Section 1, Task 3: Create a Test PDB and Process, Reduce, and Report on Data
Action 3: Generate one or more reports on the data in your test PDB

To the job step that you are building, add code that is similar to this code for the fax example.

GOPTIONS reset=title reset=footnote DEVICE=IBM3179
TITLE1 "Pages sent or received";
%CPPLOT1(UFAXES, PAGES, Pages sent/rec
         ,OUTLOC=ADMIN.CPEGRAFS            #1


  1. The parameters OUTMODE=, OUTLOC=, OUTDESC=, and OUTNAME= control the destination of the report that is generated. In this case, the destination is ADMIN.CPEGRAFS.FXPAGES.GRSEG, where ADMIN is the ADMIN library in the active PDB, REPORTS is a catalog (new or existing) in that library, and FXPAGES is an entry of type GRSEG in that catalog.

    To save follow this path for the SAS window:

    File -> Save as

    You may want to save this report macro before submitting it, or you will have to recall the text from the PROGRAM EDITOR window.