Modifying the Desktop Reporter

The DeskTop Reporter can be used as-is to report on your PDB data, but it is  
most valuable to you when you extend it to suit your own needs.               
Modifying the DeskTop Reporter consists of three phases:                      
 1. Copy the DeskTop Reporter programs and data to your own, writable area.   
 2. Remove the supplied reports you do not want.                              
 3. Update the list of data sets to download to remove the data sets that     
    correspond to the reports you removed in step 2 above.                    
 4. Modify the remaining reports to suit your taste.                          
1.COPY THE DESKTOP REPORTER                                                   
  To create your own copy of the Desktop Reporter, see "IT Service Vision     
  Client CD: Installation and Usage" included in printed form with the Desktop
  Reporter software shipment or point a Web browser to the Showroom file:     
  on the CD containing the Desktop Reporter and Showroom software.            
  After copying the portions of the Desktop Reporter of interest to you,      
  modify your copy of the file to remove references to the       
  applications you did not copy, change your working directory to the         
  directory containing the Desktop Reporter files, and start SAS and the      
  Desktop Reporter in the normal way.                                         
2.REMOVE UNNEEDED SUPPLIED REPORTS                                            
  To remove unneeded reports, you will need to have licensed either IT Service
  Vision or SAS/AF.  Start the SAS system and enter the EIS command in the    
  command area of the tool bar.  Select "Build EIS" and set the "Path" to your
  copy of the OSYSEIS catalog and the "Application Database" to "Open         
  SystemsDeskTop Reporter".  Identify the reports and buttons you do not want 
  in "STRUCTURE OF OPEN SYSTEMS DESKTOP REPORTER" below and remove their      
  entries from the BLOCK or LISTMENU that invokes them (you are removing only 
  the pointer to the EIS object -- not the object itself -- they are not very 
  big and can be useful as examples later on).                                
  To remove an entry from a LISTMENU or BLOCK menu, select and "Edit" the menu
  entry and select "Edit menu text". Use the vertical scroll bar to position  
  yourself to the entry to be removed and select "Delete".                    
3.UPDATE THE LIST OF DATA SETS TO DOWNLOAD                                    
  Downloading application data from Unix is controlled by a list of data sets 
  in SAS data set DTR_DOWN.  This data sets exists in each application's EIS  
  library.  For example, the list of data sets to be downloaded for OSYS data 
  is in OSYSEIS.DTR_DOWN.                                                     
  To avoid attempting to download data sets you do not want for the reports   
  you have just removed or to add new data sets for reports you create, update
  the download data set list.  See "UPDATING THE LIST OF DATA SETS TO         
  DOWNLOAD" in Help entry "Downloading Data from Unix" for instructions on how
  to update the list.                                                         
4.MODIFY THE REMAINING REPORTS                                                
  To modify one of the supplied reports, start SAS and EIS and select "Build  
  EIS".  From the Build EIS screen, select the entry for the report you want  
  to modify, "Copy" it to a name of your choice, and then "Edit" the copy.    
  To cause data sets required by the updated reports to be downloaded, you    
  will need to update the list of data sets to download.  See "UPDATING THE   
  LIST OF DATA SETS TO DOWNLOAD" in Help entry "Downloading Data from Unix"   
  for instructions on how to update the list.                                 
  You can use the Help button associated with the Edit screen for the type of 
  entry you are updating for suggestions of how to change the report.  For an 
  overview of what other things are possible with SAS/EIS, select the         
  "Tutorial" on the EIS Main Menu.  See also publications "Getting Started    
  with SAS/EIS" and "SAS/EIS Reference" available from SAS Institute Book     
STRUCTURE OF OPEN SYSTEMS DESKTOP REPORTER                                    
The following is a concise representation of the menu structure of the Open   
Systems DeskTop Reporter.  This list can be used to identify the names of     
components that produce a report so as to modify or remove references to the  
Syntax of each line is:                                                       
  EntryName:InputDataName - TextDescription                                   
    EntryName       name of the catalog entry or EIS object                   
    InputDataName   name of summary ds or mddb in OSYSDATA                    
    TextDescription text description of the entry                             
  EntryName uses these abbreviations:                                         
    o. = osyseis.osyseis                                                      
    i. = itsveis.itsveis                                                      
  InputDataName uses these abbreviations:                                     
    .m = mddb                                                                 
    .s = summary data set                                                     
o.main.block                     - Open Systems Application menu              
  o.cpuservs.listmenu            - CPU Servers Reports                        
    o.srvglb02.multcol:srvglb.d  - CPU Servers Basic Metrics                  
    o.srvglb01.multcol:srvglb.d  - CPU Servers Extended Metrics               
    o.srvglb03.groupbar:srvglb.d - CPU Servers CPU Util                       
    o.srvglbq1.groupbar:srvglb.d - CPU Servers Congestion                     
    o.srvglbd1.groupbar:srvglb.d - CPU Servers Disk I/O                       
    o.srvglb50.graphs:srvglb.m   - CPU Servers CPU Utilization                
  o.s10servs.listmenu            - Busiest Servers Reports                    
    o.s10glb02.multcol:s10glb.d  - Busiest Servers Basic Metrics              
    o.s10glb01.multcol:s10glb.d  - Busiest Servers Extended Metrics           
    o.s10glb03.groupbar:s10glb.d - Busiest Servers CPU Util                   
    o.s10glbq1.groupbar:s10glb.d - Busiest Servers Congestion                 
    o.s10glbd1.groupbar:s10glb.d - Busiest Servers Disk I/O                   
    o.s10glb50.graphs:srvglb.m   - Busiest Servers Utilization                
  o.workstns.listmenu            - Workstation Reports                        
    o.w15glb01.multcol:w15glbd.d - Busiest Workstations                       
    o.l15glb01.multcol:l15glbd.d - Least Busy Workstations                    
    o.walglbx1.multcol:walglbd.d - Explore Workstations                       
    o.wkspec01.multcol:wkspec.d  - Workstation Network Traffic                
                                                                                    - Network Reports                            
    o.wkspec01.multcol:wkspec.d  - Workstation Network Traffic                
                                                                                   - Download Open Systems Data                            - Signon to Unix                             
      o.signunix.scl             - Setup download from Unix                   
        i.signon.program         - Signon to Unix                                        - Download Data from Unix                    
      o.downdata.scl             - Set applid=OSYS for download                         - Download data from remote host             
          i.downprof.scl         - Create SASUSER.DTR_PROF                    
            i.downfrom.program   - Ask for path to download from                          - Signoff from Remote Host                   
      i.signoff.scl                                                                      - Help for downloading data                  
  o.osyshelp.listmenu            - Help                                                     - Using the DeskTop Reporter                            - Help for downloading data                               - Modifying the DeskTop Reporter