Linking to Documentation for a Repository or a Snippet Category

To help your users understand the contents of the repository and to provide instructions on how to use the repository, you might want to provide custom documentation or link to external documentation (such as SAS documentation on You can provide documentation for a repository, task, or snippet by using the Documentation element.
Here is an example of Documentation elements in the repository.xml file for the Snippets Repository.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<Repository label=”Example SAS Studio Repository” version=”1.0”>

   <Icon url=”
   1<Documentation uri="./sample.pdf" label="Embedded Repository Documentation
      (via PDF)"/>
   2<Documentation uri="
      label="Procedures Guide"/>


1 The first Documentation element uses a relative path because the sample.pdf file is saved with the other files in the repository.
2 The second Documentation element uses an absolute path because it is referring to SAS Procedures Guide, which is available at
To view these links in SAS Studio, select the name of the repository (in this example, Snippets Repository) in the Snippets section of the navigation pane. Then click Properties Icon.
The documentation links are available from the Properties window.
Properties Window for the Snippets Repository
When you click Embedded Repository Documentation (via PDF), the PDF version of the documentation opens from this URL: http://my-repository/Repository/snippets/sample.pdf.
When you click Procedures Guide, a new tab opens in your web browser and shows the HTML version of the SAS Procedures Guide at
You can also use the Documentation element to add documentation to individual snippets .Here is an example of a Documentation element in the access/snippets.xml file:
   <Name label="Assign Oracle Library"/>
   <Documentation uri="
      label="SAS/ACCESS Interface to Oracle"/>
   <Template uri="./"/>
   <Icon uri=""/>
To view this documentation, select the Assign Oracle Library snippet in the Snippets section of the navigation pane. Click Properties Icon.
In the Properties window, you see the link to the SAS/ACCESS Interface to Oracle documentation.
Properties Window for an Individual Snippet