Information Related to Reporting by Using the GUI

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  1. Define a formula variable named CSTOR that calculates the use of central storage by differing workloads.

    A formula variable is a variable whose value is calculated but not stored. That is, a formula variable's definition resides in the PDB but its values do not; the view calculates the values when they are needed. Once a formula variable is defined, you can use it in the same way that you can use any other variable except that you cannot use it in the BY variables list or CLASS variables lists.

    The definition for CSTOR is based on workload activity metrics, which are in table XTY72. So the definition for CSTOR is added to table XTY72.

    1. Follow this path from the Main menu:
         PDB Admin -> Config Active PDB Dictionary ->
         XTY72 -> ItemActions ->
         List Variables -> Action -> Make Formula
    2. In the New Variable field, type CSTOR and select OK. IT Service Vision displays the Make Formula Variable window. All the fields have default values that are fine for this example, except for the statement that actually assigns a value to CSTOR.

      Select Formula Source Code and enter the following code into the body of the BUILD window:


      Then select File and End.

    3. To check for syntax errors, select Test Syntax. If you have an error, correct the error and test again. When the syntax is correct, select OK. Notice that CSTOR is now in the variables list.

    4. On the variables list, check that the Kept status of the underlying variables (ACFRMTM, ACESFTM, and ELAPSTM) and formula variable (CSTOR) are Yes. If one or more are No, select those variables and then select ItemActions and Mark Kept.

    5. To return to the list of tables, select File, select End, and select OK. At this point, IT Service Vision rebuilds the SAS views of the underlying data.

      Note: View-building can be a very intensive operation, depending on the amount of data in that table. If your session priority is low and the load on your machine is high, this step may take a few minutes or longer, depending on the amount of data in the table. You can also bypass the view-building and build the views later in batch mode. For more information, see Section 2, Task 1: Customize and Verify Your Test PDB.

    6. To return to the main menu, select File and End.

  2. Modify a supplied report definition to report on CSTOR.

    One of the strengths of IT Service Vision is the ease with which you can modify supplied report definitions to create custom report definitions. Simply pick a supplied report definition of the same type as the report definition you want to create, and modify it as you did in Section 2, Task 3: Customize Your Report Definitions.

    The following steps make a bar chart report definition for CSTOR. The report it generates shows the top fifteen central storage users among the performance groups. The custom report definition is a modification of the supplied report definition named BARSWAP.

    1. To bring up the BARSWAP supplied report definition, follow this path from the main menu:
         Reports -> Supplied Rpts ->
         page or scroll to BARSWAP ->
         select BARSWAP -> ItemActions ->
         Modify Report
    2. To change settings for the report definition on CSTOR, follow this path:
         Analysis Var: -> page or scroll to end ->
         CSTOR -> Chart Options ->
         set Y-values per page to 16 ->
         set Number for Top"N" Report to 15 ->
         OK ->  OK -> Report Attrs ->
         Titles -> change Title1 to Central Storage by
         Performance Group -> OK
    3. To generate a report from this report definition
         Actions -> Run Report

      IT Service Vision generates the CSTOR report.

    4. To return to the main report definition window, select File and then End.

    5. To change the parameters to those appropriate for a batch job, follow this path:
         Output Options -> SAS Catalog

      IT Service Vision displays the SAS Catalog Location window. In the Libref and catalog field, type ADMIN.CPEGRAFS. In the Entry name field, type CSTOR. In the Description field, type Central Storage by Performance Group.

    6. To return to the main report definition window, select OK and OK.

    7. To save the report and the report definition, see Section 2, Task 3: Customize Your Report Definitions.

    8. To restore the output destination, follow this path from the main report definition window:
         Output Options -> Graphics Window -> OK
    9. To return to the main menu, select File and Quit.

    10. To add the report definition to your daily job, see Section 2, Task 4: Set Up Your Production Job.

  3. Create another custom report definition, this time from scratch, to report on a summary statistic for CPU time.

    In this example you will create a new report definition using the data at the month level of the PDB, to see how much CPU time is being used by each operational shift. You will build a pie chart for the sum of CPU time, which is the variable CPUTM__S in table XRMFINT. This example assumes that table XRMFINT has a Kept status of Yes, the variable CPUTM has a Kept status of Yes, the sum statistic is selected at the month level, and some data have been reduced to the month level.

    1. To specify a pie chart, follow this path from the main menu:
         Reports -> DesignGraphRpt ->
         Bar or Pie Chart -> Type: -> PIE
    2. To specify the level on which the report is based, select MONTH.

    3. To specify the table on which the report is based, click on the table icon (the icon in the upper left corner of the window) and then select XRMFINT.

    4. To specify the grouping variable, follow this path:
         Class Variable: -> SHIFT
    5. To specify the variable to be graphed, follow this path:
         Analysis Var: -> CPUTM__S ->
         Define Labels

      Change the CPUTM__S description to Total CPU time. Then select

         OK -> Summary Statistic: ->
         click until it displays SUM
    6. To specify the title, follow this path:
         Report Attrs -> Titles

      In the Title 1 field, type CPU Time Breakdown By Shift and then select OK.

    7. To generate the report, follow this path:
         Actions -> Run Report

      IT Service Vision generates the CPU Time Breakdown report.

    8. To return to the main report definition window, select File and then End.

    9. To save the report and report definition, see Section 2, Task 3: Customize Your Report Definitions.

    10. To add the report definition to the daily job, see Section 2, Task 4: Set Up Your Production Job.

  4. Consider using new formats in your reports.

    See the examples of format use in
    Reporting on DCOLLECT Data.

  5. Consider ad hoc analysis to investigate anomalies in your data.

    See examples of using drill charts and graph data in RMF Appendix 2: Tips for Doing Ad Hoc Analysis.