
An Intervention Model for Ozone Data


                    SAS Sample Library

 Description: Example program from SAS/ETS User's Guide,
              The ARIMA Procedure
       Title: An Intervention Model for Ozone Data
     Product: SAS/ETS Software
        Keys: time series analysis
        PROC: ARIMA


title1 'Intervention Data for Ozone Concentration';
title2 '(Box and Tiao, JASA 1975 P.70)';
data air;
   input ozone @@;
   label ozone  = 'Ozone Concentration'
         x1     = 'Intervention for post 1960 period'
         summer = 'Summer Months Intervention'
         winter = 'Winter Months Intervention';
   date = intnx( 'month', '31dec1954'd, _n_ );
   format date monyy.;
   month = month( date );
   year = year( date );
   x1 = year >= 1960;
   summer = ( 5 < month < 11 ) * ( year > 1965 );
   winter = ( year > 1965 ) - summer;
2.7  2.0  3.6  5.0  6.5  6.1  5.9  5.0  6.4  7.4  8.2  3.9
4.1  4.5  5.5  3.8  4.8  5.6  6.3  5.9  8.7  5.3  5.7  5.7
3.0  3.4  4.9  4.5  4.0  5.7  6.3  7.1  8.0  5.2  5.0  4.7
3.7  3.1  2.5  4.0  4.1  4.6  4.4  4.2  5.1  4.6  4.4  4.0
2.9  2.4  4.7  5.1  4.0  7.5  7.7  6.3  5.3  5.7  4.8  2.7
1.7  2.0  3.4  4.0  4.3  5.0  5.5  5.0  5.4  3.8  2.4  2.0
2.2  2.5  2.6  3.3  2.9  4.3  4.2  4.2  3.9  3.9  2.5  2.2
2.4  1.9  2.1  4.5  3.3  3.4  4.1  5.7  4.8  5.0  2.8  2.9
1.7  3.2  2.7  3.0  3.4  3.8  5.0  4.8  4.9  3.5  2.5  2.4
1.6  2.3  2.5  3.1  3.5  4.5  5.7  5.0  4.6  4.8  2.1  1.4
2.1  2.9  2.7  4.2  3.9  4.1  4.6  5.8  4.4  6.1  3.5  1.9
1.8  1.9  3.7  4.4  3.8  5.6  5.7  5.1  5.6  4.8  2.5  1.5
1.8  2.5  2.6  1.8  3.7  3.7  4.9  5.1  3.7  5.4  3.0  1.8
2.1  2.6  2.8  3.2  3.5  3.5  4.9  4.2  4.7  3.7  3.2  1.8
2.0  1.7  2.8  3.2  4.4  3.4  3.9  5.5  3.8  3.2  2.3  2.2
1.3  2.3  2.7  3.3  3.7  3.0  3.8  4.7  4.6  2.9  1.7  1.3
1.8  2.0  2.2  3.0  2.4  3.5  3.5  3.3  2.7  2.5  1.6  1.2
1.5  2.0  3.1  3.0  3.5  3.4  4.0  3.8  3.1  2.1  1.6  1.3
 .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .

proc arima data=air;

   /* Identify and seasonally difference ozone series */
   identify var=ozone(12)
            crosscorr=( x1(12) summer winter ) noprint;

   /* Fit a multiple regression with a seasonal MA model */
   /*     by the maximum likelihood method               */
   estimate q=(1)(12) input=( x1 summer winter )
            noconstant method=ml;

   /* Forecast */
   forecast  lead=12 id=date interval=month;
