Product-Specific Details |
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform |
The new SAS Web Infrastructure Platform replaces the former SAS Web Infrastructure Kit in SAS Integration Technologies software. The SAS Web Infrastructure Platform is a collection of middle-tier services and applications that provides basic integration services. The portal Web application shell that was provided in the SAS Web Infrastructure Kit is not available in the SAS Web Infrastructure Platform. All of the portal Web application shell capabilities are available in the SAS Information Delivery Portal. For more information, see the SAS Intelligence Platform: Web Application Administration Guide.
SAS Stored Processes |
SAS Stored Process developers who are migrating to SAS 9.2 should take special note of the following changes:
changes to input parameters
changes to results options
changes to security
changes to the SAS Stored Process Web Application
For more information about SAS Stored Processes, see the SAS Stored Processes: Developer's Guide.
While the new prompting framework provides many new features, not all input parameters for SAS 9.1.3 have an equivalent in SAS 9.2. Some differences include:
Increments on floating point numeric prompts are not supported in SAS 9.2.
Expert prompts are not supported in SAS 9.2. The expert property is dropped when the prompt is converted to SAS 9.2 and the prompt is displayed with the non-expert prompts. To simulate expert prompts in SAS 9.2, use a Selection Group.
Color prompts do not support lists of values in SAS 9.2. Color prompts that were created prior to SAS 9.2 will display the standard palette in SAS 9.2.
If the prompt's static (custom) list contains a row that is invalid in SAS 9.2 (for example, if a row contains blank or null unformatted values), then the row is deleted.
If the prompt's static (custom) list of values contains duplicate formatted values, then each formatted value is appended with its corresponding unformatted value, which is enclosed in square brackets ([ ]).
By default, the client is expected to specify where to create the package instead of requiring the stored process to define the package location. Package locations can still be defined in the stored process using fixed input parameters.
Default security behavior for stored process servers and workspace servers is different. For more information, see SAS Intelligence Platform: Application Server Administration Guide.
Changes to the SAS Stored Process Web Application include the following:
Initialization parameters are set with the Configuration Manager plug-in for SAS Management Console instead of in the web.xml file.
The input parameter prompt page is substantially changed. Execution Options are now defined by a shared prompt group, instead of being included by default with each stored process.
The SAS Stored Process Web Application is delivered in an EAR file, which must be rebuilt to deliver customized files, such as customized input forms.
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