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Administrative Changes in the SAS Intelligence Platform

System Administration for SAS Intelligence Platform

Server Logging and Monitoring

Server logging is performed by the new SAS logging facility. For more information, see Administering Logging for SAS Servers in the SAS Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide.

SAS Application Servers

SASApp or SASMain Application Server

If you use the SAS Migration Utility with the SAS Deployment Wizard to migrate to SAS 9.2, then the SAS Application Server that was configured in SAS 9.1.3 is carried forward to your SAS 9.2 system. The server name that was assigned in SAS 9.1.3 is retained. The default names in SAS 9.1.3 are SASMain for single-machine deployments and SASApp for multiple-machine deployments. You might have assigned a different name for your server. In addition, your deployment might include other application servers that were created in SAS 9.1.3 and migrated to SAS 9.2.

If you choose not to use the SAS Migration Utility, the SAS Deployment Wizard creates an application server called SASApp. (You can assign a different name during the deployment process.)

The SASApp or SASMain application server is intended for use by client applications and can include SAS Workspace Servers, SAS Pooled Workspace Servers, SAS Stored Process Servers, SAS OLAP Servers, SAS/CONNECT servers, SAS grid servers, SAS DATA step batch servers, and SAS Java batch servers.

SASMeta Application Server

The SAS Deployment Wizard creates an additional application server called SASMeta, which is new in SAS 9.2. This server is visible only to users with certain administrative privileges. It includes the following components:

Metadata Repositories

The following differences pertain to metadata repositories:

Metadata Server Backup

The following differences pertain to backups and restores that are performed with the %OMABAKUP macro:

SAS Management Console

The following differences appear in SAS Management Console:

For details about these differences, see Using the Promotion Tools and Working with SAS Folders in the SAS Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide.

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