Book Contents
SAS/C Debugger User's Guide and Reference

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navigation links
next subcommand
NFS (Network File System)
administrator commands
default login server, configuring
design of
directories, accessing
directories, mounting
file access "Manipulating Files and Directories"
file access "SAS/C NFS Client Overview"
file access, remote files
file security
file-system context, saving
file system information, querying
fstab configuration file
logging on to the network "Logging on to the NFS Network"
logging on to the network "NFS User Commands"
MOUNT command
mount duration
mount options
mounting directories
mounting file systems
mounting/unmounting manually
NFSLOGIN command
problem diagnosis
RACF definitions
recommended reading
RPC servers, querying
RPCINFO command
security administration
SHOWMNT command
standard file-system configurations
UID/GID acquisition
UMOUNT command
unmounting file systems
user commands
NFSLOGIN command
nocmacro keyword
nocxx keyword
NOD argument
nodumpabs keyword
noecho keyword
noexecho keyword
noextname keyword
noid keyword
nolist keyword
nonullptr keyword
normal calls
nowrap keyword
null pointers, dereferencing
nullptr keyword

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