Section 2, Task 1: Customize and Verify Your Test PDB
Action 3g: Modify the BY and Class variables list, ID variables lists, and Index variables lists.

Select the Structure Variables tab on the Table Properties window.

  1. To change the BY and/or Class variables lists, select the BY/Class radio button.

    Now select the level button for a level whose list you want to change. (Select Detail for the BY list; select one of the reduction levels for that level's CLASS list.) IT Service Vision displays a window that has two lists. The upper list is the current BY or CLASS variables, in the numbered order. The lower list is the remaining variables in the table.

    To remove a variable from the upper list, select the variable and click on the down arrow. The variable will be moved to the lower list. To add a variable to the upper list, select the variable and click on the up arrow. The variable will be moved to the upper window.

    When the numbered list contains the correct variables in the correct order, select OK to return to the Table Properties window.

  2. To change one or more ID variables lists, select the ID radio button.

    Now select the level button for a level whose list you want to change. IT Service Vision displays a window that has two lists. The upper list is the current ID variables. (Order has no meaning for ID variables.) The lower list is the remaining variables in the table.

    To remove a variable from the upper list, select the variable and click on the down arrow. The variable will be moved to the lower list. To add a variable to the upper list, select the variable and click on the up arrow. The variable will be moved to the upper window.

    When the lists contain the correct variables, select OK to return to the Table Properties window.

  3. To change one or more Index variables lists, select the Index radio button.

    Now select the level button for a level whose list you want to change. IT Service Vision displays a window that has two lists. The upper list is the current Index variables. (Order has no meaning for Index variables.) The lower list is the remaining variables in the table.

    To remove a variable from the upper list, select the variable and click on the down arrow. The variable will be moved to the lower list. To add a variable to the upper list, select the variable and click on the up arrow. The variable will be moved to the upper window.

    When the lists contain the correct variables, select OK to return to the Table Properties window.