Working with Data Objects


Data objects are similar to variables in a computer program. They hold pieces of business data required by the workflow. You can add global data objects that are available for use by the entire workflow or local data objects at the task level. Local data objects are accessible only for use by the parent task and its children.
Note: Do not replicate application data structures in the data objects. Instead, define only the data required to evaluate decision points or for use in policies. This practice results in more efficient workflow templates with less coupling, which minimizes impact from potential application data model changes.
Note: Data Object Updated events are generated when the value of the data object changes at run time. Policies triggered by a data object update must be defined at the same level or above the affected data object. See Policy Events and Scope for more information.

Adding Data Objects

To define a new data object, follow these steps:
  1. In the workflow tree, right-click the top-level or local data object folder in the workflow tree and then select Add Data Object.
    Alternatively, right-click a task in the diagram editor and then select the New Data Object menu option.
  2. In the New Data Object dialog box, specify a label for the object in the Data Object Label field. It is recommended that all of the data objects in your workflow have unique labels to help avoid confusion.
  3. Select one of the following values for Type:
    Item List
    Long Text (unlimited length)
    Short Text (4000 bytes or less and searchable)
    XML Object
    Note: The following data types are no longer supported:
    • Check Box
    • Database Object
    • File
    • Organizational Role
    • Picklist
    • User
  4. Specify the relevant values in the Properties fields based on the type selected.
  5. (Optional) Add a description for the data object in the Description field.
  6. (Optional) Add localized versions of the label and description.
    For more information, see Text Localization.
  7. (Optional) Add custom attributes.
    For more information, see Custom Attributes.
  8. Select OK to save the data object definition.

Editing Data Objects

To edit an existing data object, follow these steps:
  1. In the workflow tree, open the Data Objects folder.
  2. Right-click on the desired data object node and then select Edit.
  3. In the Edit Data Object dialog box, make the desired changes.
  4. Select OK to save the data object definition.

Deleting Data Objects

To completely remove a data object from the workflow, follow these steps:
  1. Right-click on the target data object in the workflow tree and then select Delete.
    Alternatively, select the data object directly in the workflow tree and press the Delete key or CTRL+X.
  2. Select Yes in the confirmation dialog box to permanently remove the selected data object.

Assigning Data Objects

To assign a data object to a task, drag the data object from the workflow tree to the relevant task in the diagram editor.
Alternatively, copy (reuse the global definition) or drag (demote it to a local definition) the data element into the Data Objects folder for the target task in the workflow tree.
Last updated: March 5, 2020