
Klein's Model I Estimated with LIML and 3SLS


                    SAS Sample Library

 Description: Example program from SAS/ETS User's Guide,
              The SYSLIN Procedure
       Title: Klein's Model I Estimated with LIML and 3SLS
     Product: SAS/ETS Software
        Keys: interdependent system
              of linear regression equations
        PROC: SYSLIN


*---------------------------Klein's Model I----------------------------*
| By L.R. Klein, Economic Fluctuations in the United States, 1921-1941 |
| (1950), NY: John Wiley.   A macro-economic model of the U.S. with    |
| three behavioral equations, and several identities. See Theil, p.456.|
data klein;
input year c p w i x wp g t k wsum;
   format date monyy.;
   y   =c+i+g-t;
   yr  =year-1931;
   label year='Year'
         c   ='Consumption'
         p   ='Profits'
         w   ='Private Wage Bill'
         i   ='Investment'
         k   ='Capital Stock'
         y   ='National Income'
         x   ='Private Production'
         wsum='Total Wage Bill'
         wp  ='Govt Wage Bill'
         g   ='Govt Demand'
         i   ='Taxes'
         klag='Capital Stock Lagged'
         plag='Profits Lagged'
         xlag='Private Product Lagged'
         yr  ='YEAR-1931';
1920     .  12.7     .    .  44.9    .     .     .  182.8     .
1921  41.9  12.4  25.5 -0.2  45.6  2.7   3.9   7.7  182.6  28.2
1922  45.0  16.9  29.3  1.9  50.1  2.9   3.2   3.9  184.5  32.2
1923  49.2  18.4  34.1  5.2  57.2  2.9   2.8   4.7  189.7  37.0
1924  50.6  19.4  33.9  3.0  57.1  3.1   3.5   3.8  192.7  37.0
1925  52.6  20.1  35.4  5.1  61.0  3.2   3.3   5.5  197.8  38.6
1926  55.1  19.6  37.4  5.6  64.0  3.3   3.3   7.0  203.4  40.7
1927  56.2  19.8  37.9  4.2  64.4  3.6   4.0   6.7  207.6  41.5
1928  57.3  21.1  39.2  3.0  64.5  3.7   4.2   4.2  210.6  42.9
1929  57.8  21.7  41.3  5.1  67.0  4.0   4.1   4.0  215.7  45.3
1930  55.0  15.6  37.9  1.0  61.2  4.2   5.2   7.7  216.7  42.1
1931  50.9  11.4  34.5 -3.4  53.4  4.8   5.9   7.5  213.3  39.3
1932  45.6   7.0  29.0 -6.2  44.3  5.3   4.9   8.3  207.1  34.3
1933  46.5  11.2  28.5 -5.1  45.1  5.6   3.7   5.4  202.0  34.1
1934  48.7  12.3  30.6 -3.0  49.7  6.0   4.0   6.8  199.0  36.6
1935  51.3  14.0  33.2 -1.3  54.4  6.1   4.4   7.2  197.7  39.3
1936  57.7  17.6  36.8  2.1  62.7  7.4   2.9   8.3  199.8  44.2
1937  58.7  17.3  41.0  2.0  65.0  6.7   4.3   6.7  201.8  47.7
1938  57.5  15.3  38.2 -1.9  60.9  7.7   5.3   7.4  199.9  45.9
1939  61.6  19.0  41.6  1.3  69.5  7.8   6.6   8.9  201.2  49.4
1940  65.0  21.1  45.0  3.3  75.7  8.0   7.4   9.6  204.5  53.0
1941  69.7  23.5  53.3  4.9  88.4  8.5  13.8  11.6  209.4  61.8

/*-- Klein's Model I Estimated with LIML --*/

proc syslin data=klein outest=b liml;
   endogenous c p w i x wsum k y;
   instruments klag plag xlag wp g t yr;
   consume: model c = p plag  wsum;
   invest:  model i = p plag  klag;
   labor:   model w = x xlag  yr;

proc print data=b;

/*-- Klein's Model I Estimated with 3SLS --*/

proc syslin data=klein 3sls reduced;
   endogenous c p w i x wsum k y;
   instruments klag plag xlag wp g t yr;
   consume: model    c = p plag wsum;
   invest:  model    i = p plag klag;
   labor:   model    w = x xlag yr;
   product: identity x = c + i + g;
   income:  identity y = c + i + g - t;
   profit:  identity p = y - w;
   stock:   identity k = klag + i;
   wage:    identity wsum = w + wp;