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DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.5: User Guide

Customize - Nodes

Definitions are composed of nodes which represent the steps in the definition's processing. This topic contains information that is common to all types of nodes. For type-specific information, see the individual node's page.

Display Conventions

Display Properties

All nodes have user-configurable properties that affect the way they are displayed but have no effect on the processing flow:

Property What it is How to change it
Background color Color of top part of node Right-click the selected node, and then click Color
Border color Color of line around node Right-click the selected node, and then click Color
Height Size in vertical direction Press and drag edge or corner (*)
Width Size in horizontal direction Press and drag edge or corner (*)
Position Location within the diagram Press and drag node (*)

(*) unless the diagram is held

Context-sensitive Windows

When a node is selected, the Properties, Notes, and Testing windows display information related to the node. If you have enabled the windows from the View menu, you will see the tabs at the bottom of the Datatypes and Definitions pane.

Properties - You can configure certain parameters specific to the node's operation on the Properties pane. Click Apply to save your changes.

Notes - You can enter comments for the node in the Notes pane. You must click Apply to save your changes. This is optional.

Testing - The Testing pane displays the test data (if any) and the output of the node in response to the input.


Validity (or rather, invalidity) is indicated by this Invalid icon. This icon appears on any invalid nodes (as well as in the Datatypes and Definitions tab next to the name of a definition that contains invalid nodes). A node may be invalid for one or more of these reasons:

The reason for invalidity is shown in a tool tip for that node.


Each node may have comments attached to it. If a node includes comments, a Note icon appears on the node. Click the Notes tab to view.


Some nodes can contain other nodes. These are called groups. Groups have the same general functionality as nodes and may contain additional functionality.

Additional conventions for groups:

Optional Groups

Certain groups may be enabled or disabled. When a group is disabled, none of the nodes it contains effects the definition processing. To enable or disable a group, access the group's Property tab and click the enable/disable check box.

Variable-count Groups

These groups may contain variable numbers of a certain node type. They may not be enabled or disabled, but you may perform these additional actions:

Action Description Note
Add a node to the group Right-click on the node and select Add Not available if a node cannot be added
Delete a node from the group Right-click on the node and select Remove or select the node and press Delete Not available if a node cannot be deleted
Change the order of nodes Right-click on the node and select Move up or Move down to move that node up or down in the process Not available if a node cannot be moved in that direction

"Cosmetic" Groups

These groups exist simply for the purpose of visually grouping nodes together so you can see that the nodes contribute to the same higher purpose. You may not enable/disable the group, add/remove/move nodes, or affect the internal processing flow in any way.

Documentation Feedback:
Note: Always include the Doc ID when providing documentation feedback.

Doc ID: dfU_Cstm_12300.html