Consider creating new report definitions

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In this example, you will create a new, custom report definition.. You will also use formula variables for customizing report definitions. You must have at least two days of data to get a good report.

OVNV Read "Using One or More Formula Variables" in OpenView and NetView Appendix 3: OVW-Specific Tips for Reporting to learn about formula variables. (The example below uses table HN2NIX. You do not need to create the formula variables UDAY and UWEEK in HN2NIX. It happens to be the case that they are supplied with this table. It would, however, be useful to understand how they are constructed, because the same method would work for your own formula variables.)
CSi Read "Using One or More Formula Variables" in Cabletron SPECTRUM Appendix 3: SPECTRUM Specific Tips for Reporting and then create at least the formula variables UDAY and UWEEK.

Here is an example of a new report definition that makes use of one or more formula variables:

  1. Follow this path from the IT Service Vision main window:

    Reporting -> Manage Report Definitions

    IT Service Vision displays the main report definition window. (For details about this window, select OnlineHelp -> Help on this window.)

  2. To create a new report definition, select File -> New Report Definition.

  3. To select the table whose data is to be used in the report definition, select the arrow to the right of the Select Table field, and then follow this path:

    All -> CSi DAY.CSIMRX -> OK
  4. To select the variables whose data is to be used in the report definition, select the arrow to the right of the Select Variable field, and then select Analysis -> IPIDELV Mean -> Add -> X Variable -> HOUR -> Add -> Class -> UDAY -> Add -> By -> MACHINE -> Add.

    Check that you have selected these variables by selecting Show All. You should see:

    Variable Variable Type Description
    IPIDELV ANALYSIS MEAN: # datagrams delivered/sec
    HOUR XVAR Hour
    MACHINE BY Machine

    (If you need to correct the list, select the variable type of the incorrect variable, select the incorrect variable, and select Remove. Then select the correct variable.)

    Select OK to return to the main report definition window.

  5. To define which subset of the data is to be used by the report definition, select the arrow that is to the right of the Subset Data field and then select Query/Where Clause Builder. Using the buttons that are to the left of the Local Query/Where Clause For This Report field, select Variable -> MACHINE -> OK -> Operator -> IN -> OK -> Value -> with the Ctrl key pressed, select the servers on which you want to report -> OK.

    Select OK to return to the main report definition window.

  6. To specify the summary time period, select the arrow to the right of the Summary Time Period Field. Then select As Is -> OK.

  7. To specify the report style, select the image in the Current Report Style field. (That is, select the image below the words Current Report Style.) Then select 3D Graphs -> Pillar -> OK.

  8. To run the report definition and generate the report, select Run. You should see a 3D "cityscape," with the Hourly Mean of the Number of Datagrams delivered per second on the Y axis, the hour of the day on the X axis, and the day of the week on the Z axis. This report is for the last machine that you specified in the Where Clause. To see the reports for the other machines, select View -> Backward.

  9. To return to the main report definition window, select File -> End.

If you have at least several weeks of data in your PDB, you can also experiment with a variation on this report definition: follow the same steps but use UWEEK where you used HOUR.

If you find this kind of report useful, you can save reports and report definitions from the main report definition window by selecting File -> Save Report Definition. in the same way that you did in Section 2, Task 3: Customize Your Report Definitions.

You can also make any number of custom report definitions using Manage Report Definitions on the Reporting tab. Using UDAY and UWEEK is not necessary. You can use any variables in the specified table and any other features available in the specified type of report definition.

Note: If you make custom report definitions, remember to add them to the appropriate batch/background job file.For details, see Section 2, Task 3: Customize Your Report Definitions.