&j*x&i %end; =1;
/* Exclude pattern pairs that do not support a meeting date */
%do i = 1 %to 38;
%do i1 = %eval(&i+1) %to 38;
%let count=0;
%do j=1 %to 18;
%if ( (&&h&i._&j=0 or &&a&i1._&j=0) and
(&&a&i._&j=0 or &&h&i1._&j=0)) %then %do;
%let count=%eval(&count+1);
%if (&count=18) %then %do;
lincon x&i+x&i1<=1;
/* Assign individual teams to pattern set k */
/* Teams: 1 Clem, 2 Duke, 3 FSU, 4 GT, 5 UMD, 6 UNC, 7 NCSU, 8 UVA, */
/* 9 Wake */
%macro timetable(k);
proc clp out=ACC_ds_&k varselect=minrmaxc findall;
%do j = 1 %to 18;
/* alpha(i,j): Team i's opponent on date j ( 0 = bye ). */
%do i = 1 %to 9;
var alpha&i._&j = [0, 9];
/* Timetable constraint 1 */
/* Opponents in a time slot must be distinct */
alldiff ( %do i = 1 %to 9; alpha&i._&j %end; );
/* Timetable constraint 2 */
%do i = 1 %to 9;
%do i1 = 1 %to 9;
/* indicates if teams i and i1 play in time slot j */
var X&i._&i1._&j = [0, 1];
reify X&i._&i1._&j: (alpha&i._&j = &i1);
/* team i plays i1 iff team i1 plays i */
%if (&i1 > &i ) %then %do;
lincon X&i._&i1._&j = X&i1._&i._&j;
/* Mirroring Scheme at team level. */
/* The dates are grouped into pairs (j, j1) such that each */
/* team plays the same opponent in dates j and j1. */
/* One of these should be a home game for each team. */
%do i = 1 %to 9;
%do j = 1 %to 18;
%do j1 = %eval(&j+1) %to 18;
%if ( &j=1 and &j1=8 ) or ( &j=2 and &j1=9 ) or
( &j=3 and &j1=12 ) or ( &j=4 and &j1=13 ) or
( &j=5 and &j1=14 ) or ( &j=6 and &j1=15 ) or
( &j=7 and &j1=16 ) or ( &j=10 and &j1=17 ) or
( &j=11 and &j1=18 ) %then %do;
lincon alpha&i._&j=alpha&i._&j1,
/* H and A are matrices that indicate home */
/* and away games */
/* Timetable constraint 3 */
/* Each team plays every other team twice */
%do i = 1 %to 9;
%do i1 = 1 %to 9;
%if &i1 ne &i %then %do;
lincon 0 %do j = 1 %to 18; + X&i._&i1._&j %end; = 2;
/* Timetable constraint 4 */
/* Teams do not play against themselves */
%do j = 1 %to 18;
%do i = 1 %to 9;
lincon alpha&i._&j<>&i;
lincon X&i._&i._&j = 0; /* redundant */
/* Timetable constraint 5 */
/* Setup Bye Matrix */
/* alpha&i._&j=0 means team &i has a bye on date &j. */
%do j = 1 %to 18;
%do i = 1 %to 9;
var B&i._&j = [0, 1]; /*Bye matrix*/
reify B&i._&j: ( alpha&i._&j = 0 );
/* Timetable constraint 6 */
/* alpha&i._&j=&i1 implies teams &i and &i1 play on date &j */
/* It must be a home game for one, away game for the other */
%do j = 1 %to 18;
%do i = 1 %to 9;
%do i1 = 1 %to 9;
/* reify control variables.*/
var U&i._&i1._&j = [0, 1] V&i._&i1._&j = [0, 1];
/* if &i is home and &i1 is away. */
reify U&i._&i1._&j: ( H&i._&j + A&i1._&j = 2);
/* if &i1 is home and &i is away. */
reify V&i._&i1._&j: ( A&i._&j + H&i1._&j = 2);
/* Necessary condition if &i plays &i1 on date j */
lincon X&i._&i1._&j <= U&i._&i1._&j + V&i._&i1._&j;
/* Timetable constraint 7 */
/* Each team must be home, away or have a bye on a given date */
%do j = 1 %to 18;
%do i = 1 %to 9;
/* Team &i is home (away) at date &j. */
var H&i._&j = [0, 1] A&i._&j = [0, 1];
lincon H&i._&j + A&i._&j + B&i._&j = 1;
%do i = 1 %to 9;
%do i1 = %eval(&i+1) %to 9;
/* Timetable constraint 8 */
/* Criterion 6 - Rival Matches */
/* The final weekend is reserved for 'rival games' */
/* unless the team plays FSU or has a bye */
%if ( &i=1 and &i1=4 ) or ( &i=2 and &i1=6 ) or
( &i=5 and &i1=8 ) or ( &i=7 and &i1=9 ) %then %do;
lincon X&i._&i1._18 + B&i._18 + X&i._3_18 = 1;
/* redundant */
lincon X&i1._&i._18 + B&i1._18 + X&i1._3_18 = 1;
/* Timetable constraint 9 */
/* Criterion 7 - Popular Matches */
/* The following pairings are specified to occur at */
/* least once in February. */
%if ( &i=2 and &i1=4 ) or ( &i=2 and &i1=9 ) or
( &i=4 and &i1=6 ) or ( &i=6 and &i1=9 ) %then %do;
lincon 0 %do j = 11 %to 18; + X&i._&i1._&j %end; >= 1;
/* redundant */
lincon 0 %do j = 11 %to 18; + X&i1._&i._&j %end; >= 1;
/* Timetable constraint 10 */
/* Criterion 8 - Opponent Sequence */
%do i = 1 %to 9;
/* No team plays two consecutive away dates against */
/* Duke (2) and UNC (6) */
%do j = 1 %to 17;
var Q&i._26_&j = [0, 1] P&i._26_&j = [0, 1];
reify Q&i._26_&j: ( X&i._2_&j + X&i._6_&j = 1 );
reify P&i._26_&j: ( X&i._2_%eval(&j+1) + X&i._6_%eval(&j+1) =1 );
lincon Q&i._26_&j + A&i._&j + P&i._26_&j + A&i._%eval(&j+1) < 4;
/* No team plays three consecutive dates against */
/* Duke(2), UNC(6) and Wake(9). */
%do j = 1 %to 16;
var L&i._269_&j = [0, 1] M&i._269_&j = [0, 1]
N&i._269_&j = [0, 1];
reify L&i._269_&j: ( X&i._2_&j + X&i._6_&j + X&i._9_&j = 1 );
reify M&i._269_&j: ( X&i._2_%eval(&j+1) + X&i._6_%eval(&j+1) +
X&i._9_%eval(&j+1) =1 );
reify N&i._269_&j: ( X&i._2_%eval(&j+2) + X&i._6_%eval(&j+2) +
X&i._9_%eval(&j+2) =1 );
lincon L&i._269_&j + M&i._269_&j + N&i._269_&j < 3;
/* Timetable constraint 11 */
/* Criterion 9 - Idiosyncratic Constraints */
/* UNC plays Duke in date 11 and 18 */
lincon alpha6_11 = 2 ;
lincon alpha6_18 = 2 ;
/* UNC plays Clem in the second date. */
lincon alpha6_2 = 1 ;
/* Duke has a bye in date 16. */
lincon B2_16 = 1 ;
/* Wake does not play home in date 17. */
lincon H9_17 = 0 ;
/* Wake has a bye in the first date. */
lincon B9_1 = 1 ;
/* Clem, Duke, UMD and Wake do not play away in the last date. */
lincon A1_18 = 0 ;
lincon A2_18 = 0 ;
lincon A5_18 = 0 ;
lincon A9_18 = 0 ;
/* Clem, FSU, and GT do not play away in the first date. */
lincon A1_1 = 0 ;
lincon A3_1 = 0 ;
lincon A4_1 = 0 ;
/* FSU and NCSU do not have a bye in the last date. */
lincon B3_18 = 0 ;
lincon B7_18 = 0 ;
/* UNC does not have a bye in the first date. */
lincon B6_1 = 0 ;
/* Timetable constraint 12 */
/* Match teams with patterns. */
%do i = 1 %to 9; /* For each team */
var p&i=[1,9];
%do j=1 %to 18; /* For each date */
element ( p&i, (&&col&k._h_&j), H&i._&j )
( p&i, (&&col&k._a_&j), A&i._&j )
( p&i, (&&col&k._b_&j), B&i._&j );
/* Try all possible pattern sets to find all valid schedules. */
%macro find_schedules;
proc transpose data=pattern_sets out=trans_good; run;
data _temp;
set trans_good;
set all_patterns;
proc sql noprint;
%do k = 1 %to 17; /* For each pattern */
%do j=1 %to 18; /* For each date */
select h&j into :col&k._h_&j
separated by ',' from _temp where col&k=1;
select a&j into :col&k._a_&j
separated by ',' from _temp where col&k=1;
select b&j into :col&k._b_&j
separated by ',' from _temp where col&k=1;
data all; run;
%do k = 1 %to 17; /* For each pattern set */
data all;
set all ACC_ds_&k;
data all;
set all;
if _n_=1 then delete;
/* Generate report! */
%macro acc_report;
%let Univ1 = Clem;
%let Univ2 = Duke;
%let Univ3 = FSU;
%let Univ4 = GT;
%let Univ5 = UMD;
%let Univ6 = UNC;
%let Univ7 = NCSU;
%let Univ8 = UVA;
%let Univ9 = Wake;
%let Clem=1;
%let Duke=2;
%let FSU=3;
%let GT=4;
%let UMD=5;
%let UNC=6;
%let NCSU=7;
%let UVA=8;
%let Wake=9;
%let Bye=0;
data schedule1997;
set all;
if (alpha&Clem._1 = &UMD) and
(alpha&Duke._1 = &UVA) and
(alpha&FSU._1 = &UNC) and
(alpha>._1 = &NCSU) and
(alpha&UMD._1 = &Clem) and
(alpha&UNC._1 = &FSU) and
(alpha&NCSU._1 = >) and
(alpha&UVA._1 = &Duke) and
(alpha&Wake._1 = &Bye)
(alpha&Clem._2 = &UNC) and
(alpha&Duke._2 = &UMD) and
(alpha&FSU._2 = &NCSU) and
(alpha>._2 = &Bye) and
(alpha&UMD._2 = &Duke) and
(alpha&UNC._2 = &Clem) and
(alpha&NCSU._2 = &FSU) and
(alpha&UVA._2 = &Wake) and
(alpha&Wake._2 = &UVA)
(alpha&Clem._3 = &Wake) and
(alpha&Duke._3 = &NCSU) and
(alpha&FSU._3 = &UMD) and
(alpha>._3 = &UNC) and
(alpha&UMD._3 = &FSU) and
(alpha&UNC._3 = >) and
(alpha&NCSU._3 = &Duke) and
(alpha&UVA._3 = &Bye) and
(alpha&Wake._3 = &Clem)
data report1997 (keep= %do i = 1 %to 9; &&Univ&i %end;);
set schedule1997;
format %do i = 1 %to 9;
&&Univ&i $8.
%do j = 1 %to 18;
%do i = 1 %to 9;
%do i1 = 1 %to 9;
if (alpha&i._&j = &i1) and (H&i._&j =1 ) then
&&Univ&i= "&&Univ&i1";
else if (alpha&i._&j = &i1) and (A&i._&j =1 ) then
&&Univ&i= "@&&Univ&i1";
else if (alpha&i._&j = 0) and (B&i._&j =1 ) then
&&Univ&i= "Bye";
data printfirst;
set report1997;
proc print; run;
%macro gantt;
%let Univ1 = Clem;
%let Univ2 = Duke;
%let Univ3 = FSU;
%let Univ4 = GT;
%let Univ5 = UMD;
%let Univ6 = UNC;
%let Univ7 = NCSU;
%let Univ8 = UVA;
%let Univ9 = Wake;
data pattern_color_map;
format color $10.;
%do i = 1 %to 9;
_pattern = &i;
color = "black";
%macro setPattern(count, color);
pattern&count. v=e color=&color repeat=1;
%mend setPattern;
%macro setPatterns(data=pattern_color_map);
data _null_;
set &data;
retain count 1;
dummy = resolve('%setPattern('||count||','||color||')');
call execute(dummy);
count = count + 1;
%mend setPatterns;
proc format;
value stage
0.5 = '1'
17.5 = '18'
18.5 = ' '
data activity;
format _label $6. act$5.;
format s_start stage.;
label act='Team';
set schedule1997;
keep _pattern _label segmt_no act s_start s_finish duration;
retain duration 0.95;
%do i = 1 %to 9;/* home teams.*/
%do j = 1 %to 18; /* dates */
if (alpha&i._&j = 0) and (B&i._&j =1 ) then do;
segmt_no = &j;
_label = "";
_pattern = .;
else do;
%do i1 = 1 %to 9;
if (alpha&i._&j = &i1) and (H&i._&j =1 ) then do;
segmt_no = &j;
_label = "&&Univ&i1";
_pattern = &i;
else if (alpha&i._&j = &i1) and (A&i._&j =1 ) then do;
segmt_no = &j;
_label = "@&&Univ&i1";
_pattern = &i1;
data labels;
_yoffset = -0.2;
_xoffset = 0;
title1 "ACC Basketball Tournament Scheduling";
proc gantt data=activity labdata=labels;
chart /
id act;