DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.5: User Guide

Parsing Node

The Parsing Node represents the processing carried out by a Parse Definition. This is necessary for definitions that treat individual tokens differently, to determine which substrings in an input string correspond to the tokens.

Used in:


Parse Definition

This is the name of the Parse Definition. All available Parse Definitions that belong to the same data type are shown here.

Allow "Parsed" input

If the Allow "Parsed" input check box is selected, you can choose to allow previously-parsed input as well as a single string. This parsed input can come from external sources (for example, columns of a database table) or from a previous run of the Parse Definition. No matter where the data comes from, the input fields must correspond to the tokens on the selected Parse Definition.

For more information about entering parsed input, see Testing Window.


The output of the Parse Definition, if a single string was input. If parsed input was used, the parsing step is skipped, so there is no output.

Documentation Feedback:
Note: Always include the Doc ID when providing documentation feedback.

Doc ID: dfU_Cstm_12329.html