Rewriting PROC NLP Models Examples (omod0f)
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/* S A S S A M P L E L I B R A R Y */
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/* NAME: omod0f */
/* TITLE: Rewriting PROC NLP Models Examples (omod0f) */
/* KEYS: OR */
/* DATA: */
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/* REF: */
/* MISC: Examples from the Rewriting PROC NLP Models section of */
/* the OPTMODEL chapter of Mathematical Programming. */
/* */
/* PROC NLP Example 7 */
proc nlp all;
parms amountx amounty amounta amountb amountc
pooltox pooltoy ctox ctoy pools = 1;
bounds 0 <= amountx amounty amounta amountb amountc,
amountx <= 100,
amounty <= 200,
0 <= pooltox pooltoy ctox ctoy,
1 <= pools <= 3;
lincon amounta + amountb = pooltox + pooltoy,
pooltox + ctox = amountx,
pooltoy + ctoy = amounty,
ctox + ctoy = amountc;
nlincon nlc1-nlc2 >= 0.,
nlc3 = 0.;
max f;
costa = 6; costb = 16; costc = 10;
costx = 9; costy = 15;
f = costx * amountx + costy * amounty
- costa * amounta - costb * amountb - costc * amountc;
nlc1 = 2.5 * amountx - pools * pooltox - 2. * ctox;
nlc2 = 1.5 * amounty - pools * pooltoy - 2. * ctoy;
nlc3 = 3 * amounta + amountb - pools * (amounta + amountb);
proc optmodel;
var amountx init 1 >= 0 <= 100,
amounty init 1 >= 0 <= 200;
var amounta init 1 >= 0,
amountb init 1 >= 0,
amountc init 1 >= 0;
var pooltox init 1 >= 0,
pooltoy init 1 >= 0;
var ctox init 1 >= 0,
ctoy init 1 >= 0;
var pools init 1 >=1 <= 3;
con amounta + amountb = pooltox + pooltoy,
pooltox + ctox = amountx,
pooltoy + ctoy = amounty,
ctox + ctoy = amountc;
number costa, costb, costc, costx, costy;
costa = 6; costb = 16; costc = 10;
costx = 9; costy = 15;
max f = costx * amountx + costy * amounty
- costa * amounta - costb * amountb - costc * amountc;
con nlc1: 2.5 * amountx - pools * pooltox - 2. * ctox >= 0,
nlc2: 1.5 * amounty - pools * pooltoy - 2. * ctoy >= 0,
nlc3: 3 * amounta + amountb - pools * (amounta + amountb)
= 0;
print amountx amounty amounta amountb amountc
pooltox pooltoy ctox ctoy pools;
/* PROC NLP Example 8 */
proc nlp tech=tr pall;
array c[10] -6.089 -17.164 -34.054 -5.914 -24.721
-14.986 -24.100 -10.708 -26.662 -22.179;
array x[10] x1-x10;
min y;
parms x1-x10 = .1;
bounds 1.e-6 <= x1-x10;
lincon 2. = x1 + 2. * x2 + 2. * x3 + x6 + x10,
1. = x4 + 2. * x5 + x6 + x7,
1. = x3 + x7 + x8 + 2. * x9 + x10;
s = x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10;
y = 0.;
do j = 1 to 10;
y = y + x[j] * (c[j] + log(x[j] / s));
proc optmodel;
set CMP = 1..10;
number c{CMP} = [-6.089 -17.164 -34.054 -5.914 -24.721
-14.986 -24.100 -10.708 -26.662 -22.179];
var x{CMP} init 0.1 >= 1.e-6;
con 2. = x[1] + 2. * x[2] + 2. * x[3] + x[6] + x[10],
1. = x[4] + 2. * x[5] + x[6] + x[7],
1. = x[3] + x[7] + x[8] + 2. * x[9] + x[10];
/* replace the variable s in the PROC NLP model */
impvar s = sum{i in CMP} x[i];
min y = sum{j in CMP} x[j] * (c[j] + log(x[j] / s));
print x y;
/* Generalized Read */
data comp;
input c a_1 a_2 a_3;
-6.089 1 0 0
-17.164 2 0 0
-34.054 2 0 1
-5.914 0 1 0
-24.721 0 2 0
-14.986 1 1 0
-24.100 0 1 1
-10.708 0 0 1
-26.662 0 0 2
-22.179 1 0 1
data atom;
input b @@;
2. 1. 1.
proc optmodel;
set CMP;
set ELT;
number c{CMP};
number a{ELT,CMP};
number b{ELT};
read data atom into ELT=[_n_] b;
read data comp into CMP=[_n_]
c {i in ELT} < a[i,_n_]=col("a_"||i) >;
var x{CMP} init 0.1 >= 1.e-6;
con bal{i in ELT}: b[i] = sum{j in CMP} a[i,j]*x[j];
impvar s = sum{i in CMP} x[i];
min y = sum{j in CMP} x[j] * (c[j] + log(x[j] / s));
print a b;
print x;
data comp;
input name $ c a_h a_n a_o;
H -6.089 1 0 0
H2 -17.164 2 0 0
H2O -34.054 2 0 1
N -5.914 0 1 0
N2 -24.721 0 2 0
NH -14.986 1 1 0
NO -24.100 0 1 1
O -10.708 0 0 1
O2 -26.662 0 0 2
OH -22.179 1 0 1
data atom;
input name $ b;
H 2.
N 1.
O 1.
proc optmodel;
set<string> CMP;
set<string> ELT;
number c{CMP};
number a{ELT,CMP};
number b{ELT};
read data atom into ELT=[name] b;
read data comp into CMP=[name]
c {i in ELT} < a[i,name]=col("a_"||i) >;
var x{CMP} init 0.1 >= 1.e-6;
con bal{i in ELT}: b[i] = sum{j in CMP} a[i,j]*x[j];
impvar s = sum{i in CMP} x[i];
min y = sum{j in CMP} x[j] * (c[j] + log(x[j] / s));
print x;