Section 2, Task 3: Customize Report Definitions
Action 6: Customize the menu item (icon) that displays batch-generated reports

This action is optional.

Note: If you have access to a PC with IT Service Vision, you may want to access your reports using a greplay icon in the applications tab. See "Creating Custom Applications" in the IT Service Vision Usage Documentation.

In Section 1, Task 3: Create a Test PDB and Process, Reduce, and Report on Data, you created an icon that displays the reports, but the reports are simply listed and not grouped in a meaningful way. Also, the method for displaying a report is inconvenient. If you want to have the reports grouped by topic and available by clicking, follow the steps in this action; otherwise you can skip this action.

You will add an icon called "Prod Reports" to the main menu. This will then display a block menu designed to categorize the reports available. Further selections will make the graphs display on the screen.

  1. Select menu customizations.

    To identify the menu to which the Prod Reports item is to be added, follow this path from the main menu:

    Options -> Build site menus

  2. Delete the Daily Reports menu.

    If you want to leave the Daily Reports item on the menu, then skip this task. It does no harm to have multiple menu items accessing the same graphs, but it may be confusing to the user to see a Daily Reports item and a Prod Reports item on the same menu.

    If you want to delete the Daily Reports item that was added in Section 1, Task 3: Create a Test PDB and Process, Reduce, and Report on Data, you can do so now by scrolling until you see that item in the tree. Select it, and follow this path:

    ItemActions -> Delete

    IT Service Vision displays the Delete Menu item window. If you are sure that you have the correct item selected and that you want to delete it, select OK.

    IT Service Vision will delete all underlying sub-menu actions (but not the actual graphs that were displayed). IT Service Vision will then re-display the Build Menus screen but without the Daily Reports item.

  3. Add the Prod Reports menu.

    Select (click on) IT Service Vision for MVS, which is at the top of the menu tree. Follow this path:

    Edit -> Add -> Menu

    IT Service Vision displays the Edit Menu window.

    To create the Prod Reports menu item:

    In the menu tree, you will see that the Prod Reports item has been added to the main menu (you may need to scroll to see it, depending on its placement).

  4. Erase the pointer to the Main Menu.

    De-select IT Service Vision for MVS (by clicking on it again).

  5. Add reports to the Prod Reports Menu.

    To specify the Prod Reports menu, to which other sub-menus and actions are to be added, select Prod Reports.

    You will now split the report menu into five categories: CPU, I/O, DASD, Network and UNIX. Once you have grasped the concept of this facility, you can extend this to as many categories as you want, with the following constraints:

    For this example, follow this path:

    Edit -> Add -> Menu


    You will now see the CPU menu item added underneath the Prod Reports menu in the Build Menus window.

    With the Prod Reports item still selected (highlighted), repeat the following steps:

    Edit -> Add -> Menu


    You will now see the I/O menu item added underneath the Prod Reports menu in the Build Menus window.

    Repeat the above steps to add Popup menus for DASD, Network, and UNIX reports.

    Then, still with the Prod Reports item selected (highlighted), follow these steps:

    Edit -> Add -> Goback

    You will now see a Goback item added underneath your five sub-menus within the Prod Reports menu.

  6. Erase the pointer to the Prod Reports menu.

    De-select Prod Reports (by clicking on it again).

  7. Add a Goback item to the five menus.

    For each menu (CPU, I/O, DASD, Network, and UNIX),

    select the menu (e.g., CPU) -> Edit -> Add -> Goback -> de-select the menu

    A Goback item is now under each menu in the menu tree.

  8. Add each report to the appropriate menu.

    Follow this path,

    select (click on) the appropriate menu -> Edit -> Add -> Inquiry -> type the title -> type the description -> type the location -> OK -> de-select (click again) the appropriate menu

    For an example, for a report that is

    Select CPU from the menu tree and follow this path:

    Edit -> Add -> Inquiry


    You will now see the CPU Busy item added underneath the CPU menu in the Build Menus window.

    De-select CPU (by clicking on it again).

    For example, the recommended menus for the reports generated by the report definitions that you selected in the production job earlier in this task are as follows:

    Menu Report Location Collector
    CPU Demand paging rate during day ADMIN.CPEGRAFS.PAGING.GRSEG RMF
      TSO trivial response time ADMIN.CPEGRAFS.TSO.GRSEG RMF
      Swaps by Performance Group ADMIN.CPEGRAFS.SWAPS.GRSEG RMF
    I/O Device Response Time Analysis ADMIN.CPEGRAFS.DEVICE.GRSEG DCOL
      Task CPU time & threads ADMIN.CPEGRAFS.M2CPUM01.GRSEG DB2
      Physical DB page requests ADMIN.CPEGRAFS.M2INOE01.GRSEG DB2

    Note: The UNIX group could contain graphs that have been generated with IT Service Vision for Open Systems and uploaded to the mainframe for re-display. (The upload could be done automatically as part of the overnight processing, so that there is no need to transfer the graph (or data) at the time of viewing.)

  9. Check the menu structure.

    Select File and End from the Build Menus window. You will see the main menu displayed with your new Prod Reports item added.

    Select Prod Reports and you will see your new block menu with the five new categories: CPU, I/O, DASD, Network and UNIX, and a Goback icon.

    Select CPU and you will see a three-item pop-up menu with CPU Busy, Workload, and Goback. Selecting CPU Busy will display the CPU busy graph that was generated by the modified CMQSTART job. Select File and End.

    Now select CPU and Workload to see the other CPU graph.

    Repeat for the other categories.

  10. Modify the daily production job to remove old graphs before adding new ones.

    When you run a report definition to generate a graph in batch and you choose to store the output in a SAS catalog (OUTLOC=CATALOG), IT Service Vision stores the graph with a specified name (for example, OUTNAME=CPUBUSY).

    When you run the report definition a second time (probably after %CMPROCES and %CPREDUCE the next night), IT Service Vision attempts to store the graph in the same catalog with the same name, CPUBUSY, again. So as not to destroy previous output, the SAS System renames the new graph, such that its name contains a numeric suffix; in this case the name becomes CPUBUSY1.

    You want to replace yesterday's graphs with today's, so you must code the following (which removes yesterday's graph) in front of each report macro (which generates today's graph) in the daily production job:.

    proc greplay igout=ADMIN.CPEGRAFS nofs; delete report_name; run; quit;

    where IGOUT= points to the same catalog specified in the subsequent reporting macro's OUTLOC= parameter (in this case ADMIN.CPEGRAFS) in the daily production job, and the DELETE statement points to the same member name (report name) specified in the subsequent reporting macro's OUTNAME= macro parameter (for example, CPUBUSY) in the daily production job.

    Note: You will need to do the same for each report in the job that uploads reports from UNIX.