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Advanced Acme Sales Example   About It See It Build It  

To create the Advanced Acme Sales Document:

Section 1:

  1. Make sure the SAS IOM Spawner is running. If it is not running, select Start [arrow] Programs [arrow] SAS AppDev Studio [arrow] Services [arrow] SAS V9.1 [arrow] Start SAS V9.1 IOM Spawner.

  2. Start webEIS.

  3. Connect to your local machine. Select the down arrow next to the Server Connection field, and then select your machine. In the Data Source field, select SASUSER MDDB Example Sales Data (SASUSER SASHELP.PRDMDDB). Click OK to populate the Data tab of the Navigator (located on the left pane of the window).

  4. Drag and drop the visual components and arrange them as shown on the See It tab for the first section:

    Component Icon
    Segmented Bar Chart Segmented Bar Chart graphic
    Multidimensional Table Table graphic
    Hyperlink Hyperlink graphic

  5. Specify the data that you want to display in your table. Drag the Geographic hierarchy and drop it on the Rows item. Drag the Product Line hierarchy and drop it on the Columns item. Drag the Actual Sales and Predicted Sales analysis variables and drop them on the Measures item. Select View [arrow] Refresh to load the data into both the table and the chart. Note that SUM is automatically added to both variables under Measures.

    Tip: You can also use the following single-key shortcuts to move items in the Data tree:

    Shortcut Action
    r Moves the selected hierarchy/level to Rows, if appropriate.
    c Moves the selected hierarchy/level to Columns, if appropriate.
    s Moves the selected statistic to all variables under Measures, if appropriate.
    m Moves the selected variable to Measures, if appropriate.
    d Removes he selected item from the Rows, Columns, Measures, if appropriate.

    You can also right-click Rows, Columns, or Measures, select Insert, and select one more items in the resulting dialog to add several items quickly.

  6. Set the values for the Hyperlink component by right-clicking on the Hyperlink component, and selecting Properties from the pop-up menu. Enter the following information:

    Tab Name Value
    Labelview Label SAS Home Page
    Hyperlink URL

    Click OK.

  7. Save the document.

  8. Select View [arrow] Preview Mode to switch to Preview mode. Right-click on Actual Sales in the table and select Computed Values from the pop-up menu. Create the following computed values:

    Label Calculation Comments
    blue MIN(Actual Sales, Predicted Sales) Double-click the Min function, double-click on actual sales and on predicted sales. Click Apply.
    a-p Actual Sales - Predicted Sales Use the Difference function, double click on actual sales and then on predicted sales. Click Apply.
    p-a Predicted Sales - Actual Sales Use the Difference function, double-click on predicted sales and then on actual sales. Click Apply.
    red MAX(0, Predicted Sales - Actual Sales) When not zero, it is how much Actual trailed predicted. Double-click the Max function. Type the number 0. Select Value. Double-click the Difference function. Double-click predicted sales and then actual sales. Click Apply.
    green MAX(0, Actual Sales - Predicted Sales) When not zero, it is how much Actual exceeded predicted. Double-click the Max function. Enter the number 0. Select Value. Double-click the Difference function. Double-click actual sales, and then predicted sales. Click Apply.

    Click OK to close the Computed Values window.

  9. Make the following changes to the Segmented Bar Chart through its pop-up menu:

    1. In Design mode, right-click on the chart, select Properties, and then select the Chart tab.

    2. Select Color Map. Using the Up/Down arrows located at the bottom right corner of the Items list box, move the third item in the list (red - c72037) up until it is the second item. Move the fourth item in the list (green - 2c8e21) up until it is the third item.

    3. Close the Properties window.

Section 2:

  1. Create a new section named Sales2.

  2. Connect to your local machine. Select the down arrow next to the Server Connection field, and then select your machine. In the Data Source field, select SASUSER MDDB Example Sales Data (SASUSER SASHELP.PRDMDDB). Click OK to populate the Data tab of the Navigator (located on the left pane of the window).

  3. Drag and drop the visual components and arrange them as shown on the See It tab for the second section:

    Component Icon
    Multidimensional Table Table graphic
    Pie Chart Pie Chart graphic
    Bar Chart Bar Chart graphic
    Hyperlink Hyperlink graphic
    Drill Path Drill Path graphic

  4. Specify the data that you want to display in your table. Drag the Geographic hierarchy and drop it on the Rows item. Drag the Product Line hierarchy and drop it on the Columns item. Drag the Actual Sales, Predicted Sales, Sales Lag, and Sales Ratio analysis variables and drop them on the Measures item. Select View [arrow] Refresh to load the data into the table. Note that SUM is automatically added to the variables under Measures.

  5. Right-click on the Hyperlink component and select Properties from the pop-up menu. Set the values to be the same as those in the Section 1.

  6. Right-click the Drill Path component and select Properties from the pop-up menu. On the LabelView tab, edit the text so that it is only a few lines long. Select the Set label size based on text check box. On the Appearance tab, set Foreground to blue.

  7. Right-click on the Hyperlink component and select Properties from the pop-up menu. In the LabelView tab, select the Set label size based on text check box. In the Appearance tab, set the Foreground to be blue.

  8. Subset the data to include only the year 1993. Select View [arrow] Preview Mode to switch to Preview mode. In Preview mode, right-click on Furniture in the table and select Subsets from the pop-up menu. Select Year from the Levels list, click 1993 and add it to the Subsets list. Click OK.

  9. Save the document.

Section 3:

  1. Create a new section named Sales3.

  2. Connect to your local machine. Select the down arrow next to the Server Connection field, and then select your machine. In the Data Source field, select SASUSER MDDB Example Sales Data (SASUSER SASHELP.PRDMDDB). Click OK to populate the Data tab of the Navigator (located on the left pane of the window).

  3. Drag and drop the visual components and arrange them as shown on the See It tab for the third section:

    Component Icon
    Multidimensional Table Table graphic
    Hyperlink Hyperlink graphic

  4. Specify the data that you want to display in your table. Drag the Geographic and Time hierarchies and drop them on the Rows item. Drag the Product Line hierarchy and drop it on the Columns item. Drag the Actual Sales and Predicted Sales analysis variables and drop them on the Measures item. Drag the SUM, MIN, and MAX statistics and drop them on the Measures item. These statistics will apply to any of the analysis variables. Select View [arrow] Refresh to load the data into both the table and the chart.

  5. Right-click the Hyperlink component and select Properties from the pop-up menu. Set the values to be the same as those in Section 1.

  6. Save the document. Start the Web server by selecting Tools [arrow] Start Java Web Server, and then preview the document by selecting File [arrow] Preview in Browser.