Section 1, Task 3: Create a Test PDB and Process, Reduce, and Report on Data
Action 1: Create your test PDB

  1. Allocate

    1. Review the model job's job steps

      //CMQSTART JOB (accounting info),'CPE Quick Start',                #1
      //       MSGLEVEL=(1,1),TIME=20,REGION=32M,NOTIFY=
                     .                                                   #2
      //*                                                                **
      //* Delete the old PDB data libraries, to make this job re-runnable.*
      //*                                                                **
      //CLEANUP EXEC PGM=IDCAMS                                          #3
      //SYSIN DD DATA,DLM='$$'
        SET MAXCC=0
      //*                                                                **
      //* Allocate IT Service Vision for MVS Performance Data Base data  **
      //* libraries.                                                     **
      //*                                                                **
      //ALLOC   EXEC PGM=IEFBR14                                         #4
      //            SPACE=(CYL,(120,20)),UNIT=SYSDA                      #5       
      //            SPACE=(CYL,(99,25)),UNIT=SYSDA
      //            SPACE=(CYL,(30,25)),UNIT=SYSDA
      //            SPACE=(CYL,(99,10)),UNIT=SYSDA
      //            SPACE=(CYL,(20,5)),UNIT=SYSDA
      //            SPACE=(TRK,(15,10)),UNIT=SYSDA
      //            SPACE=(CYL,(9,9)),UNIT=SYSDA
      //            SPACE=(CYL,(180,80)),UNIT=SYSDA


      1. The JCL job card, which will need to be changed as appropriate for your site.

      2. The comments explaining the job and listing the customization instructions. Omitted for the sake of brevity.

      3. The CLEANUP job step, which invokes IDCAMS to delete the datasets for the PDB that you will allocate. If you need to rerun the job, this job step makes certain that the previous PDB is out of the way before you allocate a new one with the same name.

        Be certain that the PDB names in the CLEANUP job step and ALLOC job step match. In the remainder of this document, the PDB will be referred to as the 'quick-start' PDB or test PDB.

        Warning: This job step will delete all datasets that started with this prefix, so be sure that you have no other datasets that begin with the same qualifiers!

      4. The ALLOC job step, which invokes IEFBR14 to allocate the datasets for the PDB.

      5. You may need to adjust the SPACE= parameter and/or the UNIT= parameter for the PDB datasets.

    2. Tailor these steps to your collector.

      In addition to the changes mentioned in the notes above, change YOUR.NEWPDB to the name that you want to use for your test PDB.

      For example,

      Collector Test PDB Name


  2. Add or create table and variable definitions.

    Review this job step.

    You could use this job step to invoke IT Service Vision and then invoke the IT Service Vision data dictionary macro to add the tables to the PDB.

    //DDUTL EXEC SAS,WORK='42000,6300',
    // CONFIG='your.itsv.CPMISC(CMCONFIG)'                      #1
    //SYSIN DD DATA, DLM='$$'
    * IT Service Vision will not run unless %CPSTART has been    * 
    * executed. %CPSTART allocates the IT Service Vision         *
    * software and the PDB.                                      * 
    * The ROOTSERV= and SHARE= parameters should be only used if *
    * SAS/SHARE is being used with IT Service Vision.            * 
    * If the _RC= parameter is nonzero from %CPSTART             * 
    * check the explanatory message in the SAS log.              *
    /* Verify root= and pdb= parameters in the following */ 
            ROOT='your.itsv.',                                  #2
            PDB='your.test.pdb.',                               #3
    %PUT CPSTART return code is &cpstrc;
    * The %CPCAT and the %CPDDUTL macro can be used for maintaining the *
    * IT Service Vision data dictionary                                 *
    %CPCAT; CARDS4;                                             #4
            add table name=XRMFINT;                             #5
            add table name=XTY70;
            add table name=XTY71;
            add table name=XTY72;
            add table name=XTY74;
    ;;;; /* these semicolons must begin in col. 1 */
    %CPCAT (CAT=WORK.CPDDUTL.ADDTABLE.SOURCE);                  #6


    1. Change your.itsv to the high level qualifier of the location on the IT Service Vision software on your IT Service Vision server host..

    2. For your.itsv, see note 1.

    3. The PDB parameter specifies the active PDB. Change your.test.PDB to the name of your test PDB.

    4. The first invocation of the IT Service Vision %CPCAT utility macro copies in-stream text to a buffer. The SAS language CARDS4 statement indicates the beginning of the in-stream text. The four semicolons, starting in column 1, indicate the end of the instream text. In this case, the in-stream text consists of ADD TABLE statements.

    5. Each ADD TABLE control statement adds a table definition and its variable definitions from the master data dictionary to the active PDB.

    6. The second invocation of the %CPCAT macro finds the stream of text in the buffer and stores it in the indicated SAS catalog. In this case, it stores the text in your WORK library in the CPDDUTL catalog in the ADDTABLE entry, which is of type SOURCE. (Your WORK Library is pre-defined, allocated at the beginning of the job step, and deleted at the end of the job step.) For more about the %CPCAT macro, see the Macro Reference documentation for IT Service Vision.

    7. The invocation of the IT Service Vision %CPDDUTL utility macro finds the CPDDUTL control statements in the specified SAS catalog entry and runs them. In this case, it reads the WORK.CPDDUTL.ADDTABLE.SOURCE entry and applies the ADD TABLE statements that it finds there to the active PDB.

      This method of applying the changes to the active PDB's DATA dictionary is self-documenting and quite efficient. In addition to the ADD TABLE control statements, there are many other control statements for modifying the data dictionary. With one exception, %CPDDUTL is the standard for updating the data dictionary because using the server interface instead would generate enough I/Os to degrade the priority of a TSO session severely. The one exception is that the process step will add table definitions if the tables are specified in the process step and not found in the active PDB. Because the next Action is to run the process step, and that method of adding tables is slightly faster that this method, you probably want to omit this job step and add the table for your collector's data in the next action.

  3. Select the start of week.

    Define the start of the week for your test PDB. The default is Sunday. If your site uses a different start of week, insert the following code after the above code:


    For example, this call


    will set the start of week in the PDB to Monday. The values MUST be specified as day name, not day number, and the day names cannot be abbreviated. Invalid values are thrown away; any badly specified days will default to Sunday.